11 research outputs found

    Is Optimization an Opportunity? An Assessment of the Impact of Class Size and School Size on the Performance of Ukrainian Secondary Schools

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    Using a rich data set of almost the entire population of Ukrainian secondary schools, the authors estimatethe effect of school size and class size on the performance of secondary schools on Ukraine's External Independent Test. They find that larger schools tend to have somewhat better performance, both in terms of test scores and in terms of test participation. The size of this effect is relatively small, however, especially in rural areas for which the estimates are likely to be more clean estimates. Class size is found to be insignificant in most specifications and, if significant, of negligible size.Tertiary Education, Secondary Education, Teaching and Learning, Education For All, Primary Education

    Is optimization an opportunity ? an assessment of the impact of class size and school size on the performance of Ukrainian secondary schools

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    Using a rich data set of almost the entire population of Ukrainian secondary schools, the authors estimate the effect of school size and class size on the performance of secondary schools on Ukraine's External Independent Test. They find that larger schools tend to have somewhat better performance, both in terms of test scores and in terms of test participation. The size of this effect is relatively small, however, especially in rural areas for which the estimates are likely to be more clean estimates. Class size is found to be insignificant in most specifications and, if significant, of negligible size.Tertiary Education,Secondary Education,Teaching and Learning,Education For All,Primary Education

    Методика прогнозування та планування водних ресурсів та перерозподіл стокових витрат при пропуску паводків

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    Economic losses from floods have become catastrophic due to the increase in the number and scale of their propagation. Existing procedures for passing floods and pre-preparing reservoirs for flood water acceptance are ineffective and need to be improved. Therefore, the task to devise a methodology that would eliminate these shortcomings was urgent. This paper has proposed a procedure for calculating the passage of floods based on the forecasts of water inflow, taking into consideration the characteristics of the flood wave and the mode of reservoir filling, which makes it possible to bring down (reduce) the maximum flow rate through a waterworks by accumulating floodwaters in the reservoir. The software package Mike 11 (Danish Institute, Denmark) was employed to build a hydrodynamic model of floodwater movement along the examined river section from a hydrological station to a waterworks, which makes it possible to determine the levels of water and the flow rate in a reservoir at any time in the form of free surface curves when passing floods of various range. Based on the devised methodology, recommendations have been compiled for the forced discharges of water through hydroelectric turbines (in m3/s) when passing floods of various probabilities (which is especially important for floods whose probability is 0.01 %). The constructed hydrodynamic model of floodwater movement through a reservoir has allowed the verification of the devised procedure. The procedure was devised in order to effectively pass floodwaters and bring down the maximum flow rate through a waterworks. The introduction of the methodology for calculating the passage of floods could make it possible to avoid idle water discharge through the water drains of waterworks to the lower pool and provide for the most efficient utilization of floodwater resourcesЭкономический ущерб от наводнений и паводков получили катастрофических значений из-за роста количества и масштабов их распространения. Существующие методики пропуска паводков и заблаговременной подготовки водохранилищ до принятия паводковых вод неэффективны и требуют совершенствования. Поэтому актуальной была задача разработки методики. Предложена методика расчетов пропуска паводков на основе прогнозов приточности воды с учетом характеристик паводковой волны и режима наполнения водохранилища, которая дает возможность срезания (уменьшение) максимальных расходов через гидроузел путем аккумулирования паводковых вод в водохранилище. В программном комплексе MIKE 11 (Датский институт, Дания) создана гидродинамическая модель движения паводковых вод, которая позволяет определить уровни воды і расходы в водохранилище в любой момент времени в виде кривых свободной поверхности при пропуске паводков различной обеспеченности. На основе разработанной методики подготовлены рекомендации по форсированным сбросам воды через турбины ГЭС (в м3/с) при пропуске паводков различной обеспеченности (что особенно важно для паводков 0,01 % обеспеченности). Созданная гидродинамическая модель движения паводковых вод через водохранилище позволила осуществить верификацию разработанной методики. Методика разработана с целью эффективного пропуска паводковых вод и срезки максимальных расходов через гидроузел. Введение методики при осуществлении расчетов пропуска паводков позволит избежать холостых сбросов воды через водосливы гидросооружений в нижний бьеф и максимально эффективно использовать гидроресурсы паводковых водЕкономічні збитки від повеней та паводків набули катастрофічних значень через зростання кількості та масштабів їх розповсюдження. Існуючі методики пропуску паводків та завчасної підготовки водосховищ до прийняття паводкових вод є неефективними та потребують удосконалення. Тому актуальною була задача розробки методики, яка б усунула зазначені недоліки. Запропоновано методику розрахунків пропуску паводків на основі прогнозів приточності води з урахуванням характеристик паводкової хвилі та режиму наповнення водосховища, яка дає можливість зрізання (зменшення) максимальних витрат через гідровузол шляхом акумулювання паводкових вод у водосховищі. У програмному комплексі MIKE 11 (Датський інститут, Данія) створено гідродинамічну модель руху паводкових вод на досліджуваній ділянці річки від гідрологічного поста до гідровузла, яка дає змогу визначити рівні води та витрати у водосховищі у будь-який момент часу у вигляді кривих вільної поверхні при пропуску паводків різної забезпеченості. На основі розробленої методики підготовлені рекомендації щодо форсованих скидів води через турбіни ГЕС (у м3/с) при пропуску паводків різної забезпеченості (що особливо важливо для паводків 0,01 % забезпеченості). Створена гідродинамічна модель руху паводкових вод через водосховище дозволила здійснити верифікацію розробленої методики. Методика розроблена з метою ефективного пропуску паводкових вод та зрізання максимальних витрат через гідровузол. Запровадження методики при здійсненні розрахунків пропуску паводків дозволить уникнути холостих скидів води через водозливи гідроспоруд у нижній б’єф та максимально ефективно використовувати гідроресурси паводкових во

    Особливості врегулювання міжнародних торговельних суперечок

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    В статті проаналізовано особливості врегулювання торговельних суперечок залежно від виду товару чи послуг, щодо яких укладено контракт, а також сфери міжнародної комерційної діяльності

    Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Polish and Ukrainian Cases

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    The all-round aspects of bilateral relations are considered in the common Ukrainian-Polish monograph. Authors uncover important features of social-andeconomic systems convergence under conditions of globalization and European integration, as well as the further transformation of Central- and East European countries. The focus of the monograph is to analyze the characteristic features of the evolution of Polish and Ukrainian economic models. The research interest of the authors of the monograph has been concentrated on the diversification of bilateral economic relations and subject to the fundamental objective – the co-integration of Ukraine and the EU, as well as the possibility of adapting the Polish experience of systemic transformation of the national social and economic model. The monograph is addressed to scientists, politicians, public activists, diplomats, international experts, and to all those, who are not indifferent to the European prospect of Ukraine

    Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Polish and Ukrainian Cases

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    The all-round aspects of bilateral relations are considered in the common Ukrainian-Polish monograph. Authors uncover important features of social-andeconomic systems convergence under conditions of globalization and European integration, as well as the further transformation of Central- and East European countries. The focus of the monograph is to analyze the characteristic features of the evolution of Polish and Ukrainian economic models. The research interest of the authors of the monograph has been concentrated on the diversification of bilateral economic relations and subject to the fundamental objective – the co-integration of Ukraine and the EU, as well as the possibility of adapting the Polish experience of systemic transformation of the national social and economic model. The monograph is addressed to scientists, politicians, public activists, diplomats, international experts, and to all those, who are not indifferent to the European prospect of Ukraine

    International trade in services developments in light of dynamic developments in competitive environment

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    The paper analyses theoretical grounds for determining «services», key peculiarities of international trade in services and its discrepancies from trade in goods, and determines the modern trends of development of this form of international trade according to the main types of services

    A Procedure to Forecast and Manage Water Resources and to Redistribute Runoff Water Flow When Passing Floods

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    Economic losses from floods have become catastrophic due to the increase in the number and scale of their propagation. Existing procedures for passing floods and pre-preparing reservoirs for flood water acceptance are ineffective and need to be improved. Therefore, the task to devise a methodology that would eliminate these shortcomings was urgent. This paper has proposed a procedure for calculating the passage of floods based on the forecasts of water inflow, taking into consideration the characteristics of the flood wave and the mode of reservoir filling, which makes it possible to bring down (reduce) the maximum flow rate through a waterworks by accumulating floodwaters in the reservoir. The software package Mike 11 (Danish Institute, Denmark) was employed to build a hydrodynamic model of floodwater movement along the examined river section from a hydrological station to a waterworks, which makes it possible to determine the levels of water and the flow rate in a reservoir at any time in the form of free surface curves when passing floods of various range. Based on the devised methodology, recommendations have been compiled for the forced discharges of water through hydroelectric turbines (in m3/s) when passing floods of various probabilities (which is especially important for floods whose probability is 0.01 %). The constructed hydrodynamic model of floodwater movement through a reservoir has allowed the verification of the devised procedure. The procedure was devised in order to effectively pass floodwaters and bring down the maximum flow rate through a waterworks. The introduction of the methodology for calculating the passage of floods could make it possible to avoid idle water discharge through the water drains of waterworks to the lower pool and provide for the most efficient utilization of floodwater resource

    In search of opportunities? The barriers to more efficient internal labor mobility in Ukraine

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    Ukraine's economy lacks dynamism, and this is both the cause and the effect of people not moving across the regions. The rate at which Ukrainians move from one region to another within the country is only half of what would be expected in comparison with other countries. This paper examines the barriers that prevent workers from moving within Ukraine, using information from focus group discussions and expert surveys. It also offers recommendations for creating greater labor mobility in Ukraine through addressing institutional bottlenecks and defines five key areas for improvement, including the population registry system, housing and credit markets, vocational education and training systems, labor market institutions, and the social welfare system