19 research outputs found

    Psychosocial determinants of religious/denominational conversion: a person–environment fit perspective

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    Religious or denominational conversion is a complex process that involves various psychosocial factors. One theoretical framework that has been utilized to comprehend the determinants of religious conversion is the person-environment fit model. This study examines the role of personal and socio-cultural factors that play a significant role in conversion processes within a person-environment fit perspective. The analysis demonstrates that individuals are more likely to convert to a new religion or denomination when they perceive a good fit between their personal and socio-cultural characteristics and the characteristics of the religious or denominational environment. Personal factors that may influence the decision to convert include: personality traits, values, beliefs, and thinking styles, while socio-cultural factors comprise: socialization, familial and cultural norms and standards, and social integration processes. Moreover, both categories of factors interact in the conversion process, influencing potential decisions to convert to varying degrees. When an individual’s religious beliefs, values, and norms align with those of a newly encountered group, they are more likely to identify with the group's goals and mission.Konwersja religijna lub wyznaniowa jest złożonym procesem, który obejmuje różne czynniki psychospołeczne. Jednym z podejść teoretycznych, które mogą zostać wykorzystane do zrozumienia determinantów konwersji religijnej, jest model dopasowania osoba – środowisko. W niniejszym opracowaniu zbadano rolę czynników osobistych i społeczno-kulturowych, które odgrywają istotną rolę w procesach konwersji w perspektywie dopasowania osoba – środowisko. Analiza wykazała, że jednostki są bardziej skłonne do przejścia na nową religię lub wyznanie, gdy dostrzegają dobre dopasowanie między swoimi cechami osobistymi i społeczno-kulturowymi a cechami środowiska religijnego lub wyznaniowego. Czynniki osobiste, które mogą wpływać na decyzję o konwersji, obejmują: cechy osobowości, wartości, przekonania i style myślenia, natomiast wśród czynników społeczno-kulturowych można wymienić: socjalizację, normy i standardy rodzinne i kulturowe oraz procesy integracji społecznej. Ponadto obie kategorie czynników oddziałują na siebie w procesie konwersji, wpływając w różnym stopniu na potencjalne decyzje o konwersji. Kiedy przekonania religijne, wartości i normy jednostki są zgodne z przekonaniami, wartościami i normami nowo poznanej grupy, jest bardziej prawdopodobne, że będzie ona identyfikować się z celami i misją grupy

    Substance Abuse, Social Values Change and Acceleration of Family Destabilization

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    Background: Substance abuse has the potential to change value orientations and affects all aspects of human life.Objectives: The text aims to show the shift in value orientations of respondents who use addictive substances compared to respondents who do not.Methodology: One-way ANOVA was used in the statistical analysis of the dependence of the values on the occurrence of abusive behaviour, with dependencies at the level of p ≤ 0.05 considered statistically significant.Results: There were statistically significant differences between the group of respondents with abstinence from each addictive substance and the group of respondents without abstinence. Substance abuse shifts pro-family values towards greater individualization and thus threatens and destabilizes the family. It strengthens community-oriented values and weakens family-oriented values.Conclusions: The transformation of the value system leads to a destabilization of family ties, which cease to be a priority. Working with values should be an opportunity for social pedagogy, social work, and all types of schools. Non-formal and informal education present particular opportunities for values education. In many cases, it is unnecessary to change the value system, but only to show the non-deviant way of fulfilling values

    Abúzus alkoholu pečujících osob jako rizikový faktor smrti dětí do pěti let: Limity statistických přehledů kriminality

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    Problémové užívání alkoholu při péči o dítě je sociálněpatologickým jevem, který snižuje kvalitu této péče. V kombinaci s dalšími sociálními rizikovými faktory vzniká sociální prostředí, které je nevhodné pro výchovu dítěte. Problémové užívání alkoholu se ale neodráží jen v kvalitě výchovy, ale rizikovost tohoto chování může být pro dítě fatální, neboť je významným rizikovým faktorem úmrtí dítěte. Validní a reliabilní data o prevalenci smrti dětí, která byla dána do přímé souvislosti s užitím alkoholu, by mohla pomoct naplnit jeden z cílů sociální pedagogiky, kterým je efektivně nastavit systém prevence. Cílem příspěvku je na základě retrospektivní analýzy (za 10 let, tj. 2008–2017) policejních statistik kriminality páchané na dětech otevřít debatu o validitě dat referujících o prevalenci smrti dítěte, která je dávána do přímé souvislosti s požitím alkoholu jeho pečovatelem. Tyto případy souvislosti užití alkoholu jsou uváděné v kontextu případů, kdy tato souvislost sledována nebyla. Výzkumný soubor tvoří data extrahovaná ze statistických přehledů kriminality. Data byla zpracována metodou sekundární statistické analýzy dat. Ve sledovaném období bylo PČR registrováno 197 trestných činů (skutků), kdy objektem napadení (obětí) bylo dítě ve věku 0–5 let, které následkem tohoto protiprávního jednání zemřelo (n = 189). Předmětné trestné činnosti se dopustilo celkem 151 známých pachatelů, z toho 52 mužů a 99 žen. Bylo usmrceno celkem 113 chlapců a 76 dívek. Z analýzy dat vyplývá, že pouhých 6 pachatelů spáchalo trestný čin pod vlivem návykové látky, z toho pouze u 5 pachatelů byl zjištěn vliv alkoholu. Lze důvodně předpokládat, že některá protiprávní jednání mohou vykazovat jistou míru latence. Příspěvek diskutuje validitu zjištěných dat

    Health literacy of mothers in the first year of motherhood–Expert interpretation map

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    For human health, childhood has an essential function, thus it is necessary that children live in convenient and safe conditions. One of these is the level of health literacy of their mothers. The aim of the research was to specify (and supplement) the content of health literacy of mothers in the first year of motherhood with experts’ experience and opinions. Research sample and methods: The data were collected in non-structured interviews with experts (n = 12) from the fields of medicine, nursing, social work, education, sociology and andragogy. The data were analysed and described based on thematic interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). In the interpretative frame (map) of the expert concept of health literacy, specified as the key context are the phenomena of “Love, Relationships, and Interest” which are mentioned in some way by all the experts. The following six thematic satiated phenomena were determined: (1) start at school, (2) lack of family experience, (3) mother is all right, (4) know where to go for help, (5) mother as the doctor's partner, (6) watch out for extremes. The foundations of the context of mothers’ health literacy are relationships: the mother's love of the child, her interest in the child, and a loving father. These relationships support the psychological welfare of the mother. © 2018 Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovic

    Early Identification of Risk of Child Abuse Fatalities: Possibilities and Limits of Prevention

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    (1) Background: The aim of the study was to analyse the structure of registered fatal violent crimes against children under 5 years of age and to identify the main characteristics and risk factors of fatal violence against children in order to discuss the possibilities and limits of prevention of these crimes. (2) Methods: Mixed-method design: 1. retrospective statistical analysis of data extracted from Czech statistics about crime. 2. qualitative analysis of autopsy reports and construction of serial case study. The data were pooled from two different sources: 1. Statistics about crime against children aged 0 to 5 (n = 512). 2. Autopsy reports (n = 52) of children up to the age of five. (3) Results: The following indicators and risk factors were identified: mental disorder or cognitive deficits in parents, parents’ immaturity, poor parenting skills, inadequate parenting practices, absence of a deep emotional bond with the mother, lack of parents’ interest in catering to the children’s needs, parents’ addiction, an unprotected, hazardous environment and surroundings, household falling apart, incidence of suspected domestic violence, incidence of multiple bruises and untreated injuries, aggressively dominant parents, poverty, absence of adequate health care, medical neglect of a child, poor health of the child and failure to thrive. (4) Conclusions: The task for the state is to make effective use of all accessible mechanisms to improve the situation in families. Particularly in the context of the newly emerging situation of increasing uncontrolled violence in families in the context of the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, this demand is more than urgent. Close attention should be paid to children who are not registered with pediatricians and fail to attend regular medical examinations. It is also vital to follow families in which violence has already been suspected in the past

    Cumulative effect of social risk factors regarding infants who died of suffocation

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    Objective: The aim of the report is to determine the risk factors of mothers whose infant died of suffocation before reaching the 1st year of age. Methods: The research method of choice was a retrospective content analysis of autopsy reports from medical and forensic autopsies of infants under 1 year of age. Each autopsy report was conceived as a case study. The research sample included the autopsy reports of children where the immediate cause and mechanism of death was suffocation – both of internal and external reasons (n=11). The social risk factors of mothers were identified based on the mechanism and circumstances of their infant’s death. The only case where the expert opinion allowed for SIDS became the verifying unit of the analysis of other cases in the case study series. Results: The qualitative analysis of the whole series showed that the cases may be sorted in two basic categories. The first one included the cases where the infant’s death had a direct cause (n=6); in these cases, the clearly violent death was directly connected – with respect to the cause and time – with the hostile actions of another person. The other category included cases of neglect and other types of conduct (n=5). These cases were further divided into actions under the influence of drugs and insufficient care. Conclusion: The results confirmed the importance of social risks of mothers (SES, accommodation, social exclu-sion, family relations, health literacy of the mothers). The analysis of the autopsy reports revealed the social fea-ture of the cases of infant death by suffocation, which is the cumulative effect of the difficult life situation of the mothers combined with their low level of health literacy. © 2020, Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne. All rights reserved

    Substance Abuse, Social Values Change and Acceleration of Family Destabilization

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    Background: Substance abuse has the potential to change value orientations and affects all aspects of human life. Objectives: The text aims to show the shift in value orientations of respondents who use addictive substances compared to respondents who do not. Methodology: One-way ANOVA was used in the statistical analysis of the dependence of the values on the occurrence of abusive behaviour, with dependencies at the level of p ≤ 0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: There were statistically significant differences between the group of respondents with abstinence from each addictive substance and the group of respondents without abstinence. Substance abuse shifts pro-family values towards greater individualization and thus threatens and destabilizes the family. It strengthens community-oriented values and weakens family-oriented values. Conclusions: The transformation of the value system leads to a destabilization of family ties, which cease to be a priority. Working with values should be an opportunity for social pedagogy, social work, and all types of schools. Non-formal and informal education present particular opportunities for values education. In many cases, it is unnecessary to change the value system, but only to show the non-deviant way of fulfilling values


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    Alcohol abuse is one of the most often threats people challenge in contemporary society. This article focuses on problematic ways of educating children about alcohol abuse, such as drinking alcohol in the presence of children, getting drunk in the presence of children, storing alcohol in an open place, and giving alcohol to children. In our research, 1,276 (51.02 %) of 2,501 parents reported that they at least occasionally drink alcohol in the presence of their children. 837 (33.47 %) parents sometimes gave alcohol to children or young less than 18 years old. Even 361 parents (14.43 %) gave alcohol to their children younger than 15. 455 (18.19 %) parents were seen by children when they were drunk. 1081 (43.22 %) parents store alcohol in feely accessible places. Alcohol is given to children significantly more often by person who is not engaged in the upbringing of a child in a shared household. Gender differences in this behaviour are significant, men are more prone to this behaviour. Changing the social climate in relation to alcohol is clearly a long-term task and will require intensive social, educational, medical and media support

    Health literacy of primiparae in the first six months of maternity: review

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to find out how the health literacy of primiparae in the first six months of motherhood is examined. The following research questions were raised: What methods are used to examine maternal health literacy? What aspects of maternal health literacy are investigated? Do the results prove any link between maternal health literacy and child health? Design: Review. Methods: The search for primary research studies was based on a combination of the following keywords: health literacy, mother*, maternity*, information, and knowledge in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Exclusion criteria: not a primary study, does not concern research on primiparae of children under six months, unrelated to health literacy research or obtaining of information and acquiring of knowledge, not available in full-text, or clear research methodology description not available. The data were processed using thematic analysis based on the sorting method. Results: 31 studies were found, 17 of which were analysed. The majority of studies used quantitative methods of research with standardized tools. The key categories of health literacy related to obtaining, understanding and use of health information. No direct correlation was clearly demonstrated between level of maternal health literacy and child health. Conclusion: The trend in terms of the focus and goals of professional studies, regardless of cultural or national context, is a shift away from examining the way information is acquired to how it is understood by mothers


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    There are vast researches on the health literacy of whole populations as well as researches focused on particular groups. But there is still a group, whose levels of the health literacy are concealed - mothers in puerperium. Puerperium is a turbulent period, mothers not only need to cope with all the physical changes after delivery, but also with all the psychical challenges, new social roles and very demanding new task represented by caring of a new human being. Women in this period may lack help and information, as the provided information address much more to pregnancy and delivery and just a little to the puerperium. This article presents the results of a small research which was carried out a in the hospital in Svitavy, the Czech Republic. It shortly describes the phenomenon of health literacy and puerperium. General health literacy was examined by the EU-16 standardized questionnaire. The final number of participants was 103, the research was conducted from November 2020 to February 2021. In both fields, mothers had showed adequate levels of health literacy, however, the results are still far from excellent. These results indicate the need for continual exploration of health literacy, creating better conditions for women in puerperium for their self-development and finding the optimum ways for motivating women in puerperium to deepen and extend the level of their health literacy by different manners - for example: antenatal courses, cooperation with field midwives or studying of literature which should be created for these purposes