285 research outputs found

    Integrale of simpele frailty meting: de context moet leidend zijn

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    Dr. Gobbens en zijn promotor en co-promotoren kunnen om meerdere redenen gefeliciteerd worden met het proefschrift over een integrale benadering van het begrip frailty. De auteur en zijn begeleider hebben een serieuze inspanning geleverd om het begrip frailty vanuit een andere context te bezien, namelijk die van het integrale menselijke functioneren. Dat dit vanuit de Universiteit Tilburg gebeurt, met een rijke traditie in de sociale wetenschappen, lijkt haast vanzelfsprekend, maar is toch een belangrijke toevoeging. De context is immers in hoge mate bepalend voor het onderzoek aan het brede begrip frailty. Het kon eigenlijk dan ook niet anders dan dat een Tilburgs frailty proefschrift de sociale en psychische dimensie zou toevoegen aan het fysieke domein, dat tot nu toe dominant was in de frailty concepten. Deze aanpak past bovendien uitstekend bij de brede oriëntatie van de promotor, prof dr. Jos Schols. Aan het werk herkent men de meester

    A Simple and Practical Index to Measure Dementia-Related Quality of Life

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    AbstractBackgroundResearch on new treatments for dementia is gaining pace worldwide in an effort to alleviate this growing health care problem. The optimal evaluation of such interventions, however, calls for a practical and credible patient-reported outcome measure.ObjectivesTo describe the refinement of the Dementia Quality-of-life Instrument (DQI) and present its revised version.MethodsA prototype of the DQI was adapted to cover a broader range of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and to improve consistency in the descriptions of its domains. A valuation study was then conducted to assign meaningful numbers to all DQI health states. Pairs of DQI states were presented to a sample of professionals working with people with dementia and a representative sample of the Dutch population. They had to repeatedly select the best DQI state, and their responses were statistically modeled to obtain values for each health state.ResultsIn total, 207 professionals working with people with dementia and 631 members of the general population completed the paired comparison tasks. Statistically significant differences between the two samples were found for the domains of social functioning, mood, and memory. Severe problems with physical health and severe memory problems were deemed most important by the general population. In contrast, severe mood problems were considered most important by professionals working with people with dementia.DiscussionThe DQI is a simple and feasible measurement instrument that expresses the overall HRQOL of people suffering from dementia in a single meaningful number. Current results suggest that revisiting the discussion of using values from the general population might be warranted in the dementia context

    Het Ogilvie-syndroom bij oudere patiënten met multiproblematiek

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    Twee patiënten presenteren zich met het Ogilvie-syndroom, een acute intestinale pseudo-obstructie zonder mechanische obstructie. Bij beide patiënten was er sprake van multi-problematiek met infectie, elektrolietstoornissen en functionele achteruitgang. Dit ziektebeeld komt vooral voor bij zieke patiënten vanaf 60 jaar met multimorbiditeit die in het ziekenhuis of verpleeghuis verblijven. Met de vergrijzing zal de incidentie van dit ziektebeeld waarschijnlijk toenemen, met name bij de kwetsbare oudere patiënt. De precieze pathofysiologie is onbekend, maar er zijn in de literatuur aanwijzingen voor een multicausaal model dat autonome disregulatie van het colon veroorzaakt. Vroege herkenning en adequate behandeling kan het risico op complicaties en overlijden sterk doen verminderen, afhankelijk van de onderliggende comorbiditeit

    The effect of an interactive cycling training on cognitive functioning in older adults with mild dementia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Contains fulltext : 168861.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Background: To date there is no cure or an effective disease-modifying drug to treat dementia. Available acetylcholine-esterase inhibiting drugs or memantine only produce small benefits on cognitive and behavioural functioning and their clinical relevance remains controversial. Combined cognitive-aerobic interventions are an appealing alternative or add-on to current pharmacological treatments. The primary aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy of a combined cognitive-aerobic training and a single aerobic training compared to an active control group in older adults with mild dementia. We expect to find a beneficial effect on executive functioning in both training regimes, compared to the control intervention, with the largest effect in the combined cognitive-aerobic group. Secondary, intervention effects on cognitive functioning in other domains, physical functioning, physical activity levels, activities of daily living, frailty and quality of life are studied. Methods: The design is a single-blind, randomized controlled trial (RCT) with three groups: a combined cognitive-aerobic bicycle training (interactive cycling), a single aerobic bicycle training and a control intervention, which consists of stretching and toning exercises. Older adults with mild dementia follow a 12-week training program consisting of three training sessions of 30-40 min per week. The primary study outcome is objective executive functioning measured with a neuropsychological assessment. Secondary measures are objective cognitive functioning in other domains, physical functioning, physical activity levels, activities of daily living, frailty, mood and quality of life. The three groups are compared at baseline, after 6 and 12 weeks of training, and at 24-week follow-up. Discussion: This study will provide novel information on the effects of an interactive cycling training on executive function in older adults with mild dementia. Furthermore, since this study has both a combined cognitive-aerobic training and a single aerobic training group the effectiveness of the different components of the intervention can be identified. The results of this study may be used for physical and mental activity recommendations in older adults with dementia.8 p

    Development of the Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities (NOSCA)

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    Background. To assess a patient's cognitive functioning is an important issue because nurses tailor their nursing interventions to the patient's cognitive abilities. Although some observation scales exist concerning one or more cognitive domains, so far, no scale has been available which assesses cognitive functioning in a comprehensive way. Objectives. To develop an observation scale with an accepted level of content validity and which assesses elderly patients' cognitive functioning in a comprehensive way. Methods. Delphi technique, a multidisciplinary panel developed the scale by consensus through four Delphi rounds (>70% agreement). The International Classification of Functioning/ICF was used as theoretical framework. Results. After the first two Delphi rounds, the panel reached consensus about 8 cognitive domains and 17 sub domains. After two other rounds, 39 items were selected, divided over 8 domains and 17 sub domains. Discussion. The Nurses' Observation Scale Cognitive Abilities (NOSCA) was successfully designed. The content validity of the scale is high because the scale sufficiently represents the concept of cognitive functioning: the experts reached a consensus of 70% or higher on all domains and items included; and no domains or items were lacking. As a next step, the psychometric qualities of the NOSCA will have to be tested

    Advies Onderzoek medische zorg aan ouderen. In het bijzonder ouderen met multiple en complexe problematiek

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    Recent heeft de Raad voor Gezondheidsonderzoek (RGO) het advies “Medisch Onderzoek voor Ouderen” uitgebracht. Het advies richt zich vooral op onderzoek naar ouderen met multiple en complexe aandoeningen, en geeft antwoord op de vraag van de minister van VWS hoe het onderzoek zou kunnen helpen de belangrijkste problemen in de geriatrische zorg op te vangen. De minister vroeg de Raad vooral aan te geven hoe het wetenschappelijk onderzoek een bijdrage zou kunnen leveren aan de kwaliteit van de medisch geriatrische zorg ongeacht door welke beroepsgroep of specialisme deze wordt geleverd. De opdracht die de Raad daarnaast van de minister ontving was te verduidelijken ‘... hoe het bestaande wetenschappelijk potentieel en inzicht beter kan worden benut en ingezet. Dus niet weer nieuw onderzoek naast al het bestaande’

    Predictive validity of a two-step tool to map frailty in primary care

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    Background EASY-Care Two step Older people Screening (EASY-Care TOS) is a stepped approach to identify frail older people at risk for negative health outcomes in primary care, and makes use of General Practitioners’ (GPs) readily-available information. We aimed to determine the predictive value of EASY-Care TOS for negative health outcomes within the year from assessment. Methods A total of 587 patients of four GP practices in and around Nijmegen (The Netherlands) consented to participate in a longitudinal primary care registry based cohort study. Participants’ frailty was judged by their GP following the EASY-Care TOS procedure and by a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) at baseline. After one year health outcomes of the participants were measured by reassessment with the EASY-Care TOS procedure. Results Follow up information was available for 520 of 587 participants. In the non-frail group 9 % showed any negative health outcomes (death, ADL decline, institutionalisation, too ill to undergo assessment), against 30 % in the frail group (95 % confidence interval of the difference (CI): 14 %–28 %). Area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) of the EASY-Care TOS frailty judgement for a composite of negative health outcomes mentioned was 0.67 (95 % CI: 0.62-0.73). Compared with discrimination on the basis of age, sex and GP practice (AUC 0.70), adding EASY-Care TOS frailty judgement increased the AUC to 0.75 (+0.05, p = 0.02). The AUC on the basis of a full CGA is almost comparable to the AUC of the model with age, sex, and frailty judgement with EASY-Care TOS: 0.76 (+0.07, p = 0.005). Conclusions GPs applying the EASY-Care TOS procedure, where they only perform additional assessment when they judge this as necessary, can predict negative health outcomes in their older populations efficiently and almost as accurately as a complete specialist CGA

    Maud JL Graff. Effectiveness and efficiency of community based occupational therapy for older people with dementia and their caregivers

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    bespreking proefschrift Maud JL Graff. Effectiveness and efficiency of community based occupational therapy for older people with dementia and their caregivers. Academisch proefschrift Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, faculteit Medische Wetenschappen, 2008