533 research outputs found

    Marxist Trait of Revisionism: Leszek Kołakowski’s Consistent Transition to Inconsistent Philosophy

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    In the article the author describes theoretical reasons that stood behind Kołakowski's transition from being an orthodox Marxist to become an actual leader of the polish revisionist movement. His intention is to concentrate on those aspects of Kołakowski's thought that have not changed, apart from any biographical and psychological reasons. (1) First of those features is Kołakowski's inability of completability, the anti-code disposition. (2) The second trait is the moral attitude, an intention to influence on people's morality by convincing them that social and internal (necessarily bound with social) changes are desirable; that an existential calm demolishes morality. (3) Third feature concerns the fact that Kołakowski did not attempt to create his own philosophy, he was rather a historian of ideas, a skeptic, and a critic

    The competitiveness of Polish manufacturing export on the EU market in the years 2004-2006

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    This article aims to determine the levels and bases of competitiveness of Polish exports of industrial products in the Common Market on the background of selected countries. The results of the analysis carried out by Constant Market Share, applied to the decomposition of the growth of Polish exports, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary to the EU market during the period 2004-2006 indicated that Poland became a (toogether with Czech Republic), a leader in terms of structure and level of competitiveness in the EU market for industrial goods. The main source of growth in exports of Polish on the EU market during the period was the increase in the competitiveness of exported goods to this market. In addition, a systematic increase in Polish exports in 2004-2006 was due to positive changes in the commodity structure of Polish. Products that generate the greatest positive effect of competition in the period were the same for all countries analyzed. Among these were the most technologically advanced departments, such as machinery and mechanical appliances, electrical machinery and equipment and vehicles other than railway. Matrix analysis of competitiveness Polish, Czech, Hungary and Slovakia to the EU market in 2004-2006 pointed to the strongly increasing the effectiveness of Polish exports of industrial goods of high quality, with a dominant but ineffective form of price competition on the EU market. In 2006, Poland has the EU market a positive trade balance in the category of high-quality industrial goods, which may indicate emerging, new, effective form of competition on the EU marketexport, competitiveness, poland,

    Structural changes in the Polish economy - the analysis of input-output

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    This paper analyses the structure of Polish economy using three input-output tables for years 1995, 2000 and 2004. Applying the traditional methods proposed by Rasmussen the sector’s backward and forward linkages are identified. Industries with large backward and forward linkages are named “key sectors” and play an important role in the development strategy of a country, so the outcome of the paper may be used for the development strategy of Polish economy. At the beginning of the article the idea of input-output table and Rasmussen’s methodology of identifying the key sectors are discussed in detail. Then, based on three input-output tables, the key sectors in the Polish economy are selected and the role of these sectors over the years 1995-2004 is examined.structural changes, input-output, poland, transition economy

    Impact Of The Manufacturing Sector On The Export Competitiveness Of European Countries – A Spatial Panel Analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine how changes in the export competitiveness of the EU economy (measured by exports and net exports) depend on changes in the competitiveness of processing industries, on the basis of manufacturing data from 19 EU countries over years 1995-2009 and using a spatial panel data model. The determinants of export competitiveness are selected in the light of predictions from international trade theory, growth theory and the theory of innovation. In particular, the paper explores how the size of foreign demand, the value of domestic demand, the level of ULC in the sector, the degree of openness of the sector to foreign markets, labour productivity and intermediate consumption in a sector affect the export competitiveness of the European economies selected. The results from spatial data models lead to a conclusion about the statistical significance of spatial dependencies in export competitiveness modelling. The analysis indicates the different determinants of export competitiveness, both if it is measured by export value and if it measured by net exports. The authors hope that the results will be a voice in the discussion on enhancing the competitiveness of European industrial sector

    Structural convergence among selected European countries. Multidimensional analysis

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    The main aim of the paper to test for structural convergence among arbitrary selected European countries. The authors choose four transition economies: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovak Republic which are widely recognized as structurally similar economies. All four countries` economy structures are consequently compared with the structure of German economy – here selected as the reference country. The authors want to find out whether it is possible to confirm the hypothesis about the structural convergence between the four selected economies and Germany. The data sample covers the period of 2000-2007. The empirical part of analysis bases on 18 different indicators connected with the economy structure. To verify the hypothesis the authors apply multidimensional taxonomy methodsstructural convergence, structural changes

    Improvement of cooperation among SMEs and other stakeholders as means of fostering innovation

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    In the article the authors present the factors that foster cooperation among SMEs and other market actors. Also, an attempt was made to present how these market actors work together. In addition, analysis of the impact of cooperation on innovation in business has been doneinnovation, SME, cooperation

    Bibliometric approach to tracking the concept of international competitiveness

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    The main aim of paper is to identify the growth pattern in the international competitiveness literature, its core publications and key research domains on the basis of bibliometric data from the years 1945–2015. Citation data is collected from the ISI Web of Science Website, Scopus and Google Scholar, and analysed using HistCite, Pajek and VOSviewer software. Bibliometric indicators, network citation, key-route path methods and term co-occurrence methods are used. The results show that the theory of international competitiveness starts not from neoclassical theories of international trade, but from models of competition, even though competitiveness is mostly measured using trade/export performance. Krugman’s work on imperfect competitive markets and increasing returns of scale plays a most important role in knowledge diffusion on international competitiveness. The scientific development of analyzed concept is connected with six topics: trade performance, technology, liberalization, environmental regulations, location and productivity. These results give us a background for conducting practical analyses of international competitiveness, especially ones using synthetic indices

    Pancreatic cancer - diagnosis, risk factors and treatment. Literature review

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    Pancreatic cancer is a highly aggressive tumor. Due to the lack of characteristic symptoms, it is usually detected in the advanced stage. Resection of the tumor is possible only in 10-20% of all patients, which significantly extends and improves the quality of their life.  Therefore, new diagnostic methods are sought to detect PCDA at an early stage. Biomarkers are also increasingly being used in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, as well as genetic testing to better identify those at risk and use screening among them. Despite the development of treatments for pancreatic cancer, it still has a low 5-year survival rate, so there is a constant need for research into more effective therapeutic modalities

    A study of options to increase the power of internal combustion engines

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    Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych Politechnika ŁódzkaInstitute of Turbomachinery, Lodz Univeristy of TechnologyW artykule przedstawiono analizę czynników wpływających na moc tłokowego silnika spalinowego. Wyprowadzono zależność pozwalającą wyrazić moc jednostkową silnika jako funkcję kilku zmiennych (parametrów), które poddano szczegółowej analizie w kolejnych podrozdziałach. Stwierdzono, iż wymierny wzrost mocy silnika o określonych wymiarach głównych można uzyskać głównie dzięki dwóm czynnikom: poprawie sprawności napełnienia nv oraz wzrostowi gęstości powietrza na wlocie do cylindrów. Szczególnie ten drugi sposób cechuje duża skuteczność, a dodatkowo pozwala on na kształtowanie charakterystyk zewnętrznych silnika w sposób korzystny z punktu widzenia sposobu jego użytkowania (np. właściwości trakcyjnych napędzanego pojazdu).The paper presents an analysis of parameters impacting the power of an IC engine. A relationship expressing the engine unit power as a function of some variables (parameters) had been found and those parameters had been thoroughly examined in successive subsections. It was found that - for a fixed engine size - a substantial increase of the engine power can be primarily attributed to two parameters: volumetric efficiency and air density at the engine inlet. The second parameter is particularly efficient in increasing the engine power and, additionally, it allows enhancing the shape of the engine characteristics from the point of view of its operating conditions (e.g. traction properties of a driven vehicle.

    Structural Heterogeneity Between EU 15 and 12 New EU Members – the Obstacle to Lisbon Strategy Implementation?

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    The aim of this article is to identify diversity between the EU-15 and the New Members in their implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in the period 2000-2010. By analyzing a set of structural indicators, we aim to fill a gap in the literature: the lack of publications providing complex evaluation of the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy using measurable indicators. Given their suitability for international comparisons, we use two taxonomic methods: Ward’s cluster analysis and the synthetic variable method proposed by Hellwig.The results of our analyses confirm the hypothesis of a large gap between the EU-15 countries and the 12 New Members in the key areas of the Lisbon Strategy. According to rankings given by our taxonomic analyses, a high level of the indicators selected is confirmed only for the EU-15 countries and only three New Members belong to a group presenting the average level of these indicators. This study demonstrates a need for a significant intensification of the EU cohesion policy, which is one of the main tools for achieving the Lisbon Strategy goals