468 research outputs found

    Restrictions on the coherence of the ultrafast optical emission from an electron-hole pairs condensate

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    We report on the transfer of coherence from a quantum-well electron-hole condensate to the light it emits. As a function of density, the coherence of the electron-hole pair system evolves from being full for the low density Bose-Einstein condensate to a chaotic behavior for a high density BCS-like state. This degree of coherence is transfered to the light emitted in a damped oscillatory way in the ultrafast regime. Additionally, the photon field exhibits squeezing properties during the transfer time. We analyze the effect of light frequency and separation between electron and hole layers on the optical coherence. Our results suggest new type of ultrafast experiments for detecting electron-hole pair condensation.Comment: 4 pages,3 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letters. Minor change

    Maximally entangled mixed states of two atoms trapped inside an optical cavity

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    In some off-resonant cases, the reduced density matrix of two atoms symmetrically coupled with an optical cavity can very approximately approach to maximally entangled mixed states or maximal Bell violation mixed states in their evolution. The influence of phase decoherence on the generation of maximally entangled mixed state is also discussed. PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 03.65.UdComment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Latex, have a major revision of content

    Entanglement of a microcanonical ensemble

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    We replace time-averaged entanglement by ensemble-averaged entanglement and derive a simple expression for the latter. We show how to calculate the ensemble average for a two-spin system and for the Jaynes-Cummings model. In both cases the time-dependent entanglement is known as well so that one can verify that the time average coincides with the ensemble average.Comment: 10 page

    Ensemble averaged entanglement of two-particle states in Fock space

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    Recent results, extending the Schmidt decomposition theorem to wavefunctions of identical particles, are reviewed. They are used to give a definition of reduced density operators in the case of two identical particles. Next, a method is discussed to calculate time averaged entanglement. It is applied to a pair of identical electrons in an otherwise empty band of the Hubbard model, and to a pair of bosons in the the Bose-Hubbard model with infinite range hopping. The effect of degeneracy of the spectrum of the Hamiltonian on the average entanglement is emphasised.Comment: 19 pages Latex, changed title, references added in the conclusion

    La bicicleta como transporte sostenible en México

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    De acuerdo a los datos publicados por el Banco Mundial (actualización 31 de octubre del 2012), México presentó una tendencia hacia la baja a pesar de esto, aún sigue siendo considerable sus emisiones de CO2 actualmente es de 3.98 ton per cápita. Esto contribuye al efecto invernadero y a su vez desequilibrios en nuestros ecosistemas. Siendo así uno de los eventos que aportan efectos al cambio climático. A partir de este planteamiento se busca llevar a cabo propuestas viables y que motiven a la creación de un sistema que sea respetuoso con el medio ambiente con un desarrollo económico local y eficientizar la infraestructura existente además de mejorar la imagen urbana así como promover la salud a través del uso de la bicicleta, así mismo tener una ciudad más competitiva con reducciones de emisiones de carbono que abone a la reducción del cambio climático. Para contribuir en su mitigación, se impulsa la realización del Plan de Movilidad Ciclista de Ensenada, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de la población y mejorar las condiciones actuales de los problemas medioambientales al participar en la reducción de CO2 y promover el uso de la bicicleta como medio de transporte no motorizado. El proyecto, en su primera fase, consiste en retirar 166 aparcamientos dispuestos a lo largo del Boulevard Costero de la zona turística en aparcamientos públicos, y así usar este espacio para desarrollar una ruta de la ciclovía. Comprobamos que uno de los medios de transporte más vendidos en México (no así en el 2012) es el Nissan Tsuru 2008, por ser un auto económico y de bajo mantenimiento. Analizamos la emisión del CO2, considerándolo como un vehículo de rango medio en la eficiencia de emisión de gases contaminantes, y si consideramos que el 34.14% (como valor representativo) de los autos que ya no estarían estacionados en esa vialidad se sustituyen por uso de bicicleta, obtenemos que la reducción de emisiones de CO2 durante un año al implementar la primera fase del Plan de Movilidad Ciclista, es de 71,76 tonelada

    Standard ion transfer potential at the water|butyronitrile interface

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    Butyronitrile is an organic solvent stable enough to be used in photochemical reactions at liquid/liquid interfaces. However, it provides a rather short polarisation window making the analysis of ion transfer across the water|butyronitrile interface challenging. Here, steady-state cyclic voltammetry, at microhole-supported micro-interfaces, was used to measure Gibbs energies of transfer. A linear relationship between the standard Gibbs energies of ion partition for the water|butyronitrile interface and the water|1,2-dichloroethane and water|nitrobencene interfaces was found, making easy to extrapolate the Gibbs energy of other ions from this empiric correlation.Fil: Riva, Julieta Soledad. Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Epfl; Suiza. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; ArgentinaFil: Bassetto, V. C.. Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Epfl; SuizaFil: Girault, Hubert. Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Epfl; SuizaFil: Olaya, A. J.. Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Epfl, Lausanne

    Optical signatures of quantum phase transitions in a light-matter system

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    Information about quantum phase transitions in conventional condensed matter systems, must be sought by probing the matter system itself. By contrast, we show that mixed matter-light systems offer a distinct advantage in that the photon field carries clear signatures of the associated quantum critical phenomena. Having derived an accurate, size-consistent Hamiltonian for the photonic field in the well-known Dicke model, we predict striking behavior of the optical squeezing and photon statistics near the phase transition. The corresponding dynamics resemble those of a degenerate parametric amplifier. Our findings boost the motivation for exploring exotic quantum phase transition phenomena in atom-cavity, nanostructure-cavity, and nanostructure-photonic-band-gap systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantitative aspects of entanglement in the optically driven quantum dots

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    We present a novel approach to look for the existence of maximum entanglement in a system of two identical quantum dots coupled by the Forster process and interacting with a classical laser field. Our approach is not only able to explain the existing treatments, but also provides further detailed insights into the coupled dynamics of quantum dots systems. The result demonstrates that there are two ways for generating maximum entangled states, one associated with far off-resonance interaction, and the other associated with the weak field limit. Moreover, it is shown that exciton decoherence results in the decay of entanglement.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Non-Markovian stochastic description of quantum transport in photosynthetic systems

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    We analyze several aspects of the transport dynamics in the LH1-RC core of purple bacteria, which consists basically in a ring of antenna molecules that transport the energy into a target molecule, the reaction center, placed in the center of the ring. We show that the periodicity of the system plays an important role to explain the relevance of the initial state in the transport efficiency. This picture is modified, and the transport enhanced for any initial state, when considering that molecules have different energies, and when including their interaction with the environment. We study this last situation by using stochastic Schr{\"o}dinger equations, both for Markovian and non-Markovian type of interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Impact of multimorbidity on disability and quality of life in the Spanish older population

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    Background Population aging is closely related to high prevalence of chronic conditions in developed countries. In this context, health care policies aim to increase life span cost-effectively while maintaining quality of life and functional ability. There is still, however, a need for further understanding of how chronic conditions affect these health aspects. The aim of this paper is to assess the individual and combined impact of chronic physical and mental conditions on quality of life and disability in Spain, and secondly to show gender trends. Methods Cross-sectional data were collected from the COURAGE study. A total of 3,625 participants over 50 years old from Spain were included. Crude and adjusted multiple linear regressions were conducted to detect associations between individual chronic conditions and disability, and between chronic conditions and quality of life. Separate models were used to assess the influence of the number of diseases on the same variables. Additional analogous regressions were performed for males and females. Results All chronic conditions except hypertension were statistically associated with poor results in quality of life and disability. Depression, anxiety and stroke were found to have the greatest impact on outcomes. The number of chronic conditions was associated with substantially lower quality of life [ß for 4+ diseases: -18.10 (-20.95,-15.25)] and greater disability [ß for 4+ diseases: 27.64 (24.99,30.29]. In general, women suffered from higher rates of multimorbidity and poorer results in quality of life and disability. Conclusions Chronic conditions impact greatly on quality of life and disability in the older Spanish population, especially when co-occurring diseases are added. Multimorbidity considerations should be a priority in the development of future health policies focused on quality of life and disability. Further studies would benefit from an expanded selection of diseases. Policies should also deal with gender idiosyncrasy in certain cases