571 research outputs found

    A magyar kormány erőfeszítései a Nyugat-Bánság visszaszerzésére 1941-ben

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    In April 1941, in the occupation of Yugoslavia, Hitler claimed the participation of the Hungarian army. The Hungarian Government first of all agreed to military collaboration because of the possibility of the reannexation of areas that were earlier under Hungary’s control. However, this area was occupied by German troops as a result of the Romanian protestation against Hungarian invasion and the local German minority’s request. During the German–Italian negotiations deciding about splitting up Yugoslavia, this territory was awarded to Hungary in theory, but for the time being the region on the left bank of the River Tisza remained under German control. The Hungarian Government urged the handing over of the territory several times. Prime Minister László Bárdossy held talks with Berlin to provide economic benefits to Germany in exchange for handing over the area. The Hungarian Government tried to send officials and teachers to the Banat in order to strengthen the position of the Hungarians living there. However, the Germans prevented this. In the meantime, the Germans had settled down in this area, and the Western Banat was administratively proclaimed as part of the Serbian satellite state being under German control

    Tervek a Felvidék visszafoglalására 1920-ban

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    In 1920, the Hungarian political and military leadership still saw a realistic opportunity to modify the peace conditions. The idea was partly built on the serious interior problems of the Czecho-Slovakian. On the other hand, a crisis situation might have been created in the region by the success of the Soviet-Russian Red Army that was pushing forward towards the West. In both cases, it could have been possible to count on the Western powers’ favourable receipt of the act of the National Army in order to help Poland that was threatened by the Soviets, to stabilise the region, and to eliminate Bolshevik threat. However, in order to do that, the Hungarian troops had had to march in the Highlands. The Hungarian Government held confidential negotiations with French personalities who would have propended to accept that in turn of Hungarian help, Highland or at least its Eastern part could belong again under Hungarian control. Eventually, the military plans (Awakening, Dawn, Arpad) could not be implemented because of the lack of political conditions. The Polish stopped the Soviets’ sudden attack, while in Czecho-Slovakia no Bolshevik turn took place

    Budapest légiháborús tűzkeresztsége = The baptism of fire in the air war of Budapest

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    The Hungarian capital was not hit by an air attack until September 1942. At the time of the First Vienna Award, the attack on Yugoslavia and the entry into the war against the Soviet Union, there were air raid alarms in Budapest, but no bombing took place. In August-September 1942, the Soviet strategic air force launched attacks against Berlin and the capitals of the satellite states of the Third Reich. Budapest was bombed on the night of September 4 and 9. A total of 122 machines participated in the 2 campaigns. The Soviet planes flew 1,400–1,500 km from their base to the Hungarian capital, both times in bad weather conditions, so only half of the planes reached the destination. The bombs dropped from a great height without precise targeting caused only minor material damage, the personal loss was 18 dead and 84 wounded. The first attack hit Budapest unexpectedly. Until now, the Hungarian capital lived in the deceptive illusion that nothing bad could happen to him. At the time of the second attack, the military air defence and civil air raid precaution were already better prepared. In the following weeks, additional defensive measures were taken, but no further bombing occurred until 1944

    A Nemzeti Hadseregtől a Magyar Királyi Honvédségig : Trianon árnyékában, 1920-1923 = From the Hungarian National Army to the Royal Hungarian Army : in the shadow of Trianon, 1920-1923

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    In 1920, the National Army was vigorously developed. The Hungarian government considered it important to strengthen national defence against the military superiority of neighbouring states. The Red Army launched an attack on Poland and was already threatening Warsaw. The Hungarian government hoped that if it provided military assistance to the Poles, the Entente powers would ease the strict requirements of the planned peace treaty. The government hoped that during the operation it could reintegration a part of Slovakia, with the approval of the Entente, the Treaty of Trianon contained extremely severe military restrictions. A professional army of only 35,000 men, without heavy artillery, tanks, air force and air defence, could not have defended the country against an external attack. The prescribed downsizing caused a serious social problem. The restriction of production or purchase of weapons made Hungary vulnerable for a long time The Royal Hungarian Army, established in January 1922, tried to provide a small but effective defence force within the restrictions. However, in a hidden form, the government tried to maintain a larger number of personnel and a smaller amount of modern combat equipment

    Honvédség Balkáni alkalmazására vonatkozó német igény elutasítása

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    1943 tavaszán a Honvéd Vezérkar főnöke javaslatot tett, hogy magyar csapatok is kapcsolódjanak be a Balkán német megszállásába. Ezen az áron a németek beleegyeznének a Donnál szétvert 2. magyar hadsereg megmaradt erőinek hazahozásába. Ezzel a magyar erők kevésbé veszélyes feladatot látnak el és közelebb állomásoznak az ország határához. Így könnyebb megőrizni a haderőt, hogy a szomszédokkal való területi viták rendezéséhez kellő erő álljon Magyarország rendelkezésre. A magyar kormány elvetette a szerb területek megszállásában való részvételt. Nem akarták kockáztatni, hogy a szövetségesek balkáni partraszállása esetén a magyar katonák szembe kerüljenek angol vagy amerikai erőkkel. Úgy gondolták, hogy a honvédség megjelenése csak tovább rontaná az egyébként is feszült magyar–szerb viszonyt. Titkos üzenetváltás során kiderült, hogy egy ilyen lépést a nyugati hatalmak is elítélnének. A kialakuló vita megrontotta a Vezérkar főnöke és a miniszterelnök viszonyát. In spring 1943, the Chief of the General Staff, made a proposal that the Hungarian troopsshould have also joined theGerman occupational operations of the Balkans. In return the Germans would have agreed to bring home the remaining forces of the 2nd Hungarian Army routed at Don. The Hungarian forces would have had a less dangerous task and stayed closer to the Hungarian border. In this way it is easier to prevent the military force, so that there is enough force available for Hungary to settle territorial debates with the neighbours. However, the Hungarian Government rejected Hungary’s participation in occupying Serbian territories. They did not want to risk that in case the allies landed in the Balkans the Hungarian soldiers would have to face English or American forces. They thought that the appearance of the Hungarian army would have only worsened further the otherwise stressed relationship between the Hungarians and the Serbians. In the course of a secret exchange of messages, it turned out that even the western powers would have disapproved such a step. This debate infected the relationship between the Chief of the General Staff and the Prime Minister

    Emulating network infrastructure

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    In today's world, every existing enterprise must have a network infrastructure in order to be able to communicate between their private network and the public network. Network emulation / simulation is one way to design the private network infrastructure with all the detail needed for this kind of job, as you can design it in advanced reducing almost to zero the probability of committing an error during this process and test the configuration before implementing it. In this written work, you will find information about these kind of platforms, specifically about EVE-NG, as well as my own experience using it. Moreover, you will also find information about the main differences between physical and virtual switches, which many people might think is the same whereas they are pretty much different in some of their most relevant aspects, as both of them are network devices.A día de hoy, toda empresa existente debe disponer de una infraestructura de red para poder comunicarse entre su red privada y la red pública. La emulación / simulación de redes es una forma de diseñar la infraestructura de red privada con todo el detalle necesario para este tipo de trabajo, ya que se puede diseñar de forma avanzada reduciendo casi a cero la probabilidad de cometer errores durante dicho proceso y, además, probar la configuración antes de implementarla. En este trabajo escrito, encontrarás información sobre este tipo de plataformas, concretamente sobre EVE-NG, así como mi propia experiencia utilizándola. Además, también encontrarás información sobre las principales diferencias entre switches físicos y virtuales. Mucha gente piensa que son lo mismo, pero en realidad son bastante diferentes en algunos de sus aspectos más relevantes, ya que ambos son dispositivos de red.Avui en dia, totes les empreses existents han de tenir una infraestructura de xarxa per poder comunicar-se entre la seva xarxa privada i la xarxa pública. L'emulació / simulació de xarxa és una manera de dissenyar la infraestructura de xarxa privada amb tot el detall necessari per a aquest tipus de treball, ja que es pot dissenyar de manera premeditada reduint gairebé a zero la probabilitat de cometre errors durant aquest procés, i a més, provar la configuració abans d'implementar-ho. En aquest treball escrit, trobareu informació sobre aquest tipus de plataformes, concretament sobre EVE-NG, així com la meva pròpia experiència utilitzant-la. A més, també trobareu informació sobre les principals diferències entre switch físics i virtuals. Moltes persones podrien arribar a pensar que són iguals, mentre que són força diferents en alguns dels seus aspectes més rellevants, ja que tots dos són dispositius de xarxa

    Study of Screws for Femoral Neck Fixing, Using Finite Element Calculation and In-Vitro Testing

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    One of the most wide-spread illnesses of our age is osteoporosis at elder age (senilis osteoporosis), and as a consequence, the frequent hip fracture. In case of fracture of the neck of the femur a common way of the successful rehabilitation of the injured is osteosynthesis. An essential condition of the successful recovery is the enhancement of the stability of the fixation of fractures. However, at old age the layer of spongiosa becomes so porous that the threads of screws used for the treatment of the fracture of the neck of the femur virtually fulfil their fixing function only in the subchondral region – less and less in the inner layer of the spongiosa. However, in the subchondral region, the outer layer of 4 to 5 mm remains relatively dense. To increase stability, we modified the traditionally shaped canulated screws, used for the neck of the femur to date, and developed duplex-threaded screws for the neck of the femur. By finite element calculations, we would like to verify the effect of the shape of the thread of screws, playing an important role in the stability of fixation –for the neck of the femur
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