549 research outputs found

    Glioblastoma with leptomeningeal dissemination

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    Here we report a case of glioblastoma (GB) with leptomeningeal dissemination (LMD) in a 21 year old female presenting with generalized tonic-clonic seizures. After a brain MRI confirmed a non-enhancing left frontal lobe mass, histopathological examination and molecular analysis showed a glioblastoma with features of gliosarcoma that was an IDH wild type, MGMT unmethylated, TERT amplified tumor. She received standard care with combined chemoradiation with temozolomide and targeted radiation. MRI showing disease progression prompted the addition of bevacizumab after which the patient quickly deteriorated and died eight months after initial presentation. Incidence of LMD is an uncommon occurrence and associated with a significant decrease in overall survival when diagnosed at initial presentation. More research is needed to determine what role histopathologic variants and molecular profile plays in prognosis and treatment.peer-reviewe


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    This paper aims to raise a question mark regarding children's food habits in the last decades in Romania, and how globalization, marketing and advertising influenced and changed our old romanian food prefferences. We will highlight that children spent a lot of time watching TV, choosing a cartoon character, or an advertising star on the same age as him/her as a model, and then copying their behaviour, and acting like them. So, they have the idea that they will gain their parents' love and their colleagues appreciation. The rise of obesity is one of today's biggest societal challenges. Thus, to halt obesity has become a goal in several political sustainability strategies. The focus is on children since their health behaviour is expected to have a strong impact on consumers in adulthood. To fight childhood obesity, the challenge is to develop the 'right' policy toolbox. One complicating aspect amongst others is the numerousness of actors involved. To find a policy mix and assess its consequences for all actors, it is essential to understand the underlying mechanisms - the impact of external and internal factors on children's health behaviour. Tools such as regulation, information and education appear to be insufficient to curb this unsustainable consumption behaviour.food marketing, advertising, children, gatekeepers, ethic code


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    The mechanisms that cause overpressure can be broadly classified into two categories: loading and unloading. This study looks at eight wells from the deepwater Niger Delta; the wells were evaluated with three aims in mind. The first aim was to determine shale pore pressure with the density log using the equivalent depth approach. The second aim, using depth profiles of density, velocity, resistivity, and vertical effective stress, and cross-plots, was to infer the overpressure mechanism. The third aim was to validate underbalanced drilling zones identified on the pressure-depth plot with indications observed on the drilling report, mudlog, and other post-drilling data. To discriminate clean shales intervals, a density-velocity transform based on Gardner’s (1974) relationship and GR filters were applied to the well logs. Measured pore pressures, log data, temperature data, drilling data, and mudlog data, including the end-of-well-report, were analysed for selected wells. Based on pressure-depth plots, the top of overpressure in the wells lies in the range 500 – 1200 TVDml. The equivalent depth method using the density log, when properly calibrated with measured pore pressures, can give reliable pressure prediction results, especially in the shallow section at temperatures 75°C, the equivalent depth method is unreliable. It was also noted that shale intervals may provide vertical permeability barriers and create pressure compartments in some of the wells. The predominant overpressuring mechanism in the shallow section, as evident from density and velocity reversals and, was found to be disequilibrium compaction. At greater depths (temperatures >75°C), a combination of disequilibrium compaction and unloading mechanisms appears to be responsible for overpressure in the wells. Evidence for unloading mechanisms includes formation temperatures of 80°C or greater, indications of smectite-to-illite conversion on density-sonic cross-plots, rapid increases in mud weight that sometimes approached fracture gradient, and depressed density reversals relative to velocity reversals. Finally, intervals identified as being drilled underbalanced on pressure-depth plots are consistent with drilling data, mudlog data, and information in the end-of-well reports. Specifically, increased gas (connection gas and background gas), hole washout, high torque, drilling break, and decreased D-exponent trend show strong association with zones of underbalanced drilling on pressure-depth plots

    Democratization Boost or Bust? Electoral Turnout After Democratic Transitions

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    How do democratization processes affect voter turnout in new democracies? Existing work points to an expected boost in electoral turnout after democratization as newly democratic citizens are euphoric to exert newly democratic freedoms or because they developed new political attitudes and behaviours by mobilizing for democracy. While intuitive and normatively appealing, these explanations have not been theoretically nor empirically scrutinized within the literature. This paper develops and tests novel theoretical expectations on the processes and legacies of democratization that impact voter turnout in new democracies. Using electoral turnout data from 1086 national elections between 1946 and 2015, and turnout survey data of over 1 million respondents between 1982 and 2015, we find that the boost in voter turnout (1) exists only for the first election after transition, (2) its effect depends on the life cycle during which individuals experienced the transition and (3) it is less dependent on transition type

    Cercetări bibliografice tematice - arhitectură

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    No abstract available. This is a review article

    Prof. univ. dr. ing. Aurel A. Beleş

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    No abstract available. The article is a bibliographical review