51 research outputs found


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    Gay marriage or same sex marriage is a union that allows any two consenting individuals of the same biological sex to form an intimate relationship. The issue of same sex marriage is a controversial discourse in international relations today. The various dimensions of the discourses on the subject of gay marriage show a paradigm shift in the concept of marriage from the traditional and orthodox conception of a male- female consensual relationship to the coming together of any two individuals of any sex - even of the same sex. Using secondary data, analysed through textual and descriptive methods, the paper demonstrates that the politics of gay marriage diplomacy reveals the clash between western civilization, globalization, sovereignty, territorial integrity of states, human right and traditional societal beliefs or norms. Indeed, this was epitomized in the recent strain in Nigeria- U.S diplomatic relations. The paper further observes that over an issue of national concern – same sex marriage - the multicultural dimension of the Nigerian state was relegated to the background and new boundaries of loyalty that defiled ethnic sentiments and religious inclinations surfaced in the country amongst the various religious and ethnic groups. It thus, recommends that although Nigeria’s stance on the issue of gay diplomacy not only shook the fabric of her nationhood and caused a diplomatic faceoff between the country and U.S, it is an opportunity for Nigeria to reappraise the nature of her diplomatic relations with the U

    The Impact of Terrorism on Education: The North-Eastern Nigerian Experience

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    In recent times, the wave of terrorism is sweeping through the globe in a. terrifying manner with terrific frequency. The revival in terrorists' activities in recent times in the Middleeast and its spread to countries like the United States of America, Britain and some countries in Africa like Nigeria and Cameroon where terrorism was not known before portends a major threat to global security. Terrorism is inimical to human security, political and socioeconomic development of which education is one. Anchored on the system theory, with heavy reliance on secondary data, the study examines the impact of terrorism on education using North-Eastern Nigeria as a focal point of study. The study finds that terrorists' activities which for now are concentrated in the North-eastern part of Nigeria are gradually spreading to other parts of the country and beyond. Because the brand of terrorism in Nigeria is opposed to western education, especially girls' education, schools have become one of the targets of attack and kidnapping of school girls one of the modus operandi of the terrorists, leading to temporary closure of schools in the affected area. The study therefore advocates for multiple approaches in tackling terrorism headlong

    The AU’s Progress and Achievements in the Realm of Peace and Security

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    When Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was formed, the problem confronting Africa continent then was colonialism. It is therefore not a surprise that its major preoccupation was how to liberate countries within the continent that were still under the grip of colonialism. However, the surge of conflicts in various African countries shortly after independence, manifesting in form of ethnicity, religious, struggle for political power among others, coupled with OAU policy of nonintervention in the domestic affairs of member states, combined to turn African continent to the bedlam of the world. The failure of OAU led to the formation of the African Unity (AU) to correct some of these ills. This article examines AU’s achievements in the realm of peace and security using secondary sources of data gathering. Since AU came on board, how far has it fared in promoting peace and security in the continent? Findings reveal that although AU has achieved much in the realm of peace and security in Africa, yet it lacks the needed human resources and institutional capacity to conduct effective peace operations and peace-making initiatives. The study therefore suggested among others the need to strengthen AU’s institutional capacity and more personnel should be donated by members countries Keyword

    Personality, Foreign Policy and National Transformation: An Assessment of the Olusegun Obasanjo’s Administration (1999-2007)

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    Since independence in 1960, Nigeria has played various significant roles in world affairs beginning with her immediate neighbors in the West African sub region and the world at large. Leadership and personality have been central in these dynamic roles. For instance, between 1999 and 2007, Nigeria‟s foreign relations and domestic policies were creative and eventful, which have been linked to the personality and leadership of Olusegun Obasanjo, the president of Nigeria at that time. Utilizing secondary data, the paper shows that Obasanjo‟s personality and leadership traits launched Nigeria from isolationism to diplomatic influence and relevance in world affairs. The paper further submits that Nigeria earned a positive international image, the removal of the pariah status as well as economic re-invigoration. It thus recommends amongst others, the need for both current and future leaders of Nigeria to exhibit outstanding personality and leadership in the face of festering socio-political as well as economic challenges. By such unusual display of effective leadership, Nigeria will regain its position in effectively contributing to global development and also record success in her national transformation agend

    The Impact of Terrorism on Education: The North-Eastern Nigerian Experience

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    In recent times, the wave of terrorism is sweeping through the globe in a. terrifying manner with terrific frequency. The revival in terrorists' activities in recent times in the Middleeast and its spread to countries like the United States of America, Britain and some countries in Africa like Nigeria and Cameroon where terrorism was not known before portends a major threat to global security. Terrorism is inimical to human security, political and socioeconomic development of which education is one. Anchored on the system theory, with heavy reliance on secondary data, the study examines the impact of terrorism on education using North-Eastern Nigeria as a focal point of study. The study fmds that terrorists' activities which for now are concentrated · in the North-eastern part of Nigeria are gradually spreading to other parts of the country and beyond. Because the brand of terrorism in Nigeria is opposed to western education, especially girls' education, schools have become one of the targets of attack and kidnapping of school girls one of the modus operandi of the terrorists, leading to temporary closure of schools in the affected area. The study therefore advocates for multiple approaches in tackling terrorism headlon

    Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

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    Implications of the Release of Chibok Girls on Nigeria’s War on Terrorism

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    The year 2013 marked the emergence of the use of women and girls as hostages by the most dreaded Boko Haram terrorist group in Nigeria. The successful abduction of about 300 girls from the Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok-Borno State, Nigeria, in the dead of the night boosted the effrontery of the sect to undertake more abduction of hundreds of girls and women even in broad day light in North-Eastern Nigeria. The abduction of the Chibok girls generated both national and international concerns and raised the recognition of the group‟s ruthlessness against women. Various attempts to rescue the Chibok girls by the Nigerian government, humanitarian agencies and the international community failed. Using qualitative descriptive analysis, the paper avows that the controversial release of 21 Chibok girls without battle conditions or reports leaves a lot to speculation. This event represents a symbolism of Boko Haram‟s ability to hold the Nigerian government to ransom at its own terms. It submits that the gradual release of the girls and the sect‟s proposal for the negotiation of 83 more girls raises questions on the terms of the negotiations leading to the release as well as queries the strength of Nigeria‟s anti-terrorism war. The paper recommends that because the release of the 21 hostages may not be the ultimate goal of Boko Haram, the Nigerian state should consciously negotiate on well calculated intelligence and use experts in future negotiation with terror groups in order to construct outcomes that is better than the status quo

    State Failure, Terrorism and Global Security: An Appraisal of the Boko Haram Insurgency in Northern Nigeria

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    The magnitude of the disaster of September 11, 2001 brought to bear a general recognition that terrorism is a global problem that required urgent attention. The response was a war on terror against groups defined as murderous oppressive, violent and hateful and whose. Islamic radicalism is fingered as responsible for the attack and seen as threat to peace, security and prosperity of the global community. However, it has become a common refrain that failed states are the fertile grounds for terrorism which threatens national security and invariably the global security as well. Nigeria, is one such state where elements of failure has given rise to groups like Boko Haram that use terror and violence to make demands on the state. This paper examines how the characterization of Nigeria as a failed state, has impacted in making the country breeding ground of terrorism. Specifically the paper highlights the conditions necessitating the emergence and persistence of Boko Haram terrorist sect. The paper relies on secondary data sourced from books, journal articles and reports of periodicals and employed descriptive analysis to establish the trends, Findings show that features of a failed state as articulated in the literature are present in Nigeria. The paper concludes that these factors create the condition for terrorism to thrive in Nigeria and consequently threaten the socio-economic stability of the country and to an extent the globe. The paper recommends that to deal with these challenges, the Nigerian state need to re-examine its character so as to address the issues that give rise to acts of terrorism as well as restrategise on how to provide the needs of the vast majority of its citizens


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    One of the major problems f acing Nigeria is graduate unemployment. Nigeria parades well over hundred uni1·ersities owned by the Federal, Stale and private individuals, which have been churning out graduates el'el:\' year wit how prospect.for employment. One oft he maj or factors contributing to this scenario is the mismatched betll'een the school curricula and the needs of the industrial sector of the economy. With heavy reliance 011 e111pirical and second my data, the study advocates for university-industry collaboration as one of the 111easures lO 111it igate graduate unemployment in Nigeria. The study finds that mismatched between university curricular aJI(I i11dustrial needs renders most Nigerian graduates unemployable. The study therefore, suggests among others the need to briog in seasoned industrialists to participate in drawing curricula and also teach some pmct ical courses 011 part time basis in Nigerian Universities. Efforts in this direction will equip Nigerian graduates with skills needed in the industrial sector of the economy with implicationsfortheir employability s f ell us

    Leadership and Accountability

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    A sizable number of scholars have argued that development in any nation is a function of a leadership that subscribes to the principles of accountability in government at various levels. This paper employs the methodology of historical research, which involves the analysis of secondary data obtained from relevant books, journals, internet resources, magazines and newspapers, to examine leadership and accountability as they relate to the challenges of development in Nigeria, with particular reference to the management of public resources. It observes that these challenges are premised among others on poor leadership at various levels of government. The paper concludes that for the living standards of Nigerians to be enhanced, there is need to enforce strict compliance of public officials with rules governing the management of public resources, thereby curbing corruptio
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