6 research outputs found

    A systems thinking approach to validate the dynamics of environmental degradation issues: evidence from the Nigerian oil and gas industry

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    The paper focuses on all aspects of the numerous activities causing environmental degradation in the Nigerian Niger-Delta region, focusing particularly to the activities of the host communities and oil and gas companies using the systems thinking approach. The vast majority of the revenue that Nigeria's federal government receives from its oil resources is held by the Niger-Delta region. Numerous issues that affect the region, including as poverty, environmental damage, unemployment, and oil pipeline vandalism involving host communities and oil and gas companies. This paper aims to validate, in light of the current situation, the dynamics of environmental degradation issues involving host communities and oil and gas companies in the Nigerian Niger Delta. Consider the various ways that host communities' activities and oil and gas activity contribute to environmental degradation in Nigeria's Niger Delta. The paper used a systems thinking approach, which is necessary for capturing the involvement of host communities and oil and gas companies to environmental degradation in the Niger Delta. The Niger Delta's environmental degradation is the consequence of a complex relationship between oil and gas operations, host communities, and surrounding environments. ST is a qualitative technique that seeks to understand this relationship holistically. In order to convey unbiased insights and understanding of the environmental degradation as experienced in the Niger Delta, ST enables the application of Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) usage to capture the problem as a whole. The data collected from the literature review were analysed using computerised simulation software as Stella Architect®. It is also highly advised that an integrated and multidisciplinary research be carried out to examine this enduring issue in order to build a comprehensive plan and solution to deal with concerns related to environmental degradation and oil pipeline vandalism. Oil and gas companies have created a strategy to prevent environment pollution and treat waste before discharging it to minimize its effects in several locations around the world. However, similar methods are not widespread in Nigeria. In Nigeria, these methods must be adapted in order to preserve the already-degrading environment

    Reliability of Some Clinical Parameters for Field Diagnosis of African Animal Trypanosomosis in Cattle

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    Presumptive and inaccurate diagnosis of cattle trypanosomosis among field veterinarians has led to misuse of trypanocides, development of drug resistance, toxicities and huge economic losses. This study assessed the reliability, specificity and sensitivity of some identified trypanosomosis associated signalments (anaemia using FAMACHA® guide, body condition score (BCS), superficial lymph nodes enlargement and jugular pulsation) as field diagnostic parameters. Blood and faecal samples were collected from 273 subjectively selected cattle for the determination of packed cell volume (PCV) and screening for trypanosome, and for helminth egg using McMaster technique, respectively. Data obtained from assessment of packed cell volume based on BCS, FAMANCHA score, superficial lymph nodes enlargement and jugular pulsation were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi square, while comparison of data using independent student ttest and one-way ANOVA was similarly conducted. Of the screened cattle, 16.5% (45/273) were positive for trypanosome. Single infection due to Trypanosoma spp. was found in 13.5% (37/273) cattle, while 2.9% (8/273) had trypanosome concurrently with Babesia spp. or helminth infections. The prevalence of Trypanosoma infection was higher in animals with mild or moderately pale mucous membrane, slight emaciation, palpable superficial lymph nodes and pulsating jugular vein. The mean PCV of Trypanosoma infected cattle (27.65±0.056) was lower than in non-infected cattle (31.30±0.36) (p<0.05). Based on the jugular pulsation status, enlargement of the superficial lymph nodes, trypanosomosis state and Famancha category, there was no significant (p<0.05) variation in the PCV of the examined cattle. A negative and low correlation (r = -0.054) existed between BCS and FAMACHA® anaemia score. Each of the clinical diagnostic parameters showed poor sensitivity when employed separately, but the sensitivity improved when applied together and showed 80% specificity to Trypanosoma infection. The results of the present study showed that Trypanosoma infected cattle were associated with anaemia, emaciation, weight loss, jugular pulsation and lymphadenophathy. Key Words: Trypanosomosis, Diagnosis, Cattle, Anaemia, Treatmen

    Preliminary study on the performance of rabbit bucks fed sole forage, concentrate and their mixtures

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    Thirty five rabbit bucks of mixed breed of 7 weeks of age, weighing 519±5.00 g were used to investigate the potentials of two common weeds, Aspilia africana (Aa) and Tridax procumbens (Tp) as forages. The rabbits were divided into 5 groups in a completely randomised design. Group 1 was placed on sole concentrate feeding; concentrate feeding was skipped for 1, 2 and 3 days in groups 2, 3, and 4 respectively with ad libitum mixed-forage Aa and Tp feeding. Group 5 was fed on a mixed-forage diet of 250 g Aa: 250g Tp. The daily pellet intake decreased linearly as the number of days that concentrate feeding was skipped increased. Rabbits in groups 2 and 4 reached puberty at 13.8 and 14.0 weeks respectively, which were longer (p<0.05) than 12.8 and 13.1 weeks for groups 1 and 3. None of the rabbits on the sole forage diet reached puberty at the end of the experiment. Supplementation of the test forages with 23-43 g of a balanced concentrate feed per rabbit per day could give satisfactorily performance.Treinta y cinco conejos de raza mezclada de 7 semanas de edad con peso de 519±5,00 g, fueron empleados para investigar el potencial de dos adventicias comunes, Aspilia africana (Aa) y Tridax procumbens (Tp) como forraje para cone- jos. Los conejos fueron divididos en 5 grupos con un diseño completamente al azar. El grupo 1 consumió solamente concentrado. El concentra- do fue omitido por 1, 2 o 3 días en los grupos 2, 3 y 4 respectivamente con alimentación ad libitum de una mezcla de Aa y Tp. El grupo 5 fue alimen- tado con mezcla de 250 g de Aa y 250 g deTp. La ingestión diaria de gránulos, disminuyó linealmente al aumentar el número de días en que el pienso era omitido. Los grupos 2 y 4 alcanzaron la pubertad a 13,8 y 14,0 semanas respectivamente, tiempo que fue mayor (p<0,05) que las 12,8 y 13,1 semanas que tardaron los grupos 1 y 3. Ningún conejo de la dieta exclusiva de forraje alcanzó la pubertad al final del experimento. La suplementación del forraje con 23-43 g por conejo y día de un concentrado balanceado podría permitir un rendi- miento satisfactorio