183 research outputs found

    Expression of MMP-13 in Human Temporomandibular Joint Disc Derangement and Osteoarthritis

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    Objective: MMP-13 performs digestion of collagen, which is a primary component of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular disc. This study evaluated the expression of MMP-13 in patients with anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR), and in the presence of TMJ osteoarthrosis. Methods: Thirty-nine human temporomandibular joint disc samples were collected and divided in two ways: ADDwR (21 samples), ADDwoR (10 samples), and a control group (8 samples); and with osteoarthrosis (10 samples) and without osteoarthrosis (29 samples). Immunostaining of the TMJ discs was statistically compared between the groups. Results: There was no statistically significant difference for the area of MMP-13 immunostaining between the control group, ADDwR, and ADDwoR, nor between groups with and without osteoarthrosis. Conclusion: This study suggests MMP-13 is not significantly involved in collagen degradation in human TMJ disc displacement or osteoarthrosis

    Interleukin-6 Expression in Disc Derangement of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    The inflammatory process is a coordinated response that protects host after infection or trauma, involving several molecular reactions. Once the inflammation is closely linked to the process of destruction of the temporomandibular joint, this study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), an important inflammatory marker, in temporomandibular articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) and its association with osteoarthrosis (OA). Thirty-eight (n = 38) articular discs were divided into two cutoffs: 1) analysis 1: 4 control (acute pathology), 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR; and 2) analysis 2: without OA (n = 21) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (p \u3c 0.05). In the disc samples, no significant differences were observed between the groups ADDwR and ADDwoR, and with and without OA, in respect to the expression of IL-6 by immunohistochemical examination. Future studies should be conducted with a larger sample size, which could clarify the association of the inflammatory mediator IL-6 with temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Renal function in children with congenital neurogenic bladder

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    AIMS: Preservation of renal function in children with congenital neurogenic bladder is an important goal of treatment for the disease. This study analyzed the evolution of renal function in patients with congenital neurogenic bladder. METHODS: We reviewed the records of 58 pediatric patients with respect to the following attributes: gender, age, etiology of neurogenic bladder, reason for referral, medical/surgical management, episodes of treated urinary tract infections, urodynamics, DMSA scintigraphy, weight, height, blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate, microalbuminuria and metabolic acidosis. Statistical analysis was performed, adopting the 5% significance level. RESULTS: The mean age at presentation was 4.2 ± 3.5 years. Myelomeningocele was the most frequent etiology (71.4%). Recurrent urinary tract infection was the reason for referral in 82.8% of the patients. Recurrent urinary tract infections were diagnosed in 84.5% of the patients initially; 83.7% of those patients experienced improvement during follow-up. The initial mean glomerular filtration rate was 146.7 ± 70.1 mL/1.73 m²/min, and the final mean was 193.6 ± 93.6 mL/1.73 m²/min, p = 0.0004. Microalbuminuria was diagnosed in 54.1% of the patients initially and in 69% in the final evaluation. Metabolic acidosis was present in 19% of the patients initially and in 32.8% in the final assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Patient referral to a pediatric nephrologist was late. A reduction in the number of urinary tract infections was observed with adequate treatment, but microalbuminuria and metabolic acidosis occurred frequently despite adequate management

    Comportamento de condução e Locus de controle

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Alessandra Sant'Anna BianchiDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Psicologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 04/10/2012Bibliografia: fls. 111-122Resumo: Nas últimas décadas, as taxas de acidente de trânsito no Brasil aparecem como um problema na saúde pública. Destes acidentes, um grupo tem o maior percentual, os motoristas jovens. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de fornecer um instrumento confiável para profissionais que trabalham com o trânsito e de elucidar aspectos da personalidade dos jovens condutores e, assim, poder orientar as práticas educacionais mais adequadas para eles. Também se objetivou estudar a provisibilidade de acidentes de trânsito a partir de comportamentos auto-relatados. Os instrumentos utilizados para este fim foram a adaptação da escala de Locus de Controle para o tráfego (T-LOC) de Özkan e Laujunen (2005a) com 17 perguntas e o DBQ de Lawton, Parker, Manstead e Stradling (1997) adaptado para uso no Brasil por Bianchi e Summala (2002), contendo 28 questões. Este trabalho está estruturado em dois estudos. O primeiro estudo foi a adaptaçào da escala T-LOC para uso no Brasil. O segundo estudo caracterizou-se por explorar as relações entre locus de controle e comportamento no trânsito bem como a previsibilidade dessas variáveis para acidentalidade. Participaram 628 estudantes de ensino superior de instituições públicas e privadas da cidade de Curitiba e região metropolitana. A idade dos participantes variou de 19 anos a 60 anos. Os resultados apontaram uma população com Locus de Controle mais externo do que interno e que tende a cometer um maior número de Violações Ordinárias, sendo que as mesmas foram preditoras de acidentes.Abstract: In recent decades, rates of traffic accident in Brazil appear as a problem for public health. For these accidents, a group has the highest percentage, young drivers. The objective of this research was to provide a reliable scale for professionals that work with the traffic and to show aspects of the personality of young drivers and to guide educational most appropriate practices for them. It also aimed in this study the provisibilidade of traffic accidents from self-reported behaviors. The instruments used for this purpose were the adaptation of Locus of Control Scale for traffic (T-LOC) from Özkan and Laujunen (2005a) with 17 questions and DBQ from Lawton, Parker, Manstead e Stradling (1997) containing 28 questions adapted for use in Brazil from Summala and Bianchi (2002). This work is structured in two studies. The first study was the adaptation of T-LOC scale for Brazil use. The second study was characterized by exploring the relationship between Locus of Control and traffic behaviour as well as the predictability of these variables for accidentality. 628 students of high school from public and private institutions of Curitiba and metropolitan area participated in this paper. The age of participants were from 19 years to 60 years old. The results showed a population with more external Locus of Control than internal and that tends to do greater number of Common Violations, being this factor predictive of accidents

    Rendimento, resíduos e considerações sobre melhorias no processo em indústria de chapas compensadas

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    Este trabalho visou analisar o processo produtivo de chapas compensadas, através da determinação do rendimento em chapas compensadas, perda em resíduos gerados em cada etapa do processo, qualificação dos resíduos; avaliação da influência dos equipamentos e pessoal na geração destes resíduos e da má qualidade no processo produtivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada in loco, em cada equipamento participante do processo. Com os dados coletados de dimensões antes e após passagem das lâminas pelos equipamentos obteve-se resultados de perdas totais e pontuais de resíduos gerados. Através dos resultados obtidos pôde-se concluir que: o rendimento no processo para lâminas de boa qualidade é de 76%; quando se processa lâminas de qualidade inferior, estas perdas aumentam consideravelmente, chegando a valores de até 46% em resíduos. No processo de reaproveitamento de lâminas desclassificadas há um aproveitamento de 40% da matéria-prima; o ponto crítico do processo em termos de perdas em resíduos são as refiladeiras/encoladeiras/juntadeiras, e guilhotina 1, com uma perda média de 1/3 do total processado; a perda gerada pela calibradora e lixadeira é maior do que a perda que ocorre no esquadrejamento do painel; as lâminas de amescla apresentaram resultados inferiores em rendimento em relação às demais espécies estudadas; o mogno real destacou-se como lâmina de melhor qualidade e maior rendimento para processamento em guilhotina; há perdas mais significativas para a empresa do que a própria geração de resíduos (perdas referentes à má qualidade no processo), tendo como causas a baixa qualidade das lâminas, retrabalhos, problemas com maquinário, pessoal, planejamento, organização e ambiente de trabalho da empresa; a má qualidade é o principal fator de perda nas classificadoras e juntadeiras, chegando a valores médios de 22,68% (desclassificações), e 6,33% de retrabalhos; os resíduos, devido ao baixo teor de umidade e granulometria entre serragem a maravalhas, podem ser utilizados como matéria-prima para outras indústrias (briquetes, chapas de partícula, farinha de madeira, combustível), contribuindo com 2,40% do faturamento da empresa, podendo atingir valores ainda maiores

    Iniciativa probatória do juíz e o ônus da prova

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    Orientador: Joaquim Roberto Munhoz de Mello, Sérgio Cruz ArenhartMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoA sucessão dos estados, em decorrência do transcorrer das fases históricas, refletiu se no processo civil e nos poderes do juiz, ajustando se estes ao modelo de estado vigente. com a evolução dos poderes do juiz, foi lhe atribuída a iniciativa probatória, consubstancia no código de processo civil brasileiro no artigo 130. para os doutrinadores tradicionais, tal iniciativa ofenderia princípios como o dispositivo, da igualdade e da imparcialidade. já para a doutrina tradicional tal iniciativa vem a reforçar a busca pela verdade substancial e por um julgamento justo. a regra do artigo 130, devido à necessidade de um estudo sistemático do ordenamento, deve ser interpretada juntamente com o artigo 333 do codex. os tradicionalistas defendem que o processo deve ser orientado pelo artigo 333, usando se o artigo 130 para os casos de inexistência ou de insuficiência de provas. Os autores modernos, por sua vez, entendem que o artigo 130 deve guiar o desenrolar processual, enquanto que o artigo 333 serviria como regra de julgamento nos casos em que não fosse possível ao juiz formar um convencimento. os juízes brasileiros, em que pese a discussão, têm feito uso da iniciativa instrutória, garantindo maior justiça às suas decisões

    FasL Expression in Articular Discs of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    Background Apoptosis is a programme of cell death which does not induce an inflammatory response. Recent previous research has suggested a correlation between temporomandibular internal derangement and apoptosis. Fas ligand (FasL) is an apoptosis‐inducing factor, known to trigger apoptosis through distinct signal pathways. This study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of FasL in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) in patients with and without osteoarthrosis (OA). Methods Forty‐two (n = 42) TMJ articular discs were divided into two cut‐offs: (i) 8 control, 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR, and (ii) without OA (n = 25) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (P \u3c 0.05). Results Statistically significant differences were found in the expression of FasL in TMJ discs between the three groups (P = 0.001). ADDwR presented significant higher FasL expression when compared with ADDwoR (P \u3c 0.001). Significant higher FasL expression was observed in the group without OA (P = 0.001). All patients without OA presented ADDwR, while all the patients with OA presented ADDwoR. Conclusion A higher area of in situ immunostaining of FasL was found in temporomandibular discs with reduction, which is the less severe condition. Moreover, a reduced expression of FasL in the discs of patients with osteoarthrosis was found, suggesting that some aspects of apoptosis might underlie the progression of TMJ disorders

    Radioiodine plus recombinant human thyrotropin do not cause acute airway compression and are effective in reducing multinodular goiter

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    Recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH) reduces the activity of radioiodine required to treat multinodular goiter (MNG), but acute airway compression can be a life-threatening complication. In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, we assessed the efficacy and safety (including airway compression) of different doses of rhTSH associated with a fixed activity of 131I for treating MNG. Euthyroid patients with MNG (69.3 ± 62.0 mL, 20 females, 2 males, 64 ± 7 years) received 0.1 mg (group I, N = 8) or 0.01 mg (group II, N = 6) rhTSH or placebo (group III, N = 8), 24 h before 1.11 GBq 131I. Radioactive iodine uptake was determined at baseline and 24 h after rhTSH and thyroid volume (TV, baseline and 6 and 12 months after treatment) and tracheal cross-sectional area (TCA, baseline and 2, 7, 180, and 360 days after rhTSH) were determined by magnetic resonance; antithyroid antibodies and thyroid hormones were determined at frequent intervals. After 6 months, TV decreased significantly in groups I (28.5 ± 17.6%) and II (21.6 ± 17.8%), but not in group III (2.7 ± 15.3%). After 12 months, TV decreased significantly in groups I (36.7 ± 18.1%) and II (37.4 ± 27.1%), but not in group III (19.0 ± 24.3%). No significant changes in TCA were observed. T3 and free T4 increased transiently during the first month. After 12 months, 7 patients were hypothyroid (N = 3 in group I and N = 2 in groups II and III). rhTSH plus a 1.11-GBq fixed 131I activity did not cause acute or chronic changes in TCA. After 6 and 12 months, TV reduction was more pronounced among patients treated with rhTSH plus 131I