303 research outputs found

    Team Building and Responsible Conduct of Research

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    While team building and responsible conduct of research are essential recipes for optimizing efficient and sustainable outcomes in research, most researchers lack the know-how of how to harness different strengths of individual team members to create a cohesive synergy for effective performance. In addition, most are not trained in the application of established professional norms and ethical principles in the performance of their research activities. These weaknesses intertwine to produce poor research performance teams and outcomes. In this article, the author provides a brief overview of key considerations for building virile and effective research teams and the essential ingredients in responsible conduct of research

    Emotion-based themes and locutions in Ahmed Yerima’s Otaelo

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    This study investigates locutionary indexing of emotion-based themes using Ahmed Yerima’s Otaelo as our selected text. Ahmed Yerima’s Otaelo has a considerable volume of pragmatically salient emotional themes. Aspects of the theories of speech acts, modified Odebunmi’s adapted model of pragmeme and emotionology, considered capable of addressing linguistic forms and functions and expression of emotion were adopted. The findings revealed that themes of emotional satisfaction and perturbation are found in Otaelo. Emotional satisfaction, incorporating love, assurance, appreciation and admiration, are indexed in the text. Emotional perturbation covers fear, anger, rejection, deception, conflict, disparagement and regret. The paper concludes that Ahmed Yerima’s Otaelo thematised emotional satisfaction and perturbation through salient locutions, thereby contributing to the increasing works on pragmatics

    Research Sponsoring, Financial Management and Conflict of Interest

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    Although project sponsoring usually involves a formal agreement for conducting activities related to research , teaching and service between an institution and the sponsor, many institutions do not prioritise project sponsoring and ensure the inclusion of core components such as statement of work, financial accountability, institutional responsibility for sponsored projects, financial management and conflict of interest(FOCI), and institutional responsibility for FOCI in the sagreements. In addition, early career researchers are not engaged to understand the guiding principles and ethics surrounding research implementation. These often accentuate the conduct of unethical research. In this article, the author provides a brief overview of key considerations in research sponsoring

    Removal of hardness from well water using a solar still

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    Provision of potable water with the aid of a solar still is a promising technology in remote areas of developing countries. This study investigated the treatment of hard well water by using a single-slope solar still. The water sample was obtained from a solar-powered borehole in a students’ hall of residence in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. The solar still was constructed with a 2 mm thick galvanized iron sheet with basin area of 800 mm x 600 mm and covered with transparent plain glass sheet of thickness 4 mm. Laboratory tests were carried out before and after treatment to determine the degree of removal of hardness. The still removed, on the average, 92% of the hardness of the well water

    Temporal variation of groundwater resources in Ilesa West Local Government, Osun State Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to investigate the different groundwater resources and to generate the temporal differences over the different seasons in Ilesa West Local Government, Osun State, Nigeria. The LGA has not been provided with municipal pipe-borne water supply for over 30 years, hence they are exclusively using groundwater in form of boreholes, dugwells and springs. The physico- chemical and heavy metal parameters were determined over a period of one year covering the rainy and dry seasons. A total of 69 drinking water points which comprises of 63 dugwells, 5 boreholes and 1 spring were used for the study and they were selected to represent the built-up part of the entire study area adequately. Parameters analysed were pH, electrical conductivity (EC), temperature, total dissolved solids (TDS), chloride, sulphate, nitrate, sodium, potassium (K), calcium, magnesium, hardness, alkalinity, bicarbonate using standard methods. Analysis of heavy metals (Fe, Cr) was carried out with atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and microbiological analysis was conducted using most probable number (MPN) of counting coliforms. The data generated were subjected to descriptive statistics and line graph. The analysis of the different groundwater resources revealed a good water quality but the values of pH, TDS, EC, K, were higher than the permissible range. The concentration of Fe and Cr is very high and could constitute some health hazards in some sources. The temporal variation of the water quality parameters did not follow any definite trend but the pH, NO3, TDS, HCO3, SO4, Fe, Cr were highest in the dry months of April and December, while Ca, Mg, K, Na, hardness, and alkalinity were highest in the rainy months of June and August. The percentage of microbial distribution was highest in the months of June in the boreholes and the spring but the distribution in the dugwells was entirely different. The water from the boreholes and dugwells were generally soft and should be checked for plumbo-solvency. It is recommended that a routine monitoring of all the sources should be carried out and a treatment that will reduce the heavy metals concentrations be enforced. Keywords: Groundwater resources, physico-chemical parameters, temporal variations, dugwells, boreholes and spring


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    The primary aim of this survey was to examine the effect of accessibility to mobile telecommunication service on the adoption of e-learning in tertiary educational institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria. One hundred students of the University of Lagos and Lagos State University were randomly selected and administered questionnaire at pilot stage. Two hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and parametric statistical tool for correlational analysis. The results revealed that there is significant relationship between accessibility to mobile telecom service and adoption of e-learning on one hand; and quality of mobile service delivery and adoption of e-learning on the other hand (at .05 level of significance). It was recommended that telecom service providers should make improved value-added data services accessible and affordable to their subscribers so as to enhance the adoption of e-learning in line with the best global practices

    Spatial and temporal variability in dissolved oxygen content of Asoro stream, in south western Nigeria

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    This study examined the spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in Asoro stream, the self-recovery ability of the stream of the effluent discharges with a view to providing a baseline information on quality of water in Asoro stream. DO is a measure of the ability of water to sustain aquatic life, it is important in water pollution control and waste water treatment process control. Samples were collected from fifteen sampling points along the Asoro stream at 500 m intervals over a 5000 m stretch for twelve-months. The DO, Biochemical Oxygen Demand and some other physico-chemical parameters of water were determined using standard methods. The hydrographic characteristics of the stream were; width (0.8 to 5.8 m), depth (0.1 to 0.55 m), discharge (0.30 to 0.52 ms -1 ), flow rate 0.07 to 0.0.73 m3 /s. The temporal variation in DO concentration in Asoro stream fluctuated from the first week of sampling to 25th week after with a peak range of concentration (7.46 mg/L to 10.12 mg/L) between 27th week and 39th week of sampling suggesting high level of organic pollution. The mean spatial distribution of DO at each station changed slightly between the point of brewery effluent discharge and 5000 m away. Regression analysis showed that there was no significant relationship (P≥ 0.05) between time (weeks) and DO concentration along Asoro stream. The study concluded that release of organic matter from industrial effluent affects the DO and BOD concentrations of Asoro stream.Keywords: Dissolved oxygen, Temporal, Spatial, Asoro stream, self- recover


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    Urbanization is synonymous with environmental challenges. fn developing countries, the challenges have assumed higher dimension sproportionally due to multifarious issues of rapid changes in the environment,due to development, through population growth and industrialization, and accompanied by all kinds of pollution such as air pollution, waste disposal, land use degradation, and vehicular pollution as the resultant effects of man\u27s interaction with the environment. The main characteristic effect is the raised temperature of the city centre (UHf) leading to excessive energy usefor cooling and putting urban population at great morbidity and mortality risks. This paper literally explores the conceptualframework of interaction between urbanization structure and understanding social impacts of climate change and variabilityfor the evaluation of strategies in the urbanized environment that might serve as adaptive response to climate change. The urbanizationstructure that affects Lagos state is discussed in relation to the location of the city, the size, thepopulation density, urban geometry, thermalproperty, air pollution, land usepattern, wind speed and anthropogenic activities. The study revealed that climate change is posing increasing challengesfor cities placing greater stress and impacts on multiple social and biophysical systems, including urban infrastructure, water and energy demand simultaneously,followed by a strong global trend towards urbanization of urbanpoverty. The study concluded that climate change has impacted greatly on virtually all the socio-economic aspects of man


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    Urbanization is synonymous with environmental challenges. In developing countries, thechallenges have assumed higher dimensions proportionally due to multifarious issues of rapidchanges in the environment, due to development, through population growth andindustrialization, and accompanied by all kinds of pollution such as air pollution, wastedisposal, land use degradation, and vehicular pollution as the resultant effects of man’sinteraction with the environment. The main characteristic effect is the raised temperature of thecity centre (UHI) leading to excessive energy use for cooling and putting urban population atgreat morbidity and mortality risks. This paper literally explores the conceptual framework ofinteraction between urbanization structure and understanding social impacts of climate changeand variability for the evaluation of strategies in the urbanized environment that might serve asadaptive response to climate change. The urbanization structure that affects Lagos state isdiscussed in relation to the location of the city, the size, the population density, urbangeometry, thermal property, air pollution, land use pattern, wind speed and anthropogenicactivities. The study revealed that climate change is posing increasing challenges for citiesplacing greater stress and impacts on multiple social and biophysical systems, including urbaninfrastructure, water and energy demand simultaneously, followed by a strong global trendtowards urbanization of urban poverty. The study concluded that climate change has impactedgreatly on virtually all the socio-economic aspects of man

    Evaluation of Selected Theories as Applicable to Marketing and Consumer Research

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    This article reviewed a number of theories that are applicable to marketing and consumer research. It evaluated the scientific theoretical approach to the verifiability and reliability of the marketing concepts as guards against bias, preservation and prejudice. The article also appraised the applicability of cognitive dissonance, perception, internationalization, schema, social responsibility, innovation – diffusion, social exchange, uses and gratification theories to the analyses in marketing science. The article concluded that the selected theories have predictive power: when outcomes are perceived to be greater, individuals disclose more. The theoretical propositions with the theories are consistent with each other. These theories generate new hypotheses, therefore expanding the range of potential knowledge and organizing existing knowledge. Keywords: marketing research, marketing science, marketing theories, theoretical foundation
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