62 research outputs found

    The Case for Fungal Keratitis to Be Accepted as a Neglected Tropical Disease

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    Amongst the treatable cause of blindness among young people, fungal keratitis ranks high. There are an estimated 1,051,787 to 1,480,916 eyes affected annually, with 8-11% of patients having to have the eye removed. Diagnosis requires a corneal scraping, direct microscopy and fungal culture with a large number of airborne fungi implicated. Treatment involves the intensive application of antifungal eye drops, preferably natamycin, often combined with surgery. In low-resource settings, inappropriate corticosteroid eye drops, ineffective antibacterial therapy, diagnostic delay or no diagnosis all contribute to poor ocular outcomes with blindness (unilateral or bilateral) common. Modern detailed guidelines on fungal keratitis diagnosis and management are lacking. Here, we argue that fungal keratitis should be included as a neglected tropical disease, which would facilitate greater awareness of the condition, improved diagnostic capability, and access to affordable antifungal eye medicine

    WHO global research priorities for antimicrobial resistance in human health

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    The WHO research agenda for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human health has identified 40 research priorities to be addressed by the year 2030. These priorities focus on bacterial and fungal pathogens of crucial importance in addressing AMR, including drug-resistant pathogens causing tuberculosis. These research priorities encompass the entire people-centred journey, covering prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of antimicrobial-resistant infections, in addition to addressing the overarching knowledge gaps in AMR epidemiology, burden and drivers, policies and regulations, and awareness and education. The research priorities were identified through a multistage process, starting with a comprehensive scoping review of knowledge gaps, with expert inputs gathered through a survey and open call. The priority setting involved a rigorous modified Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative approach, ensuring global representation and applicability of the findings. The ultimate goal of this research agenda is to encourage research and investment in the generation of evidence to better understand AMR dynamics and facilitate policy translation for reducing the burden and consequences of AMR

    Fluconazole Resistance among Oral Candida Isolates from People Living with HIV/AIDS in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital

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    Oropharyngeal candidiasis, a common fungal infection in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), arises from Candida species colonizing the oral cavity. Fluconazole is the preferred treatment and is often used empirically. Few studies have investigated the prevalence of fluconazole resistance in Nigeria. This study aimed at determining the burden of fluconazole resistance among Candida species in the oral cavities of PLWHA. We sampled the oral cavities of 350 HIV-infected adults and an equal number of HIV-negative controls. Candida isolates were identified using germ tube tests, CHROMagar Candida (CHROMagar, Paris, France), and API Candida yeast identification system (BioMĂ©rieux, Marcy-l’Étoile, France). Fluconazole susceptibility was determined using the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute disc diffusion method. Data were analysed using SPSS version 21 (IBM, New York, NY, USA). The significance level was set at p ≀ 0.05. The isolation rates for Candida amongst HIV-infected subjects and controls were 20.6% and 3.4%, respectively (p < 0.001). In PLWHA, Candida albicans was most frequently isolated (81.3%) and fluconazole resistance was present in 18 (24%) of the 75 Candida isolates. Resistance to fluconazole was present in half of the non-albicans Candida isolates. Fluconazole resistance is prevalent among oral Candida isolates in PLWHA in the study area with a significantly higher rate among non-albicans Candida spp

    Global and Multi-National Prevalence of Fungal Diseases—Estimate Precision

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    Fungal diseases kill more than 1.5 million and affect over a billion people. However, they are still a neglected topic by public health authorities even though most deaths from fungal diseases are avoidable. Serious fungal infections occur as a consequence of other health problems including asthma, AIDS, cancer, organ transplantation and corticosteroid therapies. Early accurate diagnosis allows prompt antifungal therapy; however this is often delayed or unavailable leading to death, serious chronic illness or blindness. Recent global estimates have found 3,000,000 cases of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, ~223,100 cases of cryptococcal meningitis complicating HIV/AIDS, ~700,000 cases of invasive candidiasis, ~500,000 cases of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, ~250,000 cases of invasive aspergillosis, ~100,000 cases of disseminated histoplasmosis, over 10,000,000 cases of fungal asthma and ~1,000,000 cases of fungal keratitis occur annually. Since 2013, the Leading International Fungal Education (LIFE) portal has facilitated the estimation of the burden of serious fungal infections country by country for over 5.7 billion people (>80% of the world’s population). These studies have shown differences in the global burden between countries, within regions of the same country and between at risk populations. Here we interrogate the accuracy of these fungal infection burden estimates in the 43 published papers within the LIFE initiative

    HIV-Associated Cryptococcal Disease in Resource-Limited Settings: A Case for “Prevention Is Better Than Cure”?

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    Cryptococcal disease remains a significant source of global morbidity and mortality for people living with HIV, especially in resource-limited settings. The recently updated estimate of cryptococcal disease revealed a global incidence of 223,100 cases annually with 73% of these cases being diagnosed in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, 75% of the estimated 181,100 deaths associated with cryptococcal disease occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Point-of-care diagnostic assays have revolutionised the diagnosis of this deadly opportunistic infection. The theory of asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenaemia as a forerunner to symptomatic meningitis and death has been conclusively proven. Thus, cryptococcal antigenaemia screening coupled with pre-emptive antifungal therapy has been demonstrated as a cost-effective strategy with survival benefits and has been incorporated into HIV national guidelines in several countries. However, this is yet to be implemented in a number of other high HIV burden countries. Flucytosine-based combination therapy during the induction phase is associated with improved survival, faster cerebrospinal fluid sterilisation and fewer relapses. Flucytosine, however, is unavailable in many parts of the world. Studies are ongoing on the efficacy of shorter regimens of amphotericin B. Early diagnosis, proactive antifungal therapy with concurrent management of raised intracranial pressure creates the potential to markedly reduce mortality associated with this disease

    Candidaemia in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria

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    Background: Candidaemia is a widely-studied and reviewed topic in the developed world; however, there is a dearth of information on nosocomial candidaemia in Nigeria, despite the increasing use of more invasive therapeutic modalities, immunosuppressive agents and increasing incidence of immunosuppression as a result of malignancies and HIV. Objectives: To determine the hospital-based frequency of candidaemia in a tertiary hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria. Method: This was a prospective descriptive study which included 230 immunosuppressed patients. All isolates were identified to the species level using both conventional and automated methods. Thereafter, all Candida species isolated were tested for antifungal susceptibility using the broth microdilution method. Results: Candidaemia occurred in 12 (5.21%) of the 230 study patients, with C. tropicalis accounting for 50% of the infections. Four patients (33.3%) presented with C. parapsilosis, one (8.3%) with C. albicans and one (8.3%) with a mixed infection of C. albicans and C. tropicalis. All 12 isolates were sensitive to fluconazole (minimal inhibitory concentration < 8 mg/mL). Univariate analysis revealed that old age, multiple surgeries and long-term hospitalisation were significant contributing factors for the occurrence of candidaemia. Eleven (91.7%) of the 12 patients with candidaemia had Candida colonisation of other sterile sites including the bladder, peritoneum and trachea. Furthermore, bivariate analysis revealed that mucositis (p = 0.019) and diarrhoea (p = 0.017) were significantly associated with an increased risk of candidaemia. The crude mortality rate of candidaemia was 91.7%. Conclusion: This study highlights the significance of nosocomial candidaemia and the need for proactive laboratory investigation and clinical management of this life-threatening disease

    Car windshield fragments as cheap alternative glass beads for homogenization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cultures in a resource-limited setting

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    Tuberculosis is a global health problem which has been compounded by the emergence and rapid spread of drug resistant strains. Phenotypic drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis usually requires homogenization of cultures using 3–5 mm glass beads. In resource limited settings, these important material may either not be readily available in the country as in our case requiring that one orders them from abroad or they may be too expensive. In both situations, this would impact on the usually lean budget. In our centre were we recently introduced tuberculosis culture and drug susceptibility testing using the Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility (MODS) technique, we successfully used glass fragments from a broken car windshield obtained from a mechanic workshop to homogenize solid cultures to prepare positive controls. All cultures homogenized with these local beads gave consistent MODS results. The challenge of the limited availability of resources for research in resource limited settings can be met by adapting available materials to achieve results
