11 research outputs found

    Participación social y calidad en los servicios de salud: la experiencia del aval ciudadano en México

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar la experiencia del aval ciudadano en el sistema de salud mexicano en la mejora de los servicios de salud. METODOS: Estudio de corte cualitativo en ocho estados de México en 2008. Se evaluaron diferentes aspectos del programa nacional para mejorar la calidad de los servicios de salud. Se compara la estrategia de México con otras experiencias en América Latina. RESULTADOS: Se exponen los avances y problemas del funcionamiento del aval ciudadano, figura que promueve la participación social en salud de la población. CONCLUSIONES: El aval ciudadano es una figura con gran potencial para representar a los usuarios en los servicios de salud y transmitir sus demandas de mejora de la calidad de la atención médica

    Measuring socio-demographic differences in volunteers with a value-based index: illustration in a mega event

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    The phenomenon of volunteering can be analysed as a consumer experience through the concept of value as a trade-off between benefits and costs. In event volunteering, both the expected value (pre-experienced) and the perceived value (post-experienced) of volunteering can be assessed. With this purpose, an online quantitative survey is conducted with a sample of 711 volunteers in a religious mega event, with questions related to five dimensions of their experience: efficiency, social value, play, spirituality and time spent. These five scales, properly tested are used for building a multidimensional index of both the expected and perceived value of the volunteer experience. ANOVAs test show significant differences on the index in both moments upon the socio-demographic profiles: negative expectations/experience balance by age, contrasted results by sex, and more experienced volunteers being more critical with the value experienced. Implications for event managers are proposed, in line with the motivation of volunteers

    Estudo de satisfação dos beneficiários de planos de saúde de hospitais filantrópicos Consumer satisfaction study in philanthropic hospital health plans

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    Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa que tem por objetivo identificar e analisar os argumentos e raciocínios que justificam a satisfação dos beneficiários com os planos. A metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa utilizada no estudo se baseia na técnica de discussão em grupo (focus group) para cuja realização foram definidos: os critérios para a escolha dos planos analisados pelos grupos de discussão, a definição da distribuição e da composição dos grupos, a técnica de recrutamento, a infra-estrutura e a dinâmica dos encontros. Os beneficiários podem ser classificados em grupos de acordo com a classe social que pertencem, o local de moradia e, principalmente, a relação que estabelecem com a administração do plano, o que nos possibilitou elaborar uma tipologia de beneficiários dos planos. Inicialmente, apresentamos como os beneficiários vêem e utilizam o SUS e, a partir dos tipos de planos, foi possível avaliarmos a satisfação dos beneficiários com os diversos aspectos do serviço de saúde e identificar que aspectos mais contribuem para a satisfação dos usuários.<br>This paper presents the findings of research aimed at identifying and analyzing the argumentation and rationale that justify the satisfaction of consumers with their health plans. The qualitative method applied used the focus group technique, for which the following aspects were defined: the criteria for choosing the health plans which were considered, the composition of the group and its distribution, recruitment strategy, and infrastructure and dynamics of the meetings. The health plan beneficiaries were classified into groups according to their social class, the place where they lived, mainly, the relationship that they established with the health plan operators which enabled us to develop a typology for the plan beneficiaries. Initially, we indicated how the health plan beneficiaries assess and use the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), and, then, considering the types of plans defined, we evaluated their degree of satisfaction with the different aspects of health care, and identified which aspects mostly contributed explain their satisfaction