57 research outputs found

    Libro de texto y transmisión del sexismo en la ESO

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    La ideología es un sistema de creencias que define la identidad social de cada individuo y que se transmite mediante el discurso que nos rodean, entre ellos, los manuales presentes en la educación. Los libros de texto pueden estar influenciados por la ideología dominante de la sociedad. De este modo, pueden transmitir una ideología patriarcal basada en una visión androcéntrica de la realidad. Pese a que los últimos años las editoriales cuidan más este aspecto en sus libros escolares, los resultados han permitido observar que todavía podemos hallar sesgos sexistas en ellos. Por ello, en el presente trabajo se ha implementado una unidad didáctica con la que se ha demostrado que, en primer lugar, trabajar la capacidad crítica del alumnado mediante su libro de texto permite que estos reflexionen sobre los discursos que producen y consumen y, en segundo lugar, que las variables sexo, edad, y origen familiar influyen en la percepción del sexismo lingüístico.Ideologia hizkeraren bitartez transmititzen den eta gizaki bakoitzaren identitatea finkatzen duen pentsaera da. Klaseko liburuek ideologia patriarkalaren eragina izan dezakete eta, ondorioz, errealitatearen ikuspegi androzentrikoa erakutsi soilik. Azken urteotan, argitaletxeek haien liburuen hizkera zaintzen aritu dira. Hala eta guztiz ere, emaitzek ondorioztatu dute oraindik ere aurki ditzakegula ezaugarri sexistak eskola liburuetan. Horregatik, lan honek honako ondorio hauek izan dituen unitate didaktikoa diseinatu du: alde batetik, testu liburuen bitartez ikasleen ahalmen kritikoa landu daitekeela frogatu du eta, beste alde batetik, adin, sexu eta familia-jatorri aldagaiek sexismoaren pertzepzioan eragina dutela baieztatu du.The ideology is a belief system that define the social identity of each person and which is transferred by the speech. The class books can be influenced by the dominant ideology of society, so they can transfer an andocentric view. In spite of publishing houses take more care of this in their books, the results have shown that we can still find sexist biases in them. That’s the reason why the present work has designed a teaching unit that has shown, firstly, that if we work the critical ability of students, they can be able to reflect on the discourses they produce and consume, and secondly, that the variable of gender, age and family origin influence on the perception of linguistic sexism.Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria por la Universidad Pública de NavarraBigarren Hezkuntzako Irakasletzako Unibertsitate Masterra Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Software de procesado de imágenes astronómicas mediante lucky-imaging: PLAYLIST2.0 de PlanetCam UPV/EHU

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    La observación astronómica es un campo que presenta una serie de desafíos. Un problema común a todos los telescopios es los defectos inducidos por el uso de componentes electrónicos. Los detectores, tanto CMOs como los CCD, tienen un efecto en las imágenes debido a su temperatura, este defecto precisa de un procesado llamado dark en referencia a la corriente de oscuridad que genera ruido en la imagen. Por otro lado, elementos ópticos y filtros deforman la imagen, lo que hace necesario otro procesado denominado flat. Además, en telescopios terrestres se le añade el problema de las turbulencias atmosféricas, esto hace que las imágenes precisen de técnicas de tratamiento para corregir los defectos que añade a las mismas. En este proyecto se realizan mejoras dentro del entorno PLAYLIST desarrollado en el lenguaje IDL. El objetivo de este programa es la mejora de imágenes astronómicas mediante su procesado. Se ha desarrollado una serie de mejoras en el procesado individual de Darks y Flats que permiten la automatización del programa. Además, se realizan retoques en otros aspectos además del añadido de una serie de funcionalidades extra. Este conjunto de cambios hace de PLAYLIST una herramienta que permite tratar imágenes astronómicas en tiempos relativamente cortos.Behaketa astronomikoa hainbat erronka aurkezten dituen eremua da. Teleskopio guztietan gertatzen den arazoa osagai elektronikoen erabilerak eragindako akatsak dira. Detektagailuek, CMOs eta CCD-ek, tenperatura dela-eta eragina dute irudietan. Akats honek Dark izeneko prozesamenduaren beharra dauka, irudien zarata sortzen duen iluntasun korronteari erreferentzia eginez. Bestalde, lurreko teleskopioetan atmosferako turbulentziaren arazoa gehitzen da. Arazo haiek guztiek, irudien tratamendu teknikak eskatzen dizkie denak zuzendu ahal izateko. Proiektu honetan IDL hizkuntzan garatutako PLAYLIST ingurune barruan hobekuntzak egiten dira. Programa honen helburua irudi astronomikoak hobetzea da, horiek prozesatuz. Programaren automatizazioa ahalbidetzen duten banakako Dark eta Flat prozesamenduan hainbat hobekuntza garatu dira. Horretaz gain, funtzionalitate gehigarri batzuk gehitzeaz gain, beste zenbait alderdietan aldaketa txiki batzuk egin daitezke Aldaketa multzo horri esker, PLAYLIST denbora nahiko laburrean irudi astronomikoak prozesatzeko aukera ematen duen tresna da.Astronomical observation is a field that presents several challenges. A common problem in all telescopes is the defects induced by using electronic components. The detectors, both CMOs and CCDs, influence the images due to their temperature, this defect requires a processing called dark processing in reference to the dark current that generates noise in the image. On the other hand, optical elements and filters deform the image, which requires another processing called flat. In addition, in terrestrial telescopes, the problem of atmospheric turbulence is added, which means that the images require processing techniques to correct the defects that it adds to them. In this project, improvements are made within the PLAYLIST environment developed in the IDL language. The aim of this program is to improve astronomical images by processing them. A series of improvements have been developed in the individual processing of darks and flats that allow the program to be automated. In addition, several other aspects have been tweaked and a few extra functionalities have been added. This set of changes makes PLAYLIST a tool that allows to process astronomical images in relatively short times

    Treatment effectiveness for male intimate partner violence perpetrators depending on problematic alcohol use

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    Background: Problematic alcohol use (PAU) is highly correlated with intimate partner violence perpetration (IPV). However, when treatments for male IPV perpetrators that address alcohol consumption are evaluated, the results are varied. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to assess the differential long-term effectiveness of a standard individual treatment programme for male IPV perpetrators depending on the presence of PAU. Methods: The sample was composed of 641 male IPV perpetrators who completed a specialized individual treatment programme for gender violence perpetrators. All of the participants were followed for one year after treatment completion. Results: The effects of PAU on treatment success were evaluated by means of multiple logistic regression analyses. The full model was reliable (χ2 = 10.243; df = 3; p = .016), and overall, 88.8% of the predictions were accurate. The findings indicated that the probability of successful treatment does not depend on the presence of PAU. Conclusions: The relationship between IPV perpetration and PAU is highly complex, and several underlying mechanisms should be further evaluated. Accordingly, interventions should not only screen for alcohol consumption but also for all individual characteristics that might necessitate tailored treatment

    Sexual Functioning, Desire, and Satisfaction in Women with TBI and Healthy Controls

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can substantially alter many areas of a person\u27s life and there has been little research published regarding sexual functioning in women with TBI. Methods. A total of 58 women (29 with TBI and 29 healthy controls) from Neiva, Colombia, participated. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in sociodemographic characteristics. All 58 women completed the Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire (SQoL), Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI), Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI), and the Sexual Satisfaction Index (ISS). Results. Women with TBI scored statistically significantly lower on the SQoL (p \u3c 0.001), FSFI subscales of desire (p \u3c 0.05), arousal (p \u3c 0.05), lubrication (p \u3c 0.05), orgasm (p \u3c 0.05), and satisfaction (p \u3c 0.05), and the ISS (p \u3c 0.001) than healthy controls. Multiple linear regressions revealed that age was negatively associated with some sexuality measures, while months since the TBI incident were positively associated with these variables. Conclusion. These results disclose that women with TBI do not fare as well as controls in these measures of sexual functioning and were less sexually satisfied. Future research is required to further understand the impact of TBI on sexual function and satisfaction to inform for rehabilitation programs

    Longitudinal Growth Curve Trajectories of Family Dynamics after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury in Mexico

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    Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a serious public health concern. Family members are often caregivers for children with TBI, which can result in a significant strain on familial relationships. Research is needed to examine aspects of family functioning in the context of recovery post-TBI, especially in Latin America, where cultural norms may reinforce caregiving by family members, but where resources for these caregivers may be scarce. This study examined caregiver-reported family satisfaction, communication, cohesion, and flexibility at three time points in the year post-injury for 46 families of a child with TBI in comparison to healthy control families. Families experiencing pediatric TBI were recruited from a large hospital in Guadalajara, Mexico, while healthy controls were recruited from a local educational center. Results from multilevel growth curve models demonstrated that caregivers of children with a TBI reported significantly worse family functioning than controls at each assessment. Families experiencing pediatric TBI were unable to attain the level of functioning of controls during the time span studied, suggesting that these families are likely to experience long-term disruptions in family functioning. The current study highlights the need for family-level intervention programs to target functioning for families affected by pediatric TBI who are at risk for difficulties within a rehabilitation context.This study was supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Academic Affiliations Advanced Fellowship Program in Mental Illness Research and Treatment, the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Affairs Central Virginia Health Care System, and the Department of Veterans Affairs Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC). Ramos-Usuga, D. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government (PRE_2019_1_0164)

    Group-level progressive alterations in brain connectivity patterns revealed by diffusion-tensor brain networks across severity stages in Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronically progressive neurodegenerative disease highly correlated to aging. Whether AD originates by targeting a localized brain area and propagates to the rest of the brain across disease-severity progression is a question with an unknown answer. Here, we aim to provide an answer to this question at the group-level by looking at differences in diffusion-tensor brain networks. In particular, making use of data from Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), four different groups were defined (all of them matched by age, sex and education level): G1 (N1 = 36, healthy control subjects, Control), G2 (N2 = 36, early mild cognitive impairment, EMCI), G3 (N3 = 36, late mild cognitive impairment, LMCI) and G4 (N4 = 36, AD). Diffusion-tensor brain networks were compared across three disease stages: stage I (Control vs. EMCI), stage II (Control vs. LMCI) and stage III (Control vs. AD). The group comparison was performed using the multivariate distance matrix regression analysis, a technique that was born in genomics and was recently proposed to handle brain functional networks, but here applied to diffusion-tensor data. The results were threefold: First, no significant differences were found in stage I. Second, significant differences were found in stage II in the connectivity pattern of a subnetwork strongly associated to memory function (including part of the hippocampus, amygdala, entorhinal cortex, fusiform gyrus, inferior and middle temporal gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus and temporal pole). Third, a widespread disconnection across the entire AD brain was found in stage III, affecting more strongly the same memory subnetwork appearing in stage II, plus the other new subnetworks, including the default mode network, medial visual network, frontoparietal regions and striatum. Our results are consistent with a scenario where progressive alterations of connectivity arise as the disease severity increases and provide the brain areas possibly involved in such a degenerative process. Further studies applying the same strategy to longitudinal data are needed to fully confirm this scenario

    Early Predictors of Employment Status One Year Post Injury in Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury in Europe

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    Sustaining a traumatic brain injury (TBI) often affects the individual's ability to work, reducing employment rates post-injury across all severities of TBI. The objective of this multi-country study was to assess the most relevant early predictors of employment status in individuals after TBI at one-year post-injury in European countries. Using a prospective longitudinal non-randomized observational cohort (The Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI) project), data was collected between December 2014-2019 from 63 trauma centers in 18 European countries. The 1015 individuals who took part in this study were potential labor market participants, admitted to a hospital and enrolled within 24 h of injury with a clinical TBI diagnosis and indication for a computed tomography (CT) scan, and followed up at one year. Results from a binomial logistic regression showed that older age, status of part-time employment or unemployment at time of injury, premorbid psychiatric problems, and higher injury severity (as measured with higher Injury severity score (ISS), lower Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), and longer length of stay (LOS) in hospital) were associated with higher unemployment probability at one-year after injury. The study strengthens evidence for age, employment at time of injury, premorbid psychiatric problems, ISS, GCS, and LOS as important predictors for employment status one-year post-TBI across Europe