25 research outputs found

    Kumlu Tın Bünyeli Bir Toprağın C ve N-Dinamiği Üzerine Ham ve Arıtılmış Zeytin Karasuyunun Etkileri

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    Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is characterized by high pollutant load and phytotoxic levels of polyphenols, but also a high amount of organic compounds and plant mineral nutrients. For this reason, there is a potential to be used as a material improving soil after treated. In this study, OMW treated with two different treatment processes (economic pre-treatment and advanced treatment process) and untreated OMW were applied to a sandy loam texture soil at the rates of 0, 50, 100, 150 m3 ha-1 and the changes in C-and N-dynamics of soil and some chemical properties were determined. The experiment was carried out in total period of 90 days of incubation under laboratory conditions. Amendment with untreated and treated wastewaters increased the contents of total organic C (TOC), total N (TON), soluble- C (SOL-C), microbial biomass-C and N (MB-C and MB-N) and available P and K, but inorganic-N (INOR-N) pool decreased due to N-immobilization. The highest the ratios of MB-C/TOC, SOL-C/TOC and MB-N/TON were determined at the low OMW rates and the highest INOR-N/TON at the control and highest untreated OMW rate. These results showed that microbial biomass increased at 50 and 100 m3 ha-1 OMW rates but C-and N-dynamics of soil negatively were affected by 150 m3 ha-1 OMW applications. The fact that OMW that are minimized phenol and organic C load are applied to soils at not exceeding 100 m3 ha-1 rate may be considered to be a good strategy for recycling this waste.Zeytin karasuyu, yüksek kirlilik yükü ve içerdiği polifenollerden dolayı fitotoksik etkilere sahip fakat bununla beraber organik bileşikler ve bitki besin elementleri yönünden de zengin bir atık su özelliğindedir. Bu nedenle belli düzeyde bir arıtımdan geçtikten sonra toprak ıslah maddesi olarak kullanılabilme potansiyeli bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; zeytinyağı üretimi sırasında ortaya çıkan ham karasu ve iki farklı yöntem (ekonomik ön arıtma ve ileri arıtma tekniği) ile arıtılmış karasu kumlu tın bünyeli bir toprağa 50, 100 ve 150 m3 ha-1 dozlarında uygulanmış ve toprağın C ve N-dinamiği ile bazı kimyasal özelliklerinde meydana getirdiği değişimler incelenmiştir. Deneme laboratuvar koşullarında 90 günlük bir inkübasyon denemesi olarak yürütülmüştür. Gerek arıtılmış ve gerekse arıtılmamış zeytin karasu uygulamaları toprağın toplam organik-C (TOC), toplam N (TON), çözünebilir-C (ÇÖZ-C), mikrobiyal biyokütle-C ve-N (MB-C ve MB-N), alınabilir P ve K miktarlarını artırmış fakat N-immobilizasyonundan dolayı inorganik-N (İNOR-N) havuzunu küçültmüştür. En yüksek MB-C/TOC, ÇÖZ-C/TOC ve MB-N/TON oranları karasu uygulamalarının ilk dozlarında, en yüksek İNOR-N/TON oranları ise, kontrol ve en yüksek ham karasu uygulamalarında saptanmıştır. Bu sonuçlar karasuyun 50 ve 100 m3 ha-1 uygulamalarında topraktaki mikrobiyal biyokütlenin arttığını fakat 150 m3 ha-1 karasu uygulamasında topraktaki C ve N-dinamiğinin olumsuz etkilendiğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Fenol ve organik C yükünün azaltıldığı arıtılmış karasuların100 m3 ha-1’ı geçmeyecek dozlardaki uygulamalarının bu atığın değerlendirilmesinde iyi bir geri dönüşüm stratejisi olabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Toprak Solucanları ile Kompostlaştırılmış Tütün Atıklarının Vermikompost Olarak Değerinin Belirlenmesi

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    It is the fact that composting is one of the most successful method for re- entering organic waste in the natural cycle. Vermicomposting method which has more advantages than traditional or aerobic composting, has found a large application area in recent years. the purpose of this incubation experiment was investigated to determine the possibilities of obtaining vermicompost by Eisenia fetida derived from tobacco waste which is not being able to directly use in agricultural soils, alone and mixing with certain proportion of horse manure and to change in biochemical properties of vermicompost formation process. Organic waste was being vermicomposted during 3 months. Samples were taken on 30th day, 60th day and 90th day in order to analyze for chemical, microbial and biochemical parameters. A decrease occurred in biochemical parameters analyzed in the vermicompost samples. the highest enzyme activity was detected in the mid-samples, and the lowest activity was found in the first samples. Humification index value of the vermicomposts was significantly greater than 5. This expected situation indicated the stabilization process did not occur in the vermicomposting process. It is a better approach pre-test will be performed to determine the composting methods which permit the return of needed organic matter and nutrients into the food chain.Organik atıkların sürdürülebilir bir şekilde tekrar doğal döngüye dahil edilmesinde en başarılı yöntemlerden birisinin kompostlaştırma olduğu bir gerçektir. Geleneksel kompostlamaya oranla belirgin üstünlükleri bulunan vermikompostlama yöntemi son yıllarda büyük bir uygulama alanı bulmuştur. Bu düşünce göz önüne alınarak tesis edilen bu inkübasyon denemesinin amacı; tarım topraklarında doğrudan kullanımı mümkün olmayan tütün atığının tek başına ve belirli oranda at gübresi ile karıştırılması suretiyle Eisenia fetida solucanı vasıtasıyla vermikompost elde edilme olanaklarının araştırılması ve vermikompost oluşum sürecinin biyokimyasal özelliklerdeki değişimler açısından incelenmesidir. 3 ay süre ile vermikompostlama işlemine tabi tutulan atıklarda kimyasal, mikrobiyal ve biyokimyasal parametreler 30.gün, 60.gün ve 90.gün de alınan örneklerde analiz edilmiştir. Solucanlar aracılığıyla yapılan kompostlama işleminde analiz edilen biyokimyasal parametreler açısından bir azalma meydana gelmiştir. En yüksek enzim aktiviteleri 60.gün örneklerinde saptanırken, en düşük aktivite 30.gün örneklerinde bulunmuştur. Kompost materyallerin stabilite parametrelerinden olan humifikasyon indeksi değeri, vermikompost örneklerinde 5 değerinin üzerinde saptanmıştır. Bu durum beklenildiği şekilde vermikompostlaşma süreci içerisinde stabilizasyon işleminin meydana gelmediğini göstermektedir. Besin zincirine ihtiyaç duyulan organik madde ve besin maddelerinin dönüşüne olanak sağlayan kompostlaştırma işleminde; ham materyallerin özelliklerine bağlı olarak geleneksel kompostlama ya da vermikompostlama yöntemlerinin hangisinin kullanılması gerektiğine yapılan ön denemeler ile karar vermek daha doğru bir yaklaşım olacaktır

    Thermal stress analysis in ZrO2 insulation coatings on Cr-Ni substrates during cooling process

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    In this study, thermal stresses analysis of ZrO2 insulation coatings on Cr-Ni substrate during the cooling process was investigated. A transient thermal analysis was performed using finite element method (FEM) via ANSYS software. The temperature versus the time curve obtained from FEM solution was controlled with the temperaturetime diagram measured by a thermocouple. The results obtained from the numerical calculations were improved by the experimental measurement. Additionally, residual stresses were calculated by FEM solutions and they were compared in different points. The compressive and tensile stresses occurred in ZrO2 coating and Cr-Ni substrate owing to the different thermal expansion coefficients in each material, respectively. © Association for Scientific Research

    Thermal Stress Analysis in ZrO2 Insulation Coatings on Cr-Ni Substrates during Cooling Process

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    In this study, thermal stresses analysis of ZrO2 insulation coatings on Cr-Ni substrate during the cooling process was investigated. A transient thermal analysis was performed using finite element method (FEM) via ANSYS software. The temperature versus the time curve obtained from FEM solution was controlled with the temperaturetime diagram measured by a thermocouple. The results obtained from the numerical calculations were improved by the experimental measurement. Additionally, residual stresses were calculated by FEM solutions and they were compared in different points. The compressive and tensile stresses occurred in ZrO2 coating and Cr-Ni substrate owing to the different thermal expansion coefficients in each material, respectively

    Case Report - Chondrosarcoma in the forefoot

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    Chondrosarcoma is a tumour rarely seen in the foot. An 18-year-old male patient visited our clinic with the complaints of swelling and pain in his right foot. On plain radiographs, there were lytic areas in the fifth metatarsal and the fourth and fifth fingers of the right foot. Computerized tomography revealed that there were mass lesions in the fourth and fifth fingers\u2032 phalanges, causing a wearing off irregularly limited to adjacent fat plans and hypodense calcifications the fifth metatarsus, occurring destruction in bone. An open biopsy was taken from the region of the lesion under local anaesthesia. Histopathological diagnosis was reported as low-grade chondrosarcoma. We applied ray amputation to the patient under general anaesthesia from the fourth finger disarticulation and the fifth metatarsus. In a 3-year follow-up, no local recurrence and metastasis were observed. The difference of our case from the ones reported in the literature is that the patient was young (18-year-old) and had a lesion involving two different compartments synchronously as localization

    Case Report - Chondrosarcoma in the forefoot

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    Chondrosarcoma is a tumour rarely seen in the foot. An 18-year-old male patient visited our clinic with the complaints of swelling and pain in his right foot. On plain radiographs, there were lytic areas in the fifth metatarsal and the fourth and fifth fingers of the right foot. Computerized tomography revealed that there were mass lesions in the fourth and fifth fingers' phalanges, causing a wearing off irregularly limited to adjacent fat plans and hypodense calcifications the fifth metatarsus, occurring destruction in bone. An open biopsy was taken from the region of the lesion under local anaesthesia. Histopathological diagnosis was reported as low-grade chondrosarcoma. We applied ray amputation to the patient under general anaesthesia from the fourth finger disarticulation and the fifth metatarsus. In a 3-year follow-up, no local recurrence and metastasis were observed. The difference of our case from the ones reported in the literature is that the patient was young (18-year-old) and had a lesion involving two different compartments synchronously as localization