10 research outputs found

    Extracting Bankfull Widths and Stream Slopes from New England Rivers

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    The chief characteristic of this project was extracting measurements for New England rivers—specifically, bankfull widths and stream slopes—using high-resolution elevation data collected with remote-sensing technology in order to help increase the fidelity of remote-sensing measurements to field measurements. Remote sensing, such as the high-resolution lidar used in this study, is a highly useful emerging technology. Extracted river measurements are useful for determining transport characteristics of sediments and pollutants, gas exchange rates with the atmosphere, and flood risk. For this project I selected study sites from streams and rivers in the New England region; at those sites I compared bankfull widths extracted from remote sensing elevation data to previously collected field measurements in order to validate the remote sensing data. The results of this project indicate that remote sensing data is useful, but not yet up to par with field measurements at individual measurement locations. However, remote sensing dramatically increases the speed and scale of measuring river characteristics along the entire river length

    Selected Aspects of Performing the Personnel Function in Small Food Service Enterprises

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    Performing the personnel function in a small food service enterprise depends largely on how the human is ranked in the organization, as well as on the management staff’s approach to forming and exploiting the human potential. This involves creating favorable circumstances to perform this function, which entails examining specific variables (factors) that have an impact on how it is shaped. The study analyzes and assesses selected components of the personnel function in relation to food quality growth in small food service enterprises with use of the results of the empirical research conducted in restaurants located in Lower Silesia. The results obtained from the research were used as the basis for specifying the reality of performing the personnel function in the analyzed food service establishments

    Construction and analysis of a simplified many-body neutrino model

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    In dense neutrino systems, such as found in the early Universe, or near a supernova core, neutrino flavor evolution is affected by coherent neutrino-neutrino scattering. It has been recently suggested that many-particle quantum entanglement effects may play an essential role in these systems, potentially invalidating the traditional description in terms of a set of single-particle evolution equations. We model the neutrino system by a system of interacting spins, following an earlier work which showed that such a spin system can in some cases be solved exactly. We extend this work by constructing an exact analytical solution to a more general spin system, including initial states with asymmetric spin distribution and, moreover, not necessarily aligned along the same axis. Our solution exhibits a rich set of behaviors, including coherent oscillations and dephasing and a transition from the classical to quantum regimes. We argue that the classical evolution of the spin system captures the entire coherent behavior of the neutrino system, while the quantum effects in the spin system capture some, but not all, of the neutrino incoherent evolution. By comparing the spin and neutrino systems, we find no evidence for the violation of the accepted one-body description, though the argument involves some subtleties not appreciated before. The analysis in this paper may apply to other two-state systems beyond the neutrino field.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Comment on "Critique of the foundations of time-dependent density functional theory" [Phys. Rev.A. 75, 022513 (2007)]

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    A recent paper (Phys. Rev A. 75, 022513 (2007), arXiv:cond-mat/0602020) challenges exact time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) on several grounds. We explain why these criticisms are either irrelevant or incorrect, and that TDDFT is both formally exact and predictive.Comment: 4 pages; This is a Comment on the paper cited above, also at arXiv:cond-mat/060202

    Non-Boltzmann behaviour in models of interacting neutrinos

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    We reconsider the question of the relative importance of single particle effects and correlations in the solvable interacting neutrino models introduced by Friedland and Lunardini and by Bell, Rawlinson and Sawyer. We show, by an exact calculation, that the two particle correlations are not "small", and that they dominate the time evolution in these models, in spite of indications to the contrary from the rate of equilibration. This result holds even after the model in generalized from the original 2 flavor case to NN flavors. The failure of the Boltzmann single particle approximation in this model is tentatively attributed to the simplicity of the model, in particular to the assumption that all neutrinos in the initial state are in flavor eigenstates.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Industrial gas consumption and emission in controlled gas nitriding using the ZeroFlow process and other established processes

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    W pracy analizowano wpływ niektórych czynników determinujących zużycie amoniaku i azotu w dotychczas stosowanych procesach (klasycznym, Floe i Nitreg) oraz niedawno wprowadzonym do praktyki - azotowanie ZeroFlow. Analizowano te czynniki, na które użytkownicy azotowania mogą mieć pewien wpływ i poddawać je optymalizacji. Są to: temperatura procesu, potencjał atmosfery, budowa fazowa warstwy oraz stężenie azotu w warstwie przypowierzchniowej, jej grubość oraz rodzaj stosowanej atmosfery (NH3 , NH3 + NH3 zdys. i NH3 + N3). Wykazano, że najmniejsze zużycie i emisja gazów technicznych wykazuje proces o precyzyjnej regulacji . kinetyki wzrostu warstwy azotowanej w procesie z użyciem atmosfery 1-składnikowej - : samego amoniaku.This research studies the impact of certain factors on the consumption of ammonia and nitrogen in the established nitriding processes (classical, Floe and Nitreg) and the most recent - ZeroFlow nitriding process. Analyzed are the parameters that can be, to some degree, adjusted and optimized by the users. These include the temperature of the process, atmosphere potential, phase constitution, nitrogen concentration in the surface layer and its thickness, as well as the type of atmosphere (NH3, NH3 + dissociated NH3, and NH3 + N2). In conclusion, it is established that the lowest consumption and emission of the industrial gases is achieved in a process where a precise control over the kinetics of the layer growth is exercised and a unary atmosphere - ammonia - is employed