70 research outputs found

    Turkish Academics’ and Students’ Views of English Grammar Teaching: Explicit or Implicit?

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    The purpose of this study is to find out Turkish academics’ and students’ beliefs about the role of grammar teaching and their preferences for grammar instruction approaches (i.e. explicit or implicit). By comparing the views of these two groups, it attempts to reveal whether teachers and students have common and different perceptions towards the phenomenon of L2 grammar instruction. For this purpose, a two-stage study was designed. 49 Turkish academics teaching English at a state university in Turkey took part in the first stage. Their views about the role and way of grammar teaching were obtained mainly through a four-point Likert-type questionnaire, which consisted of 29 items with three sections (viz. Explicit instruction, Implicit instruction, and General attitudes to the teaching of grammar). The same questionnaire was adapted in a way that makes it possible to attain the views held by students. In the second stage, this questionnaire was applied to the students who were learning English as a foreign language at the same school. Open-ended questions were also added to teacher and student questionnaires in order to obtain the reasons for their preferences. The quantitative data were analysed and both groups’ replies were statistically compared.  Results showed that Turkish academics and students give great importance to grammar instruction, and they favour explicit grammar instruction rather than implicit grammar instruction. Keywords: English grammar teaching, explicit grammar instruction, implicit grammar instruction, academics’ views, students’ views

    Askin's Tumor in an Adult: Case Report and Findings on 18F-FDG PET/CT

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    Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of the chest wall or Askin's tumor is a rare neoplasm of chest wall. It most often affects children and adolescents and is a very rare tumor in adults. In this case report, we present an Askin's tumor occurred in a 73-year-old male. The patient was admitted with a history of 3-month lower back pain and cough. In computed tomography, there was a lesion with dimensions of 70 × 40 × 65 mm in the superior segment of the lower lobe of the left lung. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography with 18F-flourodeoxyglucose revealed a pleural-based tumor in the left lung with a maximum standardized uptake value of 4.36. No distant or lymph node metastases were present. The patient had gone through surgery, and wedge resection of the superior segment of left lobe and partial resection of the ipsilateral ribs were performed. Pathology report with immunocytochemistry was consistent with PNET and the patient received chemotherapy after that

    Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Imaging of a Patient with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Prostate

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    Primary squamous cell carcinoma is an uncommon tumor of the prostate gland. We report a 77-year-old male patient with urinary frequency and constipation. Fine needle biopsy from prostate was suspicious of squamous cell carcinoma of the prostate. Whole body positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan revealed high fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in prostate gland. Transurethral resection confirmed the diagnosis. In contrast to prostatic adenocarcinoma, high fluorodeoxyglucose accumulation was observed in the primary tumor of the prostate gland

    Serum IGF–1 levels of patients under went to percutan transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)

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    Rezumat. Introducere. Obiectivul studiului este de a determina relaţia dintre factorii de creştere similari insulinei (IGF-1) şi ateroscleroza coronariană. Materiale şi metode. În studiu au fost incluşi 30 de pacienţi cu angiografie coronariană normală şi 43 de pacienţi supuşi angioplastiei coronariene transluminale percutanate (PTCA). Grupurile de studiu au fost formate din bolnavi care s-au adresat la Departamentul de Cardiologie al Facultăţii de Medicină din cadrul GATA. Probele de sânge au fost recoltate din artera coronariană în prima etapă a angiografiei, înainte de introducerea substanţei de contrast. Rezultate. Nivelurile medii ale IGF-1 în primul grup cu angiografie coronariană normală şi în al doilea grup supus PTCA au fost 222,05, respectiv 686,15. Rezultatele erau semnificative sub aspect statistic. O creştere semnificativă din punct de vedere statistic în nivelurile IGF-1 a fost determinată în cel de-al doilea grup (p=0,000). De asemenea, variaţiile din rezultatele electrocardiografice (ECG) au fost semnificative în cadrul aceluiaşi grup (p=0,002). Concluzii: Nivelurile IGF-1 ale pacienţilor supuşi PTCA au fost mai mari decât rezultatele studiilor similare precedente, acest lucru fiind determinat de modul în care am recoltat probele de sânge, adică direct din artera coronariană. Considerăm că această creştere a nivelurilor IGF-1 este generată de mecanismul de compensare locală, declanşat în inima afectată de ischemie

    Evaluation of nutritional status in pediatric intensive care unit patients: the results of a multicenter, prospective study in Turkey

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    IntroductionMalnutrition is defined as a pathological condition arising from deficient or imbalanced intake of nutritional elements. Factors such as increasing metabolic demands during the disease course in the hospitalized patients and inadequate calorie intake increase the risk of malnutrition. The aim of the present study is to evaluate nutritional status of patients admitted to pediatric intensive care units (PICU) in Turkey, examine the effect of nutrition on the treatment process and draw attention to the need for regulating nutritional support of patients while continuing existing therapies.Material and MethodIn this prospective multicenter study, the data was collected over a period of one month from PICUs participating in the PICU Nutrition Study Group in Turkey. Anthropometric data of the patients, calorie intake, 90-day mortality, need for mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay and length of stay in intensive care unit were recorded and the relationship between these parameters was examined.ResultsOf the 614 patients included in the study, malnutrition was detected in 45.4% of the patients. Enteral feeding was initiated in 40.6% (n = 249) of the patients at day one upon admission to the intensive care unit. In the first 48 h, 86.82% (n = 533) of the patients achieved the target calorie intake, and 81.65% (n = 307) of the 376 patients remaining in the intensive care unit achieved the target calorie intake at the end of one week. The risk of mortality decreased with increasing upper mid-arm circumference and triceps skin fold thickness Z-score (OR = 0.871/0.894; p = 0.027/0.024). The risk of mortality was 2.723 times higher in patients who did not achieve the target calorie intake at first 48 h (p = 0.006) and the risk was 3.829 times higher in patients who did not achieve the target calorie intake at the end of one week (p = 0.001). The risk of mortality decreased with increasing triceps skin fold thickness Z-score (OR = 0.894; p = 0.024).ConclusionTimely and appropriate nutritional support in critically ill patients favorably affects the clinical course. The results of the present study suggest that mortality rate is higher in patients who fail to achieve the target calorie intake at first 48 h and day seven of admission to the intensive care unit. The risk of mortality decreases with increasing triceps skin fold thickness Z-score

    Eğitim teknolojilerinin otizmde kullanımına dil ve konuşma terapistleri nasıl bakıyor?

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    The theory of mind story books test validity and reabilty for Turkish preschool children

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    The goal of the research was to compare proficiencies of the Theory of Mind of the pre-school period children (4-6 ages) displaying normal development and mentally disabled and autistic children at the interval of 4-8 ages. Mentally disabled (n=30) and autistic (n=39) children, who display normal development (n=426), were compared in terms of the Theory of Mind in line with the second goal of research. When examining differences among the averages of the Test of Theory of Mind Stories in research, it was seen that the average score of the group displaying normal development was higher than of the autistic and mentally disabled group to a significant degree and the averages of the mentally disabled group were higher than of the autistic group to a significant extent (p < 0.05). (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboyl

    Özel öğrenme güçlüğü olan ortaokul öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n okul yaşantılarına ili̇şki̇n görüşleri̇

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    Bu araştırma özel öğrenme güçlüğü (ÖÖG) olan ortaokula devam eden kaynaştırma ortamında yer alan öğrencilerinin okul yaşantılarına ilişkin görüşlerini belirlemek amacıyla 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu İstanbul ilinde rehabilitasyon merkezine devam eden ÖÖG olan 12 ortaokul öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgu bilim (fenomenoloji) deseni kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılar uygun durum örnekleme yöntemine göre seçilmiştir. Veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniğiyle toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin okul yaşantılarına ilişkin görüşleri; okula, derslere, arkadaşlarına, öğretmenlerine ve kendilerine ilişkin görüşleri ana temalarından oluşmaktadır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, ÖÖG olan öğrenciler okulda ve okul dışında arkadaşlarıyla birlikte vakit geçirmekten keyif almaktadır. Öğrencilerin öğretmenlerine ve arkadaşlarına ilişkin olumlu görüşleri bulunmaktadır. ÖÖG olan öğrenciler sosyal ortamlarında tercih edildiklerini ve yakın arkadaş ilişkilerinin olduğunu düşünmektedirler. ÖÖG olan öğrencilerin gelecekten beklentileri daha çok meslek sahibi olmakla ilgilidir. Gelecek beklentilerinde okulun etkisi olduğunu düşünmektedirler. Araştırma bulguları ışığında, ÖÖG olan öğrencilere okul içerisinde kendilerini ifade etmelerinde yardımcı olacak sınıf veya okul temsilciliklerine aday olmalarında, konuşma yapmalarında yardımcı olunabilir. İleri araştırmalar için, araştırma farklı yaş grubundaki ve farklı kademelerdeki öğrencilerle gerçekleştirilebilirThis study aims to examine views of students with special learning disabilities who attend secondary school in the inclusive environment about their school life. Study was carried out in the 2018-2019 academic years. The study group of the research consists of 12 secondary school students with special learning disabilities (SLD) who attend a rehabilitation center in Istanbul. Study was designed in qualitative approach and phenomenology was chosen as a research design. The study group was determined by convenience sampling. Semi-structured interviews used as the source of data collection. The data was analyzed through descriptive analysis. The students' views on their school life consist of the main themes of their views on school, lessons, friends, teachers and themselves. Interview results illustrate that students with SLD enjoy spending time with their friends at school and outside of school. Students have positive opinions about their teachers and friends. It was found out that students with SLD think that they are preferred in their social environments and have close friends. According to findings, the future expectations of students with SLD are mostly related to having a profession. It is thought that school has an effect on their future expectations. At the end of the study, it is recomended that students with SLD can be helped to be candidates for class or school representatives that will help them express themselves within the school, and to make speeches. For further research, the research can be carried out with students of different age groups and different level

    Otistik Çocuklarda Hayali Resim Çizebilme Performansının Otizm Derecesi ve Gelişim Tarama Testleri İle İlişkili Olarak İncelenmesi

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    Araştırma otistik çocuklarda hayali resim çizebilme performansının otizm derecesi ve gelişim tarama testleri ile ilişkili olarak incelenmesi amacı ile tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmaya, 5-8 yaş arası toplam 17 (5 kız,12 erkek) otizm tanısı almış, Hayal ve Gerçek Ayrımı Ön Değerlendirme Çalışması’nda tüm aşamaları (sözcükleri anlama, resim çiftlerini ayırt etme ve resim tamamlama) doğru şekilde tamamlayan çocuklar alınmıştır. Otistik çocuklar gerçek ve imkânsız varlıklara dair hayali resim çizme durumu ve yaratıcı içerik puanı açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca her çocuğa gelişim tarama testleri olan Ankara Gelişim Tarama Envanteri (AGTE), Otizm Davranış Kontrol Listesi (ABC), Peabody Resim Kelime Testi ve Gesell Gelişim Testi uygulanarak, hayali resim çizme durumu ve yaratıcı içerik puanı tarama testleri skorları açısından da incelenmiştir. Bulgularımız otistik çocukların resim çiftlerinde imkânsız resmi tanımlama ve eksik resmi imkansız içerikle uyumlu şekilde tamamlamayı başarmalarına rağmen, hayali imkansız resmi var olmayan bir şeyi tasarlayıp çizme çizmede, özellikle insan figüründe büyük ölçüde başarısız olmuşlardır. Otistik çocuklarda var olmayan bir şeyi tasarlayıp çizme çizebilme performansı artan otizm derecesi ile azalmakta, gelişim tarama test skorları ile doğru orantılı olarak artmaktadır. Otistik çocukların var olmayan bir şeyi tasarlayıp çizmede yaşadıkları zorluğun hayal etme ve içsel temsil oluşturmadan ziyade, planlama ve yürütme aşamalarında ortaya çıkabileceğine ve yaratıcılık, kognitif ve dil gelişim düzeyi ve otizm derecesi ile potansiyel ilişkisine işaret etmektedir.The study was designed with the aim of examining the performance of imaginary drawing in autistic children in relation to autism levels and developmental screening tests. A total of 17 (5 girls, 12 boys) 5-8 years old children who has diagnosed with autism and completed all phases (understanding the words, distinguishing the picture pairs and completing the picture) correctly in the Imaginary and Real Distinction Pre-Assessment Study, were included in the study. Autistic children have been assessed in terms of the scores in imaginative picture-drawing and creative content of real and impossible beings/things. In addition, each child has been examined in terms of the screening test scores in his/her imaginary picture-drawing and creative content status, by applying the developmental screening tests; Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory (ADSI), Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC), Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and Gesell Development Test. The results demonstrated that although autistic children have been successful in defining the impossible picture in picture pairs and completing the missing picture in a way that is compatible with the impossible content, they have been considerably unsuccessful in retrieval drawing of the imaginary impossible pictures particularly the human figure