52 research outputs found

    The frequency of phimosis in patients who underwent circumcision

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    Bu retrospektif çalışmada, sünnet uyguladığımız çocuklarda patolojik fimozisin sıklığını ve önemini ortaya konmak amaçlandı. Ocak 1994-Ağustos 2000 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde sünnet uygulanan 490 çocuğun verileri incelendi. Olguların işlem öncesi muayenesinde saptanan fimozis sıklığı yaş gruplarına göre değerlendirildi. Sünnet öncesi yapılan genital muayenede toplam 34 (% 6.93) çocukta fimozis varlığı saptandı. 490 olgudan ayrıca 3' ünde (%0.6) unilateral hidrosel, 2' sinde (% 0.4) anterior hipospadias ve yine iki olguda (% 0.4) tek taraflı inmemiş testis saptandı. Yaş gruplarına göre değerlendirildiğinde, fimozis görülme sıklığının yaş ilerledikçe azaldığı belirlendi. Çalışmamızda 0-3 yaş gurubu çocuklarda fimozisin daha sık görüldüğünü belirledik. Yaşla birlikte görülme sıklığı azalmaktaydı. Bu nedenle ilk 3 yaş grubundaki fimozis'li olgularda topikal tedavi önerilebilir. Tıbbi tedaviye yanıt alınamayan ve enfeksiyon saptanan olgularda ise sünnet uygulaması düşünülmelidir.To establish the frequency and importance of pathological phimosis in children who underwent circumcision. A review of the frequency and importance of phimosis was performed in 490 children who underwent circumcision between January 1994 and August 2000 at our clinic. The frequency of phimosis according to age groups was evaluated. Overall 34 (% 6.93) children had typical phimosis before circumcision. Furthermore among the 490 patients, 3 (%0.6) had unilateral hydroceles, 2 (%0.4) had anterior hypospadias and 2 (%0.4) had unilateral cryptorchidism. The frequency of phimosis decreased gradually in older groups. In this study, we determined a higher frequency of phimosis in children between ages 0-3. The frequency decreased with age. For this reason, topical therapy should be administered before 3 years of age and circumcision should be reserved for patients who have infection or do not respond to medical therapy

    Clinical features and factors affecting in-hospital mortality of patients who underwent pericardiocentesis due to moderate to severe pericardial effusion

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the primary etiology of pericardial effusion in patients undergoing percutaneous pericardiocentesis. Possible in-hospital mortality related predictors were also investigated. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis was made of the clinical and laboratory features of 268 patients who underwent pericardiocentesis due to moderate to severe pericardial effusion between January 2009 and March 2020. Results: The patients comprised 57.5% males and 42.5% females with a mean age of 62.3 ± 15.4 years. Cardiac compression was detected in 220 (82.1%) patients, of which 208 (77.6%) were clinically tamponade and 12 (4.5%) were asymptomatic cardiac compression. The most common symptom was dyspnea (58.6%) and 10.8% of patients were asymptomatic. Pericardial fluid was exudate in 235 (87.7%) patients. The most common causes were malignancy (37.3%) followed by idiopathic (22.1%) and iatrogenic (12.7%) causes. The patients with asymptomatic cardiac compression were more likely to have malignant effusion than those with other etiologies (p= 0.001). In-hospital mortality developed in 37 (13.8%) patients. The independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were determined as follows; etiology other than infectious or idiopathic (OR= 3.447; 95% CI= 1.266, 9.386; p= 0.015), and receiving antithrombotic therapy (OR= 2.306; 95% CI= 1.078, 4.932; p= 0.031). Conclusion: Malignancy is the most common cause of moderate to severe pericardial effusions. The detection of cardiac compression in asymptomatic patients may be an important indicator of malignancy. Receiving antithrombotic therapy and having a non-idiopathic and non-infectious etiology may be predictors of in-hospital mortality

    The effects of carotid artery stenting on short-term clinical outcomes and evaluation of restenosis

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    Objectives: Data on restenosis and long-term outcomes of carotid stenting are limited. The aim of this study was to investigate cardiovascular effects of carotid stenting on clinical outcome and restenosis in patients with symptomatic severe carotid artery stenosis.Materials and methods: Twenty patients (mean age: 68±7 years, 11 male) who have been decided to perform stenting in joint Committee of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery and Neurology Clinics were included.Patients were evaluated both clinically and Doppler ultrasonographically for frequency of cardiovascular events and restenosis. Restenosis is defined as the reapperance of stenosis with a diameter reduction of ≥%50 with peak systolic velocity higher than 224 cm/s.Results: Comorbidities in patients were; coronary artery disease in 14, peripheral artery disease in three, and both chronic renal failure and congestive heart failure in two. Stent diameters were ranged from 6 to 8 mm, and stent lengths were 30 and 40 mm. During the procedure 5 patients had predilatation and 19 had postdilatation. None of the patients had >%30 resudial stenosis after the procedure. All procedures were technically successful. After the procedure only one transient ischemic attack was seen. There were no restenosis, myocardial infarction, death or stroke at 30th day end of the first year of follow up. Diabetes and heart failure were found as predictors for restenosis.Conclusion: In highly selected cases, carotid artery stenting is an effective and safe method in the short term. Restenosis did not seem to be a restricting problem for the success of carotid artery stentin

    Decreased heart rate recovery may predict a high SYNTAX score in patients with stable coronary artery disease

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    An impaired heart rate recovery (HRR) has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events, cardiovascular, and all‐cause mortality. However, the diagnostic ability of HRR for the presence and severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) has not been clearly elucidated. Our aim was to investigate the relationship between HRR and the SYNTAX (SYNergy between percutaneous coronary intervention with TAXus and cardiac surgery) score in patients with stable CAD (SCAD). A total of 406 patients with an abnormal treadmill exercise test and ≥50% coronary stenosis on coronary angiography were included. The HRR was calculated by subtracting the HR in the first minute of the recovery period from the maximum HR during exercise. The SYNTAX score ≥23 was accepted as high. Correlation of HRR with SYNTAX score and independent predictors of high SYNTAX score were determined. A high SYNTAX score was present in 172 (42%) patients. Mean HRR was lower in patients with a high SYNTAX score (9.8 ± 4.5 vs. 21.3 ± 9, p < 0.001). The SYNTAX score was negatively correlated with HRR (r: -0.580, p < 0.001). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, peripheral arterial disease (OR: 13.3; 95% CI: 3.120–34.520; p < 0.001), decreased HRR (OR: 0.780; 95% CI: 0.674–0.902; p = 0.001), peak systolic blood pressure (OR: 1.054; 95% CI: 1.023–1.087; p = 0.001), and peak HR (OR: 0.950; 95% CI: 0.923–0.977; p < 0.001) were found to be independent predictors of a high SYNTAX score. Our results showed that HRR is significantly correlated with the SYNTAX score, and a decreased HRR is an independent predictor of a high SYNTAX score in patients with SCAD

    Üreteroskopi: Endikasyonlar ve sonuçlar

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    Introduction: There have been several advances in ureteroscopic technology in the last 20 years. Specifically, miniaturization of ureteroscopes and improved video imaging as well as laser lithotripsy has expanded the indications for ureteroscopy. This resulted in excellent patient outcomes with low morbidity in the entire upper urinary tract.Son 20 yılda, üreteroskopi teknolojisinde çok ciddi gelişmeler kaydedildi. Özellikle, üreteroskopların minyatürizasyonu ve gelişen video görüntüleme yöntemleri ile birlikte lazer litotripsi, üreteroskopi endikasyonlarını anlamlı oranda artırdı. Böylece, üst üriner sistemin tamamında düşük hasta morbiditesi ile birlikte mükemmel sonuçlar alınmasına olanak sağlandı

    A Relational Database Design for The Compounds Cytotoxically Active on Breast Cancer Cells

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    Breast cancer is one of the most important global health problems affecting both developed and developing countries. The identification of anticancer compounds, effective on breast cancer cells, is of key importance in chemoprevention investigations and drug development studies. In the literature, there are numerous compounds that have been analyzed for their cytotoxic effects on breast cancer cells, but there is no database where the researchers who want to design a new study on breast cancer can find these compounds all at once. This paper presents a relational database that stores the data of natural and synthetic compounds cytotoxically active on breast cancer cells. The database contains 381 cytotoxicity results and data of 159 compounds, compiled from selected 80 studies. When all this data in our database was queried, it was found out that quercetin, which is a dietary flavonoid, is the most analyzed compound, and MCF-7 cell line is the most used breast cancer cell line

    Renal kist sıvılarında kolesterol ve trigliserid düzeyleri

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    Cholesterol and triglyceride levels of the renal cyst fluids which obtained by percutaneous aspiration in 23 patients were measured quantatively. Low cholesterol and triglyceride levels were revealed in all patients whose renal cysts were benign in appearance. In addition.the reability of cholesterol and triglyceride estimation was equal. The authors concluded that the measurements of cholesterol and triglyceride levels of the renal cyst fluids were very useful for the differential diagnosis of the benign and malign cysts.23 hastada renal kistlerden perkutan olarak aspire edilen sıvıda kantitatif olarak kolesterol ve trigliserid ölçümleri yapıldı. Benign görünümde olan tüm kistlerin sıvılarında Kolesterol ve Trigiserid düzeylerinin düşük olduğu saptandı.Bunun yanında kolesterol ve trigliserid düzeylerinin tayininin eşdeğerli olduğu görüldü. Benign ve malign kistlerin ayırıcı tanısında kist aspirasyonu sonrasında elde edilen sıvıda kolesterol ve tıigliserid düzeyi tayininin oldukça faydalı olduğu kanaatına varıldı