53 research outputs found


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    Study was carried out to examine the effect of application of resistance band in the female boxers on the levels of the anaerobic power and Maximal Bench Press force (MBP). The study was carried out on 12 female subjects, in ages between 19 and 23yo, who are actively engaged in the boxing branch. The subjects were divided into two groups, each consisting of 6 people, as Constant Resistance (CR) and Wavy Resistance (WR). The average age of CR group was 21.33±0.81 years, the average height 169.67±2.06 cm, and the average body weight 65.28±8.95 kg. The average age of WR group was 21.16±0.75 years, the average height 173.50±3.27 cm, and the average body weight 65.56±3.19 kg. In the study, the exercise of resistance band was made by all subjects four days a week for 6 weeks between  the  hours 9.00-10.00,  boxing  training for competition period between the hours 18:00–20:00  in  evenings. In CR group, the bands in the same color and resistance were used by the method of the black band constant, resistance, in WR group, the bands in different color (red, blue, black) and resistance by the wavy method. Before training, the body weights, and the levels of anaerobic power and MBP levels of both groups were determined. The same measurements were repeated six weeks later. In the statistical analyses of the data obtained, in determining the differences between in-group test and the final test, Paired-sample t-test was used. In determining the difference between two groups, pre-test and final test, independent samples t-test was used. The significance between differences was determined at the level of P<0,05. As a result; as a matter of fact, it can be said that the constant resistance method of CR group is more effective than the wavy resistance method of WR group. Hence, conducting the studies of resistance band that will be conducted specific to branch, using the method of constant resistance, can be more effective.  Article visualizations

    Effect of intracanal medicaments used in endodontic regeneration on the push-out bond strength of a calciumphosphate-silicate-based cement to dentin

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    International Congress on Preventive Dentistry -- MAR 05-08, 2018 -- Erzurum, TURKEYWOS: 000433113200014PubMed ID: 29805399Objective: To evaluate the effects of various endodontic regeneration agents on the push-out bond strength of Endosequence Root Repair Material (ERRM) to root-canal dentin. Methods: Fifty single-rooted human teeth were selected and instrumented to obtain a standard internal diameter of 1.5 mm. Specimens were randomly divided into four experimental groups and treated with an intracanal medicament [calcium hydroxide (CH), double antibiotic paste (DAP), triple antibiotic paste (TAP), TAP with amoxicillin (mTAP)] and a non-treated control group. Medicaments were removed after three weeks, and ERRM was applied to all specimens. The coronal portion of each root was then sliced into 2-mm-thick parallel transverse sections (2 slices per tooth, n=20 slices per group), and a push-out test was used to measure the bond strength of ERRM to dentin. Data were analyzed using Bonferroni-corrected Mann-Whitney tests, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Results: The push-out bond strength of the CH group was significantly higher than that of the TAP, DAP and mTAP groups (p<0.005). Furthermore, the bond strength of the control group was higher than the bond strength of both the DAP and mTAP groups. Conclusion: The use of CH in clinical practice may help improve the adhesion of ERRM to dentin.Kavokerr, Sark Dis, Disman, Colgate, GC, ROCS, Gumgumix, Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi, Vivident, Voco, Megage

    Assessment of the rock slopes by kinematic and limit equilibrium methods on the Bağlarbaşı-Tekke (Gümüşhane) motorway

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    Kinematik analiz yöntemi, kaya şevlerinde düzlemsel, kama ve devrilme gibi yenilmeleri değerlendirmek için yaygın olarak kullanılan analiz yöntemlerinden birisidir. Bu yöntemde, olası yenilme tiplerini belirlemek için şev ve süreksizliklerin yönelimleri ile süreksizliklerin içsel sürtünme açıları kullanılır. Ancak, kinematik analizlerden elde edilen sonuçların güvenirliği optimum şev tasarımı için yeterli değildir. Bu nedenle, kinematik analiz sonuçlarının limit denge analizleri veya sayısal analizler ile kontrol edilmesi gereklidir. Bu çalışmada, Bağlarbaşı-Tekke (Gümüşhane) karayolundaki kaya şevlerinin duraylılığı kinematik ve limit denge analizleri ile incelenmiştir. Kinematik analiz sonuçları, (5), (6) ve (7) nolu kaya şevlerinde düzlemsel ve kama tipi duraysızlıkların ortaya çıkabileceğini göstermektedir. Düzlemsel ve kama türü için yapılan limit denge analizleri, (5) ve (6) nolu şevlerin duraysız iken (7) nolu şevin ise duraylı olduğunu göstermektedirKinematic analysis method is one of the widely used methods to evaluate potential failures such as planar, wedge and toppling in rock slopes. In this method, orientations of slope and discontinuity with the friction angle of the discontinuities planes are used to analyze possible failure types. However, the reliability of the results obtained from kinematical analyses is not sufficient for optimum slope design. For this reason, it is necessary that the results of kinematical analyses should be controlled using limit equilibrium or numerical analyses. In this study, stability of rock slopes on the highway of Bağlarbaşı-Tekke (Gümüşhane) was investigated using kinematical and limit equilibrium analyses. The results of the kinematical analyses showed that there may be planar and wedge type instabilities for the rock slopes numbered 5, 6, and 7. The limit equilibrium analyses conducted for the types of plane and wedge show that the rock slopes numbered 5 and 6 are instable while number 7 is stable

    Polyorchidism: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Polyorchidism is defined by the presence of more than two testicles. It is a very rare anomaly. In this paper, we report a case of polyorchidism that presented as a painless scrotal mass. Undrained types require histological evaluation. Increased risk of malignancy should be taken into consideration in patients with nonscrotal supernumerary testes. We did not recommend any treatment to our patients who had scrotal supernumerary testicle and two children and decided to follow-up with scrotal ultrasound

    Are the Complication Rates for the Open Approach in the Surgical Treatment of Bladder Stones Higher Than Rates for Endoscopic Approaches? A Comparative Multivariate Analysis Study

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    Objective:To compare the effectiveness, safety and complication rates of open vs endoscopic approach for bladder stone surgery and investigate the predictive factor for success and complication rate in patients with bladder stone.Materials and Methods:The records of 128 patients, who underwent stone surgery between November 2010 and June 2017, were analyzed. The patients were divided into two groups according to surgical approach as endoscopic or open group. Duration of surgery and catheterization and length of hospital stay were recorded. Multivariate analyses were done using logistic regression test to determine the risk factors for complications.Results:A total of 130 procedures were performed in 128 patients included in the study. Of them, 93 were treated via endoscopic approach and 37 via open approach. The overall success rate in endoscopic and open groups was 92.5% and 100%, respectively (p=0.44). Increased age, type of surgical approach and using lithotripsy were found to be risk factors for complications in univariate analysis. Only the type of surgery was found to be an independent risk factor for complications in multivariate analysis (p=0.006).Conclusion:Open and endoscopic approaches showed similar effectiveness in patients with bladder stone. The only significant risk factor for complications was the type of surgical approach

    Post-discharge heart failure monitoring program in Turkey: Hit-PoinT

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and feasibility of an enhanced heart failure (HF) education with a 6-month telephone follow- up program in post-discharge ambulatory HF patients. Methods: The Hit-Point trial was a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of enhanced HF education with a 6-month telephone follow-up program (EHFP) vs routine care (RC) in patients with HF and reduced ejection fraction. A total of 248 patients from 10 centers in various geographical areas were randomized: 125 to EHFP and 123 to RC. Education included information on adherence to treatment, symptom recognition, diet and fluid intake, weight monitoring, activity and exercise training. Patients were contacted by telephone after 1, 3, and 6 months. The primary study endpoint was cardiovascular death. Results: Although all-cause mortality didn't differ between the EHFP and RC groups (p=NS), the percentage of cardiovascular deaths in the EHFP group was significantly lower than in the RC group at the 6-month follow up (5.6% vs. 8.9%, p=0.04). The median number of emergency room visits was one and the median number of all cause hospitalizations and heart failure hospitalizations were zero. Twenty-tree percent of the EHFP group and 35% of the RC group had more than a median number of emergency room visits (p=0.05). There was no significant difference regarding the median number of all-cause or heart failure hospitalizations. At baseline, 60% of patients in EHFP and 61% in RC were in NYHA Class III or IV, while at the 6-month follow up only 12% in EHFP and 32% in RC were in NYHA Class III or IV (p=0.001). Conclusion: These results demonstrate the potential clinical benefits of an enhanced HF education and follow up program led by a cardiologist in reducing cardiovascular deaths and number of emergency room visits with an improvement in functional capacity at 6 months in post-discharge ambulatory HF patients.Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Kalp Yetmezliği Çalışma Grub

    Türk medyasında azınlıkların temsili, Heybeliada Ruhban Okulu örneği

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    Heybeliada Ruhban Okulu, Türkiye’de azınlık gündeminin önde gelen sorunlarından bir tanesidir. Osmanlı Devleti döneminde kurulan okul İstanbul Rum Patrikhanesi’nin ruhban eğitimi için uzun yıllar işlev görmüştür. Okul 1971 yılında eğitime kapatılmıştır. Bu tarihten sonra okul Türkiye’de azınlık hakları bakımından bir problematik olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Basının yaklaşımı bu problematik açısından oldukça kritiktir. Zira, sorunun önemli kısmı basın üzerinde devam eden sınırlı tartışmalara hapsolmuştur. Bu çalışmada azınlıkların medyadaki temsilini, Heybeliada Ruhban Okulu’na ilişkin söylemin analizi üzerinden gerçekleştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma yöntemi olarak genellikle söylem analizi kullanılmıştır. Bunun yanında iletişim bilimine ait bu yöntem tarih ve siyaset biliminin unsurları ile de desteklenerek inter disipliner bir araştırma amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada Türk basını açısından temsil gücü yüksek üç gazete olan Cumhuriyet, Hürriyet ve Milliyet gazeteleri seçilmiştir. Bu gazetelerde özellikle 1990’lı yılların ikinci yarısına ait haberler incelenmiştir. Çünkü bu yıllar İstanbul Rum Patrikhanesi’nin okulun yeniden açılması yönündeki çalışmalarını hızlandırdığı bir dönemdir. Bu dönemde okul hem basında görece olarak daha görünür olmuş, hem de daha çok tartışılmıştır. Söz konusu tartışmalarda okulun basında dört ana söylem ekseni çerçevesinde ele aldığı görülmüştür. Bunlardan ilki karşılıklılık söylemidir. Bunu takiben laiklik ve ‘içimizdeki hain’ söylemi gelmektedir. Son olarak da işlevselci söylem gelir. Bu söylem eksenlerinin genelde başta Dışişleri Bakanlığı olmak üzere devletin farklı kurumlarının biçimlendirildiğini söylemek mümkündür. Okula karşı özgürlükçü bakış açısının oldukça sınırlı kaldığını eklemek de gerekmektedir. -------------------- The Theological School of Halki is one of leading problems on minority agenda. The School that was founded in the era of Ottoman State, have functioned for education of clerics for İstanbul Greek Patriarchate. The School was closed to education in 1971. From that time, the school showed up as a problematique on minority rights in Turkey. The approach of press was too critical for this problematique. Because, the significant part of the problem has been confined by ongoing arguments via press. In this work, it is aimed to show the representation of minorities on press by analysing of discourse about The Theological School of Halki. Discourse analyis was generally used as research method. Beside this, it is aimed a interdisciplinary research by supporting this method that belonged to communication science with elements of history and political science. In the research Cumhuriyet, Milliyet and Hurriyet papers whose clout were powerful, were selected. On these papers, especially stories that were published in the second half of 1990s has been studied. Because these years were the era in which efforts of Istanbul Greek Patriarchate for re-openning the school had accelerated. In this era the school had been more appeared in the press and been more argued as well. In these mentioned arguments, the school had been embraced within scope of four discourse frames. The first of these frames is the discourse of reciprocity. The discourse of secularism and “betrayer between us” follow it. Finally the discourse of “functionalist” comes. It is possible to say that these discourse frames had been shaped by various state organizations, especially Ministry of Foreign Relations. It should be added that the libertarian approach to the school had been limited

    Persistent left superior vena cava draining into the unroofed coronary sinus in a patient with tetralogy of Fallot and coronary sinus orifice atresia

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    Introduction: In this study, we present a case of directing persistent left superior vena cava drainage into the unroofed coronary sinus to the right atrium in a patient with tetralogy of Fallot and coronary sinus orifice atresia without innominate vein. Case report: A 16-month-old boy diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot was admitted. Following intracardiac repair, the left superior vena cava was divided from the left atrial junction, passed through under the ascending aorta and anastomosed to the right superior vena cava. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first patient reported with persistent left superior vena cava, unroofed coronary sinus, coronary sinus orifice atresia, and tetralogy of Fallot. The extracardiac direct anastomosis technique was used successfully to direct persistent left superior vena cava to the right atrium without any post-procedure complications

    Local stellar kinematics from RAVE data-VIII. Effects of the Galactic disc perturbations on stellar orbits of red clump stars

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    We aim to probe the dynamic structure of the extended Solar neighborhood by calculating the radial metallicity gradients from orbit properties, which are obtained for axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric potential models, of red clump (RC) stars selected from the RAdial Velocity Experiment's Fourth Data Release. Distances are obtained by assuming a single absolute magnitude value in near-infrared, i.e. M-Ks = -1.54 +/- 0.04 mag, for each RC star. Stellar orbit parameters are calculated by using the potential functions: (i) for the MWPotential2014 potential, (ii) for the same potential with perturbation functions of the Galactic bar and transient spiral arms. The stellar age is calculated with a method based on Bayesian statistics. The radial metallicity gradients are evaluated based on the maximum vertical distance (z(max)) from the Galactic plane and the planar eccentricity (e(p)) of RC stars for both of the potential models. The largest radial metallicity gradient in the 0 1 kpc, the radial metallicity gradients have zero or positive values and they do not depend on e(p) subsamples. There is a large radial metallicity gradient for thin disc, but no radial gradient found for thick disc. Moreover, the largest radial metallicity gradients are obtained where the outer Lindblad resonance region is effective. We claim that this apparent change in radial metallicity gradients in the thin disc is a result of orbital perturbation originating from the existing resonance regions