71 research outputs found

    Penerapan Konseling Kelompok Rasional Emotif Perilaku (Rep) untuk Mengurangi School Refusal (Penolakan Sekolah) Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 1 Cerme

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    School refusal (penolakan sekolah) adalah gangguan emosional yang ditunjukkan dengan kecenderungan perilaku untuk tidak hadir di sekolah yang terjadi pada anak-anak atau remaja yang disertai dengan ketakutan yang tidak irasional. Peneliti menemukan fenomena school refusal (penolakan sekolah) di kelas VIII pada saat peneliti melakukan PPP (Program Pengelolaan Pembelajaran) di SMPN 1 Cerme. Masalah yang terlihat pada school refusal (penolakan sekolah) dapat dilihat siswa tidak masuk tanpa keterangan, siswa sakit, hingga siswa meninggalkan kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji penerapan layanan konseling kelompok rasional emotif perilaku (REP) dengan menggunakan teknik disput imajinasi yang digunakan untuk mengurangi school refusal (penolakan sekolah) siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Cerme. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-eksperimen dengan jenis penelitian one groub pre test-post test. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 4 siswa kelas VIII yang memiliki school refusal (penolakan sekolah) tinggi. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan statistik nonparametrik yaitu uji wilcoxon. Setelah dilakukan post–test maka diperoleh skor post-test kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik non-parametrik dengan uji wilcoxon. Setelah data post-test diolah diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat 4 subjek yang menunjukan adanya penurunan school refusal (penolakan sekolah) pada siswa. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa konseling kelompok rasional emotif perilaku dapat menurunkan school refusal (penolakan sekolah) pada siswa SMP Negeri 1 Cerme setelah pemberian konseling kelompok rasional emotif perilaku (REP)

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Proses Layanan Pasang Baru pada PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.

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    PT. Telkom Indonesia is one of biggest telecommunication company in Indonesia. Currently, there are 12 communication areas which support any kind of services from PT. Telkom. One of them is north Jawa Timur area. As the intention to give a good quality service for every customer, especially in north Jawa Timur area, PT. Telkom, however, sometimes finds an unexpected time management gap in installation process. To resolve and anticipate negative effects from that problem, PT. Telkom needs a monitoring system which can support their services

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Administratif Surat Menyurat pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Cipta Karya dan Tata Ruang Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Cipta Karya dan Tata Ruang (DPUCKTR) East Java Province is a department that has important role in government budget allocation in General works department. There are 2 business processes, they are incoming and outgoing letters recording. The business process of incoming and outgoing letters is started from the entry of a letter to the administration department, later it is recorded in the controller list to be archieved next. Incoming letters go to the recipient while outgoing letters are sent to the addressed other department or office. The problems that often happen in the company are (1) the management process of the letter takes time and less effective. Considering, there are still numbers of letters that need to be recorded. (2) the saving process of letters archieve storage is susceptible lost, thereby inhibiting letters search.(3) distribution process manually by visiting the stakeholder is susceptible to the late submission of the letters. (4) There is no letters report yet, either monthly or annually. The design of administrative correspondence application is a required application for secretariat in managing the letters .This application is able to facilitate the secretariat in receipt of incoming letters to send outgoing letters as well as the distribution of the letters too. Based on the result of experiment performed, it can be concluded that the system created to help general works department until the letters are distributed

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Kelayakan Pinjaman pada Koperasi Sejahtera Tani Nusantara (KOSTIN)

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    Koperasi Sejahtera Tani Nusantara (KOSTIN) a savings and loan cooperative that aims to provide venture capital lending services for the city of Pekanbaru. Currently realization of the loan assessment Koperasi Sejahtera Tani Nusantara still subjective and the manual is just to provide an assessment whether a prospective customer is given a loan or not. Assessments are subjective and the manual, also influenced from the subjective to the trust factor against the prospective customer. This assessment resulted in some customers' arrears exceeded installment maturing resulting in capital turnover noncurrent. To resolve the problems above, so engineering designs of customer lending eligibility application is made using 7P method of assessing prospective customers from the side: personality, party, purpose, prospect, payment, profitabillity, protection. With this application is expected to co-operatives can determine the suitability of prospective customers in obtaining credit and are expected to reduce the number of customers in arrears at a later date. Based on the results of trials that have been done can be concluded that the application complies with the expected goals. The app has been able to assess the feasibility of loans to help decide the realization of the loan.Keywords Application, Cooperative, Assessment, Worthiness, Loan, Recording, Paymen

    Prevalensi dan Jenis Telur Cacing Soil Transmitted Helmints (STH) pada Sayuran Kemangi Pedagang Ikan Bakar di Kota Palu

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    Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) adalah cacing golongan nematoda yang memerlukan tanah untuk perkembangan bentuk infektifnya. Di Indonesia golongan cacing yang penting dan menyebabkan masalah kesehatan masyarakat adalah Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, dan cacing tambang yaitu :Necator americanus dan Ancylostoma duodenale. Masalah kesehatan yang ditimbulkan akibat kecacingan adalah anemia, obstruksi saluran empedu, radang pankreas, usus buntu, alergi, dan diare, penurunan fungsi kognitif (kecerdasan), kurang gizi, gangguan pertumbuhan, dan radang paru-paru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis telur cacing STH yang ditemukan pada sayur kemangi pada pedagang ikan bakar di Kota Palu. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif observational dengan pendekatan cross sectional study, pemeriksaan sampel kemangi dengan metode pengendapan NaOH. Sebanyak 93 sampel daun kemangi kesimpulan ditemukan telur cacing sebesar 39,8%.Spesies telur cacing STH yang ditemukan yaitu Ascaris lumricoides 70,2%, Hookworm 16,2%, campuran Ascaris lumricoides dan Hookworm 10,8 %, Ascaris lumricoides dan Trichuris trichiura 2%. Perlu adanya pengawasan dan penyuluhan kepada pedagang warung makan mengenai kontaminasi telur cacing Soil Transmitted Helmints yang menyajikan sayuran mentah sebagai lalapan

    Kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik dan Respon Kebijakan untuk Meminimisasi Dampak Negatif terhadap Perekonomian

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    Electricity is one of the strategic commodities in Indonesia. The Increasing of electrical price (so called TDL stand for Tarif Dasar Listrik) administered by the government will be negative impact on Indonesian economic performance. Based on this research analysis, a rise of TDL will have negative impact on macro and sectoral economic performance. This study aims to analyze the effects of a rise of TDL and policy responses to minimize its negative impacts on Indonesian economic performance. The data which is used in this research areInput Output Table, Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and SUSENAS data. Sources of data obtained from Board Central of Statistics. The analysis using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model is called INDOTDL CGE model. The simulation results show that a rise of TDL will have negative impact oneconomic growth, household consumption, export, employment and sectoral demand. This study also shows that an increase of efficiency in electricity sector by 10 percent is expected to decrease the electrical price. In addition, a rise of TDL which is followed by an increase of efficiency or decrease of value added tax (VAT) policy in all sector have positive impact on macro and sectoral economic performance on Indonesian. The most effective policy to economic improvementis to increase efficiency of electricity sector, so TDL doesn\u27t need to be increased

    Teaching Social Sciences Through Ethnophotography

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    Curriculum 2013 requires teachers to be more creative in compiling teaching materials which are innovative, varied, exciting, contextual, and in accordance with learners\u27 needs to achieve learning objectives. This research aims at developing IPS materials for VII graders of Junior High School (SMP) based on ethnophotography. This study used Research and Development design (R & D). The results were analyzed by qualitative analysis technique. The results show that most social studies (IPS) teachers have not yet developed the IPS materials for VII graders of SMP which is relevant to the environmental conditions. The ethnophotography was used to determine the development of IPS materials by photographing/taking pictures of each regional potential to be used as supporting material in IPS materials. Through ethnophotography, the students would be more interested and easier to learn the material, and at the same time, they learn a variety of region\u27s potential. In conclusion, the IPS material based on ethnophotography can be used as one of the ways to develop teaching materials to get more effective and efficient learning because students can easily understand the material through the photographs displayed in the teaching materials because the photographs show a variety of things around it

    Struktur dan Makna Cerita Pulau Belumbak Sastra Lisan Masyarakat Melayu Tayan Hilir Kabupaten Sanggau

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui struktur dan makna pada cerita rakyat Pulau Belumbak. penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripstif, bentuk penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan struktural dan sosiologi sastra. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pertama: cerita Pulau Belumbak adalah alur maju. Kedua: tokoh utama yaitu Amat Selamat dan Amat Berkat; sedangkan tokoh tambahan yaitu Mak Rindah. Ketiga: penokohan, Amat Selamat dan Amat Berkat memiliki watak yang sama yaitu sombong dan rajin bekerja. Sedangkan Mak Rindah memiliki watak penyayang, bekerja keras, dan penyabar. Keempat, latar cerita ini terbagi tiga yaitu latar tempat, latar waktu, latar sosial. Kelima, makna cerita terbagi tiga yaitu makna keagamaan meliputi berdoa dan pemujaan, makna kemasyarakatan meliputi tolong menolong dan kepedulian dan makna kepribadian meliputi berpengharapan, kerja keras, pantang menyerah, kegelisahan, dan kesedihan. Cerita rakyat Pulau Belumbak ini menggunakan KTSP. SKyang digunakan yaitu memahami sastra Melayu Klasik, dengan KD mengidentifikasi karakteristik dan unsur intrinsik sastra Melayu klasik. Kata kunci: Struktur, Makna, Cerita Rakyat Abstrack: This study aims to determine the structure and meaning of the folklore of the Pulau Belumbak. the theory used in this research is the method deskriptif, a form of qualitative research, with using a structural approach and sociology of literature. Results of this study is the first, the strory is the plot forward Pulau Belumbak. socond, the main character is Amat Selamat and Amat Berkat. While the additional figure that Mak Rindah. Third, characterizations, Amat Selamat and Amat Berkat has the same character that is arrogant and diligent work. While Mak Rindah temperament compassionate. Fourth, the background of the story is divided into three, a background, the background of the time, and social background. Fifth, the meaning of the story is divided into three, bamely religious meaning incluse prayer and worship. Societl meaning include helping and caring, and the meaning of personality include hopelessness, work hard, unyielding, anxiety and sadness. Pulau Belumbak's folklore using KTSP. SK used is to understand the Malay literrary classic, with KD identifying characteristics and intrinsic elements of classical Malay literatur
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