122 research outputs found

    Sähköauton latausjärjestelmät ja niiden vaikutukset kiinteistön sähkönjakeluun

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    The number of electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to grow strongly in the next few years. The charging of electric vehicles could cause significant impacts on building electricity distribution network and therefore required design. Still, only little research has focused on the impacts on building electricity distribution. The main goal of this thesis is to investigate how large or semi-large EV charging systems affect the building electric infrastructure. Additionally, this thesis aims to determine the required modifications to design work. The data used in this thesis is based on a literature review and three case studies of building types parking building, hotel and shopping center. The results indicate that the large scale electric vehicle charging systems will impact on the network power quality, economical operation and designing. In conclusion, electrical measurement data combined with data of other sources like occupancy information and car types should be analyzed to verify load profiles to create parametrized functions with aim to evaluate load needs at early stage of design. Further standardization of peak load evaluations is recommended.Sähköautojen määrän uskotaan kasvavan voimakkaasti lähivuosina. Sähköautojen yleistyminen aiheuttaisi merkittäviä muutoksia sähkönjakeluun ja näin ollen myös suunnitteluun. Siitä huolimatta yksittäisten suurien latausjärjestelmien vaikutuksia sähkönjakeluun on tutkittu vain vähän. Tässä työssä tutkitaan simulointien avulla suurien ja keskisuurien latausjärjestelmien vaikutusta sähkönjakeluun ja suunnitteluun. Työssä keskitytään tutkimaan parkkihallin, hotellin sekä kauppakeskuksen sähköautojen latausjärjestelmän vaikutuksia kohteen sähkönjakeluun. Tulosten perusteella yksittäisillä suurilla latausjärjestelmillä voi olla huomattavia vaikutuksia sähkönlaatuun, kustannuksiin ja suunnitteluun. Latausprofiilit edellyttävät kuitenkin vielä lisätutkimuksia. Tämä vaatii lisää mittaustietoja sähköautoista ja niihin liittyvistä asennuksista

    Open Content Licenses : How to choose the right one

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    Proceeding volume: 13The EU Directive harmonising copyright, Directive 2001/29/EC, has been implemented in all META-NORD countries. The licensing schemas of open content/open source and META-SHARE as well as CLARIN are discussed shortly. The status of the licensing of tools and resources available at the consortium partners are outlined. The aim of the article is to compare a set of open content and open source license and provide some guidance on the optimal use of licenses provided by META-NET and CLARIN for licensing the tools and resources for the benefit of the language technology community.Peer reviewe

    Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of a metal matrix composite

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    Tässä työssä tarkasteltiin uudenlaisella reaktiovalumenetelmällä valmistettujen, titaanikarbidierkaumilla pintalujitettujen austeniittis-ferriittisten ruostumattomien teräsvalujen mikrorakennetta, sitkeyttä ja korroosionkestävyyttä valutilaisena ja haitallisten erkaumien liuottamiseksi suoritettujen liuotushehkutuslämpökäsittelyiden jälkeen. Valmistusmenetelmässä valumuottiin asetettiin reaktiivisia lähtöainepuristeita, joissa tapahtui valusulan luovuttaman lämmön ansiosta eksoterminen, titaanista ja hiilestä titaanikarbidipartikkeleita muodostava reaktio. Reaktiovalukokeissa muodostui titaanikarbidisten lujitepartikkelien lisäksi haitallisia karbidierkaumia sekä lujitekerrokseen että austeniittis-ferriittiseen pohjamateriaaliin. Hiiltä päätyi metallimatriisiin joko diffuusion seurauksena tai, kun lujitevalmistetta huuhtoutui valusulaan. Diffuusio johti lievään ja huuhtoutuminen runsaaseen karbidipitoisuuteen. Myös titaania päätyi pohjamateriaaliin, mutta se sitoutui hiilen sijasta typpeen muodostaen nitridierkaumia. Haitallisen karbidin lisäksi pohjamateriaalissa esiintyi metallienvälisiä erkaumia, joita muodostuu tyypillisesti korroosionkestävien terästen jäähtyessä hitaasti, ja jotka heikentävät materiaalin sitkeyttä ja korroosiokestävyyttä samoin kuin karbidierkaumat. Valutilaisten näytteiden taivutussitkeys ja korroosiokestävyys suolavesialtistuksessa olivat heikot. Lämpökäsittelykokeissa tutkittiin hehkutuslämpötilan ja -ajan sekä sammutusmenetelmän vaikutusta. Alueilla, joissa hiiltä oli siirtynyt pohjamateriaaliin vain diffuusiomekanismilla, saavutettiin suhteellisen hyvä mikrorakenne, jossa esiintyi suhteellisen vähän karbideja, 20 minuutin hehkutuksella 1120 °C lämpötilassa. Alueilla, joissa lujitevalmistetta oli huuhtoutunut valusulaan lievissä määrin, tyydyttävä mikrorakenne saavutettiin syvällä pohjamateriaalissa 60 minuutin liuotushehkutuksella, mutta lujitekerroksen läheisyydessä pohjamateriaali jäi suhteellisen runsaskarbidiseksi. Tällaisilla alueilla pohjamateriaalin taivutussitkeys parani liuoshehkutettaessa 1120 °C lämpötilassa joissain määrin 20 minuutissa ja merkittävästi 60 minuutissa. Alueilla, joissa lujitevalmistetta oli huuhtoutunut runsaasti, 180 minuutin liuotushehkutus 1120 °C lämpötilassa ei riittänyt liuottamaan karbideja tyydyttävissä määrin edes kaukana lujitekerroksesta. Liuotushehkutuslämpötilan korottaminen 1200 °C lämpötilaan paransi karbidin liukenemista merkittävästi. Metallienväliset erkaumat hajaantuivat jo 10 minuutissa 1120 °C lämpötilassa. Veteen sammutettujen ja ilmassa jäähdytettyjen näytteiden mikrorakenteissa ei havaittu eroja johtuen näytekappaleiden pienestä koosta. 180 minuutin liuotushehkutuksen jälkeen näytteissä ei havaittu merkkejä korroosiosta suolavesialtistuksessa. Tutkituilla lämpökäsittelyillä ei kyetty liuottamaan haitallisia karbidierkaumia toivotussa määriin. Materiaalin valutilaista mikrorakennetta täytyisi pystyä parantamaan valujärjestelyä ja lähtöaineiden koostumusta muuttamalla, mutta liuotushehkutus on silti välttämätön osa valmistusprosessia.Microstructure, ductility and corrosion resistance of austenitic-ferritic corrosion resistant steel casting with titanium carbide particle-reinforced surface layers were characterized in the as-cast state and after solution annealing heat treatments, which were performed in order to dissolve deleterious precipitations. The samples were produced by a novel in-situ reaction casting route, in which inserts of reactant material were deposited to casting moulds, where the heat from liquid steel ignited an exothermic reaction between titanium and carbon, resulting in titanium carbide particles in steel matrix. In addition to titanium carbide particles, deleterious carbide precipitations formed both in the reinforced surface layer and in the austenitic-ferritic substrate material. The formation of the deleterious carbide occurred by diffusion of carbon in solid steel matrix and by washing of some reactant material away with the liquid steel during casting, which resulted in remarkably higher amounts of carbides in the substrate material than precipitation through diffusion. Likewise, some titanium ended up in the substrate material. However, it formed nitrides instead of carbides. In addition to the carbides, deleterious intermetallic precipitations had formed in the substrate layer during slow cooling after casting. Both deleterious phases decrease the corrosion resistance and ductility of corrosion resistant steels, and the as-cast samples showed poor corrosion resistance in saline water and ductility in bending test. Solution annealing test were performed with different annealing temperatures and times, and with different cooling methods. During solution annealing at 1120 °C, a relatively satisfying microstructure with quite low carbide content was achieved in 20 minutes in sample areas where carbon had ended up in the substrate only by diffusion. In the areas with moderate washing of the reactants, a satisfying microstructure was achieved at high distances form the reinforced layer in 60 minutes of annealing at 1120 °C. At these areas, the ductility had increased slightly in 20 minutes and remarkably in 60 minutes of solution annealing at 1120 °C. In the samples with substantial washing of the reactants, solution annealing at 1120 °C for 180 minutes was not enough to solute a satisfying amount of carbide. However, annealing at 1200 °C had resulted in higher solution ratio of the carbide. Due to small size of the samples, cooling in room temperature air did not affect the microstructure in relation to quenching to water. The intermetallic precipitations had dissolved in 10 minutes at 1120 °C. Signs of corrosion in saline water were not observed after solution annealing tests of 180 minutes. In the present study, the carbides could not be dissolved satisfyingly. The casting method and compositions of the raw materials have to be developed further in order to produce low carbide content in the as-cast state. However, a solution annealing is a crucial procedure in the reaction casting process of corrosion resistant steel castings with titanium carbide particle reinforcement

    Five essays on copyright in the digital era

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    This dissertation aims to give a detailed view of how well copyright law is working in the digital environment and how its future looks. The work starts by giving the reader a primer on two central topics in the dissertation, i.e., an overview of technological developments that have changed once again the environment of copyright law work and the economic background of copyright and IPRs. Different methodological approaches are also discussed e.g. how behavioral law and economics and public choice theory should be utilized pertaining to copyright regulation. The main research questions, which are covered in the five original articles, are: Do technical protection measures (TPMs) help to solve the impending demise of copyright? Is the legal enforcement of copyright possible in current or future digital environments? What is the role of social norms in the future of copyright? Regarding the first question, the dissertation argues that the once-prevailing vision of copyright that was based on the belief that without legally technological protection measures, right holders would not release their content to digital distribution has not really turned out to be true. In the contrary, the opposition from the users and profound technical problems have marginalized TPMs in music stores in more advanced markets (i.e. USA) and same development is likely to happen in other categories of works. The answer to second question indicates a more profound problem if the copyright holders cannot prevent unlicensed use of their works, the economic rationale of copyright disappears. The dissertation argues that the foreseeable technical development in digital communication and storage technologies will lead to that result with very high likelihood at least among more consumer-oriented works (music, video), which are typically consumed in the privacy of homes. At the same time the development will make current levy-based systems infeasible general tax for technology. The final question continues from the point where enforcement stops. Social norms may substitute legal norms, which are based on strong enforcement. The dissertation argues that there are positive examples from open source development that which indicate that this approach may be feasible for copyright

    Laundry Symbols and License Management : Practical Considerations for the Distribution of LRs based on experiences from CLARIN

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    One of the most challenging tasks in building language resources is the copyright license management. There are several reasons for this. First of all, the current European copyright system is designed to a large extent to satisfy the commercial actors, e.g. publishers, record companies etc. This means that the scope and duration of the rights are very extensive and there are even certain forms of protection that do not exist elsewhere in the world, e.g. database right. On the other hand, the exceptions for research and teaching are typically very narrow.Vertaisarvioitu/peerReviewe

    A Study of the Deployment of Open Source Software – Finnish Experiences from Public and Private Sector

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    The software development has become even more complicated for IT-companies and users of software. The rising popularity of open source in all areas of software development and usage is resulting in a need to evaluate more options in software procurement than before. This paper highlights some of the recent international and domestic research on open source deployment and gives some recommendations as to what official stand Finland should take

    Company Participation in Open Source Software Communities: Measuring Sustainability

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    A framework for analysing the sustainability of a community in four dimensions – social, cultural, legal and economical – is presented. The framework is further differentiated by taking into account the different types of open source software communities, particularly with regard to their work ethics: voluntary or salary-based. In conclusion, the framework is tentatively applied to two communities, Debian and Eclipse

    Characterizing cycling traffic fluency using big mobile activity tracking data

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    Mobile activity tracking data, i.e. data collected by mobile applications that enable activity tracking based on the use of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), contains information on cycling in urban areas at an un-precedented spatial and temporal extent and resolution. It can be a valuable source of information about the quality of bicycling in the city. Required is a notion of quality that is derivable from plain GNSS trajectories. In this article, we quantify urban cycling quality by esti-mating the fluency of cycling traffic using a large set of GNSS trajectories recorded with a mobile tracking appli-cation. Earlier studies have shown that cyclists prefer to travel continuously and without halting, i.e. fluently. Our method extracts trajectory properties that describe the stopping behaviour and dynamics of cyclists. It aggre-gates these properties to segments of a street network and combines them in a descriptive index. The suitability of the data to describe the cyclists' behaviour with street-level detail is evaluated by comparison with various data from independent sources. Our approach to characterizing cycling traffic fluency offers a novel view on the cyclability of a city that could be valuable for urban planners, application providers, and cyclists alike. We find clear indications for the data's ability to estimate characteristics of city cycling quality correctly, despite behaviour patterns of cyclists not caused by external circumstances and the data's inher-ent bias. The proposed quality measure is adaptable for different applications, e.g. as an infrastructure quality measure or as a routing criterion