4 research outputs found

    Regional Recovery from the Economic Crisis: Assessment Opportunities

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    In order to be a competitive region especially after an economic crisis, it is important to properly select the measures that would be effective in the period of recovery from the economic crisis. The important role is played by the country and the policy it implements. Regional recovery opportunities are analysed in the paper. A regional development and competitiveness evaluation model is developed; the evaluation of Lithuanian and Ukrainian economic recovery from the economic crisis is carried out

    Economic Loss Estimation in the Context of Country’s Economy

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    The economic decline in the period of economic downturn affects social and economic development of the country’s regions. In this paper economic loss incurred is understand as amount of forgone income in the period of economic downturn. The presented methodology allows to objectively access economic losses and to identify which country or region suffered most from the economic crisis. The methodology presented in the paper is based on the dynamics of actual economic indicator - GDP change

    An Assessment of Socio-Economic Systems’ Resilience to Economic Shocks: The Case of Lithuanian Regions

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    Various socio-economic systems (countries, regions, or cities) and their economies suffer different kinds of economic shocks. If the system is not resilient, its economy can incur losses. Only the systems whose economies are less vulnerable and/or are able to recover from the economic shock quite quickly are able to ensure economic sustainability, competitiveness, and welfare both now and in the future. The concepts of socio-economic systems’ resilience to economic shocks, vulnerability, and recovery, as well as the resilience assessment peculiarities, are all analyzed in this article. The methodology introduced for the assessment of a socio-economic system’s resilience to economic shocks consists of two parts: a model of a system’s resilience to the economic shock’s capacity-related factors (Resilio) and an index of a socio-economic system’s resilience to the economic shocks (Resindicis). The Resilio model could be used as a universal methodological framework for analyzing the resilience of socio-economic systems of different levels (countries, regions, or cities). The set of quantitative indicators compiling Resindicis should be adjusted to the specifics of each socio-economic system and the availability of statistical data. Empirically, the methodology was validated on the example of 10 Lithuanian regions (counties). The methodological principles for the assessment of a socio-economic system’s resilience are also provided. The main advantages and drawbacks of the methodology are discussed in order for further development and an increase in its practical application

    Diversifying Mediterranean Tourism as a Strategy for Regional Resilience Enhancement

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    Tourism-based regions, especially in southern Europe, are extremely vulnerable to the expected impacts of climate change (Amelung and Moreno 2009, pp. 16–25). In the case of the south of Portugal, the Algarve region’s socio-economic base is grounded on summer sun and beach tourism, i.e. coastal tourism with large-scale and concentrated accommodation. This could be drastically affected by climate change, essentially derived from sea level rise and potential beach area reduction, constraining the future of a region that strongly depends on this type of tourism. From the assumed weakness of the touristic use of this Mediterranean climate region to the impacts of climate change, it urges a reflection about what adaptive strategies can be considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio