3 research outputs found

    Microlearning in Forming the Students' English Competencies with VR Involvement

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    Every year the problem of higher educational establishments’ modernization, introduction of the newest methods and strategies of educational process reorganization, estimation of achievements in the context of information technologies becomes more and more urgent. The situation with the COVID-2019 pandemic has demonstrated the need to involve additional information approaches to teaching within the system of blended learning in higher educational establishments. As a result, the question arises: what mechanisms can be used to make learning effective? The article reveals the concept of “microlearning” as the latest approach in education and identifies its key tools in formation of English-language competencies in university students. The study found that microlearning can be an effective complement to traditional learning, as it extends the learning process beyond the classroom on the basis of information technology, allows consolidating virtually and deepening the knowledge gained during practical classes, and provokes students to daily communication outside the establishment through social network. Moreover, we propose a strategy for implementation of microlearning on the example of the educational process at Kherson State Maritime Academy through interaction of practical classes in the line of communicative-competency approach, virtual and online learning on the principle of rotation.</em

    Вплив поперечного утоку на властивості основов'язаного трикотажу

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    An important issue for people today is to extend the solutions to health problems, including treatment and prevention of spine diseases. This increases the need for support and fixing of different spine parts, that promotes the demand growth of the binders and braces. Such special goods prevent the emergence and stop the disease development, improves the well-being condition and normal function of the body, the ability to maintain performance and activity. Despite the huge number of existing structures of therapeutic and prophylactic products, the elastic fabrics of different width are the basic materials for their manufacture. Therefore, the main attention is directed to the formation and investigation of the knitted elastic fabric for special purposes, especially for preventive goods The knitted fabrics with weft - inserted yarn that produced on crochet knitting machine is the subject of this research. The chain is the basic interlooping of all variants. An elastomeric thread is introduced into the structure as longwise inlaying yarn with preliminary elongation to ensure the necessary extensibility of knitted structure. The weft filling yarn is laid on both sides of the elastomeric threads to prevent its contact with the body and to ensure the hygienic properties of medical goods. The few variants of weft yarn filling have been used: at the whole width of fabric that create a smooth surface and according to the repeats as well. The studies of fabrics properties were carried out at this research. The influence of inlaying variants of weft yarn on structure parameters and mechanical properties was found