15 research outputs found

    Assessment of Association of rs2200733 SNP on Chromosome 4q25 with the Risk of the Development of Atrial Fibrillation in the Russian Population

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    The aim of our case-control study was to investigate the possible genetic association of the rs2200733 SNP on chromosome 4q25 with AF in the Russian population as this association has not been examined before in this ethnicity. Methods and Results: A total of 76 unrelated individuals diagnosed with AF and 73 control subjects without any cardiovascular pathology were included in this study. The diagnosis of AF was based on ECG and/or Holter ECG data following standard diagnostic criteria. We found that the TT genotype of the rs2200733 SNP was associated with a higher risk of AF (OR=1.4, 95% CI: 1.1-12.4). The homozygote minor rare allele genotype TT of the rs2200733 SNP tended to elevate the risk of lone AF development (OR=2.5, 95% CI: 1.2-19.5). A risk of secondary AF development did not depend on rs2200733 SNP on chromosome 4q25 (OR=0.5, 95% CI: 0.2-1.3). Conclusion: Our results provide additional evidence for the association between the rs2200733 (4q25) SNP on chromosome 4q25 and AF, emphasizing the need for further studies examining the role of this polymorphism in AF

    Increasing Availability of the International Normalized Ratio Control in Russia

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    Background: Warfarin is still, in some cases, the only medication to prevent thromboembolic complications. Warfarin intake imposes regular INR monitoring, which can be performed domiciliary. Currently, in the Russian market, there are two models of automatic portable blood coagulometers: CoaguChek XS (Germany) and qLabs ElectroMeter (China). The main problem of portable coagulometers is their high cost and high cost of operation, which the majority of patients cannot afford. To explore the demand for development of a Russian coagulometer with a more affordable price, a questionnaire survey was carried out among the patients who needed this device. Methods and Results: We surveyed 70 patients taking Warfarin, with 5 years duration paroxysmal, persistent/or stable AF of nonvalvular etiology, having >2 CHADS-VASc score for thrombembolia risk assessment and <3 HAS-BLED score for hemorrhage risk assessment. According to the survey results, 7 (10%) patients had portable coagulometers, including 3 persons with CoaguChek XS and 4 persons with Micropoint qLabs ElectroMeter. Among these patients, there were 4 persons who continued regular INR monitoring domiciliary, while 3 patients had financial difficulties in getting testing strips. At the same time, 14 (20%) patients were not aware of the possibility of domiciliary INR monitoring. As it turned out, those patients who received regular INR monitoring domiciliary with a portable coagulometer, or at their local polyclinics, had neither ischemic strokes nor hemorrhages within a period of five years. Conclusion: It is critical to develop and manufacture a domestic equivalent of a portable coagulometer and testing strips for household use at a more affordable price

    Автономность преподавателя университета как движущая сила реформирования высшего образования

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    Continuing the efforts to define and describe teacher autonomy as an essential factor of teacher professionalism and self-development, this study expands the understanding of perceived university teacher autonomy through investigating the content of this complex personality attribute in a context of today’s transformation of Russian higher education. Taking into account self-determination theory, competency-based approach, theory of a rational performance and the Tuning approach to university teacher professional activity, this paper proposes an integrated definition of perceived university teacher autonomy as teacher generic competency ensured by a dynamic complex of teacher personality attributes and work-related competencies. The content of perceived university teacher autonomy is represented in a conceptual model. This study shows perceived university teacher autonomy potential as a mainspring of enhancing teacher professional self-development, teacher performance and job satisfaction, as well as his effective coping with different types of teaching-related stressors in a context of Russian higher education reformПродолжая попытки определить и описать автономность преподавателя как существенный фактор его профессионализма и саморазвития, данное исследование расширяет понимание освоенной автономности преподавателя вуза посредством изучения содержания этой сложной личностной характеристики в контексте современных преобразований в российском высшем образовании. С учетом теории самодетерминации, компетентностного подхода, теории рационального стиля деятельности и тюнингового подхода к профессиональной деятельности преподавателя вуза эта работа дает интегрированное определение освоенной автономности преподавателя вуза как его метакомпетенции, обеспечивающейся динамическим комплексом личностных характеристик и профессиональных компетенций. Содержание понятия «освоенная автономность преподавателя вуза» представлено в концептуальной модели. Исследование раскрывает потенциал освоенной автономности преподавателя вуза как движущей силы профессионального саморазвития педагога, повышения его профессиональной активности, удовлетворенности работой, а также его умения эффективно справляться с различными типами профессиональных стресс-факторов в контексте реформы высшего образования в Росси

    Автономность как ведущая ценность парадигмы образования в течение жизни

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    Implementing a new lifelong learning paradigm is hardly possible by only increasing the number of educational resources and using more information and communication technology. It should be based on promoting educational actors’ critical awareness of the educational context and their autonomy. This paper reveals the potential of educational actors’ autonomy as a core value of lifelong learning. It demonstrates the relevance of autonomy as an important competence of educational actors from philosophical, psychological and pedagogical perspectives. The paper proves that autonomy is beneficial for students’ and teachers’ personal and professional self-development, as well as for their educational and professional efficiency and psychological comfort. It emphasizes readiness for autonomy in both university teachers and students as a key factor in successful and productive use of the benefits autonomy offers for lifelong learningРасширение спектра образовательных ресурсов и широкое использование информационно- коммуникационных технологий сами по себе не способны обеспечить внедрение новой парадигмы образования в течение жизни. Построение новой парадигмы должно предполагать в первую очередь стимулирование автономности субъектов образования, а также осознания и критического восприятия ими образовательного контекста. В данной статье рассмотрен потенциал автономности субъектов образования как ведущей ценности парадигмы образования в течение жизни. Продемонстрирована значимость и ценность автономности как компетентности субъектов образования в философском, психологическом и педагогическом контекстах. В статье доказывается позитивное влияние автономности на процесс личностно- профессионального саморазвития студентов и преподавателей вузов, на эффективность их деятельности и их психологическое благополучие. Выделена роль автономности как ключевого фактора, обеспечивающего использование студентами и педагогами высокого потенциала автономии в отношении достижения цели образования в течение жизн

    The Autonomy-Focused Approach in Higher Education: Theoretical Grounds and Practical Implications

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    Introduction: based on the analysis of both the current practice and theory of autonomy in education, this paper is intended to determine the core principles, conditions and practical opportunities for implementation of the autonomy-focused approach in Russian universities. Materials and Methods: to substantiate the benefits and reveal the core characteristics of the autonomy-focused approach in higher education, we performed the content-analysis of both national and international higher educational documents. The practical aspects of the autonomy-focused approach have been examined through applying the ideas of autonomy-focused education to the introduction of the G-MedEx international networking educational programme (the G-Med Ex Programme) at Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University in 2015–2016. Analysis of the educational process outcomes and open discussions with teachers and students-participants of the G-MedEx Programme have also become an important source of information. Results: it was revealed that the development of the university educational environment actors’ autonomy is possible though the use of the autonomy-focused approach, which represents a critical tool for implementation of the personality-centred educational paradigm. Among the core characteristics of the autonomy-focused approach in higher education we suggested the principles of innovative self-change, personal involvement and self-fulfillment, critical awareness and self-reflection, readiness to face challenges, interdisciplinary character of training, and practical focus of education. Investigating the practical aspects of the autonomy-focused approach, we demonstrated its benefits using the example of an international networking educational programme. Discussion and Conclusions: the results of the implementation of the autonomy-focused approach within the G-MedEx Programme suggest that using this approach is beneficial for both medical university students’ and teachers’ autonomy development. Practical relevance of the study is ensured through specifying the core principles, conditions and opportunities for implementation of the autonomy-focused approach in higher education, therefore allowing for possible application of the described approach in various universities and providing a basis for investigating its potential in other educ ational contexts

    Автономность преподавателя университета как движущая сила реформирования высшего образования

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    Continuing the efforts to define and describe teacher autonomy as an essential factor of teacher professionalism and self-development, this study expands the understanding of perceived university teacher autonomy through investigating the content of this complex personality attribute in a context of today’s transformation of Russian higher education. Taking into account self-determination theory, competency-based approach, theory of a rational performance and the Tuning approach to university teacher professional activity, this paper proposes an integrated definition of perceived university teacher autonomy as teacher generic competency ensured by a dynamic complex of teacher personality attributes and work-related competencies. The content of perceived university teacher autonomy is represented in a conceptual model. This study shows perceived university teacher autonomy potential as a mainspring of enhancing teacher professional self-development, teacher performance and job satisfaction, as well as his effective coping with different types of teaching-related stressors in a context of Russian higher education reformПродолжая попытки определить и описать автономность преподавателя как существенный фактор его профессионализма и саморазвития, данное исследование расширяет понимание освоенной автономности преподавателя вуза посредством изучения содержания этой сложной личностной характеристики в контексте современных преобразований в российском высшем образовании. С учетом теории самодетерминации, компетентностного подхода, теории рационального стиля деятельности и тюнингового подхода к профессиональной деятельности преподавателя вуза эта работа дает интегрированное определение освоенной автономности преподавателя вуза как его метакомпетенции, обеспечивающейся динамическим комплексом личностных характеристик и профессиональных компетенций. Содержание понятия «освоенная автономность преподавателя вуза» представлено в концептуальной модели. Исследование раскрывает потенциал освоенной автономности преподавателя вуза как движущей силы профессионального саморазвития педагога, повышения его профессиональной активности, удовлетворенности работой, а также его умения эффективно справляться с различными типами профессиональных стресс-факторов в контексте реформы высшего образования в Росси

    Автономность как ведущая ценность парадигмы образования в течение жизни

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    Implementing a new lifelong learning paradigm is hardly possible by only increasing the number of educational resources and using more information and communication technology. It should be based on promoting educational actors’ critical awareness of the educational context and their autonomy. This paper reveals the potential of educational actors’ autonomy as a core value of lifelong learning. It demonstrates the relevance of autonomy as an important competence of educational actors from philosophical, psychological and pedagogical perspectives. The paper proves that autonomy is beneficial for students’ and teachers’ personal and professional self-development, as well as for their educational and professional efficiency and psychological comfort. It emphasizes readiness for autonomy in both university teachers and students as a key factor in successful and productive use of the benefits autonomy offers for lifelong learningРасширение спектра образовательных ресурсов и широкое использование информационно- коммуникационных технологий сами по себе не способны обеспечить внедрение новой парадигмы образования в течение жизни. Построение новой парадигмы должно предполагать в первую очередь стимулирование автономности субъектов образования, а также осознания и критического восприятия ими образовательного контекста. В данной статье рассмотрен потенциал автономности субъектов образования как ведущей ценности парадигмы образования в течение жизни. Продемонстрирована значимость и ценность автономности как компетентности субъектов образования в философском, психологическом и педагогическом контекстах. В статье доказывается позитивное влияние автономности на процесс личностно- профессионального саморазвития студентов и преподавателей вузов, на эффективность их деятельности и их психологическое благополучие. Выделена роль автономности как ключевого фактора, обеспечивающего использование студентами и педагогами высокого потенциала автономии в отношении достижения цели образования в течение жизн

    Universiteto dėstytojų profesinio savarankiškumo ir naujovių diegimo sąsajų tyrinėjimas

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate both - theoretical and practical aspects in association between foreign language teachers’ professional autonomy and their innovation performance under the current educational circumstances. The findings demonstrate that the development of innovative university teachers is possible in the framework of the autonomy-oriented approach that gets the teachers to be involved in intensive analysis and project activity, based on an analysis and a review of teachers’ personal learning and professional experience in a wide range of educational context.Šio straipsnio tikslas – ištirti tiek teorinius, tiek praktinius aspektus, susijusius su užsienio kalbos dėstytojų profesiniu savarankiškumu ir naujovių diegimo veiksmingumu dabartinėmis švietimo sąlygomis. Tyrime pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas universiteto dėstytojų savarankiškumo, kaip bendrosios kompetencijos psichologiniu ir pedagoginiu aspektu, svarbai. Profesinis savarankiškumas leidžia dėstytojams dalyvauti inovatyviuose procesuose, atsisakant šablonų ir stereotipų, keičiant savo mąstymo būdus ir veikiant kaip iniciatyviems ir reflektuojantiems profesionalams, kurie prisiima atsakomybę už savo profesinį tobulėjimą ir atsakomybę už mokymo rezultatus. Pasitelkiant užsienio kalbos dėstytojo pavyzdį, straipsnyje nagrinėjamos inovatyvios universiteto dėstytojų savarankiškumo galimybės. Jos pristatomos remiantis tyrimo apžvalga, teorija, dabartine mokymo praktika profesoriaus V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnojarsko valstybiniame medicinos universitete ir empiriniais tyrimo rezultatais. Gauti rezultatai atskleidžia, kad inovatyvus universiteto dėstytojo tobulėjimas įmanomas į savarankišką požiūrį orientuotoje aplinkoje, įtraukiančioje dėstytojus į intensyvią analitinę ir projektinę veiklą, grįstą dėstytojo asmeninio mokymosi ir profesinės patirties analize bei peržiūra plačiame švietimo kontekste. Taikydami į savarankiškumą orientuotą mokymo teoriją dėstytojų tobulėjimui spręsti, mes išsamiai apibūdinome pokyčius, kuriais reiktų vadovautis įgyvendinant savarankišką mokymą bei skatinant inovatyvią ir kūrybinę veiklą dėstytojų asmeninio ir profesinio tobulėjimo sistemos struktūroje

    Genetic Polymorphism of Cytokines as a Predictor of Phenotypic Development of Chronic Pain Syndrome in Cancer Patients

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    The authors present a literature review using materials provided in the following databases: “MedLine”, “PubMed”, “Wiley Online Library”, “Web of Science”, “Oxford University Press”, “SAGE Premier”, dated 1995–2016. The paper describes the results of current international studies on the role of cytokine genes polymorphisms in the genesis of chronic cancer pain. We emphasize the role of inter-individual differences based on genetic polymorphism of cytokines and their receptors in personalized anesthetic care and accompanying therapy in oncology

    Arrhythmogenic Convulsive Syncope in Neurological Practice: A Case Report

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    This case report presents a 24-year-old man with a long history of arrhythmogenic convulsive syncope, which was managed as a cryptogenic generalized PRE. During complex examination of the patient within the framework of preoperative screening for the purpose of neurosurgical treatment of PRE, an idiopathic SSS was diagnosed. The clinical diagnosis was changed. The patient underwent emergency surgery at the center for cardiac surgery. ECP was implanted, the seizures stopped, resulting in dramatically improved quality of life