207 research outputs found

    Preliminary Evaluation of Storage Behavior of Cola lepidota (K. Schum) Seeds

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    A preliminary study was conducted to provide information on the behaviour of C. lepidota seeds in storage prior to a proper investigation into different storage temperature regimes, methods and their effect on the viability and subsequent germination of the seed. C. lepidota seeds used in the study were collected from the Swamp Forest Research Station, Onne, Rivers State small plantation. Two storage methods, bare storage and storage in closed container and two temperature regimes, 4º C (refrigeration) and room temperature (30ºC) were applied on the seed. There were a total of eighty-six (86) seeds allocated disproportionately to the treatments in a completely randomized design experimental layout. Data collected were number of decaying seeds and duration of decay (days). Due to non-normality of data after the Shapiro-Wilk test was conducted; the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA was used for analysis, while Mann-Whitney test was used for pair wise comparison. The results showed that C. lepidota seeds decayed or dried up at an average rate of 1 seed/week when stored bare at room temperature (30ºC); storage in closed container accelerated the rate of seed decay to 6 seeds/week; while refrigeration at 4º C significantly reduced rate of seed decay to 1 seed in 29 weeks. This shows that storage by refrigeration is the best way to keep C. lepidota seeds fresh for a longer duration of time, the worst storage condition is in closed container at room temperature (30ºC), while, storage of the seeds bare at room temperature (30ºC) could only sustain the seeds for a few days. This information will serve as a guide for seed storage and handling when C. lepidota seeds are collected for later propagation or when there is the need to transport the seed a long distance

    Recent Results From the EU POF-PLUS Project: Multi-Gigabit Transmission Over 1 mm Core Diameter Plastic Optical Fibers

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    Recent activity to achieve multi-gigabit transmission over 1 mm core diameter graded-index and step-index plastic optical fibers for distances up to 50 meters is reported in this paper. By employing a simple intensity-modulated direct-detection system with pulse amplitude or digital multi-tone modulation techniques, low-cost transceivers and easy to install large-core POFs, it is demonstrated that multi-gigabit transmission up to 10 Gbit/s over 1-mm core diameter POF infrastructure is feasible. The results presented in this paper were obtained in the EU FP7 POF-PLUS project, which focused on applications in different scenarios, such as in next-generation in-building residential networks and in datacom applications

    Label-free quantitative comparison of cerebrospinal fluid glycoproteins and endogenous peptides in subjects with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy individuals

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    PURPOSE: The goal of this study is to investigate putative molecular dynamic changes in cerebrospinal fluids (CSFs) collected from individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) as compared to healthy controls. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The CSF samples from 12 subjects comprised of four cognitively normal individuals and eight patients with MCI and AD, respectively. Two aliquots of each CSF samples (total 1 mL) of each participant are used for this study. Endogenous peptide separations are performed using 10 000 molecular weight cut-off filters followed by LC-MS/MS identification and quantitation while lectin-enrichment chromatography is used to enrich glycoproteins in CSF followed by trypsin digestion and subsequent LC-MS/MS for shotgun identification and label-free quantitation. RESULTS: Using an optimized submicrogram peptide separation with molecular weight cut-off filtration and an in house-constructed database, 645 peptides are identified. Glycoproteins are enriched by lectin affinity chromatography, resulting in 795 identified proteins. The discovery and alterations of proSAAS-derived peptides and transthyretin are described and their roles in AD are discussed. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Comprehensive identification of endogenous CSF peptidome is achieved. Fifteen proteins are found to be differentially expressed among the three groups. The dynamic changes of transthyretin are reported for the first time

    Perception of Sister Health Professionals about Radiography Profession in Nigeria

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    Objective To investigate the perception of sister professional groups in Nigeria towards radiography profession. Methods: Questionnaires were used to survey the opinions of 160 healthcare professionals from five professional groups. The respondents scored radiographers on some characteristics of professional occupations. Results: Only in education was radiography scored 70.0 % and above by respondents. The range of scores in other areas was 55 – 65 %. Conclusion: Nigerian radiographers need to strive harder to improve public perception on many indices.     &nbsp

    A Review of Environmental Implications of Dredging Activities

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    Dredging is a global anthropogenic excavation activity of removing sediments from water bodies and depositing it elsewhere. It is a mixed blessing as it has both beneficial and adverse impacts. This paper is on a review of environmental implications of dredging. The objective of the paper is to review previous works by researchers on the environmental consequences of dredging. The method used is a review of academic/journal articles, internet materials, conference / workshop papers, textbooks, bulletins and publicly available materials on dredging activities. The results of the study revealed that previous authors whose works were reviewed have a convergent view that apart from the beneficial impacts of dredging (e.g. keeping waterways navigable, flood and storm protection and provision of materials for road construction and building), it has lots of adverse environmental impacts, including environmental pollution, erosion, widespread hydrological changes, reduction in the population of aquatic lives like destruction of fish spawning grounds and benthic organisms and resuspension of particulate matter column that has elevated levels of lead, copper, zinc and nickel in Phytoplankton. Recommendations of the study include: (1) establishment of environmental legislations and regulations for dredging operation; (2) use of green technology in dredging activities to minimize suspension of sediments and contamination/pollution of dredging environments; and (3) creation of awareness among dredging contractors, regulators and marine communities where dredging take place on the economic and ecological values of the marine ecosystems that are usually very sensitive, fragile and productive

    Effectiveness of Treatment Outcomes of Public Private Mix Tuberculosis Control Program in Eastern Nigeria

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    Effective tuberculosis treatment has been shown to have significant effect on the control of tuberculosis. Completion of treatment of active cases is therefore the most important priority of tuberculosis control programmes. Descriptive statistics with a retrospective cohort study design used to analyze secondary data set (2007-2010) of patients accessing TB-DOTS treatment in two facilities (Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, NAUTH and Department of Health Services Tuberculosis and Leprosy  Control Unit Nnewi North Local Government Area (L.G.A.) Secretariat, DHSTLCU ) as public health facilities and other two facilities ( Immaculate Heart of Catholic Church Hospital, IHCCH  and Diocesan Anglican Communion Hospital, DACH) as private health facilities in Nnewi North L.G.A., Anambra State. Gender of patients were male: female 54%(1016 patients) : 46% (883 patients) and 53%(63 patients) : 47%(56 patients) in public and private health facilities respectively . Using WHO (1996) standards the health facilities adjudged as efficient were: in 2007, private facilities using the indicator  of treatment failure rate; private facilities using the indicator of death rate;  public facilities and private facilities using  the indicator of transfer-out rate ; public facilities using the indicator of  treatment completion rate. In 2008, effective health facilities were: private health facilities using the indicator of failure rate; public and private health facilities using the indicator of transfer-out rate; private facilities using the indicator of treatment completion rate. In 2009, effective health facilities were public and private health facilities using indicator of treatment failure rate; public and private health facilities using the indicator of death rate; public and private facilities using the indicator of transfer out; public and private facilities using the indicator of treatment completion rate. In 2010, effective health facilities were: private health facilities using the indicator of  cure rate; private facilities using the indicator of death rate ; public and private facilities using the indicator of transfer-out; public facilities using the indicator of treatment completion rate. In conclusion, private health facilities were more effective than public health facilities  by the several indicators over the four year period.  Future research is needful to use primary and secondary data sets in assessment of TB control program effectiveness; technical efficiency assessment using non-parametric statistics will assess the validity of assessing effectiveness using only the WHO standards; identify centre-specific factors associated with poor treatment outcome; institutionalizing a reward system for effective TB-DOTS facilities will engender healthy competition in the Public Private Mix for sustained effectiveness; the Monitoring and Evaluation tools especially the treatment card for data capture should be improved upon for comprehensiveness of patients socio-economic history. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Effectiveness, Treatments Outcomes, Public Private Mi

    Quality of anti-malarial drugs provided by public and private healthcare providers in south-east Nigeria

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    BACKGROUND: There is little existing knowledge about actual quality of drugs provided by different providers in Nigeria and in many sub-Saharan African countries. Such information is important for improving malaria treatment that will help in the development and implementation of actions designed to improve the quality of treatment. The objective of the study was to determine the quality of drugs used for the treatment of malaria in a broad spectrum of public and private healthcare providers. METHODS: The study was undertaken in six towns (three urban and three rural) in Anambra state, south-east Nigeria. Anti-malarials (225 samples), which included artesunate, dihydroartemisinin, sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), quinine, and chloroquine, were either purchased or collected from randomly selected providers. The quality of these drugs was assessed by laboratory analysis of the dissolution profile using published pharmacopoeial monograms and measuring the amount of active ingredient using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). FINDINGS: It was found that 60 (37%) of the anti-malarials tested did not meet the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) specifications for the amount of active ingredients, with the suspect drugs either lacking the active ingredients or containing suboptimal quantities of the active ingredients. Quinine (46%) and SP formulations (39%) were among drugs that did not satisfy the tolerance limits published in USP monograms. A total of 78% of the suspect drugs were from private facilities, mostly low-level providers, such as patent medicine dealers (vendors). CONCLUSION: This study found that there was a high prevalence of poor quality drugs. The findings provide areas for public intervention to improve the quality of malaria treatment services. There should be enforced checks and regulation of drug supply management as well as stiffer penalties for people stocking substandard and counterfeit drugs

    The recency ratio assessed by story recall is associated with cerebrospinal fluid levels of neurodegeneration biomarkers

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    Recency refers to the information learned at the end of a study list or task. Recency forgetting, as tracked by the ratio between recency recall in immediate and delayed conditions, i.e., the recency ratio (Rr), has been applied to list-learning tasks, demonstrating its efficacy in predicting cognitive decline, conversion to mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of neurodegeneration. However, little is known as to whether Rr can be effectively applied to story recall tasks. To address this question, data were extracted from the database of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. A total of 212 participants were included in the study. CSF biomarkers were amyloid-beta (Aβ) 40 and 42, phosphorylated (p) and total (t) tau, neurofilament light (NFL), neurogranin (Ng), and α-synuclein (a-syn). Story Recall was measured with the Logical Memory Test (LMT). We carried out Bayesian regression analyses with Rr, and other LMT scores as predictors; and CSF biomarkers (including the Aβ42/40 and p-tau/Aβ42 ratios) as outcomes. Results showed that models including Rr consistently provided best fits with the data, with few exceptions. These findings demonstrate the applicability of Rr to story recall and its sensitivity to CSF biomarkers of neurodegeneration, and encourage its inclusion when evaluating risk of neurodegeneration with story recall

    A comparison of diagnostic performance of word-list and story recall tests for biomarker-determined Alzheimer’s disease

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    BACKGROUND: Wordlist and story recall tests are routinely employed in clinical practice for dementia diagnosis. In this study, our aim was to establish how well-standard clinical metrics compared to process scores derived from wordlist and story recall tests in predicting biomarker determined Alzheimer’s disease, as defined by CSF ptau/Aβ42 ratio. METHODS: Data from 295 participants (mean age = 65 ± 9.) were drawn from the University of Wisconsin – Madison Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) and Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention (WRAP). Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT; wordlist) and Logical Memory Test (LMT; story) data were used. Bayesian linear regression analyses were carried out with CSF ptau/Aβ42 ratio as outcome. Sensitivity analyses were carried out with logistic regressions to assess diagnosticity. RESULTS: LMT generally outperformed AVLT. Notably, the best predictors were primacy ratio, a process score indexing loss of information learned early during test administration, and recency ratio, which tracks loss of recently learned information. Sensitivity analyses confirmed this conclusion. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that story recall tests may be better than wordlist tests for detection of dementia, especially when employing process scores alongside conventional clinical scores

    Blended wing body with boundary layer ingestion conceptual design in a multidisciplinary design analysis optimization environment

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    This paper introduces the GENUS multidisciplinary concept level aircraft design and analysis environment developed by Cranfield University in recent years and it has been applied to the conceptual design of blended wing body (BWB) aircraft. Analytical disciplines include a variety of low-to-medium fidelity, physics-based and empirical methods, and aerodynamic analysis of high-order panel method. Boundary layer ingestion (BLI), as a special module, has been incorporated into the aerodynamic and propulsion analysis. The results of the Cranfield BW-11 are presented. In the highly-constrained design space, a type of highly fuel- efficient BWB concept can be studied, and the advantages of the BLI concept can also be explored based on this framework