204 research outputs found

    The Role of a Free Press in Good Governance a Papper Presented

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    It gives me joy and I am humbled to be given this rare privilege to be chosen amongst other most suitable and very much qualified persons and or personalities to give this prestigious lecture by one of the most respected and valued professional prestigious trade unions in the world NUJ Bayelsa Chapter This is more so when you consider the critical place the media or put differently the press plays in the society It is in this context that the topic of our discourse or paper is apt particularly when considered from the perspective of the broad theme of this years World Press Freedom Day Media Freedom for Better Future Shaping the Post 2015 Development Agenda To what extent does free and independent media contribute to good governance and what are the consequences for human development What is the role of the free press in strengthening good governance democracy and human developmen

    Corruption and Post 2015 Development Agenda in Nigeria

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    This work examined the impediments corruption pose on Nigerias economy It states that Corruption in Nigeria is endemic in all facets and it has continued to challenge the goals of sustainability of development efforts in all ramifications Thus this chapter provides explanations on the corruption variable in the country its negative impacts consequences and impediments towards the country march to economic recovery in post 2015 and the sustenance of development effort The work applied the historical method of data collection secondary sources using descriptive mechanism of analysi

    Corruption and Post 2015 Development Agenda in Nigeria

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    This work examined the impediments corruption pose on Nigerias economy It states that Corruption in Nigeria is endemic in all facets and it has continued to challenge the goals of sustainability of development efforts in all ramifications Thus this chapter provides explanations on the corruption variable in the country its negative impacts consequences and impediments towards the country march to economic recovery in post 2015 and the sustenance of development effort The work applied the historical method of data collection secondary sources using descriptive mechanism of analysi

    Managing Minority Problems in Nigeria: The Case of the Ethnic Minorities of the Niger Delta Region

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    At the root of most if not all internal conflicts in the world, particularly Africa today, is a struggle by some previously autonomous units to free themselves from the grips of a domineering multinational state; in Africa and by extension Nigeria, the nationalities question variously called tribalism or ethnicity has long been accepted as the flagship of national politics and central organizing theme of politics of who gets what, when, how and even why. Observers/scholars in the political realm think and believe the long-drawn-out super power rivalry emasculate political development in Africa and of course the former Eastern Europe by sweeping the “Nationalities Question” under the carpet rather than answering it. For most African Multi-National States, like Nigeria, the questions are quite simple. (1) Is it possible to create a viable national state from a conglomeration of nationalities that were previously independent and performed all the functions of a modern ‘nation-state’? (2) If yes, under what conditions are these nationalities prepared to remain part of the multi-national state? (3) Do they have an exit option, if at any point in time they feel grossly dissatisfied? These and many more are a few questions this paper attempt to provide answers as we make progress in this discourse Keywords: ethnic politics, managing minority problems in Nigeria. Niger Delta-nationalities question, multinational states, modern nation state, nationalism

    Effect of acute hyperglycemia on clotting time and relative plasma viscosity (RPV) during menstruation

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    Menstruating females seem to bleed more when they ingest sugar or sugar containing substances. This study was carried out to determine the effect of acute hyperglycemia on clotting time and relative plasma viscosity during menstruation. Forty menstruating females from the St. Philomena School of Midwifery, Benin, Nigeria volunteered for the study. following ethical approval from St. Philomena Catholic Hospital, blood samples were collected from the ante cubital vein; pre-ingestion, one hour and two hours post ingestion of glucose concentrations (39 g/200ml, 78 g/200ml). Fasting blood samples and post glucose ingestion blood samples were analyzed for Sugar, Clotting time and Relative Plasma Viscosity (RPV) using Standard laboratory methods. Results were analyzed with paired t-test and values of p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. The result showed a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in clotting time and a decrease in relative plasma viscosity (p<0.05) one hour after the intake of both glucose concentrations. Two hours after glucose intake, there was a decrease in clotting time towards the baseline and an increase in RPV towards the baseline. This study thus suggests that acute hyperglycemia increases clotting time and reduced RPV in menstruating girls. This may be the reason for the perceived sense of increased menstrual flow.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Clotting time, Relative Plasma Viscosity (RPV), menstruation, blood suga

    Federalism and Resource Control: The Nigerian Experience

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    Federalism and Resource Control are two contentious issues.  The practice of federalism in Nigeria has elicited several reactions and thus generated critical debates by both scholars, politicians, journalists, commentators and more particularly the oil producing communities of the Niger Delta Region. The list is endless. What has occasioned these reactions and thus generated this un-ending debate? At the centre of the argument, the answers to this very contentious and pivotal question. One fundamental requirement which forms the very basis of any federal arrangement or system of government as postulated by K.C Wheare, is “financial autonomy” of the different units of government in a federation. The centrality of the role of financial autonomy and independence in guaranteeing “true federalism” cannot be overemphasized. Against this background, this paper focused on the Federalism-Resource-Control nexus in Nigeria. The paper finds that, every state in the federation of Nigeria should control and manage the natural resources located therein
 this does not approximate the seizure of the oil resources of the Niger Delta by the Niger Delta people, but it indicates a sense of participation. A total of eight recommendations were made in order to guarantee a strong and united federation-Central to these is that, until and unless the constituent parts (states) in the country are sufficiently empowered by enabling practices that conforms   to the principles of federalism peace in the oil producing that region and by extension the country is elusive. The rest part of the paper is divided into six sections-the first section, provided the introduction and  background to the study; the second contextualizes the conceptual underpinnings of Nigeria’s Federalism; the third section deals with Resources Control as a fundamental  feature of true-federalism; the fourth section explains the root causes of the Niger Delta; the fifth section, enumerated some recommendations; the sixth which is the final section concludes the papers with the view that, the essence of true federalism  is to allow each state or region in a federation significant  measure of autonomy to manage its affairs and that, the federalist debate in Nigeria is centered essentially on the need to understand the basis of the contract of true federalism  and resource control. This debate, the paper suggests is long standing, passionate and inconclusive. Keywords: federalism, resource control, niger delta, financial autonomy and conceptual clarification

    Cystercercus Larva in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye of a 7- year-old Nigerian Girl

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    The case of a 7 year old Nigerian girl with features of traumatic uveitis which was later found to have anterior chamber cestode larva infestation is presented. Though uncommon, ocular cestode larva infestation should be considered when children present with features of ocular inflammation


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    Logic, a branch of philosophy, is essentially concerned with one’s ability to reason well. It provides structured rules and principles that act as guides for effective reasoning. As such the correctness or incorrectness of any kind of reasoning can easily be verified by subjecting them to logical techniques and methods. The paper conceptualises general studies as a set of prescribed courses available in a Nigerian tertiary institution, outside a student’s area of specialisation that must be registered for and passed, usually, in the first and second years of study. The essence is to ensure that students experience balanced, rounded education and to ensure that scholarship is made relevant to the pressing needs of the society. The paper locates the bond between logic and general studies based on the fact that logic permeates all the courses taught as General Studies and, indeed, all the courses taught in the university be it medicine, geography, architecture. In a knowledge-based environment, the need for effective communication is critical and inevitable. This means that both in the delivery of knowledge as well as its acquisition, care should be taken to avoid fallacious reasoning and deception by the slippery nature and use of words. It is for this reason that a rudimentary knowledge of logic is a prerequisite for every discipline. The paper adopts an analytical and comparative method. Philosophical analysis and reflection are applied in order to evaluate and highlight the importance of logic to other disciplines. Its comparative character helps to demonstrate why logic, and no any other discipline, is most suited to act as the foundation for all other disciplines. In all, the paper demonstrates that for effective teaching and learning to take place in other disciplines, logic is essential. It also underscores the strong nexus between logic and general studies. Finally, it shows how logic can help in enriching other disciplines.   &nbsp

    Secondary ovarian neoplasms in a tertiary hospital in southwestern Nigeria

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    Background: The ovary is a common site of involvement for metastases constituting 5-30% of all malignant ovarian neoplasms. Over half of these tumours are bilateral. The commonest sources are stomach, large bowel, appendix, breast, uterus (corpus and cervix) and lung.Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the histopathological pattern of metastases to the ovary at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria.Material and Methods: This was a retrospective study. All histologically confirmed cases of metastases to the ovary from the records and files of the Department of Pathology, University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan between January 1991 and June 2013 were used for the study. These were cases diagnosed following total abdominal hysterectomy, total abdominal hystero-salpingooophorectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, omentectomy, and multiple peritoneal biopsies and post-mortems at the University College Hospital between January 1991 and June 2013. Cases with inadequate clinical data and whose blocks and or slides could not be retrieved were excluded from the study. The data obtained were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20Results: There were 46 cases of metastases to the ovary constituting 5.3% of total ovarian neoplasms. Thirty (63.9%) cases were metastatic carcinomas with the affected patients’ age range of 20-79 years, and peak incidence within the age group of 30-39 years. Nineteen out of 30 cases of metastatic carcinomas were from adenocarcinoma of colon, 6 cases were from the gastric carcinoma while the remaining five cases were from the squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Fifteen (31.9%) cases of Burkitt Lymphoma were found with patients with age range of 0-39 years, and the peak age of occurrence at the 2nd decade. The only case of metastatic Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumour and metastatic Leiomyosarcoma were found in the 3rd and 4th decades of life respectivelyConclusion: This study has shown that metastases to the ovary occur in younger age groups in our environment. Therefore this study emphasizes that in young females with ovarian masses, the likelihood of metastatic tumours should not be discarded because, correct and precise diagnosis of secondary ovarian malignancy is critical as it has significant implication on the patients’ choice of management and prognosis.Keywords: Histopathological, Ovarian neoplasms, Metastases, Ibada

    Impact of corporate social responsibility strategies on consumer patronage of telecommunication industry: an MTN experience in Enugu state

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies on consumer patronage of telecommunication industry: an MTNF Science and Technology State. It specifically aims to determine the influence of MTNF Science and Technology Scholarship Scheme as a CSR strategy on consumer patronage of MTN and also, to assess the influence of MTN Foundation Restructured Schools Connect Project as a CSR strategy on the corporate image of MTN. The survey research method was chosen for the study. The study population comprises subscribers of MTN in Enugu State, which is 1,295.918. A sample size of 400 was determined using Taro Yamane’s formula. Applying the simple linear regression, the findings revealed that MTNF Science and Technology Scholarship Scheme as a CSR strategy has a significant influence on consumer patronage of MTN (r = 0.945; t = 56.377; F = 3173.334; p < 0.05). Similarly, it was revealed that there is significant influence of MTN Foundation Restructured Schools Connect Project as a CSR strategy on corporate image of MTN (r = 0.978; t = 92.313; F = 8521.649; p < 0.05). Consequently, the study concludes that CSR is an effective marketing strategy for acquiring customer patronage and generating goodwill and good corporate image. Therefore, MTN should consolidate on executing and improving on CSR projects. This is highly significant as improved CSR will ensure improved customer patronage and boost good corporate image for MTN
