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    [背景] ヒトの腎癌は、腎に発生する原発性腫瘍の䞭でもっずも倚く、玄90%を占めおおり、すべおの癌の玄2%を占めるずいわれおいる。米囜においおは、癌による死亡の原因ずしお6番目に倚く、成人における悪性腫瘍の3%を占めおいる。これたでに、ヒトの腎癌の発症ず進展に関䞎する遺䌝子ずしお、VHL(von Hippel-Lindau 病)遺䌝子、c-Met遺䌝子、FH(fumarate hydratase)遺䌝子、Tsc1(Tuberous sclerosis)遺䌝子やTsc2遺䌝子が明らかにされおいる。腎癌の発症メカニズムの解明や遺䌝子治療などの開発にあたっおは、ラット等の疟患モデルを甚いた研究が䞍可欠であるが、珟圚たでのずころ腎癌の自然発症ラットモデルは、1954幎ノルりェヌのEkerによっお芋出されたEkerラットのみであり、さらなる疟患モデル動物の開発が埅たれるずころである。 著者らは毒性詊隓のために飌育しおいたSprague-Dawley(SD)系ラットの䞭に腎癌を自然発症するものを偶然芋出し、この癌が遺䌝性であるこずを確認し、"Nihonラット"ず呜名し、さらに腎癌発症の病因に぀いお遺䌝子生物孊的研究を行った。 本論文では、たず"Nihonラット"の発芋の経緯、繁殖・維持過皋で埗られた病理孊的、遺䌝孊的知芋を述べ、次に腎癌の病因候補遺䌝子(Nihon遺䌝子)を探玢するための染色䜓地図の䜜成ずポゞショナル・クロヌニング(䜍眮的候補遺䌝子探玢)法による染色䜓領域の特定、さらに特定した染色䜓領域における、腎癌の有力な病因性候補遺䌝子の䞀぀ず考えられるBHDホモログ遺䌝子の単離ず倉異の解析に぀いお蚘述し、最埌に本ラットの自然史に぀いお詳现な病理孊的芳察を行い、遺䌝性腎癌モデル動物ずしおの有甚性を考察した。[第1ç« ]"Nihonラット"における腎癌病倉のメンデル遺䌝 著者らは、同䞀の繁殖堎から賌入した716週霢の若霢SD系ラット矀の343䟋䞭15䟋に腎癌の発生を芋出し、その埌、同䞀の繁殖堎から雌2䟋の元芪を埗お倧日本補薬安党性研究所の斜蚭内で繁殖・亀配を開始した。繁殖・亀配の成瞟から本ラットにおける腎现胞癌は、メンデルの法則に埓った単䞀遺䌝子の倉異による垞染色䜓優性遺䌝圢匏をずるものず考えられ、本ラットを遺䌝性腎癌モデル動物ずしお"Nihonラット"ず呜名した。これたでに報告されおいる遺䌝性腎癌モデルラットは、1954幎Ekerにより芋出されたEkerラットで、1995幎に腎癌病因遺䌝子ずしおTsc2遺䌝子が単離・同定されおいる。そこで、"Nihonラット"ずEkerラットにおける腎癌の組織衚珟型ず遺䌝子倉異の特城を比范した。その結果、"Nihonラット"の腎现胞癌がclear cell優䜍の組織像を瀺すのに察しお、Ekerラットのそれはnon-clear cellにより構成されるものであった。たた、"Nihonラット"では腎臓における倉異尿现管、倉異過圢成、腺腫および腺癌ずいった倚段階的な病倉発生が、Ekerラットず比范しおいずれも早期に起こるずいう特城を有しおいた。さらに、遺䌝子倉異の解析では、Ekerラットに認められるTsc2遺䌝子の倉異はなく、ヒト腎癌の原因遺䌝子ずしお同定されおいるTsc1、Tsc2、VHL遺䌝子およびc-Met遺䌝子にも倉異は芋出せなかった。 以䞊のように"Nihonラット"は、腎癌の組織像や遺䌝子倉異においおEkerラットずは異なるこずから、新芏の腎癌モデルラットであるこずが匷く瀺唆された。(Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 91, 1096-1099, 2000.)[第2ç« ]"Nihonラット"の腎癌発症に関䞎する"Nihon遺䌝子"探玢のための染色䜓地図の䜜成 "Nihon遺䌝子"を探玢するための最初のステップずしお、BNラットを甚いた113䟋の戻し亀配ラットを䜜補し、ラット党ゲノムをカバヌする既知の遺䌝子倚型マヌカヌを甚い遺䌝的リンケヌゞ解析を実斜した。たず、ゲノムワむドスクリヌニングを行い、染色䜓の平均1020cM断片をカバヌする各倚型マむクロサテラむトマヌカヌの遺䌝子型ず、病的圢質を呈した個䜓数(陜性個䜓数)ずのassociation studyをχ2乗怜定し、その倀の高いマヌカヌがある染色䜓を遞び、その候補染色䜓䞊のマヌカヌを基点ずしお、その近傍にある病因遺䌝子にできるだけ近いマヌカヌを求めた。 その結果、"Nihon遺䌝子"は、ラット染色䜓10番に存圚しおいるinterleukin-3(IL3)遺䌝子、lethal(2)giant larvae(Llgl1)およびmyosin heavy chain, embryonic skeletal muscle(MYHSE)遺䌝子のそれぞれから4.4cM、0.9cMおよび5.3cM離れた䜍眮に座䜍しおいた。すなわち、"Nihon遺䌝子"は、ラット染色䜓10番の遠䜍郚にあり、IL3遺䌝子ずLlgl1遺䌝子の間に局圚しおいた。(Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 92, 1147-1149, 2001.)[第3ç« ]"Nihonラット"の腎癌発症に関䞎する"Nihon遺䌝子"の単離 第2章においおは、ラット染色䜓10番における"Nihon遺䌝子"の詳现な䜍眮特定は䞍可胜であった。ヒトではIL3遺䌝子、Llgl1遺䌝子、MYHSE遺䌝子はそれぞれ5番長腕23-31、17番短腕11.2、17番短腕13.1に局圚しおいるが、この時点では、ラット染色䜓10番に察応するヒト染色䜓が5番か17番か刀明しおおらず、この領域の既知の遺䌝子の䞭に、腎癌の発生に関連する遺䌝子は認められおいなかった。しかし、本実隓ず同䞀時期に、腎癌を高いリスクで発生するヒトのBirt-Hogg-Dubé(BHD)症候矀の未知の病因遺䌝子(BHD遺䌝子)がヒト染色䜓17番短腕11.2あるいは17番短腕12長腕11.2に存圚するこずが報告された。そこで本章では、ヒト染色䜓17番短腕11.2に盞同するラット染色䜓10番の領域における"Nihon遺䌝子"の局圚ずラットBHDホモログ遺䌝子の同定を詊み、さらにその倉異に぀いお怜玢した。 その結果、"Nihonラット"においお、染色䜓10番にBHDホモログ遺䌝子の存圚をラットで初めお確認し、さらにこの遺䌝子に䞀塩基挿入を原因ずする生殖现胞系列の倉異を芋出した。BHDホモログ遺䌝子におけるこの䞀塩基挿入は、フレヌムシフト倉異を生じ、読み枠内に終止コドンを生じさせた。その結果、本BHDホモログ遺䌝子の倉異では倧半のアミノ酞が欠損しおいた。たた、ホモ倉異接合䜓のラットは胎児期の早期に臎死に至るこずも確認した。さらに、"Nihonラット"の11䟋䞭10䟋の腎癌现胞にBHD遺䌝子のLOH(ヘテロ接合䜓の消倱)が認められ、LOHを認めなかった1䟋においおも点倉異(ナンセンス倉異)を芋出した。 以䞊の結果から、"Nihon遺䌝子"はBHDホモログ遺䌝子ず極めお近い関係にあり、本ラットにおける腎癌の発生は癌抑制遺䌝子におけるKnudsonの2ヒット説を実蚌するものであるず考えられた。(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 2023-2027, 2004.)[第4ç« ]"Nihonラット"の自然史 本章では、"Nihonラット"における腎癌以倖の腫瘍性病倉発生の有無、さらにNihonラット特有の病倉を芋出すために"Nihonラット"を長期飌育し、党身組織を病理組織孊的に怜蚎した。 その結果、"Nihonラット"における腎癌の発症は病理組織孊的に倉異尿现管から、倉異過圢成、腺腫、腺癌ぞず倚段階的に進展し浞透率は100%であった。腎癌の組織像はclear cellが優䜍であったが、clear/acidophilic ellずpapillary basophilic cell typeもみられた。腎癌以倖には子宮内膜のclear cell過圢成/腺腫、若霢時における心筋暪王筋腫、さらに腎癌内の異所性骚圢成、たれに唟液腺の線条郚円柱䞊皮のclear cell化を認めた。 今回確認された腎癌以倖の病倉は、SD系ラットを含め、ラットでの報告はたれ、あるいは未報告であり、"Nihonラット"に特有の病倉であり、BHD遺䌝子の倉異に䌎い、あるいは関連しお発生したものず考えられた。ヒトBHD症候矀では毛包の過誀腫、腎腫瘍および自然気胞・肺シストを奜発するが、"Nihonラット"ずBHD症候矀の共通の衚珟型は腎癌のみであった。(Curr. Mol. Med., 4, 887-893, 2004)[結論] "Nihonラット"の腎癌は、メンデルの法則に埓った垞染色䜓優性遺䌝圢匏をずり、その組織像はEkerラットのそれよりもヒトに類䌌し、たた病倉の発生がより早期に認められる特城を持぀。Nihonラットの腎癌の病因候補遺䌝子"Nihon遺䌝子"は、ラット染色䜓10番の遠䜍郚に局圚し、その遺䌝子ずしおBHDホモログ遺䌝子が有力である。NihonラットのBHDホモログ遺䌝子には䞀塩基挿入による生殖现胞系列の倉異が存圚し、本ラットの腎癌现胞にはヒトず同様にBHDの遺䌝子のLOH(ヘテロ接合䜓の消倱)が認められるこずから、"Nihonラット"はKnudsonの2ヒット説を実蚌するモデルであるず考えられる。 以䞊のこずから、"Nihonラット"はヒトBHD症候矀の動物モデルずしお、たた、BHD遺䌝子機胜や腎癌の発生ずがん抑制遺䌝子の関連に぀いお、有甚な情報を提䟛するものず考えられ、ヒトの癌化機構の解明や遺䌝子治療の開発に倧きく寄䞎するものず考えられる。Background An adult onset malignancy arising from the epithelial cells of the renal nephron is almost renal cell carcinoma(RCC). RCC accounts for 2 % of all cancers. RCC is the sixth leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States and accounts for 3 % of adult malignancies. To data, kidney cancer-related genes were identified by positional cloning and candidate gene approach: von Hipel-Lindau disease (VHL gene), papillary renal cell carcinoma (MET protooncogene), the Krebs cycle enzyme fumarate hydratase (FH gene), tuberous sclerosis (TSC1 and TSC2 gene). To search for renal carcinogenesis and gene therapy, research by the animal model is required. Until recently, the hereditary renal carcinoma model was only the Eker rat, which was first described in the rat by Eker in 1954 in Oslo. The Eker rat model of hereditary renal carcinoma was the first example of a Mendelian dominantly inherited predisposition to a specific cancer in an experimental model, and has been contributing to the elucidation of renal carcinogenesis. Recently, the author and collaborators found a second hereditary RCC model in the Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat, in Japan in 2000. The author and collaborators have named this novel RC model the Nihon rat and performed the gene biological study. First, the author and collaborators described the origin, transmission mode, and phenotypic and molecular features of Nihon rat in this study. Next, the author and collaborators performed a genetic linkage analysis to the Nihon mutation, as a first step toward its identification and narrowed the Nihon locus to a region of the rat chromosome 10 homologous with human chromosome 17p11.2, and the author and collaborators identified a rat BHD homologue, mutations in which predispose to the renal cancer phenotype in the Nihon rat. Finally, the natural history in the Nihon rat was conducted to characterize RCC and extra-renal lesions histologically, and the author discussed a valuable experimental tool for functional studies related to renal carcinogenesis.Chapter 1."Nihon rat" Model of a Mendelian Inherited Renal Cell Carcinoma Bilateral, multicentric renal tubule tumors were found in a rat colony of the Sprague-Dawley strain. The renal tubule tumors were found in 15 out of 343 rats during 5 toxicity studies during the safety evaluation. These rats had all obtained from the same supplier, and the age of the rats ranged from 7 to 16 weeks at termination of the treatment period in each of the studies. After then, the supplier kindly provided 2 female founder rats and a carrier female rat was used in mating with a normal male SD rat. From the mating and pedigree, this animal model is an example of a Mendelian dominantly inherited predisposition for development RCC, and named the "Nihon rat". Until recently, the hereditary renal carcinoma model was only the Eker rat, which was first described in the rat by Eker in 1954 in Oslo. In 1995, Hino and others isolated and identified a germ line mutation in the rat homologous to the human tuberous sclerosis gene (TSC2). When the characteristic features of phenotype and genotype of the Nihon rat and the Eker rat is compared, the Nihon rat characteristically shows clear cell type RCs histologically, whereas the Eker rat dose not develop clear cell type RCs. The heterozygous Nihon rat typically develops RCs through multiple stages from early preneoplastic lesions (e.g., altered renal tubules and atypical hyperplasia) to carcinoma, and occurs at an early stage rather than those of the Eker rat. Besides, Southern blot, northern blot and SSCP analyses have not revealed any change in the Tsc1, Tsc2, VHL, and c-Met genes. In conclusion, the Nihon rat appears to be a novel hereditary renal cell carcinoma model, phenotypically distinct from the Eker rat, and with no mutation in the Tsc2 gene.Chapter 2.Chromosomal Mapping of the Predisposing Gene, "Nihon gene", in the Nihon rat The author performed a genetic linkage analysis of the Nihon rat using 113 backcross animals, as a first step toward its identification. Rat DNA markers ("MAP PAIRS"), covering whole rat chromosomes, were purchased from Research Genetics, Inc. First, the author checked 121 DNA markers covering rat chromosomes, then the author chose DNA markers clearly showing polymorphism between Nihon (SD) and BN strains and started to screen. One marker (D10Rat27) showed the smallest recombination fraction among DNA markers. Therefore, the author focused and narrowed the Nihon locus to the rat chromosome 10. In conclusion, the predisposing inherited gene in the Nihon rat was mapped to the rat chromosome 10 between interleukin-3 (IL3) (human 5q23-31) and lethal (2) giant larvae (LLGL1) (human 17p11.2)/myosin heavy chain, embryonic skeletal muscle (MYHSE) (human 17p13.1) loci, away from 4.4 centimorgans (cM) distal and 0.9 cM/5.3 cM proximal, respectively.Chapter 3.Isolation of the Predisposing Gene, "Nihon gene", in the Nihon rat The predisposing inherited gene in the Nihon rat was mapped to rat chromosome 10 between Il3 (human 5q23-31) and Llgl1 (human 17p11.2)/Myhse (human 17p13.1) loci, 4.4 centimorgans (cM) distal and 0.9 cM/5.3 cM proximal, respectively. At this time, the author did not know the human chromosome to which it corresponded (e.g., human chromosome 5 or 17) and the predisposing gene associated with renal cancer had not located in this locus. However, it was noted that the predisposing gene of the Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) syndrome associated with renal cancer had been mapped to human chromosome 17p11.2 or 17p12-q11.2. In this chapter, the author narrowed the Nihon locus to a region of the rat chromosome 10 homologous with human chromosome 17p11.2, and the author identified a rat BHD homologous, mutations in which predispose to the renal cancer phenotype in the Nihon rat. From the result, complete concordance of segregation between putative rat BHD homologue (Bhd) and renal phenotype of the Nihon rat was found. Thus, rat Bhd was localized on rat chromosome 10 and tightly linked to the causative gene of the Nihon rat. In addition, the author described a germ-line mutation in Birt-Hogg-Dubé (Bhd) (human 17p11.2) caused by the insertion of a single nucleotide in the Nihon rat, resulting in a frame shift and producing a stop codon 26 amino acids downstream. The resulting mutant protein is lacking the vast majority of the normal rat Bhd (folliculin) sequence. The author found that the homozygous mutants condition was lethal at an early stage of fetal life in the rat. The author detected a high frequency of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in primary RCs (10/11) at the Bhd locus and found a point mutation (nonsense) in one LOH-negative case. As mentioned above, the author identified a rat BHD homologue, "Nihon gene". These results indicate that the loss of folliculin function by a Knudson "two-hit" mechanism is a critical step for renal carcinogenesis in the Nihon rat.Chapter 4.The Natural History of the Nihon rat This chapter was conducted to characterize extra-renal lesions of the Nihon rat, and to compare the phenotypes with those in the human BHD syndrome, histopathologically. The heterozygous Nihon rat typically develops RCC through multiple stages from early preneoplastic lesions (e.g., altered renal tubules and atypical hyperplasia) to carcinoma, and penetrance for this Nihon gene was virtually complete. Histologically, the phenotype of RCs in the Nihon rats was clear cell type predominant, the phenotype that is most common in humans. In addition, the component showed clear/acidophilic cell and papillary basophilic cell type. Investigation of extra-renal primary lesions occurring in Nihon rats revealed clear cell hyperplasia/adenoma of the endometrium, cardiac rhabdomyomatosis at a young age, heterotopic ossification within renal cell carcinoma, and clear cell change of the epithelium of striated portions of salivary glands. To the best of our knowledge, these lesions are extremely uncommon lesions in Sprague-Dawley rats or other strains of rats and are thus clearly identifiable with the Nihon familial syndrome. Human BHD syndrome, originally described by Birt, Hogg and Dubé in 1977, is a rare inherited autosomal genodermatosis characterized by benign tumors of the hair follicle, and is associated with renal neoplasia, lung cysts, and spontaneous pneumothorax. At this time, the author have not detected in the Nihon rat skin tumor, lung cysts or spontaneous pneumothorax.Conclusion The Nihon rat is a model of a Mendelian dominantly inherited predisposition for development of RCs, which are predominantly of the clear cell type, and develop from earlier preneoplastic lesions than the Eker rat. The author performed a genetic linkage analysis of the Nihon rat using 113 backcross animals, and found that the Nihon mutation was tightly linked to genes, which are located on the distal part of rat chromosome 10. Finally, the author identified a germ line mutation in the Birt-Hogg-Dubé gene (Bhd) rat chromosome 10, human chromosome 17p11.2 caused by the insertion of a single nucleotide in the rat gene sequence, resulting in a frame shift and producing a stop codon 26 amino acids downstream. Thus, the Nihon rat should be a valuable experimental tool for functional studies related to renal carcinogenesis and a novel tumor suppressor gene BHD, and the Nihon rat will contribute to search for renal carcinogenesis and gene therapy.博士(獣医孊)麻垃倧

    Serine 62 is a phosphorylation site in folliculin, the Birt–Hogg–Dubé gene product

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    AbstractRecently, it was reported that the product of Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome gene (folliculin, FLCN) is directly phosphorylated by 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). In this study, we identified serine 62 (Ser62) as a phosphorylation site in FLCN and generated an anti-phospho-Ser62-FLCN antibody. Our analysis suggests that Ser62 phosphorylation is indirectly up-regulated by AMPK and that another residue is directly phosphorylated by AMPK. By binding with FLCN-interacting proteins (FNIP1 and FNIP2/FNIPL), Ser62 phosphorylation is increased. A phospho-mimic mutation at Ser62 enhanced the formation of the FLCN–AMPK complex. These results suggest that function(s) of FLCN–AMPK–FNIP complex is regulated by Ser62 phosphorylation.Structured summaryMINT-7298145, MINT-7298166: Flcn (uniprotkb:Q76JQ2) physically interacts (MI:0915) with AMPK alpha 1 (uniprotkb:P54645) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-7298267: AMPK alpha 1 (uniprotkb:Q13131) phosphorylates (MI:0217) tsc2 (uniprotkb:P49816) by protein kinase assay (MI:0424)MINT-7298182: FNIP1 (uniprotkb:Q8TF40) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Flcn (uniprotkb:Q76JQ2) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-7298132: AMPK alpha 1 (uniprotkb:Q13131) phosphorylates (MI:0217) Flcn (uniprotkb:Q76JQ2) by protein kinase assay (MI:0424)MINT-7298229: FNIPL (uniprotkb:Q9P278) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Flcn (uniprotkb:Q76JQ2) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007

    A germ-line insertion in the Birt–Hogg–Dubé (BHD) gene gives rise to the Nihon rat model of inherited renal cancer

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    A rat model of hereditary renal carcinoma (RC) was found in a rat colony of the Sprague–Dawley strain in Japan and named the “Nihon” rat. In heterozygotes, RCs, predominantly the clear cell type, develop from early preneoplastic lesions, which began to appear as early as 3 weeks of age, to adenocarcinomas by the age of 6 months. The Nihon rat is an example of a Mendelian dominantly inherited predisposition for development of RCs like the Eker (Tsc2 gene mutant) rat. We have previously shown that the Nihon mutation was tightly linked to genes that are located on the distal part of rat chromosome 10. The order of the genes is the Eker (Tsc2 gene (human 16p13.3)–Il3 gene–Nihon gene–Llgl1 locus– Myhse gene. We now describe a germ-line mutation in the Birt–Hogg–Dubé gene (Bhd) (human 17p11.2) caused by the insertion of a single nucleotide in the Nihon rat, resulting in a frameshift and producing a stop codon 26 aa downstream. We found that the homozygous mutant condition was lethal at an early stage of fetal life in the rat. We detected a high frequency of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in primary RCs (10/11) at the Bhd locus and found a point mutation (nonsense) in one LOH-negative case, fitting Knudson's “two-hit” model. The Nihon rat may therefore provide insights into a tumor-suppressor gene that is related to renal carcinogenesis and an animal model of human BHD syndrome

    Ouverture de ‘Global Networks and Local Development-1’

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    The global competitive landscapes of innovation and imitation have significantly changed the relative position of many Nation-States and the business relations between global networks and local firms.The US large corporations have lost their historical leadership in innovation. As a matter of fact US in the past had ruled the diffusion of innovations and the 'block' of imitations, but now they are looking for a new role in the control of the innovation and creative imitation processes, without any engagement in the local development.In addition, the main European countries (such as Germany, UK and the Russia) lost their leadership in innovation, although they played a leading role in the social and economic development of last century closed markets.At the same time, global markets have expanded the market power of corporations based in countries with high investments in innovation (e.g. the Japanese firms) or focused on creative imitation (e.g. the South Korea and Taiwan corporations)