32 research outputs found

    Status Report of Neutral Kaon photo-production study using Neutral Kaon Spectrometer 2 (NKS2) at LNS-Tohoku(I. Nuclear Physics)

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    The approach described in this paper uses an array of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices to implement a fault tolerant hardware system that can be compared to the running of fault tolerant software on a traditional processor. Fault tolerance is achieved is achieved by using FPGA with on the fly partial programmability feature. Major considerations while mapping to the FPGA includes the size of the area to be mapped and communication issues related to their communication. Area size selection is compared to the page size selection in Operating System Design. Communication issues between modules are compared to the software engineering paradigms dealing with module coupling, fan-in, fan-out and cohesiveness. Finally, the overhead associated with the downloading of the reconfiguration files is discussed


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    Feasibility study of a single-shot 3D electron bunch shape monitor with an electro-optic sampling technique

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    We developed a three-dimensional electron bunch charge distribution (3D-BCD) monitor with single-shot detection, and a spectral decoding based electro-optic (EO) sampling technique for a nondestructive monitor enables real-time reconstruction of the three-dimensional distribution of a bunch charge. We realized three goals by simultaneously probing a number of Pockels EO crystals that surround the electron beam axis with hollow and radial polarized laser pulses. First, we performed a feasibility test as a simple case of a 3D-BCD monitor probing two ZnTe crystals as EO detectors installed on the opposite angle to the electron beam axis and confirmed that we simultaneously obtained both EO signals. Since the adopted hollow probe laser pulse is not only radially polarized but also temporally shifted azimuthally, some disorders in the radial polarization distribution of such a laser pulse were numerically analyzed with a plane-wave expansion method. Based on the above investigations, the 3D-BCD monitor is feasible both in experimental and numerical estimations. Furthermore, we previously developed a femtosecond response organic crystal as a Pockels EO detector and a broadband probe laser (≥350  nm in FWHM); the 3D-BCD monitor realizes 30- to 40-fs (FWHM) temporal resolution. Eventually, the monitor is expected to be equipped in such advanced accelerators as XFEL to measure and adjust the electron bunch charge distribution in real time. The 3D-BCD measurement works as a critical tool to provide feedback to seeded FELs

    Radiation sensitivity of 51 human cancer cell lines

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    Radiation sensitivities of the cultured cell lines established from 31 human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and 20 other human cancer tissues were investigated with the colony-formation assay. There was a large variation in radiosensitivity among the 51 cell lines. MRE11 and BRCA1 genes were involved in the homologous recombination (HR) pathway. Radiosensitivities of BRCA1- or MRE11-defective cell lines were higher than those of other cell lines. Twenty-six of 28 ESCC lines tested had mutations in the p53 gene. Variance in radiosensitivity was not explained according to the status of p53. Unusual radiosensitivity was observed in one ESCC cell line. Western-blot analysis and immunohistochemical staining demonstrated that DNA-PKcs had low levels and was not phosphorylated after X-irradiations. DNA-PKcs is involved in the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway. Our data suggest that genes which play a key role in the HR or NHEJ pathway on DSBs are mutated in cells having unusual radiosensitivity.日本放射線影響学会 第46回大

    A deficiency in the phosphorylation of DNA-PKcs in a radiosensitive human ESCC cell line

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    DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are the most deleterious and lethal form of DNA damage. DSBs are rejoined or repaired by two major pathways in mammalian cells: i.e. homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). DNA-PK is a nuclear, serine/threonine protein kinase consisting of three subunits of DNA-PKcs, Ku70 and Ku80, and involved in the NHEJ, V(D)J recombination and modulation of transcription [1]. Cells lacking DNA-PKcs activity are highly sensitive to DSBs-inducing agents such as ionizing radiations [2]. Douglas et al [3] identified 4 phosphorylation sites in the DNA-PKcs protein: i.e. Thr-2609, Ser-2612, Thr-2638 and Thr-2647. These sites were autophosphorylated with own DNA-PKcs. Chan et al [4] demonstrated that autophosphorylation of DNA-PKcs was required for the rejoining of DSBs. Radiation sensitivities of 31 human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) cell lines were investigated with a colony-formation assay. There was a large variation in radiosensitivity among 31 cell lines. In particular, the radiation sensitivity of one cell line (KYSE190) was distinct from a cluster of radiation sensitivities of other 30 cell lines. In order to understand the mechanism behind this hypersensitivity, we investigated the expression of ATM and DNA-PKcs proteins with a western-blotting method and the phosphorylation of DNA-PKcs with a immunohistochemical staining methd. The phosphorylation of DNA-PKcs was not observed in KYSE190 cells. No mutation was detected in the four phosphorylation sites, but one base change in FAT domain of DNA-PKcs gene was observed. These data seem to indicate that the high radiosensitivity of KYSE 190 cells results from the defect in the autophosphorylation of the DNA-PKcs protein.The 5th Japan-France Workshop on Radiobiology and Medical Imagin