58 research outputs found

    Newspaper Coverage and Cultural Values: American and Japanese News Coverage of the Tokyo Summit Meeting

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    This thesis will examine these two questions: Based on the value systems in one\u27s culture, do American and Japanese newspapers describe the same public events differently? If so, do these differences reflect underlying differences in national cultures? No effect will be made to answer these questions in detail; instead, this thesis will focus on one purposeful sample to illustrate the possible significance of these questions in evaluating the qualities of international news coverage


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    本学学生と母親を対象に風土に生きる三重の味100種類の料理に関する意識調査を行った。次のような結果が得られた。1)三重の味について「知っている」,「食べたことがある」,「調理したことがある」の料理数は学生より母親のほうがやや多く,両者ともそれぞれにおいて50種類以下であった。2)両者とも上位にあげた「知っている料理」は赤福,伊勢うどん,へんば餅で約9割以上と高い値を示していた。3)「食べたことがある料理」について学生は「知っている料理」と同じ料理をあげており,それは名物菓子であった。一方,母親は食事となる料理名を多くあげていた。4)「調理したことがある料理」について10位にあがった料理数は学生で16料理,母親は21料理であった。1位にあげた料理には学生は蛤の潮汁が2割,母親は筍ごはんが約4割あった。We surveyed the people\u27s awarenesses about 100 kinds of the locally traditional taste in Mie Prefecture among the junior college students and their mothers. Findings are as follows: 1) The number of the locally traditional taste which the samples knew, or used to eat, or used to cook were greater by mother-samples than by student-samples. However, the number of the cuisines known were less than 50% of all cuisines. 2) The cuisines best-known by both samples were "Akafuku", "Ise-Udon (noodle)", and "Hemba-mochi (rice cake)" was known by more than 90% of both samples. 3) The student-samples mentioned the cuisines as they knew, but all of them were well-known cakes, not cuisines, in Mie Prefecture. On the other hands, mother-samples mentioned the names of cuisines they had cooked. 4) The number of the cuisines which used to be cooked were 13 for student-samples and 16 for mother-samples. The names of the cooked cuisines were "Hamaguri-no-Ushio-Jiru", or "Clam soup" for 20% of student-samples and "Rice with Bamboo Shoot boiled and seasoned" for some 40% of mother-samples

    Public transportation and the disabled person

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    機能訓練事業として実施している「生活リハビリ教室」の教室生208名を対象に,公共交通機関を利用して外出するために障害になっている要因を明らかにする目的で,郵送法による自記式アンケート調査を行った。回答は125名(60.1%)からあった。外出経験がある者は67名(53.6%)で外出経験がない者が58名であった。外出時に付添いが必要と思っている者は,外出経験のない者に多かった。公共交通機関を利用しての外出を阻害している要因には,乗り物の昇降口に段差があることや早く発車して危険である,また周囲の人に介助を依頼しにくいことなどが挙げられている。身体機能障害者が外出できない理由は個人によって異なってはいるが,地域社会に身体機能障害者を受け入れる環境を整えていく必要がある。A survey was distributed by mail to disabled people who received functional training in 1997. Of 208 questionnaires sent, 125 (60.1%) were returned. Sixty-seven (53.6%) of the respondents had experience traveled outside. People who participate in functional trainning for disability hope to have an attendant to accompany them when traveling. One primary factor that hinders traveling outside and using public transportation is that they cannot ask for help because of shyness. Another factor is the construction of entrances (e.g.,bumps) for vehicles which cannot be traversed easily. Reasons differed among those who had traveled outside and those who had not. It is necessary to prepare an environment (e.g., public transportationto) for ease of use for disabled persons in regional communities


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    チュウゴク ウチモンゴルジチク パオ ノ ショクブンカ ニツイテ

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    In the Mongolian Tent called "Pao", where we visited for surveying the Mongolian Food Life in Neimenggu (Inner Mongolia), China, there were a television and a video recorder in their living room and there was a large-sized freezer storing mutton and pork refrigerated in another cooking tent. These mutton and pork were cooked in the oven. Fuel for cooking was dried, hardened cow dung because of its efficiency.In the Mongolian foods, there are two kinds of "Meals" as "White Meal" and "Red Meal". White Meal means that most of food ingredients depend on dairy products such as milk, cheese in the breakfast. On the other hand, Red Meal means they eat meats of livestock as their big feasts, such as mutton and pork. Of course they take cereal products as every day foods.The cooking methods of the meats are simply boiling or roasting the meat and they are simply seasoned with salt. They don\u27t use any spices at all. The principle of their living that "they should consume the foods which are produced there" is strictly observed.Therefore, we understand the origin of the Mongolian traditional food life coming from their ancestors in this grassy plain for so long time