182 research outputs found

    Strategies for Security Management in Nigeria: A Roadmap for Peace and National Security

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    The security situation in Nigeria has become enormous and embarrassing to government. To tackle insecurity, it is imperative to investigate and identify its sources and causes. This paper isolated and clarified different causes and sources of insecurity in Nigeria. The paper equally suggested two strategic security management approaches that can accommodate both long term and immediate solutions to insecurity. These models – the two approach model and the composite approach model simultaneously aim to remove the causes or sources of insecurity and involve all stakeholders – government, communities, business organizations, civil society, religious organizations etc in the fight against insecurity.Key words: Strategies, security, management

    Internationalization of University Education in Nigeria: Responding to New Realities and Global Relevance

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    Internationalization of education has to do with the imparting of knowledge, skills and values associated with universal appeal and application. It is a strong instrument for diversification of goals and objectives of tertiary institutions. Presently, there is competition among tertiary institutions to internationalize. Nigeria should not be left behind. This paper reviewed recent literatures on the rationales and modes of university internationalization. Using Knights four generic dimensions which indicated the shortcomings inherent in the activities, competencies, ethos and processes in the internationalization of university education, the following strategies were used to guide Nigerian universities on the part to global relevance. They include, adequate funding, regular ‘tune-up’ of academic staff through seminars, workshops and conferences of international standard, encouraging ‘classrooms without walls’, open education resources, cross-campus research collaboration and developing partnership models where Nigerian academics can partner with their foreign world-class counterparts. Key words: Internationalization, New realities, global relevance, university education.

    Internationalization of University Education in Nigeria: Responding to New Realities and Global Relevance

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    Internationalization of education has to do with the imparting of knowledge, skills and values associated with universal appeal and application. It is a strong instrument for diversification of goals and objectives of tertiary institutions. Presently, there is competition among tertiary institutions to internationalize. Nigeria should not be left behind. This paper reviewed recent literatures on the rationales and modes of university internationalization. Using Knights four generic dimensions which indicated the shortcomings inherent in the activities, competencies, ethos and processes in the internationalization of university education, the following strategies were used to guide Nigerian universities on the part to global relevance. They include, adequate funding, regular ‘tune-up’ of academic staff through seminars, workshops and conferences of international standard, encouraging ‘classrooms without walls’, open education resources, cross-campus research collaboration and developing partnership models where Nigerian academics can partner with their foreign world-class counterparts. Key words: Internationalization, New realities, global relevance, university education.

    Study of Some Phytochemicals in Talinium Triangulare Leaves

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    The phytochemical analysis of moringa leaves (wet and dry) using standard procedures shows it contains (%) saponin 1.10%, flavonoid 1.10%, alkaloid 2.06% and cyanogenic glycoside 0.0062% while the saponin, flavoniod, alkaloid and cyanogenic glycoside for the wet leaves include 0.80%, 0.80%, 1.02 and 0.005%  respectively. This result shows that the presence of saponin, alkaloid and cyanogenic glycoside are higher in the dry leaves comparatively to the wet leaves, while flavonoid is higher in concentration in moringa oleifera flower than its leaves.   . It has been shown from the analysis that the percentages of the phytochemicals are not lethal especially the cyanogenic glycoside in the sample which indicates less toxicity and a minor quantity of hydrogen cyanide which can easily be detoxified for better health benefits. Keywords: Moringa, phytochemicals, Talinium triangulare, flavonoids, saponins. DOI: 10.7176/CMR/11-10-06 Publication date: December 31st 2019

    Access, Equity and Quality University Education for the Disadvantaged Groups in Nigeria: Myths and Agenda for Action

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    Inpite of the crying need to build a more egalitarian society and a more regionally integrated national economy, only but a few Nigerians are seriously concerned about the issues of access and equity in university education. The loud silence is to a large extent the result of the growing acceptance of certain myths and misconceptions about the essence and role of university education in national development and social change. Hitherto, there was a policy position that countries such as Nigeria should de-emphasizes university education in favour of basic education. But recent developments strongly indicate a strong relationship between investment in university education and improvement in economic and human development indicators. As a result, this paper emphasizes that university education should be treated as public good than a private good, and that efforts should equally be made to ensure that access to it and its benefits are equitably available to all segments of the country. The paper recommends among others, the broadening of university education policies with regards to affirmative action and quota admissions, keying into the Air virtual University Project in Nairobi, Kenya, licensing of more private universities and invigorating the Open University model to improve access and equity in university education in Nigeria. Key words: Access, Equity, Quality, University Education, Myths, Agenda

    Insecurity in Nigeria: Implications for Sustainable National Development in Nigeria

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    That the security situation in Nigeria has become enormous and complex is no longer in doubt. To tackle insecurity, it is important to identity and investigates its sources/causes. This paper isolated and clarified the different causes/sources of insecurity in Nigeria. These sources have been attributed to quite a number of factors. The factors have been classified into external and internal. Beyond the external – internal dichotomy, sources of insecurity have also been grouped into remote and immediate. The paper identified insecurity as a major obstacle to sustainable national and educational development in Nigeria. In order to check insecurity in Nigeria, the paper recommended the following: issues of social inequity, deprivation and unemployment should be addressed, right to self-determination should be recognized, security methodology should be made proactive, and there should be genuine improvement in governance and rule of law. Key words: Insecurity, sustainable national development

    Town And Gown Relationship: A Synergy For National Development In Nigeria

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    Town and gown relationship is beneficial to both the university and community. Cordial relationship of the university and its community results in peace, stability, security and progress. Whereas the community benefits from the university in terms of economic gains, social and community services, the community provides the university with the needed peace and security to operate. This paper attempts to explore critical areas of collaboration and linkages between the duo. The paper discovers that town and gown have of recent become increasingly connected in common use of facilities such as electricity, telephone, transportation and road network. In order to sustain this synergy the paper recommends that university programmes and policies should be planned according to the needs of their communities, a forum for friends of the university should be established, and that for universities to accomplish their missions, adequate funding should be provided


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    The paper focuses on the use of libraries in the digital revolution for sustainable development. The paper focused on the concept of a library and the digital revolution, the roles of libraries in the digital revolution and the challenges of libraries in the digital revolution. The paper concluded that in order for libraries and librarians to be relevant, they are expected to lead the way in technology use among fellow residents and gain more time for the most important activity: helping patrons. Since the main mission of most libraries is to offer equality of access to information for every citizen, then why not be a trendsetter in digital use and implement innovative technologies and services in libraries

    High executive compensation:are current pay levels evidence of avarice or just reward for performance?

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    The primary objective of the thesis is to examine high executive pay trends in the AngloAmerican corporate system, in terms of its fairness and justice. Given that there is no objective standard for fair pay for executives, analysing the fairness of current pay trends would involve an examination on two levels: first, by looking at the pay setting process and possible irregularities within the latter which could compromise the integrity of the process as well as the outcome. Secondly, by putting high executive pay in a wider social context, an analysis against a background of wider income distribution. With respect to the latter, the thesis shows a causal relationship between high executive compensation and income inequality; the increase at the top end of the income distribution scale, could be attributable to the stagnation at the lower rungs. Considering the irregularities in the pay determination process and its role in income inequality, the thesis concludes that Anglo-American executive pay, at these levels, is unjust and in need of reform to enhance its fairness


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