54 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Research Output of Federal Universities in Southern Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to compare the research output of academics in science and engineering faculties in southern Nigeria using bibliometric analysis. Descriptive survey method was used for the study. Through stratified random sampling six federal universities were selected out of 13 for the study. Two hundred and ninety-one academic staff with the rank of lecturer II and above were used for the study. The research output considered in this study was counting of journal articles and supervision of postgraduate students. The study showed that University of Benin had the highest publication of all the universities but mainly in local journals. However, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta had the highest articles in international journals, followed by University of Ibadan, Ibadan. University of Ibadan was the highest in masters and Ph.D supervision followed by university of Benin. The study also showed that there is no significant difference between mean productivity of academics from different universities. However there is significant difference between mean productivity of articles published in international journals. It is then recommended the all stake-holders in research and education should create conducive working environment for researchers, through funding, providing the necessary equipment, necessary information materials by equipping the libraries. Also researchers should be sponsored to local, national and international conferences and workshops. This will expose the researchers in their field and enhance publishing within and outside Nigeria. The federal government should in collaboration with NUC establish databases as has been done in other countries. This will make it easer for studies of this type to be carried out in Nigeria


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    The design of proposed Modern Bus Terminal at Obalende employs the use of thin-shell concrete structures in order to provide maximum space use. The study adopts a combination of primary and secondary data which were obtained through review of relevant literature and case studies and also interview of stakeholders at the intended site. The obtained data were properly analyzed and infused into the proposed design for a properly functional bus terminal with proper circulation. This is expected to reduce travel time. Thereby serving as a solution to transportation challenges experienced by commuters at Obalende Area of Lagos Nigeria

    The Assesment of the Contribution of Primary Mortage Institutions to Housing Finance in Nigeria: A Case Study of Union Homes Savings and Loans PLC

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    The problem of housing affordability and the provision of quality services by the mortgage industry which includes financing have always being a major concern to the public as a whole. This research is therefore aimed at discovering the activities, achievements and limitations of the mortgage industry especially in the primary mortgage institutions using mrion homes and loans as a case study. The study is focused on the operations of mrion homes savings and loans PLC because it is one of the most prominent PJ'v:li's in Nigeria. The study involves the distribution of questionnaires to the staff ofmrion homes. It was discovered that Union homes has contributed a great deal to housing finance sector in Nigeria as a result of frmding several housing estate and granting of both social and commercial loans to individuals for housing pwposes. The study also looks into the problems affecting PJ'v:li's and problems associated with mortgage sector in Nigeria. It was fwther discovered that most PJ'v:li frmded loans do not take > 3 week before they are approved and this is preferred by the mortgagors not minding the high interest rate and mortgages loans granted are given on short term basis. It was therefore recommended that low interest rates on the PJ'v:li frmded loans should be introduced by PJ'v:li's and PMI's should be encouraged to improve their capital base in order to empower them for greater effectiveness in financing housing. This will give them wider coverage and enable them access greater pools of funds

    Strategic Information Access Tools for Dissemination of Information in Academic Libraries in a Digital Era in Nigeria.

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    This study examines strategic information access tools for dissemination of information in academic libraries in a digital era in Nigeria, using the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Library, Abia State, as a case study. The study was guided by four (4) specific research objectives. The descriptive survey design was adopted with a population of forty-six (46) library staff; comprising academic librarians, para-professional staff and library assistants. The complete census sampling technique was used due to the size of the population. A-4 point structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions was adopted to generate data for the study, and out of the forty-six (46) copies of the questionnaire distributed, 43 copies representing 96% were completed and retrieved with valid information. The data collected were analysed using the descriptive statistics to determine the mean scores and frequency counts in accordance with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM-SPSS Version 23). The criterion mean of 2.50 was used to ascertain the level of agreement or disagreement in each case. The finding reveals that strategic information access tools for dissemination of information in academic libraries in a digital era include: library catalogue, indexes, abstracts, bibliographies, Internet search engines, online databases/CD-ROMs, etc. It also reveals that strategic information access tools assist in the acquisition of information resources, the speed of disseminating information, promote accuracy in the dissemination of information, enhances effective management of information resources, and facilitates convenience in the dissemination of information. The findings also points out that inadequate trained staff to handle technical services, lack of current digital information access tools such as: OPAC, MARC 21, Dublin Core, etc., inadequate computers and related ICT facilities, epileptic power supply, poor Internet connectivity, etc. are the problems confronting strategic information access tools for dissemination of information. Based on the findings of this study, some measures such as: adequate training of staff on technical services, including ICT training on how to handle web-based access tools; provision of adequate funding to academic libraries, provision of adequate functional computers and related facilities, provision of effective internet connectivity, provision of constant power supply in academic libraries, etc., were recommended. Finally, this study concludes that academic libraries and librarians need to rise up to their responsibilities by ensuring that strategic information access tools are not only acquired but effectively put to use, through improved skills, in order to enhance timely dissemination of information to users

    Occurrence and variation in the depth of burrows of mangrove crabs around a tropical creek in Nigeria

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    Mangrove crabs are active burrowers in intertidal sediments of wetland, living beneath drifts and high-tide marks in lagoon shores in many parts of the world. The occurrence, distribution and burrow depths and diameters of the mangrove crabs, Cardisoma armatum and Goniopsis pelii collected from a mangrove wetland of the Lagos Lagoon were investigated between February and July, 2017. Burrows were counted biweekly on permanent square plots marked out in the six stations, while the appearance of new burrows as well as disappearance of old burrows, depths and diameters were recorded. C. armatum was present in all the study sites with a total of 848 specimens and occurred throughout the study period, while G. pelli with a total of 115 specimens occurred in two study sites and during the wet season only. Species ratio was 1: 0.37 while the Chisquared value at 1 d.f and 5 % significant level was 557.93. The depth of the crab burrows across the stations ranged from 16.65 – 33.47 cm with diameter ranging between 4.0 – 6.40 cm. Crab burrows, its occurrence and distribution were observed to be affected by natural and anthropogenic factors. There was a rapid decline in burrows in the month of April when rainfall seized and anthropogenic factors like noise, refuse dumping and construction works also played major roles in determining the dispersion of burrows. Therefore, mangrove crabs and their burrows are greatly influenced by both abiotic and biotic factors.Keywords: Cardisoma armatum, Goniopsis pelii, Mangrove wetland, Burrow, Depth and width, Occurrence, Distributio


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to compare the clinical and economic effectiveness of four combination antihypertensives recommended for Nigerians. Methods: An open, randomized, controlled, and longitudinal double-blind trial of four groups of antihypertensives combinations: Telmisartan/ chlorthalidone/amlodipine (TCA), TC, CA, and TA was conducted among hypertensive patients. The participants were recruited from three hospitals in Enugu, and randomly assigned to the study groups. The primary outcome for this study was blood pressure (BP) control, based on Joint National Committee-8 and cost per BP control. The secondary outcomes were cost per quality adjusted life years (QALY) and patients’ self-reported health status. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for statistical analysis. Results: Of the 110 patients enrolled in the study, more than half were women (55.5%). The mean age of patients was 54.93±12.38. The enrollees had hypertension for over 9 years (9.17±8.40). About 77% of the patients completed the study in all the groups except for TA (66.7%). There was no difference in BP in all the groups at baseline and at end-of-study (p>0.050). However, the probability of BP control was highest in TCA group (0.37±0.01), followed by TC group (0.23±0.02). The TA group showed the most favorable cost per QALY, then CA, TC, and TCA in that order. The group with the most favorable cost per BP control was TCA (70.92±0.04), then TA (94.16±0.05). Conclusion: The triple combination therapy of TCA had the best cost per BP control in the management of hypertensive patients. It demonstrated the highest probability of BP control

    “Economic analysis of growth finance and liquid liabilities in Nigeria

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    Liquid liabilities are required to develop key sectors that drive the Nigerian economy by ensuring that loans are available for investment purposes. However, controversies concerning the effectiveness of growth finance in fostering liquid liabilities in Nigeria exist. Thus, this study examines the relationship between growth finance and liquid liabilities in Nigeria, with insight into Nigeria’s real sector. In achieving its objective, the study utilizes secondary data from the annual reports of the Central Bank of Nigeria (1980–2018). The study finds that gross domestic savings significantly drive liquid liabilities in the long run compared to other growth finance indicators, which include stock market development and remittance inflows. Therefore, the study recommends that to improve liquid liability, gross domestic savings, among other growth finance indicators, should be harnessed as a tool to efficiently influence liquid liabilities in the Nigerian economy. The study concludes that attention should be paid to development policies that drive all stakeholders’ gross domestic savings

    Dynamic Impact of Energy Consumption on the Growth of Nigeria Economy (1986-2016): Evidence from Symmetrical Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model

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    This paper empirically examined the dynamic impact of energy consumption on the growth of Nigeria economy between 1986 and 2016 using symmetrical ARDL model approach. Findings from the study revealed that electricity consumption has not had a significant impact on the growth of the Nigerian economy. It shows that due to fluctuations in electricity supply, the growth of Nigerian economy has been on the decline. However, petroleum consumption was discovered to have a significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria; while gas consumption was discovered to have no significant impact on the growth of Nigeria economy. This was attributed to gas flaring activities and other environmental abuses that had caused major Niger-delta crisis and attendant consequences like pipeline vandalization and hostage taking. Suggestive from the study therefore are that government should undertake a cogent approach towards reforming the electricity supply sector as its paramount for the country's quest for industrialization. Keywords: Energy consumption, Economic Growth, Petroleum, Gas and Electricity JEL Classifications: O13, P28, O4

    Financial Deepening and Economic Growth in Nigeria: A Johannsen and Error Correction Model Techniques

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    The desire to ascertain the kind of relationship between finance and growth is not new among scholars. This study attempted to give a better understanding of the type of relationship by analysing post-SAP (Structural Adjustment Programme) time-series data since the notable financial reforms began with SAP in Nigeria. The study employed the Johannsen Cointegration, error correction and granger causality as estimation techniques to determine the nexus between financial deepening and economic growth. The variables contained in the model include the ratio of credit to the private sector to gross domestic product (CPS) which proxy bank-based financial deepening, the proportion of market capitalisation to gross domestic product (MCAP) which proxy for stock market development. The result of the analysis revealed that the Nigerian economic growth is influenced by financial deepening positively and significantly, especially the bank-based financial depth
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