338 research outputs found

    Direct visualization of the aortic cusp from the left ventricle during aortic root reimplantation

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    Effect of atherothrombotic aorta on outcomes of total aortic arch replacement

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    ObjectiveThe effect of an atherothrombotic aorta on the short- and long-term outcomes of total aortic arch replacement, including postoperative neurologic deficits, remains unknown. We evaluated this relationship and also elucidated the synergistic effect of multiple other risk factors, in addition to an atherothrombotic aorta, on the neurologic outcome.MethodsA group of 179 consecutive patients undergoing total aortic arch replacement were studied. An atherothrombotic aorta was present in 34 patients (19%), more than moderate leukoaraiosis in 71 (39.7%), and significant extracranial carotid artery stenosis in 27 (15.1%). In-hospital deaths occurred in 2 patients, 1 (2.9%) of 34 patients with and 1 (0.7%) of 145 patients without an atherothrombotic aorta (P = .26). Permanent neurologic deficits occurred in 4 (2.2%) and transient neurologic deficits in 17 (9.5%) patients. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that the risk factors for transient neurologic deficits were an atherothrombotic aorta (odds ratio, 4.4), extracranial carotid artery stenosis (odds ratio, 5.5), moderate/severe leukoaraiosis (odds ratio, 3.6), and cardiopulmonary bypass time (odds ratio, 1.02). To calculate the probability of transient neurologic deficits, the following equation was derived: probability of transient neurologic deficits = {1 + exp [7.276 − 1.489 (atherothrombotic aorta) − 1.285 (leukoaraiosis) − 1.701 (extracranial carotid artery stenosis) − 0.017 (cardiopulmonary bypass time)]}−1. An exponential increase occurred in the probability of transient neurologic deficits with presence of an atherothrombotic aorta and other risk factors in relation to the cardiopulmonary bypass time. Survival at 3 years after surgery was significantly reduced in patients with vs without an atherothrombotic aorta (75.0% ± 8.8% vs 89.2% ± 3.1%, P = .01).ConclusionsPatients with an atherothrombotic aorta and associated preoperative comorbidities might be predisposed to adverse short- and long-term outcomes, including transient neurologic deficits

    Multiple inflammatory cytokine-productive ThyL-6 cell line established from a patient with thymic carcinoma

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    Thymic epithelial cells can produce many kinds of cytokines, and interleukin (IL)-6-producing thymic carcinoma cases have been reported. However, a cytokine-producing human thymic tumor cell line has not previously been established. In this paper, we report a novel, multiple inflammatory cytokine-productive cell line that was established from a patient with thymic carcinoma. This cell line, designated ThyL-6, positively expressed epithelial membrane antigen, cytokeratins, vimentin intermediate filament and CD5, although hematological markers were not present in the cells. Cytokine antibody array analysis showed that the cells secreted several cytokines including IL-1α, IL-6, IL-8, RANTES, soluble TNFα-receptor 1, VEGF and CTLA into the culture medium. The addition of ThyL-6-cultured supernatant supported the growth of human myeloma ILKM-3 cells, which require the presence of IL-6 in the culture medium for the maintenance of cell growth, suggesting that the secreted IL-6 from ThyL-6 cells was biologically active. Chromosome analysis demonstrated that ThyL-6 cells had complex karyotype anomalies, including der(16)t(1;16); the latter has been recognized in thymic squamous cell carcinoma and thymic sarcomatoid carcinoma cases, as well as in several other kinds of malignancies. Heterotransplantation of the cells into nude mice showed tumorigenesis with neutrophil infiltration and liquefactive necrosis. These findings suggest that ThyL-6 cells will provide us with a new experimental tool for investigating not only the pathogenesis, biological behavior, chromo-somal analysis and therapeutic reagents of human thymic carcinoma, but also for studying cytokine-chemokine network systems

    Importance of oral food challenge and identification of atopic dermatitis in child with Netherton syndrome: A case report

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    Children with Netherton syndrome are likely to be sensitized to multiple allergens due to skin barrier dysfunction. Owing to substantial increases in total and food allergen-specific IgE levels, some children with Netherton syndrome are diagnosed with food allergies (FAs) and advised to avoid particular foods. However, it is unclear whether such children actually have FAs. We report a child with Netherton syndrome without atopic dermatitis (AD) who was able to stop avoiding certain foods (hens’ eggs and peanuts) after undergoing oral food challenge (OFC). A 5-year-old Japanese boy with Netherton syndrome without AD consulted at our hospital to evaluate the possibility of allergies to hens’ eggs and peanuts. Netherton syndrome had been diagnosed at birth. At 1 year old, the levels of specific IgE for egg white and peanuts were >100 and 14.6kU/l, respectively. He had not consumed or experienced allergic symptoms to these foods. However, he was instructed to completely avoid these foods in his diet. At 5 years old, he still completely avoided these foods. The levels of specific IgE for egg white, ovomucoid, and peanuts were 34.5, 9.4, and 17.4kU/l, respectively. Since the serum-specific IgE levels and the serum-specific IgE/total IgE ratio decreased, we performed OFCs for hens’ eggs and peanuts. The results of the OFCs using half a baked egg and 10g of peanuts were all negative. The same dosing schedule was repeated at home, again with negative results. Therefore, the avoidance could be stopped. This report suggests that we should identify whether patients have AD or not, and OFCs should be performed before requesting food restriction in patients with Netherton syndrome

    A pre-metazoan origin of the CRK gene family and co-opted signaling network.

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    CRK and CRKL adapter proteins play essential roles in development and cancer through their SRC homology 2 and 3 (SH2 and SH3) domains. To gain insight into the origin of their shared functions, we have investigated their evolutionary history. We propose a term, crk/crkl ancestral (crka), for orthologs in invertebrates before the divergence of CRK and CRKL in the vertebrate ancestor. We have isolated two orthologs expressed in the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis, a unicellular relative to the metazoans. Consistent with its highly-conserved three-dimensional structure, the SH2 domain of M. brevicollis crka1 can bind to the mammalian CRK/CRKL SH2 binding consensus phospho-YxxP, and to the SRC substrate/focal adhesion protein BCAR1 (p130(CAS)) in the presence of activated SRC. These results demonstrate an ancient origin of the CRK/CRKL SH2-target recognition specificity. Although BCAR1 orthologs exist only in metazoans as identified by an N-terminal SH3 domain, YxxP motifs, and a C-terminal FAT-like domain, some pre-metazoan transmembrane proteins include several YxxP repeats in their cytosolic region, suggesting that they are remotely related to the BCAR1 substrate domain. Since the tyrosine kinase SRC also has a pre-metazoan origin, co-option of BCAR1-related sequences may have rewired the crka-dependent network to mediate adhesion signals in the metazoan ancestor

    Fulminant candidemia diagnosed by prompt detection of pseudohyphae in a peripheral blood smear

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    A 77-year-old man treated with prednisolone for pemphigus developed severe sepsis by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Several antibiotics were administered. A peripheral blood smear showed growth of a large number of yeast extending pseudohyphae which could be seen both inside and outside of leucocytes. Antifungal agents were added immediately, however, he did not recover. Several days later, blood culture showed Candida albicans septicemia. The autopsy revealed microabscesses in the lung, heart, liver and kidney. A large amount of neutrophil invasion and yeast with peudohypae were also detected