38 research outputs found


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    Pohon eboni (Diospyros celebica) pada hutan alam telah mengalami tekanan eksploitasi yang intensif karena kayunya memiliki nilai ekonomi yang sangat tinggi. Keadaan ini mengakibatkan popuiasi jenis pohon endemik Sulawesi ini menjadi sangat berkurang, sampai pada tingkat yang mengkhawatirkan kelestariannya. Oleh karena itu, D.celebica telah ditetapkan sebagai tumbuhan yang tergolong vulnerable species dan sebagian besar habitat tempat hidupnya ditetapkan sebagai suaka alam atau kawasan yang dilindungi khusus untuk melestarikannya. Pendekatan pelestarian eboni secara in-siiu seperti yang diuraikan di atas belumlah memadai untuk dapat dengan cepat memulihkan popuiasi dan potensi eboni.Selain itu, pendekatan pelestarian sebagaimana tersebut di atas tidak memberikan peluang bagi pemanfaatan kayu eboni pada saat popuiasi dan potensinya telah memungkinkan untuk dimanfaatkan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, perlu dipikirkan beberapa pendekatan pelestarian lainnya, di antaranya adalah pelestarian secara ex-situ.Pendekatan pelestarian secara ex-situ dapat diarahkan pada upaya pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan eboni secara lestari. Namun untuk mengarah pada pendekatan pelestarian secara ex-situ diperlukan telaahan mengenai preferensi ekologis dan karakteristik fisik maupun fisiologis yang terkait dengan bentuk-bentuk pengembangannya. Telaahan mengenai kemungkinan pengembangan beberapa bentuk tanaman D. celebica sebagai upaya pelestarian secara ex-situ dipaparkan

    Linking collective action to non-timber forest product market for improved local livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities

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    "The paper draws on findings from research in South Sulawesi and Jambi Provinces, Indonesia, looking at the role of collective action in helping two local community groups enhance their bargaining power vis a vis other market players (such as collectors, small- and large-scale industries) and promote an increased demand for non-timber forest products. The first group has traditionally collected rattan (Calamus sp) from surrounding forests and was struggling to sell their products at a better price amid market uncertainties and the lack of supportive government policies. The second one was involved in the propagation of another high-value rattan species, widely known as Dragon Blood (Daemonorops sp), in anticipation of an increased market demand for this product. The paper describes challenges and opportunities for the country's forestry decentralization and marketing of forest products, and the role of collective action in improving groups' access to government resources and markets. It also discusses the research team's part in facilitating the groups and highlights the strengths of participatory action research approach in fostering collective action among local stakeholders." authors' abstractCollective action, Market access, Smallholders, Livelihoods, Action research, NTFP, Non-timber forest products, Devolution,

    The value of the Wallacea Region: Considerations behind the changing scope of JPK Wallacea

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    The Editorial Board has issued this editorial note in the form of a review to inform contributors about changes to the scope of the Journal of Wallacea Forestry Research (JPK Wallacea) following the transfer of management from Balai Penerapan Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Makassar to Hasanuddin University's Forest Conservation Study Program in 2023. JPK Wallacea is no longer limiting its scope to forestry and is expanded to cover biodiversity in general by incorporating the term Wallaceae, which is a biogeographical area located between the continents of Asia and Australia. This area is well known for its unique biodiversity both on land and in water. The Wallacea region's biodiversity is famed for its distinctiveness yet, it is on the verge of extinction. Thus, the Editorial Board chose to focus on the scope of JPK Wallacea on scientific, technological, and policy conservation features. This scientific publication is expected to make a substantial contribution to the biodiversity conservation effort in the Wallacea region and its surroundings


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    Liana is group of climbing species which is typical and characterize the tropical rain forest. This species have important value both ecologically and economically. However, data on this group on species in South Sulawesi, in particular in the Hasanuddin University Experimental Forest is not yet available.This study aimed to determine the diversity and abudance liana species present in the natural forest area of Hasanuddin University Experimental Forest. 15 plots was set in the order to observe the diversity and abudance of liana species. The data were analysed and presented interm of important value index, diversity index, abudance index, and evenness index. The results showed that there were various species of liana in which there were found 81 species, consist of 764 individuals. The most common species was Smilax sp, wich mostly claimb on Toona sureni, Buchanania arboreschense and Flacortia rucam as a host. Key words: diversity, abudance, liana, natural forest, Hasanuddin University Experimental Fores

    Identifikasi tutupan vegetasi dan potensi fisik lahan untuk pengembangan ekowisata di laboratorium lapangan konservasi sumberdaya hutan dan ekowisata hutan pendidikan Unhas

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    The aims of this study are to identify vegetation coverage and physical potential of land that can be developed as an ecotourism attraction, and plan for the management of ecotourism development space in the Field Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Unhas Educational Forest. Vegetation cover, was interpreted from satellite images by using remote sensing techniques, while the physical land potential data information was collected through direct measurements in the field by using GPS, compass and meter. Data analysis was done by using GIS with overlay method and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The results showed that the Field Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Unhas Educational Forest, has natural forest vegetation and pine plantations forest covering 91.32% of the total land area of 311 ha, that potentially for the development of ecotourism. Some interesting physical potential to be developed as an ecotourism attraction, is a waterfall, mountain peaks, camping ground and a research station

    Analisis Mikrohabitat Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) pada Kawasan Hutan Tombolo Resort Balocci Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    The study aimed to analyze the pattern of ebony distribution (Diospyros celebica Bakh) and the relationship of microhabitat factors with variable density and dominance. This research was conducted in the Tombolo Resort Balocci Forest Area of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park in South Sulawesi Province. Data collection is carried out in a plot measuring 100 m x 100 m divided into 100 subplots measuring 10m x 10m, covering the individual number of trees and the area of the base field on each research sub-plot. Microhabitat factors include pH, marbles, soil depth, header closure, and the proportion of sub-plot surfaces covered in outcropping stones. The results showed that (1) the pattern of ebony distribution at the location of this study is clustered, (2) the correlation value of pH and density shows a negative and insignificant relationship (p>0.05), the correlation of marbles with density shows a positive and significant value (p<0.05), the closing correlation of the header, the depth of the soil with a positive but insignificant density (p> 0.05), while the correlation of the proportion of sub-plot surfaces covered in outcrops and densities showed a negative but significant relationship (p<0.05), (3) the correlation value of pH with negative and insignificant dominance (p>0.05), the correlation of the proportion of outcrop stones with negative and significant dominance (p<0.05), the correlation of heading closure, marbles with positive and significant dominance (p<00.05), soil depth correlation and positive but non-significant dominance (p> 0.05)


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    Pola penyebaran anakan jenis pohon emergent (Shorea sp.), kanopi (Maduca malaccensis) dan toleran naungan (Aglaia tomentosa) telah diamati pada hutan dataran rendah luapan banjir di Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, penyebaran anakan ketiga jenis pohon tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh agen dispersal buah. Anakan Shorea sp., yang mana memiliki buah tipe samara, sebagian besar tersebar pada bagian Utara-Barat pohon induknya, mengikuti arah angin yang menerbangkan buahnya. Anakan dua jenis lainnya, yang mana buahnya yang bertipe berry sangat disukai oleh binatang mamalia, menyebar secara lebih merata. Struktur populasi anakan ketiga jenis tersebut menunjukkan kecenderungan yang berbeda. Shorea sp. menunjukkan struktur populasi berbentuk huruf J terbalik yang sangat tajam, sedangkan struktur populasi anakan dua jenis lainnya cenderung berbentuk garis horizontal. Perbedaan struktur populasi tersebut terkait dengan toleransi jenis-jenis tersebut terhadap naungan. Buah Shorea sp. yang jumlahnya melimpah segera berkecambah setelah jatuh, namun pertumbuhan anakan selanjutnya tertahan oleh naungan kanopy hutan yang sangat rapat. Key words : Dispersal, Juvenil, Emergent, Canopy, Shade-toleran


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    The sailfin lizard (Hydrosaurus celebensis) is a unique reptile species whose population may be threatened by habitat destruction as well as local and global trade. As an anticipation of extinction, sufficient ecological information is required to support its conservation efforts. On the other hand, information on its ecology is still limited. The aim of this study was to collect information on its feeding ecology. This study was conducted for 78 days from June to August 2022. Direct observations were made on sailfin lizards to determine when they started feeding and the species of plants and animals consumed. To determine the availability of forage plants, we set up 22  10 x10 m plots with 5 x 5 m subplots. The results showed that the sailfin lizard started to forage at noon. They ate more plants than animals. There were 18 plant species and 7 animal species eaten by sailfin lizards. Codiaeum variegatum, which had the largest canopy cover area, was the most prevalent species of forage plant. In general, it is also relatively abundant for animal feed. Ficus hispida and Davalia trichomanoides are the two forage plant species that are most frequently consumed out of the total of 18. One species, the river crab (Gecarcinucoidea), was the only one of the seven species of animal source that was frequently consumed.  Key words: Sailfin lizard, Hydrosaurus, feeding ecolog

    Tracing Current Wildlife Trade: An Initial Investigation in Makassar City, Indonesia

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    Wildlife trade has become one of the main causes of species loss and extinction. Increasing anthropogenic pressure posits crucial challenges to wildlife, and several species are threatened or at the edge of extinction. In this study, we aimed to examine the current wildlife trade in Makassar City of South Sulawesi, especially focusing on traded species, their area of origin, price, conservation status and traders’ distribution across the city. We conducted a market survey and direct observations of animals and wildlife traders in several locations, using a questionnaire targeting both wildlife/pet sellers and buyers. We also interviewed government bodies related with wildlife trade. Our results showed that there were 13 distribution spots of wildlife trading in the city of Makassar, and 27 different wildlife suppliers. During the seven months of observation (March-September 2018), the trade involved 62 species of birds, mammals and reptiles. More than 50% of these species had Indonesian origins, and 18% were endemic species of Sulawesi Island. The highest number of animals traded in the market were birds. Out of the 2,642 individuals being traded, 32 were considered as protected species under the IUCN regulation, 24 were species whose trade is regulated by CITES, and 10 were nationally protected according to the Indonesian Government’s Laws. The traded animals were obtained from different sources, including direct hunters, middlemen, opportunists, and breeders, mostly from Sulawesi (44.19%) and western parts of Indonesia (37.21%)