17 research outputs found

    Nonspecific bacterial flora isolated from the body surface and inside Ixodes ricinus ticks

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    Ixodes ricinus and other representatives of the order Ixodida are vectors of typical pathogens: Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Anaplasma phagocytophilium, Babesia spp., a tick-borne encephalitis virus, and other microorganisms which are important from a medical and veterinary point of view. "e presented study focuses on the verification of nonspecific bacterial &ora of I. ricinus. We analyzed ticks collected in a$forest region in Silesia, an industrial district in Poland. Methods of classical microbiology and biochemical assays (API 20 NE test, API Staph test and MICRONAUT System) were used for isolation and identification of microorganisms living on the body surface of I. ricinus and inside ticks. "e results show the presence of various bacteria on the surface and inside ticks’ bodies. During the study, we isolated Acinetobacter lwoffi, Pseudomonas "uorescens, Aeromonas hydrophila, Achromobacter denitrificans, Alcaligenes faecalis, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, Micrococcus spp., Kocuria varians, Staphylococcus lentus, Kocuria kristinae, Streptococcus pneumo- niae, Rhizobium radiobacter, Staphylococcus xylosus. Majority of the isolated species are non-pathogenic environmental microorganisms, but some of the isolated bacterial strains could cause severe infections

    Application of a Real-Time PCR method for Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus and Clostridium perfringens detection in water samples

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    The diagnostic assessment of water sanitary state is based mainly on the cultivation of bacteria retained on membrane filters. However clas­sical microbiology methods have a lot of disadvantages. More and more frequently, rapid detection and identification of pathogens present in water is based on molecular biology techniques. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness and usefulness of a real-time PCR method, when compared to the recommended bacteria culture method, in diagnostics of pathogens in water samples. The research concerned the detection and identification of main sanitary indicators of water such as: Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens. The analyses were conducted in water samples contaminated with the reference materiał (the afore­mentioned bacteria) and real environmental samples, which were examined for the presence of nucleic acid of: Salmonella spp., E. coli, S. aureus and C. perfringens using a real-time PCR method

    Hepatic tissue changes in rats due to chronic invasion of Babesia microti

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    The etiological agents of babesiosis are intraerythrocytic parasites of the genus Babesia, which are transmitted by ticks. The course of disease is characterized by variable severity. The risk of a complicated course of babesiosis occurs in premature infants, the elderly, splenectomized patients and other immunocompromised patients. Severe cases of this disease can lead to multiple organ dysfunction. The study focuses on the impact assessment of chronic Babesia microti invasion on the morphology and ultrastructure of rat liver. The analyzed material was comprised of liver samples collected from Wistar rats infected with a reference strain of B. microti (ATCC 30221). None of the livers collected from rats with babesiosis was enlarged. The histopathological analyses showed signs of intensive inflammatory processes, especially in the perivascular areas. The hepatic mononuclear phagocyte system was characterized by increased activity. The ultrastructral analyses confirmed disintegration of hepatocytes with vacuolization in the perivascular areas. In addition, the perisinusoidal space (space of Disse) had irregular structure. In some areas, the space of Disse was enlarged or compressed. The morphological and ultrastructural analyses of rat liver with chronic babesiosis caused by B. microti showed significant pathological changes in perivascular areas which may be the cause of hepatic dysfunction

    Interactions between Babesia microti merozoites and rat kidney cells in a short-term in vitro culture and animal model

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    Babesiosis is one of the most common infections in free-living animals and is rapidly becoming significant among human zoonoses. Cases of acute renal failure in humans caused by Babesia spp. have been described in the literature. The kidneys are characterised by intense blood flow through the blood vessels, which increases the likelihood of contact with the intra-erythrocyte parasite. The aim of this study was to observe the influence of B. microti (ATCC 30221) on renal epithelial cells in vitro cultured (NRK-52E line) and Wistar rats’ kidney. Both NRK-52E cells and rats’ kidney sections were analysed by light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Necrotic changes in renal epithelial cells have been observed in vitro and in vivo. In many cross-sections through the rats’ kidney, adhesion of blood cells to the vascular endothelium, accumulation of erythrocytes and emboli were demonstrated. In NRK-52E culture, elements with a distinctly doubled cell membrane resembling B. microti were found inside the cytoplasm and adjacent to the cell layer. The study indicates a chemotactic tendency for B. microti to adhere to the renal tubules’ epithelium, a possibility of piroplasms entering the renal epithelial cells, their proliferation within the cytoplasm and emboli formation

    New star-shaped polyether-pentols (PEPOs) for fabrication of crosslinked Polyurethanes-synthesis and characterization

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    Polyether-pentols (PEPOs) were synthesized from glycidyl ethers and butylene oxide with the application of tripotassium salts of 2,2,6,6-tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)cyclohexanol (HMCH) activated 18C6 for ring-opening polymerization (ROP). The construction of the applied initiator system reflects the ability of crown ether to influence the degree of ion-pair separation with an increased activating effect. As a result formation of bi- or trimodal polymers was observed with molar masses in the range of (Mn = 1200–6000). The observed multi-fraction composition is prescribed to the formation of ionic aggregates with different reactivities during polymerization. The mechanism of the studied processes is discussed. The obtained PEPOs served for a crosslinked PUR synthesis, for which the hydrogen bond index for coupling of hard segments was calculated. Additionally, the range of phase separation was calculated that was higher for PUR-containing aromatic rings as the substituent

    POM/EVA Blends with Future Utility in Fused Deposition Modeling

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    Polyoxymethylene (POM) is one of the most popular thermoplastic polymers used in the industry. Therefore, the interest in its potential applications in rapid prototyping is understandable. Nevertheless, its low dimensional stability causes the warping of 3D prints, limiting its applications. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of POM modification with ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) (2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 wt.%) on its processing (by melt flow index), structure (by X-ray microcomputed tomography), and properties (by static tensile tests, surface resistance, contact angle measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, and thermogravimetric analysis), as well as very rarely analyzed emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (by headspace analysis). Performed modifications decreased stiffness and strength of the material, simultaneously enhancing its ductility, which simultaneously increased the toughness even by more than 50% for 7.5 wt.% EVA loading. Such an effect was related to an improved linear flow rate resulting in a lack of defects inside the samples. The decrease of the melting temperature and the slight increase of thermal stability after the addition of EVA broadened the processing window for 3D printing. The 3D printing trials on two different printers showed that the addition of EVA copolymer increased the possibility of a successful print without defects, giving space for further development

    The use of ZrO2 waste for the electrolytic production of composite Ni- P-ZrO2 powder

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    Ni–P–ZrO2 composite powder was obtained from a galvanic nickel bath with ZrO2 powder. Production was conducted under galvanostatic conditions. The Ni–P–ZrO2 composite powder was characterized by the presence of ZrO2 particles covered with electrolytical nanocrystalline Ni–P coating. The chemical composition (XRF method), phase structure (XRD method) and morphology (SEM) of Ni–P–ZrO2 and the distribution of elements in the powder were all investigated. Based on the analyses, it was found that the obtained powder contained about 50 weight % Zr and 40 weight % Ni. Phase structure analysis showed that the basic crystalline component of the tested powder is a mixed oxide of zirconium and yttrium Zr0.92Y0.08O1.96. In addition, the sample contains very large amounts of amorphous compounds (Ni–P). The mechanism to produce the composite powder particles is explained on the basis of Ni2+ ions adsorption process on the metal oxide particles. Current flow through the cell forces the movement of particles in the bath. Oxide grains with adsorbed nickel ions were transported to the cathode surface. Ni2+ ions were discharged. The oxide particles were covered with a Ni–P layer and the heavy composite grains of Ni–P–ZrO2 flowed down to the bottom of the cell

    The Evaluation of Simulated Environmental Degradation of Polycarbonate Filled with Inorganic and Organic Reinforcements

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    This research aimed to examine the mechanical properties of polycarbonate-based composites filled with both organic and inorganic reinforcements before and after simulated environmental degradation. Series of polycarbonate-based samples were prepared in the form of thin tapes. Their rheological properties were examined. Then, the samples were exposed to artificial environmental conditions. Finally, their rheological properties were examined once more, and the results were compared with those obtained for untreated samples. This paper presents basic research on the application of inorganic fillers to polycarbonate in order to determine the influence of the filler on the behavior of the obtained material. The aim of the work was to determine the usefulness and purpose of using this type of filler in polycarbonates for applications in contact with ultraviolet radiation, especially medical applications

    The influence of chlorine in indoor swimming pools on the composition of breathing phase of professional swimmers

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    Objectives: Swimming is one of the most popular forms of physical activity. Pool water is cleaned with chlorine, which - in combination with compounds contained in water - could form chloramines and trichloromethane in the swimmer’s lungs. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of swimming training in an indoor pool on the composition of swimmers’ respiratory phase metabolomics, and develop a system to provide basic information about its impact on the swimmer’s airway mucosa metabolism, which could help to assess the risk of secondary respiratory tract diseases i.e. sport results, condition, and health including lung acute and chronic diseases). Design: A group of competitive swimmers participated in the study and samples of their respiratory phase before training, immediately after training, and 2 h after training were assessed. Methods: Sixteen male national and international-level competitive swimmers participated in this study. Respiratory phase analysis of the indoor swimming pool swimmers was performed. Gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GCMS) was used in the measurements. All collected data were transferred to numerical analysis for trends of tracking and mapping. The breathing phase was collected on special porous material and analyzed using GCMS headspace. Results: The obtained samples of exhaled air were composed of significantly different metabolomics when compared before, during and after exercise training. This suggests that exposition to indoor chlorine causes changes in the airway mucosa Conclusion: This phenomenon may be explained by occurrence of a chlorine-initiated bio-reaction in the swimmers’ lungs. The obtained results indicate that chromatographic exhaled gas analysis is a sensitive method of pulmonary metabolomic changes assessment. Presented analysis of swimmers exhaled air indicates, that indoor swimming may be responsible for airway irritation caused by volatile chlorine compounds and their influence on lung metabolism

    Rat spleen in the course of Babesia microti invasion: histological and submicroscopic studies

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    The course of babesiosis in humans is characterized by various intensity levels − from a subclinical level to the severe one − associated with multiple organ failure, which leads to death. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 21-day and 6-month invasion of B. microti on Wistar rats spleen. Histological changes in the rats’ spleen were characterized by swelling of splenic tissue, especially the tissue adjacent to the capsule. In the structure of the white pulp in some rats, high concentrations of lymphocytes occurred. The boundary between the white pulp and red pulp was blurred. In the red pulp structure of rats, a lot of macrophages and extracellular deposits of bilirubin were present. The submicroscopic studies showed that the nuclear matrix was slightly shrunken. In the red pulp fragments of the damaged cells were located in the intercellular spaces. Near these areas, many thrombocytes were visible. The ultrastructural observation also revealed thickened endoplasmic reticulum membranes, local cellular swelling filled with amorphous substance, and digested erythrocytes. B. microti invasion affects the splenic morphology and ultrastructure in rats. The immunological hyperactivity and signs of inflammation indicate an important role of spleen in a fight against parasites