37 research outputs found

    Türkiye'nin endemik ağaçlarından Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica tohumlarının saklanmasının tohum canlılığı ve çimlenmesi üzerine etkisi

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    Toros çiçekli dişbudağı (Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica) Türkiye’deki endemik ağaç taksonlarından biridir. Bu çalışma doğal ortamındaki rehabilitasyon çalışmaları ve ex-situ koruma programları için Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica tohumlarının saklanabilirlik özelliklerinin ortaya çıkarılması açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica tohumlarının dormant olarak ve soğuk-ıslak katlama işlemi ile dormansisi giderildikten sonra saklanabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Her bir denemede üç orijin kullanılmıştır. Dormant tohumlar 4 ve 20 °C’de, %3, 4, 6, 8, 10 ve 15 nem içerikleri ile 7 ay saklanmıştır. 4 ve 20 °C’de dormant olarak saklanan tohumların ortalama canlılığı sırasıyla %73,1 ve 45,9 olarak belirlenmiştir. %10 ve üstündeki nem içeriği ile saklanan tohumlarda canlılık kayıpları yüksek olmuştur. %3 nem içeriği ile saklanan tohumlar, yüksek canlılık yüzdelerini korumuştur. Katlama işlemi uygulanan tohumlar %8 nem içeriğine kadar geri kurutularak 4 °C’de 7 ay saklandığında ortalama çimlenme oranları %73,3’ten %57,3’e gerilemiştir. Dormant Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica tohumları için en uygun saklama nemi olarak %3-8 ve saklama sıcaklığı olarak ise +4 °C önerilebilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica, Tohum, Dormansi, Katlam

    Distance between south-European and south-west Asiatic refugial areas involved morphological differentiation: Pinus sylvestris case study

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    16 p., mapas, tablas, gráf.The phenotypic differentiation of relic P. sylvestris in southern Europe and southwestern Asia was verified using thirty-two populations sampled from the Iberian Peninsula, Massif Central, Balkan Peninsula, Crimea and Anatolia. Twenty-one morphological and anatomical needle traits and 18 cone morphological characteristics were examined to describe the population diversity and differentiation. The needle characters were not correlated to those of cone. The differences between regions were significant based on 12 needle and 9 cone characteristics, suggesting spatial isolation. The differentiation between the Iberian and Anatolian populations was the highest, which indicates the isolation by distance. The high level of morphological differentiation was also found among Iberian populations, supporting the already known complex history of the species in that region. Populations within other regions were differentiated at lower levels; however, the West Anatolian populations differed morphologically from the eastern ones. The described pattern of morphological differentiation supports the idea of the long-lasting existence of P. sylvestris in the south-European and Anatolian mountain regions. To conserve this variation, seed transfer between regions in the forest economy should be restricted.The research was financially supported by The Polish Ministry of Science (Contr. No. NN303 360535) and partly by Institute of Dendrology.Peer reviewe

    Relationships among Cedrus libani, C. brevifolia and C. atlantica as revealed by the morphological and anatomical needle characters

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    The main aim of the present study was testing the value of the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the needles in distinguishing Cedrus atlantica, C. libani and C. brevifolia. Nine populations were sampled in their natural habit and 25 characters were used to describe the variation of the brachyblast needles and to analyze the differences between species. The results indicated that morphological and anatomical needle characters provide valuable tools in discrimination of the taxa. The scored differences were statistically significant, as revealed in the Tukey's t test, discrimination analysis and hierarchical analysis of variation. The results support treating C. libani, C. atlantica and C. brevifolia as independent species. © 2012 The Author(s).The collection of the majority of the material used in the present study was made possible through bilateral cooperation between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain) and unofficial cooperation between the Institute of Dendrology and the Faculty of Forestry of Kahramanmaraş Sutcu Imam University in Turkey. The study was partly sponsored by the Institute of Dendrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.Peer Reviewe

    Morphological versus molecular markers to describe variability in Juniperus excelsa subsp. excelsa (Cupressaceae)

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    41 p.Background and aims: Juniperus excelsa M.-Bieb. is a major forest element in the mountains of the eastern part of Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean regions. This study comprises the first morphological investigation covering a large part of the geographical range of J. excelsa and aims to verify the congruency between the morphological results and molecular results of a previous study. Methodology: We studied 14 populations sampled from Greece, Cyprus, Ukraine, Turkey and Lebanon, from which 11 have previously been investigated using molecular markers. Three hundred and ninety four individuals of J. excelsa were examined using nine biometric features characterising cones, seeds and shoots; and eight derived ratios. Statistical analyses were conducted in order to evaluate the intra and interpopulation morphological variability. Principal results: The level of intra-population variability observed did not show any geographic trends. The total variation mostly depended on the ratios of cone diameter/seed width and seed width/seed length. The discrimination analysis, the Ward agglomeration method and barrier analysis results showed a separation into three main clusters of the sampled populations. These results confirmed, in part, the geographic differentiation revealed by molecular markers with a lower level of differentiation and a less clear geographic pattern. The most differentiated populations using both markers corresponded to old, isolated populations in the high altitudes of Lebanon (>2000 m). Moreover a separation of the northern Turkish population from the southern Turkish populations was observed using both markers. Conclusions: Morphological variation together with genetic and biogeographic studies together make an effective good tool for detecting relict plant populations and also populations subjected to more intensive selection.The research was conducted within the statutory research programme of the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kórnik, Poland and supported by the Research Council of Saint-Joseph University of Beirut.Peer reviewe

    La résorption foliaire de quelques macro- (N, P, S) et micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn dans les forêts de Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Poiret) Spach en Turquie

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    Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Poiret) Spach a une distribution plutôt restreinte en Turquie dans les forêts marécageuses. La résorption foliaire de quelques macro- (N, P et S) et micronutriments (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu) a été étudiée dans des populations de P. fraxinifolia du nord et du sud de la Turquie. Comparativement aux populations méridionales, les populations nordiques ont montré une résorption de l’azote (NRE) plus efficiente mais une résorption du phosphore (PRE) plus faible. Les populations tant nordiques que méridionales se sont montrées P-proficientes alors que seules les populations nordiques se sont révélées P-proficientes. Des valeurs négatives pour ZnRE et MnRE ont été trouvées dans les populations méridionales. SRE s’est révélée plus élevée que celle d’autres espèces décidues. Des ratios NRE/PRE > 1 ont été trouvés dans les populations nordiques mais 1 in northern populations, while <1 in southern populations

    Effect of geographic range discontinuity on taxonomic differentiation of Abies cilicica

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    Three populations of Abies cilicica subsp. isaurica and four of A. cilicica subsp. cilicica were analyzed using 35 morphological and anatomical needle characters with the implementation of multivariate statistical methods to verify the differences between subspecies. Moreover, the possible geographic differentiation of A. cilicica subsp. cilicica populations from the East Taurus and Lebanon Mountains was examined. Abies cilicica subsp. isaurica has been distinguished from A. cilicica subsp. cilicica by its glabrous young shoots and resinous buds. We detected that needles of A. cilicica subsp. isaurica are longer, broader and thicker, with a higher number of stomata rows, and larger cells of the epidermis, hypodermis and endodermis than A. cilicica subsp. cilicica. Additionally, A. cilicica subsp. isaurica needles have frequently rounded to obtuse-acute apex and resinous canals positioned more centrally inside the mesophyll than needles of A. cilicica subsp. cilicica. This indicates that a set of most of the tested needle characters can be used to distinguish the subspecies; however, any of characters enable that when used separately. Morphological and anatomical distinctiveness between these two taxa justify their recognition at the subspecies rank. Additionally, the populations of A. cilicica subsp. cilicica from the East Taurus and Lebanon are morphologically different. This geographic differentiation of populations is congruent with results provided by genetic analyses of nuclear microsatellites markers (nSSR)

    Rhus L. (Sumaklar)

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    Impact Lag of Financial Access in Turkey: a Research on Participation Banks

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    anemonBu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye bankacılık sektöründe her geçen gün büyümeye ve gelişmeye devam eden katılım bankacılığı sektöründe, finansal erişimin gecikmeli etkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada, katılım bankacılığı sektörü göstergesi olarak toplam aktif büyüklük, kullandırılan fonlar ve toplanan fonlar, finansal erişim göstergesi olarak da finansal kurumlara erişim endeksi kullanılarak üç adet araştırma modeli geliştirilmiştir. Ekonometrik analiz sonucunda, üç araştırma modeli için de finansal erişim düzeyinin katılım bankalarının toplam aktif büyüklüğünü, toplanan fon büyüklüğünü ve kullandırılan fon büyüklüğünü cari dönem ve sonrasındaki iki yıl boyunca istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve pozitif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.This study investigates impact lag of financial access on participation banks sector growing in Turkey banking sector. Three research models are established by using total asset size, funds utilized and collected as indicators of participation banking sector, and financial instutions access index as financial access indicator. In consequence of econometric analysis, financial access level for three research models affects total asset size of participation banks, the amount of funds collected and utilised in current period and following two years in a statistically significant and positive way.76162

    Foliar N and P resorption and nutrient levels along an elevational gradient in Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. macrocarpa (Sibth. & Sm.) Ball

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    Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. macrocarpa (Sibth. & Sm.) Ball occurs in the Mediterranean region, on the southern part of Turkey and has been widely used in landscape planning and stabilization of coastal dunes. In this study foliar N and P resorption and foliar N, P and K concentrations (on a leaf mass basis) were investigated in J. oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa. Foliar N, P, and K concentrations and absolute and proportional N and P resorption rates along the topographic position were not changed significantly. Significant correlations were found between absolute and proportional P resorption rates and soil moisture status. However, there were no significant correlation between absolute and proportional N resorption rates and soil moisture status. Foliar N and proportional N resorption were significantly correlated although absolute N resorption was not significantly correlated with foliar N. However, foliar P was significantly correlated both absolute and proportional P resorption.Résorption foliaire de N, P et niveaux de nutrition chez Juniperus oxycedrus L. ssp. macrocarpa (Sibth. & Sm.) Ball le long d'un gradient altitudinal. Juniperus oxycedrus L. ssp. macrocarpa (Sibth. & Sm.) se rencontre en région méditerranéenne dans le Sud de la Turquie. Il a été largement utilisé pour la stabilisation de dunes côtières et pour l'urbanisation. Dans ce travail, on a étudié chez cette espèce la résorption foliaire de N et P et les concentrations foliaires en N, P et K. Les concentrations foliaires en N, P et K et les taux de résorption (valeurs absolues et relatives) ne varient pas de façon significative avec la position topographique. Des corrélations significatives ont été trouvées entres les valeurs de résorption de P et l'humidité des sols. Cependant, il n'y a pas de corrélation significative entre les taux de résorption de N (valeurs absolues et relatives) et l'humidité des sols. La concentration foliaire en N et la résorption foliaire en N (valeurs relatives) étaient corrélées significativement bien que la résorption de N en valeurs absolues n'était pas corrélée avec la concentration foliaire en N. Pourtant les concentrations foliaires en P étaient significativement corrélées avec les résorptions de P (valeurs absolues et relatives)