44 research outputs found

    Molecular Structure and Modeling of Water-Air and Ice-Air Interfaces Monitored by Sum-Frequency Generation.

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    From a glass of water to glaciers in Antarctica, water-air and ice-air interfaces are abundant on Earth. Molecular-level structure and dynamics at these interfaces are key for understanding many chemical/physical/atmospheric processes including the slipperiness of ice surfaces, the surface tension of water, and evaporation/sublimation of water. Sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy is a powerful tool to probe the molecular-level structure of these interfaces because SFG can specifically probe the topmost interfacial water molecules separately from the bulk and is sensitive to molecular conformation. Nevertheless, experimental SFG has several limitations. For example, SFG cannot provide information on the depth of the interface and how the orientation of the molecules varies with distance from the surface. By combining the SFG spectroscopy with simulation techniques, one can directly compare the experimental data with the simulated SFG spectra, allowing us to unveil the molecular-level structure of water-air and ice-air interfaces. Here, we present an overview of the different simulation protocols available for SFG spectra calculations. We systematically compare the SFG spectra computed with different approaches, revealing the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods. Furthermore, we account for the findings through combined SFG experiments and simulations and provide future challenges for SFG experiments and simulations at different aqueous interfaces

    Catalytic activity of graphene-covered non-noble metals governed by proton penetration in electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction

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    Hu, K., Ohto, T., Nagata, Y. et al. Catalytic activity of graphene-covered non-noble metals governed by proton penetration in electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction. Nat Commun 12, 203 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20503-

    Surface tension of ab initio

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    Ab initio

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    Suppression of Methanol and Formate Crossover through Sulfanilic‐Functionalized Holey Graphene as Proton Exchange Membranes

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    Abstract Proton exchange membranes with high proton conductivity and low crossover of fuel molecules are required to realize advanced fuel‐cell technology. The selective transportation of protons, which occurs by blocking the transportation of fuel molecules across a proton exchange membrane, is crucial to suppress crossover while maintaining a high proton conductivity. In this study, a simple yet powerful method is proposed for optimizing the crossover‐conductivity relationship by pasting sulfanilic‐functionalized holey graphenes onto a Nafion membrane. The results show that the sulfanilic‐functionalized holey graphenes supported by the membrane suppresses the crossover by 89% in methanol and 80% in formate compared with that in the self‐assembled Nafion membrane; an ≈60% reduction is observed in the proton conductivity. This method exhibits the potential for application in advanced fuel cells that use methanol and formic acid as chemical fuels to achieve high energy efficiency

    Seebeck Effect in Molecular Wires Facilitating Long-Range Transport

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    The study of molecular wires facilitating long-range charge transport is of fundamental interest for the development of various technologies in (bio)organic and molecular electronics. Defining the nature of long-range charge transport is challenging as electrical characterization does not offer the ability to distinguish a tunneling mechanism from the other. Here, we show that investigation of the Seebeck effect provides the ability. We examine the length dependence of the Seebeck coefficient in electrografted bis-terpyridine Ru(II) complex films. The Seebeck coefficient ranges from 307 to 1027 ÎŒV/K, with an increasing rate of 95.7 ÎŒV/(K nm) as the film thickness increases to 10 nm. Quantum-chemical calculations unveil that the nearly overlapped molecular-orbital energy level of the Ru complex with the Fermi level accounts for the giant thermopower. Landauer–Büttiker probe simulations indicate that the significant length dependence evinces the Seebeck effect dominated by coherent near-resonant tunneling rather than thermal hopping. This study enhances our comprehension of long-range charge transport, paving the way for efficient electronic and thermoelectric materials

    Thermoelectric Efficiency of Organometallic Complex Wires via Quantum Resonance Effect and Long-Range Electric Transport Property

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    Superior long-range electric transport has been observed in several organometallic wires. Here, we discuss the role of the metal center in the electric transport and examine the possibility of high thermoelectric figure of merit (<i>ZT</i>) by controlling the quantum resonance effects. We examined a few metal center (and metal-free) terpyridine-based complexes by first-principles calculations and clarified the role of the metals in determining the transport properties. Quasi-resonant tunneling is mediated by organic compounds, and narrow overlapping resonance states are formed when d<i>-</i>electron metal centers are incorporated. Distinct length (<i>L</i>) and temperature (<i>T</i>) dependencies of thermopower from semiconductor materials or organic molecular junctions are presented in terms of atomistic calculations of <i>ZT</i> with and without considering the phonon thermal conductance. We present an alternative approach to obtain high <i>ZT</i> for molecular junctions by quantum effect

    Thermopower of Benzenedithiol and C<sub>60</sub> Molecular Junctions with Ni and Au Electrodes

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    We have performed thermoelectric measurements of benzenedithiol (BDT) and C<sub>60</sub> molecules with Ni and Au electrodes using a home-built scanning tunneling microscope. The thermopower of C<sub>60</sub> was negative for both Ni and Au electrodes, indicating the transport of carriers through the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital in both cases, as was expected from the work functions. On the other hand, the Ni–BDT–Ni junctions exhibited a negative thermopower, whereas the Au–BDT–Au junctions exhibited a positive thermopower. First-principle calculations revealed that the negative thermopower of Ni–BDT–Ni junctions is due to the spin-split hybridized states generated by the highest occupied molecular orbital of BDT coupled with <i>s</i>- and <i>d</i>-states of the Ni electrode