9,250 research outputs found

    Flips of moduli of stable torsion free sheaves with c₁=1 on P²

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    Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for unit FF-crystals on embeddable algebraic varieties

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    For a separated scheme XX of finite type over a perfect field kk of characteristic p>0p>0 which admits an immersion into a proper smooth scheme over the truncated Witt ring WnW_{n}, we define the bounded derived category of locally finitely generated unit FF-crystals with finite Tor-dimension on XX over WnW_{n}, independently of the choice of the immersion. Then we prove the anti-equivalence of this category with the bounded derived category of constructible \'etale sheaves of Z/pnZ{\mathbb Z}/{p^{n}{\mathbb Z}}-modules with finite Tor dimension. We also discuss the relationship of tt-structures on these derived categories when n=1n=1. Our result is a generalization of the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for unit FF-crystals due to Emerton-Kisin to the case of (possibly singular) embeddable algebraic varieties in characteristic p>0p>0.Comment: This is the final version, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    On logarithmic nonabelian Hodge theory of higher level in characteristic p

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    Given a natural number mm and a log smooth integral morphism XSX\to S of fine log schemes of characteristic p>0p>0 with a lifting of its Frobenius pull-back XSX'\to S modulo p2p^{2}, we use indexed algebras AXgp{\cal A}_{X}^{gp}, BX/S(m+1){\cal B}_{X/S}^{(m+1)} of Lorenzon-Montagnon and the sheaf DX/S(m){\cal D}_{X/S}^{(m)} of log differential operators of level mm of Berthelot-Montagnon to construct an equivalence between the category of certain indexed AXgp{\cal A}_{X}^{gp}-modules with DX/S(m){\cal D}_{X/S}^{(m)}-action and the category of certain indexed BX/S(m+1){\cal B}_{X/S}^{(m+1)}-modules with Higgs field. Our result is regarded as a level mm version of some results of Ogus-Vologodsky and Schepler

    Resonating-valence-bond liquid in low dimensions

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    The Hubbard model in DD dimensions, with the on-site repulsion UU and the transfer integral between nearest neighbors t/D-t/\sqrt{D}, is studied on the basis of the Kondo-lattice theory. If U/t1U/|t| \gg 1, n1t/(DU)|n - 1| \lesssim |t|/(DU), where nn is the number of electrons per unit cell, and DD is so small that J/DkBTc|J|/D \gg k_{\rm B}T_c, where J=4t2/UJ = -4t^2/U and TcT_c is 0K0 {\rm K} for D=1D = 1 and is the highest critical temperature among possible ones for D2D \ge 2, a low-TT phase where Tc<TJ/(kBD)T_c < T \ll |J|/(k_{\rm B}D) is a frustrated electron liquid. Since the liquid is stabilized by the Kondo effect in conjunction with the resonating-valence-bond (RVB) mechanism, it is simply the RVB electron liquid; in one dimension, it is also the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. The Kondo energy of the RVB liquid is kBTK=O(J/D)k_{\rm B}T_{\rm K} = O(|J|/D); its effective Fermi energy is O(kBTK)O(k_{\rm B}T_{\rm K}). A midband appears on the chemical potential between the upper and lower Hubbard bands; the Hubbard gap is a pseudogap. As regards the density of states per unit cell of the midband, its bandwidth is O(kBTK)O(k_{\rm B}T_{\rm K}) or O(J/D)O(|J|/D), its peak height is O(1/U)O(1/U), and its spectral weight is O[t2/(DU2)]O[t^2/(DU^2)]. Since the midband almost disappears in the Heisenberg limit, the RVB electron liquid in the Heisenberg limit is simply the RVB spin liquid. The RVB electron and spin liquids adiabatically continue to each other. Since local moments form in a high-TT phase where TTKT \gtrsim T_{\rm K}, the high-TT phase is simply the Mott insulator.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1210.821