218 research outputs found

    Organizing and Disseminating Information About Creativity: Journal of CreativeBehavior 2002 In Summary

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    This Master’s project contains an analysis of articles from the Journal of Creative Behavior, 2002. This was the final chapter in a five-year initiative previously analyzed by Bowman-Jones (1999); Moynihan (2001); Noetzel/Schlau (2003); and Carr (2003) for the Journal of Creative Behavior 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 respectively. Established schema supplied by Feist and Runco (1993) was the structure for data analysis. Data were collected across five domains: Structural Characteristics; Authorship Patterns; Research Methods; Populations Studied; and Issues in Title and Focus. Data were then examined within the journal. An analysis was then conducted across four years of the journal while the Journal of Creative Behavior 2000 was excluded since it was unavailable for review. In addition to the reports on the data analysis, this project contains figures and tables illustrating the findings, project history and significance, rationale and guiding questions and methods and procedures. Key learnings and recommendations conclude the project. The appendices include coding criteria, concept paper, CBIR annotations, article worksheets and raw data as well as a copy of the Feist and Runco article. Findings from the qualitative analysis of the Journal of Creative Behavior for the calendar year 2002 are listed below: • The total number of articles (16) per year of the JCB was the same throughout all four years of the JCB studied. Of those 16 articles for the JCB 2002, 14 were empirical while only 2 were non-empirical. • The number of female authors was one more than the number of male authors for the JCB 2002 which was quite an increase in female authors from the previous years of the JCB studied in which there were always more male authors. • University students were the most studied population for the JCB 2002 as well as across all four years studied of the JCB. • Longitudinal studies were missing across all four years of the JCB studied while laboratory studies, field studies, archival studies, and meta-analytic studies were rarely used. • The most popular issues addressed by the JCB 2002 were personality and creative behavior. • Ten categories were never studied during any of the four years of the JCB reviewed, including developmental processes, emotion, freewill/will, humor, intelligence and creativity, intuition-thought processes, intuition-nature and role, neurobiological

    Exploring the Limits of Brady v. Maryland: Criminal Discovery as a Due Process Right in Access to Police Investigations and State Crime Laboratories

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    Why not criminal discovery? This question has been posited by legal scholars and learned jurists alike since the liberalization of discovery methods under the modern codes of civil procedure. As inexact as the term criminal discovery may be and, according to its critics, as inapplicable as discovery may be in the criminal context, there is little doubt that the current trend is the expansion of that which is discoverable by either side prior to a criminal trial. In fact, criminal discovery has developed into something more than a problem of procedure to be resolved by the individual jurisdictions in piecemeal fashion. In the framework of the prosecutor\u27s duty to disclose evidence favorable to the defense, it has achieved constitutional proportions


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    The article deals with a method of complex calculation of rational structural parameters of humps at classification yards. Unlike existing methods, this method allows an implementation of the technology of guided gravity regulation of the cut speed by applying a special layout and profile arrangement. The authors believe that it will decrease the maintenance costs to refund damaged car and cargo, costs on electricity needed for the cut speed regulation and some extra charges due to demurrages caused by waiting for breaking-up at arrival yards

    A retrospective study of two populations to test a simple rule for spirometry

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    Abstract Background Chronic lung disease is common and often under-diagnosed. Methods To test a simple rule for conducting spirometry we reviewed spirograms from two populations, occupational medicine evaluations (OME) conducted by Saint Louis and Wake Forest Universities at 3 sites (n = 3260, mean age 64.14 years, 95 % CI 58.94–69.34, 97 % men) and conducted by Wake Forest University preop clinic (POC) at one site (n = 845, mean age 62.10 years, 95 % CI 50.46–73.74, 57 % men). This retrospective review of database information that the first author collected prospectively identified rates, types, sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive value for lung function abnormalities and associated mortality rate found when conducting spirometry based on the 20/40 rule (≥20 years of smoking in those aged ≥ 40 years) in the OME population. To determine the reproducibility of the 20/40 rule for conducting spirometry, the rule was applied to the POC population. Results A lung function abnormality was found in 74 % of the OME population and 67 % of the POC population. Sensitivity of the rule was 85 % for an obstructive pattern and 77 % for any abnormality on spirometry. Positive and negative predictive values of the rule for a spirometric abnormality were 74 and 55 %, respectively. Patients with an obstructive pattern were at greater risk of coronary heart disease (odds ratio (OR) 1.39 [confidence interval (CI) 1.00–1.93] vs. normal) and death (hazard ratio (HR) 1.53, 95 % CI 1.20–1.84) than subjects with normal spirometry. Restricted spirometry patterns were also associated with greater risk of coronary disease (odds ratio (OR) 1.7 [CI 1.23–2.35]) and death (Hazard ratio 1.40, 95 % CI 1.08–1.72). Conclusions Smokers (≥ 20 pack years) age ≥ 40 years are at an increased risk for lung function abnormalities and those abnormalities are associated with greater presence of coronary heart disease and increased all-cause mortality. Use of the 20/40 rule could provide a simple method to enhance selection of candidates for spirometry evaluation in the primary care setting

    Dual therapy strategies for COPD: the scientific rationale for LAMA + LABA

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and health care expenditure worldwide. Relaxation of airway smooth muscle with inhaled bronchodilators is the cornerstone of treatment for stable COPD, with inhaled corticosteroids reserved for those with a history of exacerbations. Tiotropium has occupied center stage in COPD treatment for over 10 years and improves lung function, quality of life, exercise endurance, and reduces the risk of COPD exacerbation. Long-acting β2-agonists (LABAs) improve lung function, reduce dynamic hyperinflation, increase exercise tolerance, health-related quality of life, and reduce acute exacerbation of COPD. The combination of long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) and LABAs is thought to leverage different pathways to induce bronchodilation using submaximal drug doses, increasing the benefits and minimizing receptor-specific side effects. Umeclidinium/vilanterol is the first combination of LAMA/LABA to be approved for use in stable COPD in USA and Europe. Additionally, indacaterol/glycopyrronium and aclidinium/formoterol have been approved in Europe and in numerous locations outside USA. Several other agents are in the late stages of development, most of which offer once-daily dosing. The benefits of new LAMA/LABA combinations include improved pulmonary function, dyspnea, and health-related quality of life, and in some cases, reduced exacerbations. These evolving treatments will provide new opportunities and challenges in the management of COPD


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    Creating of new generation industry standards for higher pharmaceutical education based on the competency approach is a necessary step towards a modern specialist training required in practical pharmacy. Besides the working group according to the order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 06.11.2015 № 733, general experts in pharmacy were involved in the standard developing and their opinion is an integral component in the state standard creation that would meet all European requirements. General pharmacy experts were interviewed in order to find out graduates’ general and professional competences and its results were implemented to standard of higher education in specialty “Pharmacy”. Створення галузевих стандартів вищої фармацевтичної освіти нового покоління на основі компетентнісного підходу є необхідним етапом на шляху підготовки сучасного фахівця, якого потребує практична фармація.До роботи над стандартом, крім робочої групи, визначеної наказом МОЗ України від 06.11.2015 р. № 733, були залучені фахівці практичної фармації, чия думка є невід’ємним компонентом при створенні державного стандарту, що відповідав би усім європейським вимогам. Проведено соціологічне опитування фахівців практичної фармації щодо загальних та професійних компетентностей випускника, результати якого впроваджено до стандарту вищої освіти спеціальності “Фармація”

    Clarity of Microstamped Identifiers as a Function of Primer Hardness and Type of Firearm Action

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    The transfer of microstamped identifiers to the primers of fired cartridges was examined using a stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The identifiers were placed on the firing pins of three different 9mm handguns, namely, a Sig Sauer, a Taurus, and a Hi-Point. Ten different brands of ammunition were fired from each handgun, 100 rounds being fired using each brand for a total of 1000 rounds fired per handgun. The quality of the markings was evaluated using a simple observation rubric. These results were compared to Vickers hardness values obtained from the ammunition primers and are discussed in light of the types of actions of firearms used

    Use of a Cross-Sectional Survey in the Adult Population to Characterize Persons at High-Risk for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Rationale/Objective: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) health survey has been used to describe the epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the US. Through addressing respiratory symptoms and tobacco use, it could also be used to characterize COPD risk. Methods: Four US states added questions to the 2015 BRFSS regarding productive cough, shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, and tobacco duration. We determined COPD risk categories: provider-diagnosed COPD as self-report, high-risk for COPD as ≥ 10 years tobacco smoking and at least one significant respiratory symptom, and low risk was neither diagnosed COPD nor high risk. Disease burden was defined by respiratory symptoms and health impairments. Data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression models with age as a covariate. Results: Among 35,722 adults ≥ 18 years, the overall prevalence of COPD and high-risk for COPD were 6.6% and 5.1%. Differences among COPD risk groups were evident based on gender, race, age, geography, tobacco use, health impairments, and respiratory symptoms. Risk for disease was seen early where 3.75% of 25–34 years-old met high-risk criteria. Longer tobacco duration was associated with an increased prevalence of COPD, particularly \u3e 20 years. Seventy-nine percent of persons ≥ 45 years-old with frequent shortness of breath (SOB) reported having or being at risk of COPD, reflecting disease burden. Conclusion: These data, representing nearly 18% of US adults, indicates those at high risk for COPD share many, but not all of the characteristics of persons diagnosed with the disease and demonstrates the value of the BRFSS as a tool to define lung health at a population level

    Dual therapy strategies for COPD: the scientific rationale for LAMA + LABA

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and health care expenditure worldwide. Relaxation of airway smooth muscle with inhaled bronchodilators is the cornerstone of treatment for stable COPD, with inhaled corticosteroids reserved for those with a history of exacerbations. Tiotropium has occupied center stage in COPD treatment for over 10 years and improves lung function, quality of life, exercise endurance, and reduces the risk of COPD exacerbation. Long-acting β(2)-agonists (LABAs) improve lung function, reduce dynamic hyperinflation, increase exercise tolerance, health-related quality of life, and reduce acute exacerbation of COPD. The combination of long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) and LABAs is thought to leverage different pathways to induce bronchodilation using submaximal drug doses, increasing the benefits and minimizing receptor-specific side effects. Umeclidinium/vilanterol is the first combination of LAMA/LABA to be approved for use in stable COPD in USA and Europe. Additionally, indacaterol/glycopyrronium and aclidinium/formoterol have been approved in Europe and in numerous locations outside USA. Several other agents are in the late stages of development, most of which offer once-daily dosing. The benefits of new LAMA/LABA combinations include improved pulmonary function, dyspnea, and health-related quality of life, and in some cases, reduced exacerbations. These evolving treatments will provide new opportunities and challenges in the management of COPD

    Дослідження історичних аспектів організації навчальної та виробничої практики як складової професійної підготовки фахівців фармації

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    Aim. To study and systematize the data on the origin, formation, development and peculiarities of organization of practical training and work practice as part of training pharmacy professionals in the system of higher pharmaceutical education. Materials and methods. The methods of scientific analysis, in particular generalization, comparison, content analysis, historical, and retrospective analysis were used in the work.Results. The retrospective analysis of curricula for training specialists in specialty “Pharmacy” for the period from 1921-2017 has been conducted, the sequence of introduction of types of practice in the curricula and the dynamics of its total duration during the study period have been determined; the analysis of the interaction of the National University of Pharmacy with the bases for training specialists at various stages of development has been conducted, as well as the historical periods of curricular practical training have been determined.Conclusions. The analysis of literary sources and curricula for training specialists in specialty “Pharmacy” has shown that from the first years of the University until today much attention is paid to both the study of theoretical disciplines and practice; development of practical training is associated with socio-economic changes in the country, requirements of the practical component of healthcare to qualitative training of pharmacy professionals, development of pharmacy and the higher educational institution.Цель: исследование и систематизация данных о зарождении, становлении, развитии и особенностях организации учебной и производственной практики как составляющей профессиональной подготовки специалистов в системе высшего фармацевтического образования. Материалы та методы. Использованы методы научного анализа, в частности обобщения, сравнения, контент-анализа, исторический, ретроспективный.Результаты исследования. Осуществлен ретроспективный анализ учебных планов подготовки специалистов по специальности «Фармация» за период 1921-2017 гг., определена последовательность введения видов практики в учебные планы и динамика ее общей продолжительности в течение исследуемого периода; проведен анализ взаимодействия Национального фармацевтического университета с базами практики на различных этапах его развития, а также определены исторические периоды организации учебно-производственной практики.Выводы. Анализ литературных источников и учебных планов подготовки специалистов по специальности «Фармация» показал, что с первых лет существования университета и до настоящего времени большое внимание уделялось как изучению теоретических дисциплин, так и практике, становление и развитие которой связано с социально-экономическими изменениями в стране, требованиями практической составляющей охраны здоровья к качественной подготовке специалистов, развитием фармации и высшего учебного заведения.Мета: дослідження та систематизація даних щодо зародження, становлення, розвитку й особливостей організації навчальної та виробничої практики як складової професійної підготовки фахівців у системі вищої фармацевтичної освіти.Матеріали та методи. Використано методи наукового аналізу, зокрема узагальнення, порівняння, контент-аналізу, історичний, ретроспективний.Результати дослідження. Проаналізовано навчальні плани підготовки фахівців за спеціальністю «Фармація» у період 1921-2017 рр., які дають наочне уявлення про еволюцію змісту й обсягів навчальної та виробничої практики, послідовності уведення нових її видів до навчального процесу. Визначено і представлено історичні періоди організації навчальної та виробничої практики, особливості співпраці Національного фармацевтичного університету з базами практики на різних етапах свого розвитку.Висновки. Аналіз літературних джерел та навчальних планів підготовки фахівців за спеціальністю «Фармація» показав, що з перших років існування університету і дотепер значна увага приділялась як вивченню теоретичних дисциплін, так і практиці, становлення і розвиток якої пов’язані із соціально-економічними змінами в країні, вимогами практичної охорони здоров’я до якості підготовки спеціалістів, розвитком фармації та вищого навчального закладу.