6 research outputs found

    An open source automatic feeder for animal experiments

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    Automatic feeders are widely used in animal experiments to dispense an accurate amount of food reward for each trial. Several commercial automatic feeders for animal experiments are available which are specific to certain species and food types. However, it would be beneficial for researchers if they could easily build their own experimental feeders customized for their study species, food types, and other experimental considerations. In this paper, we describe an open source experimental feeder using an Arduino microcontroller. The design of the feeder is focused on simplicity to provide a straight-forward building process and allow custom modifications for various requirements. The cost for building this feeder is less than €200 and we have successfully tested our design with three different food types for pigeons, cats, and marmoset monkeys

    A comparison between common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) and human infants sheds light on traits proposed to be at the root of human octave equivalence

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    Two notes separated by a doubling in frequency sound similar to humans. This “octave equivalence” is critical to perception and production of music and speech and occurs early in human development. Because it also occurs cross-culturally, a biological basis of octave equivalence has been hypothesized. Members of our team previousy suggested four human traits are at the root of this phenomenon: (1) vocal learning, (2) clear octave information in vocal harmonics, (3) differing vocal ranges, and (4) vocalizing together. Using cross-species studies, we can test how relevant these respective traits are, while controlling for enculturation effects and addressing questions of phylogeny. Common marmosets possess forms of three of the four traits, lacking differing vocal ranges. We tested 11 common marmosets by adapting an established head-turning paradigm, creating a parallel test to an important infant study. Unlike human infants, marmosets responded similarly to tones shifted by an octave or other intervals. Because previous studies with the same head-turning paradigm produced differential results to discernable acoustic stimuli in common marmosets, our results suggest that marmosets do not perceive octave equivalence. Our work suggests differing vocal ranges between adults and children and men and women and the way they are used in singing together may be critical to the development of octave equivalence

    Common marmosets are sensitive to simple dependencies at variable distances in an artificial grammar

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    Recognizing that two elements within a sequence of variable length depend on each other is a key ability in understanding the structure of language and music. Perception of such interdependencies has previously been documented in chimpanzees in the visual domain and in human infants and common squirrel monkeys with auditory playback experiments, but it remains unclear whether it typifies primates in general. Here, we investigated the ability of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to recognize and respond to such dependencies. We tested subjects in a familiarization-discrimination playback experiment using stimuli composed of pure tones that either conformed or did not conform to a grammatical rule. After familiarization to sequences with dependencies, marmosets spontaneously discriminated between sequences containing and lacking dependencies (‘consistent’ and ‘inconsistent’, respectively), independent of stimulus length. Marmosets looked more often to the sound source when hearing sequences consistent with the familiarization stimuli, as previously found in human infants. Crucially, looks were coded automatically by computer software, avoiding human bias. Our results support the hypothesis that the ability to perceive dependencies at variable distances was already present in the common ancestor of all anthropoid primates (Simiiformes)

    Naïve Poison Frog tadpoles use bi-modal cues to avoid insect predators but not heterospecific predatory tadpoles.

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    For animals to survive until reproduction, it is crucial that juveniles successfully detect potential predators and respond with appropriate behavior. The recognition of cues originating from predators can be innate or learned. Cues of various modalities might be used alone or in multi-modal combinations to detect and distinguish predators but studies investigating multi-modal integration in predator avoidance are scarce. Here, we used wild, naive tadpoles of the Neotropical poison frog Allobates femoralis ( Boulenger, 1884) to test their reaction to cues with two modalities from two different sympatrically occurring potential predators: heterospecific predatory Dendrobates tinctorius tadpoles and dragonfly larvae. We presented A. femoralis tadpoles with olfactory or visual cues, or a combination of the two, and compared their reaction to a water control in a between-individual design. In our trials, A. femoralis tadpoles reacted to multi-modal stimuli (a combination of visual and chemical information) originating from dragonfly larvae with avoidance but showed no reaction to uni-modal cues or cues from heterospecific tadpoles. In addition, visual cues from conspecifics increased swimming activity while cues from predators had no effect on tadpole activity. Our results show that A. femoralis tadpoles can innately recognize some predators and probably need both visual and chemical information to effectively avoid them. This is the first study looking at anti-predator behavior in poison frog tadpoles. We discuss how parental care might influence the expression of predator avoidance responses in tadpoles

    Antiviral immune response reveals host-specific virus infections in natural ant populations

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    Hosts can carry many viruses in their bodies, but not all of them cause disease. We studied ants as a social host to determine both their overall viral repertoire and the subset of actively infecting viruses across natural populations of three subfamilies: the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile, Dolichoderinae), the invasive garden ant (Lasius neglectus, Formicinae) and the red ant (Myrmica rubra, Myrmicinae). We used a dual sequencing strategy to reconstruct complete virus genomes by RNA-seq and to simultaneously determine the small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) by small RNA sequencing (sRNA-seq), which constitute the host antiviral RNAi immune response. This approach led to the discovery of 41 novel viruses in ants and revealed a host-ant specific RNAi response (21 vs. 22 nt siRNAs) in the different ant species. The efficiency of the RNAi response (sRNA/RNA read count ratio) depended on the virus and the respective ant species, but not its population. Overall, we found the highest virus abundance and diversity per population in Li. humile, followed by La. neglectus and M. rubra. Argentine ants also shared a high proportion of viruses between populations, whilst overlap was nearly absent in M. rubra. Only a single of the total 59 viruses in our study caused active infection in more than one ant species, whilst six viruses infected one, but only contaminated another ant species. Disentangling active infection from contamination thus allowed us to show high host-specificity of active viral infections versus a decent degree of spillover of non-infecting viral contaminants across ant species, providing relevant information for ecosystem management