19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of antimicrobial Activities of isolated compounds from the leaf of the white specie of Sesamum Indicum from Benue State, Nigeria

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    The isolated compounds from the petroleum spirit, chloroform and methanol crude leaf extracts of the white specie of the leaf of the Sesamum Indicum used by traditional medicinal practitioners for the management of infecticious diseases were investigated for in vitro antimicrobial activity against some organisms. The various extracts afforded compounds which had significant antimicrobial activities. The antimicrobial screening showed that all the pure isolates from the different solvent extracts were active against the organisms, Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus pyogenes , Salmonella typhi , Candida albicans , Candida krusei , and Candida tropicalis at various MIC\u2019s and (MBC/MFC)\u2019s. The pure isolates from methanol and ethyl acetate fractions were all inactive against Bacillus cereus , Corynebacterium ulcerans , and Escherichia coli . Only the pure isolates from petroleum spirit and chloroform fractions showed activity against Bacillus cereus, Corynebacterium ulcerans, and Escherichia coli at an MIC of 0.5mg/ml and MCB/MFC of 1mg/ml. Chromatographic techniques such as analytical TLC, Purification by dry vacuum liquid chromatography (DVLC) and Preparative TLC were used

    Estimation of Diagnostic Reference Level for Lumbar Spine X- Ray Procedures in Some Radiological Facilities in Abuja Metropolis, Nigeria

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    The worldwide increase in the use of radiation in diagnostic radiology practice has increased the need for organizations that deal with radiation protection to focus on improving patient protection. The essential aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic reference level for lumbar spine anterior posterior in some radiological facilities in Abuja metropolis, Nigeria. This study was performed to assess the values of entrance surface air kerma via indirect method for 87 adult patients whom their ages ranged between 19 to 75 years that underwent lumbar spine X-ray examination in six diagnostic radiology centres. The age of patients ranged from 20 to 60yrs; their weight ranged from 46 to 90 Kg, while the height of patients ranged from 1.4 to 1.8 m. The mean entrance surface air kerma for centres A, B, C, E and F were 2.41mGy, 2.39mGy, 2.75mGy, 2.91mGy and 2.67mGy respectively while the determined diagnostic reference level was 2.83mGy. This indicates improvement in optimization of patients’ doses when compared to established international reference levels. Keywords: Entrance surface air kerma, diagnostic reference level, lumbar spine X- ray examination and radiological facilities DOI: 10.7176/APTA/86-04 Publication date:October 31st 202

    The Relationship between Prostate Volume and International Prostate Symptom Score in Africans with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between prostate volume and international prostate symptom score (IPSS) in Africans with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).PATIENTS AND METHOD: This was a prospective study of 120 men aged between 45 to 85years, who were referred to the urology outpatient facility for treatment of clinical BPH between July 2007 and October 2008 in Jos University Teaching Hospital. These patients were properly evaluated; a digital rectal examination was done to estimate the prostate size. The pre-treatment IPSS of the patient was also obtained. The prostate volume of each patient was then estimated by transabdominal ultrasound.RESULTS: The mean prostate volume was 372.79±44.38cm. The mean values for the different diameters of the prostate were 5.63±1.17cm (longitudinal diameter), 4.48± 0.95cm (anterior posterior diameter), 4.97±1.06cm (transverse diameter). The Pearson's correlation between pre-treatment International prostate symptom score and prostate volume was -0.0035 (P>0.05).CONCLUSION: This study has shown that there is no significant relationship between international prostate symptom score and prostate volume in Africans. This is same with similar studies done in other parts of the world

    Penile Fractures in North Central Region of Nigeria

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    Background: Penile fracture is defined as a rupture of the tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum as a result of blunt trauma to an erect penis. Objectives: To study the aetiological factors, presentation, site of injury, treatment, as well as the treatment outcome of all patients that presented to us with penile fracture . Methodology: Data were obtained retrospectively from the patients’ clinical records from three centres: Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Urodiagnostic Specialist Centre and Federal Medical Centre, all in Makurdi, North Central Nigeria over a five year period (January 2012 to December, 2016). The bio-data, aetiological factors, time of presentation, site of injury, treatment given and outcome of treatment were analysed. Results: Six patients with median age of 39yrs were seen within the study period. Coitus with the woman on top was the precipitating factor in four patients. The time interval from injury to presentation ranged from 12 – 72hours. The classical presentation was noted in all patients. Five patients had surgical exploration. All injuries were in the mid shaft of the corpora cavernosa with the right side affected in three patients. Average hospital stay was 4 days. All patients had full erection at three months post exploration, however one patient reported penile deviation. Conclusion: The outcome of penile fracture following surgical repair was good.Keywords: Penis, Penile rupture, Trauma, Coitus, Penile reconstruction, Phallic injuries

    The management of upper urinary tract obstruction in resource-poort settings

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    Objective: The management of upper urinary tract obstruction in the absence of modern facilities presents a major challenge to Urologic practice in developing countries. The aim of this study was to describe the etiology, presentation and treatment of upper urinary tract obstruction at the Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Patients and Methods: This is a prospective analysis of 37 consecutive patients (18 males, 19 females) with a mean age of 35.5 years (range 3-55) who were managed for upper urinary tract obstruction at our department between January 2001 and December 2005. Two of them presented with a second pathology, so that we treated 39 pathologies in total. Flank pain was the most common clinical feature, being present in 35 patients (94.6%). Other clinical features were gross hematuria in 12 (32.4%), an enlarged kidney in 5 (13.5%), renal impairment in 4 (10.8%) and hypertension in 3 (8.1%) patients. Diagnostic work-up consisted of plain radiography, abdominal ultrasound scan, intravenous urography and retrograde pyelography. Renal pelvic stones were the leading cause of obstruction (13 patients; 35.1%), while congenital pelvi-ureteric junction (PUJ) obstruction was found in 7 (18.9%) and ureteric stricture and vesical schistosomiasis in 4 (10.8%) and 3 (8.1%) patients, respectively. Two patients had bilateral obstruction from two different causes. Results: Twenty-nine open surgical procedures were carried out. They consisted of pyelolithotomy (n=12), pyeloplasty (n=6), ureteroureterostomy (n=4), ureteroneocystostomy (n=3), nephrectomy (n=2) and ureterolithotomy (n=2). Eight patients were treated non-surgically. Two patients are awaiting definitive surgical treatment. A total of 4 (13.8%) complications following 29 operative procedures was encountered: two cases of migration of double-J ureteric stents and one case each of prolonged urine leakage and wound infection. Conclusion: Upper urinary tract obstruction is not uncommon in our environment. In the absence of modern facilities, open surgery remains our main option of treatment; and it is relatively safe. Objectif: La prise en charge de l'obstruction du haut appareil urinaire en l'absence des équipements modernes présente un défi important de la pratique urologique dans les pays en voie de développement. Le but de cette étude était de décrire l'étiologie, la présentation clinique et le traitement de l'obstruction du haut appareil urinaire à l'hôpital universitaire de Jos, Nigéria. Patients et méthodes: C'est une analyse prospective de 37 patients consécutifs (18 mâles, 19 femelles) présentant un âge moyen de 35.5 ans (3-55 ans) qui ont été contrôlés pour obstruction du haut appareil urinaire à notre service entre janvier 2001 et décembre 2005. Deux ont présenté une deuxième obstruction après qu'ils aient été traités pour la première, de sorte qu'en fait nous avons traité 39 cas. La douleur du flanc était la présentation clinique la plus commune, étant présente chez 35 patients (94.6%). Les autres manifestations cliniques étaient : hematurie chez 12 (32.4%), un gros rein chez 5 (13.5%), insuffisance rénale chez 4 (10.8%) et hypertension chez 3 (8.1%) patients. La démarche diagnostique est faite de ASP, échographie abdominale, urographie intraveineuse et pyélographie rétrograde. Les lithiases urétérales pelviennes étaient la principale cause de l'obstruction (13 patients ; 35.1%), alors que l'obstruction congénitale de la jonction pyélo-urétérale (PUJ) était diagnostiquée chez 7 (18.9%) et le rétrécissement urétéral et schistosomiase vésicale chez 4 (10.8%) et 3 (8.1%) patients, respectivement. Deux patients ont eu une obstruction bilatérale de deux causes différentes. Résultats: 29 cures chirurgicales à ciel ouvert ont été réalisées : pyélolithotomie (n=12), pyéloplastie (n=6), urétérourétérostomie (n=4), urétéronéocystostomie (n=3), néphrectomie (n=2) et urétérolithotomie (n=2). Huit patients ont été traités d'une façon non chirurgicale. Deux patients attendent le traitement chirurgical définitif. Un total de 4 (13.8%) complications sur 29 cures effectives ont été notées : deux cas de migration de sondes urétérales en double-J, un cas de fuite prolongée d'urine et un cas d'infection. Conclusion: L'obstruction du haut appareil urinaire n'est pas rare dans notre environnement. En l'absence des équipements modernes, la chirurgie ouverte demeure notre option principale de traitement; et c'est relativement sûr. African Journal of Urology Vol. 13 (1) 2007: pp. 30-3

    The practice of urology where there is no Urologist

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    No AbstractThe Nigerian Medical Practitioner Vol. 52 (5&6) 2007: pp. 103-10


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    The P wave amplitude and duration were measured and analyzed in the 12-lead ECG in a hundred and nine subjects aged between 19 and 30 years. The mean P wave duration was 0.07 ± 0.02 sec. Significant correlation was found between P wave duration and amplitude and various anthropometric measurements. Prediction equation was derived for the mean P wave voltage and the systolic blood pressure. The study has demonstrated the normal range for the P wave duration and amplitude. It thus provides a reference guide for the quantitative interpretations of the P waves of healthy adult Nigerians in Jos

    Digital rectal examination for prostate cancer: Attitude and experience of final year medical students

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    Objective: Prostate cancer which tends to take an aggressive course in black populations can be detected by digital rectal examination (DRE). There are concerns however that medical students are not acquiring the necessary DRE skills. We therefore studied their experience and attitude towards DRE for prostate cancer to assist us make any necessary adjustments in training. Methods: This was a self-administered questionnaire based study of final year medical students two months to graduation carried out at the Jos University Teaching Hospital, location for clinical studies of the Medical Faculty of the University of Jos. Results: There were 100 students in the study, with a male: female ratio of 3.6:1. The ages ranged from 24 to 35 with a mean of 28 years. Fifty-one percent and 94% agreed they had been taught DRE in class and on the ward/clinic respectively. Almost half (45%) had never performed a DRE and 43% performed it only1-2 times. Sixty-two percent of the students had never confidently palpated a prostate; while 30% had palpated it 1 – 2 times. Eighty-six percent and 7% respectively have never felt a clinically malignant prostate or felt it 1 – 2 times. There was no statistically significant difference in the number of DREs performed by sex or age (p> 0.05). On supervision 43% were never supervised to do DRE while 23% were supervised all the time. Ninety-five percent believed DRE is an essential requirement for a medical practitioner and 96% believed they should have the skills before graduating. Only 36%, however, believed their teachers have been supportive, teaching them DRE (p value= .033). Ninety percent agreed that DRE is useful for screening for prostate cancer. The major reason for not performing DRE more than half the time was the student not feeling competent (54%). Conclusion: Students have received adequate teaching on DRE, have the right attitude and perspective, have adequate knowledge on DRE findings suggestive of prostate cancer but have not translated this knowledge into practice. This is mainly due to the students not feeling competent. Teachers need to intensify practical supervision to enable medical students acquire the necessary experience during clinical training. Keywords: prostate; cancer; digital rectal examination;students (Date accepted 5 April 2006) Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 10 (1) 2007: pp.5-