18 research outputs found

    Análise de diferentes primers utilizados na PCR visando ao diagnóstico da tuberculose no Estado do Amazonas

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Há diferentes primers sendo testados para a detecção do DNA do Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A acuidade da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) depende da existência da seqüência alvo no bacilo e de os testes serem realizados em cepas isoladas ou em amostras clínicas. OBJETIVO: Verificar a presença das seqüências de DNA alvo mais relatadas na literatura para o diagnóstico da tuberculose em amostras clínicas usando como controle positivo as respectivas cepas de M. tuberculosis isoladas. MÉTODO: Oitenta e uma amostras clínicas de pacientes com suspeita de tuberculose foram submetidas à baciloscopia e cultivo. A técnica de PCR foi realizada nas amostras clínicas e cepas isoladas com primers específicos para os seguintes alvos: IS6110, 65 kDa, 38 kDa e MPB64. RESULTADOS: Em 24 amostras com baciloscopia e cultivo negativos, a PCR também foi negativa com todos os primers testados. Em 19 amostras com baciloscopia positiva e nas cepas isoladas obteve-se 100% de resultados positivos nas PCR, exceto nas PCR em amostras clínicas com os primers para a seqüência MPB64 (89,4%). Em 38 amostras com baciloscopia negativa e cultivo positivo, as PCR tiveram resultados variáveis, sendo que os primers específicos que amplificam o fragmento de 123 pb da seqüência IS6110 foram os que forneceram os maiores percentuais de positividade (92,1%), concordância diagnóstica (0,9143), co-positividade (94,7%) e co-negatividade (100%). CONCLUSÃO: As seqüências IS6110, 38 kDa, MPB64 e 65 kDa foram encontradas no genoma de todas as cepas de M. tuberculosis isoladas desses pacientes do Estado do Amazonas. O protocolo utilizado no processamento das amostras clínicas e os primers específicos utilizados para amplificação do fragmento de 123 pb da seqüência IS6110 demonstraram maior eficiência no diagnóstico da tuberculose pulmonar (paucibacilar) em comparação com a literatura.BACKGROUND: Various primers are being tested for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA. The accuracy of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) depends on the target sequence used and whether the test will be performed in culture or in clinical specimens. OBJECTIVES: To identify DNA sequences, specifically those commonly reported as targets for diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB), in clinical samples of M. tuberculosis strains. METHOD: Eighty-one clinical samples from suspected TB patients were initially processed and submitted to bacilloscopy (smear) and culture, and PCR was performed with specific primers for the following targets: IS6110, 65 kDa, 38 kDa and MPB64. RESULTS: Smear and culture results were negative in 24 samples, as was the PCR. The 19 samples testing smear positive, as well as the isolated strains, were 100% positive on PCR, with the exception of the 89.4% result from PCR with MPB64 primers. In the 38 smear negative and culture positive samples, PCR results were inconsistent. The primers specific for amplifying the 123 bp IS6110 fragment gave the highest positivity (92.1%), diagnostic agreement (0.9143), co-positivity (94.7%) and co-negativity (100%). CONCLUSION: The IS6110, 38 kDa, MPB64 and 65 kDa sequences were found in the genome of all M. tuberculosis strains isolated in patients from the state of Amazonas. The protocol for processing the clinical samples prior to PCR analysis and the specific primers used to amplify the 123bp IS6110 fragment showed a greater efficiency in diagnosing pulmonary (paucibacillary) tuberculosis in comparison to published data

    Interaction between smoking and HLA-DRB1*04 gene is associated with a high cardiovascular risk in Brazilian Amazon patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints that affects approximately 1% of the population worldwide. The HLA-DRB1 gene locus plays a major role in genetic susceptibility to RA, a condition that has been associated with a high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in many studies. Methodology/Principal Findings: The aim of this work was to investigate which types of HLA class II genes are associated with RA in patients from the Brazilian Amazon and their influence on high cardiovascular risk status in this population. For this purpose, a case-control study was carried out with a total of 350 non-Indian individuals made up of a cohort of 132 consecutive RA sufferers and 218 healthy controls. A χ2 test showed that HLADRB1*04 (p<0.0016; OR = 1.89; 95% CI = 1.29-2.79) and HLADRB1*10 (p = 0.0377; OR = 3.81; 95% CI = 1.16-12.50) are the major HLA genes associated with susceptibility to RA. A logistic regression model also showed that the interaction between HLADRB1*04 (p = 0.027; OR = 6.02; 95% CI = 1.21-29.7), age (p = 0.0001; OR = 1.26; 95% CI = 1.13-1.39) and smoking (p = 0.0001; OR = 23.6; 95% CI = 4.25-32.1) is associated with a probability of a high cardiovascular risk status at an early age. Conclusions/Significance: The results of this study show for the first time that HLA class II type is associated with RA in Brazilian Amazon populations and that a specific interaction between the HLA-DRB1*04 gene and smoking is associated with a high cardiovascular risk status, as initially reported in the European population. This study therefore contributes to an understanding of gene-environment interactions in RA patients. © 2012 Boechat et al

    Avaliação do protocolo PCR4 de Marchetti em tecidos parafinizados para o diagnóstico da tuberculose cutânea e ganglionar

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A tuberculose cutaneoganglionar (TbCG) corresponde a 25,4% dos casos de tuberculose (Tb) extrapulmonar no estado do Amazonas. Os métodos tradicionais, bacteriológicos e histopatológicos envolvem algumas dificuldades diagnósticas, e a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) surge como método alternativo, podendo propiciar resultados específicos e em menor tempo. Nesse sentido, verificou-se a acurácia do protocolo PCR4 de Marchetti et al. no diagnóstico da TbCG comparativamente aos métodos bacteriológicos e histopatológicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se o nested-PCR com oligonucleotídeos para a IS6110 do complexo do M. tuberculosis em 83 amostras parafinizadas, sendo 52 cutâneas e 31 ganglionares, de pacientes clinicamente suspeitos de TbCG. Todos os casos foram avaliados pelos métodos bacteriológicos e histopatológicos. Foi realizada análise da acurácia entre os resultados obtidos na PCR em relação ao cultivo e à histopatologia. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: A positividade da PCR em todos os casos estudados foi de 50,6% (42/83), sendo de 59,6% (31/52) em amostras cutâneas e de 35,5% (11/31) nas ganglionares. Em ambos os grupos foram observados resultados falso-positivos e falso-negativos. Algumas hipóteses que podem justificar estes resultados estão relacionadas à presença da IS6110 em micobactérias ambientais da região amazônica e à não-padronização da amostra de DNA amplificado. CONCLUSÃO: O protocolo em avaliação apresentou positividade em percentual semelhante a diferentes protocolos existentes na literatura. Sugere-se o uso da PCR em tecidos parafinizados associada com o cultivo ou com a histopatologia para o diagnóstico definitivo de Tb ganglionar. Para as lesões cutâneas continua sendo necessária a busca de protocolo que amplie a acurácia do método.BACKGROUND: Cutaneous lymph node tuberculosis (CLTb) represents 25.4% of all cases of extra-pulmonary Tb in the state of Amazonas. The current methods of diagnose including bacteriological and histopathological assays involve some technical difficulties, and the polymerase chain reaction - PCR arise as an alternative method allowing specific results faster than the others. In this context the accuracy of PCR4 Marchetti et al. protocol was compared with traditional methods. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Nested-PCR for IS6110 (123 pb) were applied on 83 CLTb suspicious formalin fixed and paraffin embedded samples of tissues (52 cutaneous and 31 lymph node), obtained from 1997 to 2002. All cases were evaluated by bacteriological and histopathological methods. Accuracy analyses were carried out between the PCR amplification results and those related on bacteriological and histopathological methods. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS: Positive results of PCR4 were about 50.6% (59.6% in cutaneous samples and of 35.5% in lymph nodes samples). In both groups were observed false-negative and false-positive results. Some hypotheses that explain those results are related to the presence of IS6110 in environmental mycobacterias in the Amazon region and the absence of standardized DNA concentration to amplification assays. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed protocol was as positive as others ones available in the literature. Definitive Tb diagnostic can be obtained on lymph node paraffin embedded PCR in association with bacteriological or histopathological method. A better accuracy of an amplification assay applied to cutaneous Tb suspicious lesions has to be still under research

    Avaliação do protocolo PCR4 de Marchetti em tecidos parafinizados para o diagnóstico da tuberculose cutânea e ganglionar

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    Background: Cutaneous lymph node tuberculosis (CLTb) represents 25.4% of all cases of extra-pulmonary Tb in the state of Amazonas. The current methods of diagnose including bacteriological and histopathological assays involve some technical difficulties, and the polymerase chain reaction - PCR arise as an alternative method allowing specific results faster than the others. In this context the accuracy of PCR4 Marchetti et al. protocol was compared with traditional methods. Material e method: Nested-PCR for IS6110 (123 pb) were applied on 83 CLTb suspicious formalin fixed and paraffin embedded samples of tissues (52 cutaneous and 31 lymph node), obtained from 1997 to 2002. All cases were evaluated by bacteriological and histopathological methods. Accuracy analyses were carried out between the PCR amplification results and those related on bacteriological and histopathological methods. Results and Discussions: Positive results of PCR4 were about 50.6% (59.6% in cutaneous samples and of 35.5% in lymph nodes samples). In both groups were observed false-negative and false-positive results. Some hypotheses that explain those results are related to the presence of IS6110 in environmental mycobacterias in the Amazon region and the absence of standardized DNA concentration to amplification assays. Conclusions: The proposed protocol was as positive as others ones available in the literature. Definitive Tb diagnostic can be obtained on lymph node paraffin embedded PCR in association with bacteriological or histopathological method. A better accuracy of an amplification assay applied to cutaneous Tb suspicious lesions has to be still under research

    PCR in the diagnosis of cutaneous tuberculosis

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    Seeking to improve the laboratory diagnosis of Cutaneous Tuberculosis, a study was carried out on the application of PCR technique in macerated, decontaminated (with 4% H2SO4 for elimination of normal microbiot), neutralized (with 4% NaOH) biopsies tissues samples stored at -20°C. Of the 37 samples submitted for study, 16.22% were positive by microscopy for acid-fast bacilli (concentrated method) and in 43.24% the Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated in Löwenstein-Jensen medium. Using a M. tuberculosis complex specific primer set (gene sequence for 16S rDNA), the mycobacterial DNA was detected in 24.32% of the biopsies. The sensitivity and specificity of PCR were 43.7% and 90.4%, respectively. Due to low sensitivity and discrepant results between bacteriological techniques and PCR methodology, the samples were repeated in a new PCR with primers for the IS6110 target. The sensitivity and specificity of PCR for the IS6110 target obtained 100% in comparison with the culture method. The results confirm the effectiveness of PCR methodology using primers for the IS6110 gene sequence and permit the PCR method to be applied to frozen cutaneous biopsies sent by services that do not identify the M. tuberculosis by the biology molecular method

    HLA in Brazilian Ashkenazic Jews with chronic dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum

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    The frequency of HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigens) was analyzed in 25 non-consanguineous Brazilian Ashkenazic Jews, resident in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, suffering from chronic dermatophytosis caused by T. rubrum, and in 25 non-infected individuals belonging to the same ethnic group. Statistically significant values (p<0.05) were observed for HLA-B14 associated with resistance to chronic dermatophytosis and HLA-DQB1*06 (p=0.05) possibly related to susceptibility. These findings suggest that genes on the chromosome 6, in the region of the major histocompatibility complex, may influence the development of chronic dermatophytosis

    Association between the PTPN22 1858C/T gene polymorphism and tuberculosis resistance

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    Previous studies identified the functional polymorphism 1858C/T in the gene PTPN22 in association with several autoimmune diseases and with resistance to tuberculosis (TB). This study is the first to investigate the association between pulmonary TB and the PTPN22 1858C/T polymorphism in the Brazilian Amazon. We conducted a case-control study involving a group of 413 individuals, comprised of 208. TB carriers and 205 controls. No significant association between the PTPN22 1858T allele frequency in controls (2.4%) and TB carriers (2.7%, p= 0.982, odds ratio (OR). = 0.89, 95% confidence interval. = 0.37-2.13) was identified in the Brazilian Amazon population. An additional evaluation by meta-analysis, however, suggested a protective role of the T allele in relation to TB (pooled OR. = 0.44, p= 0.011). These results suggest that the PTPN22 1858T allele serves as a protective genetic factor for TB in those individuals who carry this minor allele. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Avaliação da reação em cadeia da polimerase no diagnóstico da tuberculose pulmonar em pacientes indígenas e não indígenas

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    Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of bacteriological methods and of polymerase chain reaction (with primers specific for IS6110 of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex) in testing sputum samples from indigenous (Amerindian) and non-indigenous patients. Methods: A total of 214 sputum samples (154 from indigenous patients and 60 from nonindigenous patients) were analyzed in order to determine the accuracy of smear microscopy (direct and concentrated versions) for acid-fast bacilli, culture, and polymerase chain reaction. Results: Both microscopy methods presented low sensitivity in comparison with culture and polymerase chain reaction. Specificity ranged from 91% to 100%, the concentrated acid-fast smear technique being the least specific. Nontuberculous mycobacteria were isolated three times more frequently in samples from indigenous patients than in those from non-indigenous patients. False-positive and false-negative polymerase chain reaction results were more common in the indigenous population. Conclusion: Positivity and isolation of nontuberculous mycobacteria in the acid-fast smear in conjunction with polymerase chain reaction positivity raise the following hypotheses: nontuberculous mycobacteria species with DNA regions homologous to, or even still possessing, the M. tuberculosis IS6110 exist in the Amazon; colonization of the oropharynx or of a tuberculous lesion accelerates the growth of the nontuberculous mycobacteria present in the sputum samples, making it impossible to isolate M. tuberculosis; A history of tuberculosis results in positivity for M. tuberculosis DNA. The absence of bacteriological positivity in the presence of polymerase chain reaction positivity raises questions regarding the inherent technical characteristics of the bacteriological methods or regarding patient history of tuberculosis