289 research outputs found

    Estimating the wind energy potential over the coastal stations of Nigeria using power law and diabatic methods

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    The suitability of two coastal stations in Nigeria for wind energy generation is presented in this study. To estimate the wind speeds at the desired height 70 m for standard wind turbine, two methods; namely power law relationship and diabatic evaluation have been considered. It was found that the diabatic evaluation method performed better because certain physical conditions of farm site are included in the method. Thus when potential site data are not available diabatic method can provide a good approximation of wind speeds. Comparing the energy potential of the two coastal stations, Lagos and Calabar in this study, it was found that Lagos has stronger wind speeds than Calabar especially during peak periods. The atmospheric condition most suitable to obtain maximum wind speeds was also found to be during stable condition. Stable condition occurs mostly in the night time.Keywords: Wind potential energy, wind turbine, power law, diabatic evaluation


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    Cocoyam belongs to the indispensable food category that supplies calorie in the diet of the Nigerian populace. However, researches on its nutrition and economic values are scarce leading to low production and under consumption among the populace. Against the backdrop of the great potential of the Nigerian agriculture in cocoyam production, and the need for land use efficiency, sustainable development, poverty alleviation, attainment of food –security/ self-sufficiency and adequate resource allocation to the production of the crop, this study examined farm level profit efficiency and  its determinants for   smallholder cocoyam-based farmers in Osun State, South-west Nigeria, using Cobb-Douglas stochastic profit function. Multistage and random sampling techniques were used to select 180 small-holder cocoyam farmers during the 2014 growing season and data were collected from them on their socio-economic and production characteristics. Maximum likelihood estimates of the specified models revealed an average profit efficiency of 44.88 percent which indicated that the profit of the farmers can be increased by 55 percent with the same production cost. The study also found that the  level of education of the farmers, access to credit, farming experience, household size, access to extension services, and marital status are factors  affecting farm-level profit efficiency in the use of resources.  Farm-level policies aimed at promoting the farmers education, access to credit, access to extension services and marital status are recommended for improved profit efficiency.     &nbsp

    Carcass Characteristics and Internal Organs of Broilers Fed Roasted Pride of Barbados Seedmeal

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    A feeding experiment was conducted at the poultry unit of the Teaching and Research Farm of the Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora located on latitude 71340 and longitude 31280E to evaluate the effects of dietary roasted pride of barbados seed meal on carcass characteristics and internal organ weights of broiler chickens. Seventy-two day old Marshal broiler chicks obtained from Obasanjo Farms, Igboora, Nigeria were divided into four treatments and each treatment was replicated three times with a total of six birds per replicate. The ripened seeds of pride of barbados obtained within Igboora metropolis were roasted at 100-1100C using open flame for seventeen minutes in an open pan. The seeds were considered roasted when about 75-80% of the seed cracked. The roasted pride of barbados seedmeal was included at different levels 5,10 and 15 percent respectively in broiler rations. The experiment lasted for eight weeks. There were significant variations (P<0.5) in the value of all the parameters except in the mean values recorded for lung and empty gizzards in some treatments. Higher values were recorded in 10% inclusion level of roasted pride of barbados seedmeal than all other treatments, while the least values were recorded in 0% inclusion level of roasted pride of barbados seedmeal. From this seedmeal in broiler ration was found to be beneficial at 10%. Keywords: Anti-nutritional factors; Broiler; Carcass; Internal organs; Proximate analysis, Roasted pride of barbados seedmeal.

    Crisis Induced Internal Displacement: The Implication on Real Estate Investment in Nigeria

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    This article examines the effects of crisis induced internal displacement of persons in Nigeria on real estate investment decision among the displaced. Samples of the displaced persons were drawn from Ekiti, Ogun, Ondo, and Oyo states in the South-Western zone of the country through snowballing process and data collected were analysed descriptively and inferentially. Findings indicate that 78.03% of respondents no longer consider it worthwhile, the investment/re-investment in the crisis zones for fear of losing their investment. Paired sample t-test indicates there is general decline in the income of the respondents after the displacement incident and also a significant difference in the scores for rental income before (M=92,595, SD=63594.84) and after (M=74,703, SD=53269.16) displacement conditions; t=-7.277, p = 0.000. The paper recommends among others that governments at all levels should intensify efforts towards curbing the menace of crisis in the country. This may be made possible through integration of local communities in providing security in their domains. Keywords:Internal- Displacement, Real Estate, Investment, Nigeria

    Perception of Entrepreneurial training beyond the domain of undergraduate programme in Estate Management and Valuation

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    Undergraduates at the Federal Polytechnic Idah in Nigeria are trained in vocations outside their domain programmes in connection with the entrepreneurship development course as pre-requisite for their graduation. This study assessed students' perception of entrepreneurship training in vocations beyond those taught within the core estate management and valuation curriculum. Unit of analysis was the 2014/2015 HND II estate management and valuation class. Questionnaires were administered to a stratified random sample of 40 students drawn from a sample frame of 70 students. Data harnessed from administered questionnaire were analyzed using percentiles, mean score of ordinal responses, one-way ANOVA and the chi-square test of goodness of fit. A consensus among the students towards combining a vocational trade with a career in estate management and valuation was affirmed from the chi-square test of hypothesis. Contrary to generic skills like product/services marketing, self-confidence, and motivation, the study found that vocational skills tutors place little emphasis on the teaching of problem solving, and teamwork and collaboration. These vocational skills tutors were urged to accord more importance to the teaching of these generic skills in order to provide emerging entrepreneurs with value-added transferrable skills. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Estate management and valuation, Generic skills, Undergraduate, Vocational skil


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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to review the quest for physical development and economic viability which has overshadowed the social aspect of sustainable development that produces a liveable urban settlement in many emerging economies. Many of the urban areas of developing countries are characterized by sporadic/unguided land-use changes as a result of urbanization coupled with poor planning and management of land-use. Unfortunately, these changes are impacting negatively on the social fabric of sustainable and this calls for urgent attention. Methodology: The study is based on an extensive review of literature on land-use changes and social sustainability in both the developed and emerging economies in order to identify gaps in practice and management of urban land development. Main Findings: The results showed that although a considerable investment has been made and enormous efforts geared towards achieving sustainable development in Nigeria urban areas, little or no attention devoted to social sustainability in the planning and execution of these projects has rather led to unsustainable development. Many developmental projects and planning were politicized and thereby jettisoned social sustainability in the process. Implication: It is important that urban land-use change should be appropriately monitored, purposively driven, and stakeholders must be responsive to promoting social sustainability to achieve a wholesome urban development. Novelty: This study to the best of our knowledge is the first attempt that links urban land-use change and social sustainability especially in Nigeria. It has also provided information to guide the land-use planners, the policymakers and other stakeholders towards achieving a wholesome urban land-use development

    Estimating the values of wetlands in riparian communities: a tool for decision-making in planning

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    In spite of the importance of wetlands to the environment and most especially to the host communities, wetlands are constantly under pressure for conversion to other forms of use by policy makers. The reason for undervaluing the significance of wetlands is possibly due to lack of data on its values for it is not easily measured like other environmental goods. This study therefore adopted the use of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to measure the direct use values and non-use values of riparian wetlands to the communities in Lokoja, Nigeria. Four hundred and ninety four (494) households were surveyed in seventeen (17) riparian communities involving a series of focus group discussions and questionnaire administration. Our findings show that both direct use values and non-use values of the wetlands exist and majority of the people were willing to pay for these values. Most of them were also against conversion of the wetlands to other forms of use. The mean estimate of non-use values was however more than that of direct use values. Unfortunately, non-use values are not usually considered in decision making concerning wetlands conversion to other forms of use. The estimates of the values of the wetlands to the local communities as found can be used as a basis for argument by planners for its conservation and not conversion

    Population variability in animal health: Influence on dose-exposure-response relationships: Part II: Modelling and simulation

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    During the 2017 Biennial meeting, the American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics hosted a 1‐day session on the influence of population variability on dose‐exposure‐response relationships. In Part I, we highlighted some of the sources of population variability. Part II provides a summary of discussions on modelling and simulation tools that utilize existing pharmacokinetic data, can integrate drug physicochemical characteristics with species physiological characteristics and dosing information or that combine observed with predicted and in vitro information to explore and describe sources of variability that may influence the safe and effective use of veterinary pharmaceuticals

    Intravenous anakinra can achieve experimentally effective concentrations in the central nervous system within a therapeutic time window: results of a dose-ranging study

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    The naturally occurring antagonist of interleukin-1, IL-1RA, is highly neuroprotective experimentally, shows few adverse effects, and inhibits the systemic acute phase response to stroke. A single regime pilot study showed slow penetration into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at experimentally therapeutic concentrations. Twenty-five patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and external ventricular drains were sequentially allocated to five administration regimes, using intravenous bolus doses of 100 to 500 mg and 4 hours intravenous infusions of IL-1RA ranging from 1 to 10 mg per kg per hour. Choice of regimes and timing of plasma and CSF sampling was informed by pharmacometric analysis of pilot study data. Data were analyzed using nonlinear mixed effects modeling. Plasma and CSF concentrations of IL-1RA in all regimes were within the predicted intervals. A 500-mg bolus followed by an intravenous infusion of IL-1RA at 10 mg per kg per hour achieved experimentally therapeutic CSF concentrations of IL-1RA within 45 minutes. Experimentally, neuroprotective CSF concentrations in patients with SAH can be safely achieved within a therapeutic time window. Pharmacokinetic analysis suggests that IL-1RA transport across the blood–CSF barrier in SAH is passive. Identification of the practicality of this delivery regime allows further studies of efficacy of IL-1RA in acute cerebrovascular disease