10 research outputs found

    Proteinase activities of Candida spp. isolated from different anatomical sites of healthy women

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    Superficial and systemic fungal infections caused by Candida have been increasingly reported in recent times. Hydrolytic enzyme production is an important process in fungal pathogenesis and proteases have been identified as important virulence attributes in Candida species. The aim of the study was to determine and compare the in vitro proteinase activity in sixty Candida spp isolated from three different anatomical sites (vagina, oral cavity and skin) of healthy women. Twenty samples per sample source were collected from apparently healthy female subjects. The recovered Candida isolates were properly identified and screened for proteolytic activity using established procedures. Overall, the recovery rate of Candida albicans was 66.7%, while the non-albicans Candida species represent 25% of the positive samples. Candida albicans recovered from the oral cavity exhibited the highest proteolytic activity (Pz range = 0.41±0.02- 0.65 ± 0.04), followed by skin isolates (Pz = 0.50 ± 0.05 – 0.79 ± 0.06). Isolates from the vagina had the least proteolytic activity (Pz = 0.57 ± 0.03 - 0.95 ± 0.08). The difference in proteolysis was significant between oral and vagina isolates (p = 0.0042), as well as skin and vaginal isolates (p = 0.0364). This study indicates that C. albicans remains the most prevalent species in all the anatomical body sites investigated. Moreover, the secretion of proteases could prove a potent virulence factor during the pathogenesis of the organism in an otherwise immunocompetent host.Keywords: Proteinase, Candida albicans, women, body sites, non-albicans Candid

    Seasonal variation of soil chemical characteristics at Akwuke Long Wall Underground Mined Site, Nigeria

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    The on-going action and plan to revive old coal mines in Nigeria necessitated a study on the soil chemical characteristics at abandoned coal mine in Akwuke, Enugu State, Nigeria. A single factor experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications to obtain information on soil status of Akwuke mined site. Soil samples were collected randomly from ten different sampling points at 0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm soil depth in four cardinal points at north (N), south (S), east (E), west (W), and at the center (c) of crest, middle slope, and valley of Akwuke mined site. The samples were analyzed for heavy metals, macronutrient, soil pH, and organic matter content. Soil pH (4.29-6.14) in wet season is higher than 4.14-5.58 in dry season at Akwuke mine site. The values of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg in soil at Akwuke mine were higher in dry season than in wet season. The highest soil organic matter content (0.96±0.04%) at Akwuke mine is obtained in dry season at 0-10 cm valley. The concentrations of Ni, Pb, and Cd in soil at mined site ranged from 4.15±0.07 to 19.81±1.29, 6.11±0.13 to 21.10±0.85, and 0.01±0.00 to 3.06±0.08 mg/kg. Mg (89.60±1.41 to 251.9±1.41 cmol/kg). Cd and Ni in soil at the mined site was higher than their allowable limits in Austria, Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, and United Kingdom. The high concentrations of these metals (Cd and Ni) in soils could expose both animals and local inhabitants to high levels of Cd and Ni, thus, posing a serious health risks to the local people.Keywords: Seasonal variation, Akwuke mine, coal, chemical characteristic

    Variability of yield and yield components in "Egusi" melon

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    Egusi melon ( Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.) is an important food crop in Nigeria and other African countries. In a study carried out to estimate the components of variation in \u2032egusi\u2032 melon populations indicated high proportion of genetic variation in the yield attributes measured. Estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation ranged between 3.6-52%, while genotypic coefficient of variation ranged between 3.21-51% for seed yield plant -1 , number of fruits plant -1 and fruit yield plant -1 . Heritability estimate was high in the yield attributes. On seed yield plant -1 , heritability ranged between 83-98%. Estimate of expected genetic advance in seed yield plant -1 ranged between 25.90-48.40%. Improvement could be made in seed yield through selection.Le melon \u201cEgusi\u201d ( Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.) est une important culture alimentaire au Nigeria et autres pays africains. Une \ue9tude port\ue9e sur l\u2019estimation des composants de variation des populations du melon \u201cEgusi\u201d avait indiqu\ue9 une proportion \ue9lev\ue9e de la variation g\ue9n\ue9tique dans les caract\ue9ristiques mesur\ue9es. Pour le rendement en grain et le nombre de fruits par plant, le coefficient de variation ph\ue9notypique et g\ue9notypique variait de 3.6-52% et de 3.21-51% respectivement. L\u2019estimation de l\u2019h\ue9ritabilit\ue9 \ue9tait \ue9lev\ue9e dans les param\ue8tres de rendement avec des valeurs d\u2019h\ue9ritabilit\ue9 variant entre 83et 98% pour le rendement en grain par plant. L\u2019estimation de l\u2019am\ue9lioration g\ue9n\ue9tique expect\ue9e du rendement en grain par plant variait entre 25.90-48.40%. L\u2019am\ue9lioration du rendement en grain pourrait \ueatre faite sur base de s\ue9lection

    Evaluation of the nutritional composition ofthe seeds of some selected African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Hochst Ex. A. Rich (Harms)) accessions

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    African yam bean (AYB) is an important but neglected and underutilized crop producing edible seeds and tubers. The poor awareness of the nutritional values of AYB constitutes one of the major problems limiting its utilization. This study was, therefore, carried out to determine the nutritional potentials of five accessions of African yam bean (TSs 125, TSs 116, TSs 86, TSs 69 and TSs 60) by analyzing their proximate composition and micronutrients (Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn) and Selenium (Se)). The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The results obtained showed significant (p < 0.05) variations in the proximate composition of the AYB accession. The crude protein was in the range of 21.84-23.41 %, crude fat 3.40-3.86 %, fibre 6.17- 6.76 %, carbohydrate 52.8-54.48 %, dry matter 90.42 - 90.6 %, ash 4.22 - 4.35 %, and moisture 9.4 - 9.58 %.The Se concentration varied from 312 mg/100 g in TSs 116 to 58 mg/100 g in TSs 60 while Fe ranged between 10.40 mg/100g in TSs 60 and 6.07mg/100gin TSs 86. Zinc varied between 8.83 mg/100g in TSs116 and 6.37 mg/100 g in TSs 69.TSs 116 was best accession in terms of crude protein, dry matter, ash, selenium and zinc, while TSs 60 was best in terms of iron. The study revealed AYB seeds as a food crop rich in protein, carbohydrate, fibre, selenium, iron and zinc. The genotypic variability can be exploited in developing African yam bean varieties with better qualities in terms of nutrient density.Keywords: Neglected, underutilized, nutrient-dense, micronutrient and protei

    Fruit Yield Responses of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) to Single and Combined Applications of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

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    A study was carried out in the experimental farm of the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka in the period of September 2003. and February 2004 to determine the effect of different rates of poultry manure and NPK 15.15:15 fertilizer and their interaction on fruit yield of Solanum melongena. The study was repeated in the months of July to November, 2007, in the same area. Four rates of poultry manure 0, 5, 10 and 15 tons/ha and four rates of NPK: 15:15:15 fertilizer, 0, 200, 350 and 400kg/ha and their combinations were tested in a factorial in Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) experiment. The result revealed that application of poultry manure significantly increase fruit yield in the crop. Fruit yield/ha increased by 54.03% 90.65% and 145.97% as manure was increased from 0 ton/ha to 5, 10 and 15 tons/ha, respectively, in 2004. In the 2007 experiment it increased by 147.98%, 166.67% and 176.94 as manure was increased from 0 ton/ha to 5, 10 and 15 tons/ha, respectively. Fertilizer application also significantly increased fruit yield. Fruit yield increased by 23.86%, 29. 51 % and 30.78% in 2004 and by 129.28% 157.4% and 144.61% in 2007 as NPK 15:15:15 application was increased from Okg/ha to 200, 350 and 400kg/ha, respectively. Poultry manure by NPK 15: 15: 15 interaction was not statistically significant in the plant yield attributes studied, however, the combination of 15ton/ha poultry manure and 350kg/ha NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer gave the highest fruit yield/ha in both yearsKeywords: Poultry manure, NPK 15:15:15 fertilize

    Pod portion and type effects on sex, growth and yield in fluted pumpkin

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    Fluted pumpkin (Telfaria occidentalis Hook) is a native of West Africa and a perennial vine but cultivated as annual crops under the traditional farming system of West Africa. A study was conducted at the experimental farm of the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka to determine the effect pod portion and pod type of fluted pumpkin on sex ratio, growth and yield in the crop. Seeds obtained from three portions (head, middle and tail) of three pod types (1, 2, and 3) were planted out in a 3 x 3 factorial in randomised complete block design with 3 blocks. The relative percentages of male and female plants plot-1 obtained from seeds from the head, middle and tail portions were 31.5 and 68.5, 28.5 and 71.5, and 31.7 and 68.3, respectively. For the pod types 1, 2 and 3, the relative percentages of male and female plants plot-1 were 27.2 and 72.8, 25.1 and 74.1, and 39.3 and 60.7, respectively. The highest percentage of female plants was obtained from seeds from middle portion of pod type 2. Mean number of sprouts seeds-1 was 1.2 in head portion and 1.1 in both the middle and tail portions; while it was 1.0, for pod type 1, and 1.2 for pod type 2 and 3. Number of pods ha-1 and weight of pod ha-1 were 15,922 and 39,000 kg ha-1, 13,699 and 43,000 kg ha-1; and 12,588 and 45,000 kg ha-1 for the head, middle and tail pod portions, respectively. For pod types, values of 13699 and 38000 kg ha-1, 16289 and 43000 kg ha-1, and 12,222 and 46000 kg ha-1 were recorded from type 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Positive correlation exited between percentages of female plants plot-1 and vine length plant-1, leaves plant-1, pods ha-1, and weight of pod ha-1. Negative correlation occured with sprouts seed-1, branches plant-1 and pod weight. Number of sprouts seed-1 also had a positive association with branches plant-1, leaves plant-1, percentage of male plants, weight of pods ha-1, and pod weight.Une étude avait été menée dans le champ expérimental du Département de Science de Plantes, Université du Nigéria, Nsukka afin de déterminer l’effet de portion de gousse ainsi que du type de gousse du potiron cannelé (Telfairia occidentalis Hook) sur le sexe ratio, la croissance et le rendement de la culture. Les graines obtenues de trois parties (supérieure, terminale et centale) de trois types de gousses (1, 2 et 3) avaient été plantées en 3 x 3 factoriel dans un modèle de block complétement aléatoires constitués de 3 blocks. Les pourcentages obtenu relatifs de plants mâles et femelles par parcelles de graines de la partie superieur, du milieu et les parties terminales étaient respectivement de 31,5 et 68,5 ; 28,5 et 71,5 ainsi que 31,7 et 68,.3. Pour les types de gousse 1, 2 et 3, les pourcentages relatifs de plants mâles et femelles étaient respectivement de 27,2 et 72,8 ; 25,1 et 74,1 ainsi que de 39.3 et 60,7. Le pourcentage plus élevé de plants femelles a été obtenu de graines de la partie centrale de la gousse de type 2. Nombre moyen de graines germées était de 1.2 pour la partie supérieure et de 1.1 aussi bien dans la partie du milieux que terminale, alors qu’il était 1.0 pour la gousse de type 1 et 1.2 pour gousse de type 2 et 3. Le nombre de gousses par hectare et le poids de gousse par hectare étaient respectivement 15922 et 39000 kg par ha, 13699 et 43000 kg par ha et 12588 et 45000 kg par ha pour les portions supérieures, du milieu et terminales de gousse. Pour les types de gousse, les valeurs de 13699 et 38000 kg par ha, 16289 et 43000 kg par ha ainsi que 12,222 et 46000 kg ha-1 avaient été enregistrées respectivement de type 1, 2 et 3. Une corrélation positive avait été également constatée entre les pourcentages de plantes femelle par parcelle et la longueur de croissance rampante de la tige par plante, le nombre de feuilles par plante, le nombre de gousses par ha, ainsi que le nombre de gousses par ha et une corrélation négative avec le nombre de germinations par semence, le nombre de branches par plant et de poids moyen de gousse. Le nombre de germinations par semences a également eu association positive avec le nombre de branches par plant, le nombre de feuilles par plant, pourcentage des plants males, le poids de gousses par ha et le poids moyen de gousse

    Variability of yield and yield components in "Egusi" melon

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    Egusi melon ( Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.) is an important food crop in Nigeria and other African countries. In a study carried out to estimate the components of variation in ′egusi′ melon populations indicated high proportion of genetic variation in the yield attributes measured. Estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation ranged between 3.6-52%, while genotypic coefficient of variation ranged between 3.21-51% for seed yield plant -1 , number of fruits plant -1 and fruit yield plant -1 . Heritability estimate was high in the yield attributes. On seed yield plant -1 , heritability ranged between 83-98%. Estimate of expected genetic advance in seed yield plant -1 ranged between 25.90-48.40%. Improvement could be made in seed yield through selection.Le melon “Egusi” ( Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.) est une important culture alimentaire au Nigeria et autres pays africains. Une étude portée sur l’estimation des composants de variation des populations du melon “Egusi” avait indiqué une proportion élevée de la variation génétique dans les caractéristiques mesurées. Pour le rendement en grain et le nombre de fruits par plant, le coefficient de variation phénotypique et génotypique variait de 3.6-52% et de 3.21-51% respectivement. L’estimation de l’héritabilité était élevée dans les paramètres de rendement avec des valeurs d’héritabilité variant entre 83et 98% pour le rendement en grain par plant. L’estimation de l’amélioration génétique expectée du rendement en grain par plant variait entre 25.90-48.40%. L’amélioration du rendement en grain pourrait être faite sur base de sélection

    Variability of yield and yield components in “egusi” melon

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    Egusi melon ( Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.) is an important food crop in Nigeria and other African countries. In a study carried out to estimate the components of variation in ′egusi′ melon populations indicated high proportion of genetic variation in the yield attributes measured. Estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation ranged between 3.6-52%, while genotypic coefficient of variation ranged between 3.21-51% for seed yield plant -1 , number of fruits plant -1 and fruit yield plant -1 . Heritability estimate was high in the yield attributes. On seed yield plant -1 , heritability ranged between 83-98%. Estimate of expected genetic advance in seed yield plant -1 ranged between 25.90-48.40%. Improvement could be made in seed yield through selection.Le melon “Egusi” ( Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.) est une important culture alimentaire au Nigeria et autres pays africains. Une étude portée sur l’estimation des composants de variation des populations du melon “Egusi” avait indiqué une proportion élevée de la variation génétique dans les caractéristiques mesurées. Pour le rendement en grain et le nombre de fruits par plant, le coefficient de variation phénotypique et génotypique variait de 3.6-52% et de 3.21-51% respectivement. L’estimation de l’héritabilité était élevée dans les paramètres de rendement avec des valeurs d’héritabilité variant entre 83et 98% pour le rendement en grain par plant. L’estimation de l’amélioration génétique expectée du rendement en grain par plant variait entre 25.90-48.40%. L’amélioration du rendement en grain pourrait être faite sur base de sélection

    Evaluation of elite and local African yam bean cultivars for yield and yield-related traits

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    Published online: 12 Aug 2022The variability in African yam bean (AYB) accessions with respect to yield and other agronomic traits were studied for two cropping seasons (2012 and 2013) in field experiments to evaluate the growth, yield and yield components of 36 AYB accessions. The accessions differed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) in the traits studied. In 2012 Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that seed yield had significant (P ≤ 0.01) and positive relationships with total pod weight per plant (r = 0.80**), number of filled pods (r = 0.90**) and total number of pods per plant (r = 0.73**). Total pod weight per plant recorded significant and positive relationships with total number of pods per plant (r = 0.88**) and number of filled pods (r = 0.90**). In the 2013 cropping season, seed yield had positively significant (P ≤ 0.01) relationships with total pod weight per plant (r = 0.96**), number of pods per plant (r = 0.89**), number of filled pods (0.92**) and shrivelled pods (r = 0.72**). Total pod weight per plant had positively significant (P ≤ 0.01) relationships with number of pods per plant (r = 0.93**), number of filled pods (r = 0.92**) and shrivelled pods (r = 0.78**). Principal component analysis results identified seed yield, total pod weight, number of filled pods, percentage filled pods, number of days to first emergence, number of days to 50% emergence and number of seeds per pod as the most discriminating traits among the accessions. TSs 137, TSs 111, TSs 118, Tseagbaragba, TSs 60 and TSs 93 were the best performing accessions for seed yield. The evident variability in the AYB accessions evaluated should be made use of in developing improved African yam bean varieties