6 research outputs found

    Imaging Findings of Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: A Critical Review of the Quantitative Studies

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    Objectives. This paper offers a critical review of published information on the imaging strategies used for diagnosing bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) in patients taking intravenous bisphosphonates, pointing at the different methodologies and results of existing literature. Methods. Electronic literature search was performed in order to identify as many quantitative studies that discussed the imaging findings of BRONJ up to February 2014. Initially, the search for articles was based on the following four types of imaging modalities for evaluating BRONJ: computed tomography, plain film radiographs, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear bone scanning. Results. Eleven out of the 79 initially selected articles met the inclusion criteria. Most of the selected articles were cross-sectional studies. Regarding the selected studies, 54.5% have used plain films radiographs and 54.5% were based on computed tomography findings. All of the selected studies showed a small number of patients and none of the selected studies have tested the accuracy of the imaging examination for evaluating BRONJ. Conclusions. This critical review showed a scarcity of quantitative studies that analyzed the typical imaging findings related to BRONJ. Further studies are necessary in order to analyze the role of different imaging techniques in the assessment of BRONJ

    Thoracic bilateral sympathectomy attenuates oxidative stress and prevents ventricular remodelling in experimental pulmonary hypertension

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    OBJECTIVES: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a cardiopulmonary disease that affects the pulmonary vasculature, leading to increased afterload and eventually right ventricular (RV) remodelling and failure. Bilateral sympathectomy (BS) has shown promising results in dampening cardiac remodelling and dysfunction in several heart failure models. In the present study, we investigated whether BS reduces pulmonary arterial remodelling and mitigates RV remodelling and failure. METHODS: PAH was induced in male Wistar rats by intraperitoneal injection of monocrotaline. Rats were divided into 3 groups, involving untreated PAH (n = 15), BS-treated PAH (n = 13) and non-manipulated control rats (n = 13). Three weeks after PAH induction, the rats were anaesthetized and RV function was assessed via the pressure-volume loop catheter approach. Upon completion of the experiment, the lungs and heart were harvested for further analyses. RESULTS: BS was found to prevent pulmonary artery remodelling, with a clear reduction in α-smooth muscle actin and endothelin-1 expression. RV end-systolic pressure was reduced in the BS group, and preload recruitable stroke work was preserved. BS, therefore, mitigated RV remodelling and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and diminished oxidative stress. CONCLUSIONS: We showed that thoracic BS may be an important treatment option for PAH patients. Blockade of the sympathetic pathway can prevent pulmonary remodelling and protect the RV from oxidative stress, myocardial remodelling and function decay

    Análise da qualidade da água do Ribeirão Sobradinho – contaminação ambiental e qualidade de vida, Distrito Federal, 2011

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    Colaboração editorial da Faculdade de Ciência da Informação (FCI) da Universidade de BrasíliaO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da água do Ribeirão Sobradinho por meio de análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas, para subsidiar ações do poder público e sociedade. Foram coletadas amostras de água de quatro diferentes pontos: próximo à nascente, próximo à saída de esgoto da Companhia de Saneamento Ambiental do Distrito Federal - CAESB (B), no Parque Jequitibá (C) e próximo à saída de Sobradinho, na BR-020 (D). Para a avaliação físico-química, utilizou-se os parâmetros temperatura, oxigênio, pH, turbidez, sólidos totais, teor de nitrogênio e amônia e demanda bioquímica de oxigênio. Já para a análise microbiológica, contou-se Coliformes totais e Escherichia coli (E. coli). O ponto B apresentou os maiores valores de nitrato (2,43 mg/L), nitrito (0,033 mg/L), fósforo (2,69 mg/L), sólidos totais (0,01470g) e amônia (2,497 mg/L). O ponto D apresentou os maiores níveis de amônia (2,900 mg/L) e turbidez (54,13) e foi o segundo ponto com maior índice de nitrato (0,97 mg/L), nitrito (0,015 mg/L) e fósforo (0,24 mg/L). Também foram encontrados valores acima da normalidade para Coliformes e E. coli nos pontos B (993.150,0 e 130.150,0 NMP/100mL) e D (306.550,0 e 73.500,0 NMP/100mL). O ponto A apresentou, em geral, os melhores parâmetros. Os valores encontrados mostraram que a qualidade da água do ribeirão apresenta-se insatisfatória para sua classificação (Classe 2 – CONAMA), principalmente nos pontos B e D, o que certamente impacta na qualidade de vida dos moradores, que perderam uma fonte de lazer e se expõem a um ambiente de poluição e risco de doenças. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to evaluate the water quality of Sobradinho river through physical-chemical and microbiological tests, to support initiatives from civil society and government. We collected water samples from four different points: near the nascent (A) near the Environmental Sanitation Company of Federal District-CAESB (B), Jequitibá Park(C) and near the exit of Sobradinho City(D). We tested the parameters of temperature, oxygen, pH, turbidity, total solids, total nitrogen and ammonia and biochemical oxygen demand for the physico-chemical evaluation. The microbiological analysis included counting of Total coliform and Escherichia coli ( E. coli ). Point B had the higher levels of nitrate (2.43 mg / L), nitrite (0.033 mg / L), phosphorus (2.69 mg / L), total solids (0.01470 g) and ammonia (2.497 mg / L). Point D had the highest levels of ammonia (2.900 mg / L) and turbidity (54.13) and was the second with the highest levels of nitrate (0.97 mg / L), nitrite (0.015 mg / L) and phosphorus (0.24 mg / L). Values were above the normal range for coliforms and E. coli in point B (NMP/100mL 993150.0 and 130150.0) and D (NMP/100mL 73500.0 and 306550.0). Point A had, in general, the best parameters. The results found showed that the water quality of the river has to be unsatisfactory for their classification (Class 2 - CONAMA), mainly in points B and D, which impacts the quality of life of residents, who lost a source of recreation and are exposed to an environment of pollution and disease risk. _________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEl objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad del agua del arroyo Sobradinho a través de análisis fisicoquímico y microbiológicos para apoyar las acciones del gobierno y de la sociedad. Se recogieron muestras de água desde cuatro puntos diferentes: cerca de la naciente (A), cerca de la salida de alcantarillado de la Companhia de Saneamento Ambiental do Distrito Federal- CAESB (B), Parque Jequitibá (C) y cerca de la salida de Sobradinho, BR- 020 (D). Para la evaluación físicoquímica, se utilizó los parámetros: temperatura, oxígeno, pH, turbidez, sólidos totales, nitrógeno total, amoníaco y la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno. En cuanto a los análisis microbiológicos, se contó Coliformes totales y Escherichia coli ( E. coli ). En el Punto B había los más altos valores de nitratos (2,43 mg/L), nitritos (0,033 mg/L), fósforo (2,69 mg/L) sólidos totales (0,01470 g) y amoníaco (2,497 mg/L). El punto D tenía los más altos niveles de amoníaco (2,900 mg/L) y la turbidez (54,13) y fue el segundo punto más alto de nitrato (0,97 mg/L), nitritos (0,015 mg/L) y fósforo (0,24 mg/L). También se encontraron por encima de los valores normales para Coliformes y E. coli em los puntos B (993,150.0 y 130,150.0 NMP/100mL) y D (73.500,0 y 306.550,0 NMP/100mL). El punto A tiene, por lo general, los mejores parámetros. Los valores encontrados muestran que la calidad del água del arroyo no es satisfactoria para su clasificación (Clase 2 – CONAMA), principalmiente em los puntos B y D, lo que sin duda afecta la calidad de vida de los residentes, que han perdido una fuente de recreación y están expuestos a un ambiente de contaminación y riesgo de enfermedad

    Influencia do tabagismo sobre a taxa de sucesso de implantes osseointegrados – estudo retrospectivo.

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    Influencia do tabagismo sobre a taxa de sucesso de implantes osseointegrados – estudo retrospectivo

    Indução do florescimento e crescimento de tangerineira 'Poncã' (Citrus reticulata Blanco) em função da irrigação e da aplicação de paclobutrazol Flowering induction and vegetative development of 'Ponkan' mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) by irrigation and paclobutrazol application

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    O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP/Câmpus de Botucatu (SP), com o objetivo de avaliar o florescimento fora de época e o crescimento vegetativo da tangerineira 'Poncã'. Nesse contexto, adotou-se o delineamento estatístico em blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas, com duas repetições, na instalação do ensaio. Os dois tratamentos de -0,03 e -0,05 MPa, como potenciais mínimos da água no solo, constituíram as parcelas e as quatro doses de paclobutrazol: 0; 4; 8 e 12 g por planta, nas subparcelas. No segundo ano de pesquisa, foram mantidas as mesmas parcelas e foram aplicadas nas plantas das subparcelas as doses de 0; 500; 1000 e 2000 mg l-1 de paclobutrazol, via foliar. Cada parcela foi constituída de 16 plantas, sendo oito destinadas à avaliação. Utilizou-se, em ambas as combinações, de um tratamento sem irrigação (-0,07 MPa) e sem aplicação de paclobutrazol, como testemunha. Foram avaliados parâmetros, como a altura, diâmetro médio, volume e área de projeção da copa e condutância estomática para caracterizar a resposta das plantas aos tratamentos empregados. Concluiu-se que a aplicação do paclobutrazol e a variação do potencial da água no solo não proporcionaram a indução do florescimento fora de época das tangerineiras, e que os níveis de paclobutrazol influenciaram no desenvolvimento das plantas.<br>The aim of this research was to study the flowering out of season in no induction conditions and the vegetative development of 'Ponkan' mandarin by irrigation and paclobutrazol application. The experiment was carried out at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - UNESP/Botucatu, State of São Paulo. The treatments followed a randomized blocks experimental design, being distributed in split-splots, and two replications. Each experimental unit was represented per 16 plants, being 8 destined for the evaluations. The treatments consisted of two soil water potential, -0,03 e -0,05 MPa that constituted the main experimental unit and the paclobutrazol levels that represented the sub units. In the second year of the experiment the units were maintained and it was applied the paclobutrazol: 0; 500; 1000 e 2000 mg L-1, by foliar application, in the plants of the sub units. Both treatments was compared with the treatments without irrigation (control plants: -0,07MPa) and whitout paclobutrazol application plants. It was evaluated the following parameters: height, scion diameter medium, scion projection area, scion volume and stomatic condutance showing the plant's response to treatments. It was concluded that the paclobutrazol application and the irrigation did not influence the plant's flowering out of season and that the paclobutrazol levels influenced the growth of 'Ponkan' mandarin plants