132 research outputs found

    Perancangan Grafis Informasi Sebagai Media Informasi Hasil Kerajinan Seni Ukir dan Potensi Wisata Kabupaten Jepara

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    "Nenek moyang kita memiliki kreativitas tinggi dalam berekspresi, salahsatunyaadalah dalam hal kerajinan seni ukir. Warisan bernilai tinggi tersebut masihlestari hingga saat ini karena masih adanya aktifitas yang menjaganya. Aktifitasyang semula hanya sebuah kegiatan berkesenian, lama kelamaan tumbuh menjadisebuah industri baru yang menyebar di Kabupaten Jepara. Pada akhirnya, Jeparatumbuh menjadi sentra kerajinan seni ukir yang tersohor baik di dalam negerimaupun di dunia internasional. Antara tahun 1997 sampai tahun 1999, industrikerajinan seni ukir Jepara mengalami masa kejayaan dalam hal pemasaranproduknya di pasar internasional.Tidak selamanya masa kejayaan akan berlangsung, tentu akan akan masa sulityang menggantikannya. Masa sulit inilah yang dihadapi industri kerajinan seni ukirJepara saat ini, dimana pasar internasional yang menjadi pasar utamanya sedangmengalami badai krisis ekonomi. Krisis yang melanda benua Eropa dan Amerikatersebut menyebabkan daya beli terhadap kerajinan seni ukir Jepara menurun,mengingat produk tersebut bukan bahan pokok yang harus dibeli. Permintaan pasarterhadap produk-produk seni ukir Jepara menjadikan banyak pengrajin dan unitusaha gulung tikar.Menyiasati permasalahan yang sedang berlangsung, pengrajin dan unit usahayang masih bertahan mengalihkan target pemasaran produknya ke pasar domestik.Usaha yang dilakukan untuk memasarkan dan memperkenalkan produk kerajinanseni ukir Jepara dengan mengadakan pameran di luar daerah hingga luar pulauJawa. Hal tersebut kurang efektif mengingat perlu adanya upaya memindahkanbarang ke tempat pameran, memerlukan biaya tinggi, dan juga tidak banyaknyavariasi produk yang dapat dihadirkan.Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memecahkan permasalahan yang sedangterjadi dengan cara memanfaatkan wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Jepara. Jeparamemiliki objek wisata yang beragam, mulai dari wisata alam, wisata sejarah, wisatabudaya, wisata religi, dan sebagainya. Potensi wisatawan yang berkunjung keJepara terus mengalami peningkatan, hal tersebut dapat menjadi potensi pasar darihasil kerajinan seni ukir yang menjanjikan. Untuk itu diperlukan langkah-langkahyang tepat untuk mendapat hasil maksimal.

    Determinants of Cash Flow Management Practice on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the determinants of cash flow management on performance practice of commercial banks in Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to determine the effect of cash forecasting practice on performance of commercial banks in Kenya, to identify the effect of cash accounting practice on performance of  commercial banks in Kenya. The study was based on Portfolio theory of Cash Management, Cash Management theory, Transaction Cost theory, Free Cash Flow theory and pecking order theory. The study used mixed research design which involves collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data. The target population of the study comprised the 6913 employees in management and supervisory cadres in commercial banks in Kenya. Stratified sampling technique was used to identify the sample size in every stratum. Data collection instruments were both structured and unstructured questionnaires. Data collection methods were both primary and secondary. The data was analyzed using Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) windows version 21.Multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to analyze the determinants of cash flow management on performance of commercial banks in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Pilot test was carried out for validity and reliability of research instruments. Regression analysis was carried out to test the significant levels of one variable to the other in the study. ANOVA was carried out to test the hypotheses of the study. The study is significant to the banking sector and the government of Kenya in formulation of different financial decisions and in policy making. The results of the study indicate that all the independent variable have a significant positive effect on performance of Commercial banks Kenya.  The findings revealed that commercial banks in Kenya carry out cash flow forecasting practice and that inflation rates influence interest rates in commercial banks in Kenya. Cash accounting practice was found to be positively related to performance of commercial banks in Kenya.   The study recommends that the management of commercial banks in Kenya should be enhanced through frequent audits to be able to curb interest rates especially the unanticipated inflation which adversely affects the functions of money by undermining wealth holders’ confidence in its ability to be used as medium of exchange and store of value. Keywords: Cash Accounting, Financial Performance DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-17-03 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Effect of Liquidity Management on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of Liquidity management on performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study was based on Portfolio theory of Cash Management, Cash Management theory, Transaction Cost theory, Free Cash Flow theory and pecking order theory. The study used mixed research design which involves collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data. The target population of the study comprised the 6913 employees in management and supervisory cadres in commercial banks in Kenya. Stratified sampling technique was used to identify the sample size in every stratum. Data collection instruments were both structured and unstructured questionnaires. Data collection methods were both primary and secondary. The data was analyzed using Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) windows version 21.Multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to analyze the determinants of cash flow management on performance of commercial banks in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Pilot test was carried out for validity and reliability of research instruments. Regression analysis was carried out to test the significant levels of one variable to the other in the study. ANOVA was carried out to test the hypotheses of the study. The study is significant to the banking sector and the government of Kenya in formulation of different financial decisions and in policy making. The results of the study indicate that all the independent variable have a significant positive effect on performance of Commercial banks Kenya.  The findings revealed that commercial banks in Kenya carry out liquidity management practice and that inflation rates influence interest rates in commercial banks in Kenya. Liquidity management practice was found to be positively related to performance of commercial banks in Kenya.   The study recommends that the management of commercial banks in Kenya should be enhanced through frequent audits to be able to curb interest rates especially the unanticipated inflation which adversely affects the functions of money by undermining wealth holders’ confidence in its ability to be used as medium of exchange and store of value. They should also maintain the minimum liquidity requirement as stated by the Central Bank of Kenya as both illiquidity and excess liquidity are financial diseases that can easily erode the profit base of a bank as they affect bank's attempt to attain high profitability-level. They should also put into consideration liquidity levels in pursuit of high profit for it can cause great illiquidity, which reduces the customers' patronage and loyalty. Keywords: Liquidity, Financial Performance DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-17-04 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Os contornos políticos da esfera econômica

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Paulo Roberto Neves Costa Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Fabiano Abranches Silva DaltoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Curso de Especialização em Sociologia PolíticaInclui referênciasEsse trabalho procura verificar como especialistas observam a relação entrepolítica e economia, especialmente no que concerne às relações no interior doEstado contemporâneo. O escopo do trabalho se limita a reunir, na bibliografiaespecializada, argumentos que demonstrem não haver escolhas politicamenteneutras no que se refere a decisões econômicas. A primeira incursão nesse debatese faz na abordagem crítica à teoria neoliberal do Estado capitalista. O fundo públicobusca explicar a constituição de uma nova sustentação da produção e dareprodução do valor, impulsionada pelo Estado. Dada sua diferença qualitativa comos agentes privados, ele é capaz de escapar às determinações dos cicloseconômicos e impulsionar a valorização do valor. Porém, só o faz efetivamente sepuder transformar os interesses particulares em interesses públicos, semetamorfosear a esfera privada em esfera pública. O segundo debate apresentado,sobre as narrativas do dinheiro, busca revelar outras duas importantesconsiderações sobre o tema 1) o dinheiro, inegável fundamento do podereconômico, é um criatura da lei; 2) a Ciência Econômica, que é sempre valorativa,pode determinar o caminhos da política

    As desventuras da sociedade pós-industrial: as falácias da visão determinista do desenvolvimento tecnológico

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    The present work aims to present a historical-materialist argument against the academic prognosis of the coming of post-industrial society. The criticism consists in ascertaining the validity of the causes and social consequences presented by notorious authors of this approach, especially what concerns the transforming power of technology and the degree of metamorphosis of the capitalist mode of production. This document is intended to demonstrate that the transformation of industrial society into a post-industrial society has as its premises the technological determination and the overthrow of the logic of labor as a commodity, when still in capitalism, due to thecreation of jobs in the technology sector. It is understood that these two conditions were not actually achieved and lack logical consistency in the theoretical sphere. Firstly, the fundamentals and problems of the hypothesis of technological determinism are presented: technology is, as an autonomous being, that promotes social revolution. In the final half is presented a brief overview of the social and economic history of the period in which this argument arose, an exercise that aims to verify if the thesis of the deindustrialization and hypertrophy of the service economy presents empirical evidence.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Esse trabalho tem por escopo apresentar uma contra-argumentação histórico-materialista ao prognóstico acadêmico do surgimento da sociedade pós-industrial. A crítica realizada consiste em averiguar a validade das causas e das consequências sociais apresentadas por notórios autores dessa corrente, especialmente no que se refere ao poder transformador da tecnologia e o grau de metamorfose do modo de produção capitalista. Como se pretendeu demonstrar, a transformação da sociedade industrial em pós-industrial tem por premissas a determinação tecnológica acima de qualquer outra e a superação da lógica mercantil do trabalho, ainda no capitalismo, devido à criação de postos de trabalho no setor de tecnologia. Entende-se que essas duas condições não foram atingidas na realidade e carecem de consistência lógica na esfera teórica. Primeiramente são apresentados os fundamentos e os problemas da hipótese do determinismo tecnológico: nessa vertente é a tecnologia, como ser autônomo, que promove a revolução social. Na metade final é apresentado um breve panorama da história social e econômica do período em que esse argumento surgia, exercício este que teve o intuito de verificar se a tese da desindustrialização e da hipertrofia da economia de serviços apresenta evidências empíricas

    Postprandial Hyperglycemia Is Associated With White Matter Hyperintensity and Brain Atrophy in Older Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with neurodegeneration and cerebrovascular disease. However, the precise mechanism underlying the effects of glucose management on brain abnormalities is not fully understood. The differential impacts of glucose alteration on brain changes in patients with and without cognitive impairment are also unclear. This cross-sectional study included 57 older type 2 diabetes patients with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or normal cognition (NC). We examined the effects of hypoglycemia, postprandial hyperglycemia and glucose fluctuations on regional white matter hyperintensity (WMH) and brain atrophy among these patients. In a multiple regression analysis, postprandial hyperglycemia was independently associated with frontal WMH in the AD patients. In addition, postprandial hyperglycemia was significantly associated with brain atrophy, regardless of the presence of cognitive decline. Altogether, our findings indicate that postprandial hyperglycemia is associated with WMH in AD patients but not NC patients, which suggests that AD patients are more susceptible to postprandial hyperglycemia associated with WMH