25 research outputs found

    Ammonia and methane emissions from dairy concentrated animal feeding operations in California, using mobile optical remote sensing

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    Dairy concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are significant sources of methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3) emissions in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Optical techniques, namely, remote sensing by Solar Occultation Flux (SOF) and Mobile extractive FTIR (MeFTIR), were used to measure NH3 air column and ground air concentrations of NH3 and CH4, respectively. Campaigns were performed in May and October 2019 and covered 14 dairies located near Bakersfield and Tulare, California. NH3 and CH4 emission rates from single CAFOs averaged 101.9 \ub1 40.6 kgNH3/h and 437.7 \ub1 202.0 kgCH4/h, respectively, corresponding to emission factors (EFs) per livestock unit of 9.1 \ub1 2.7 gNH3/LU/h and 40.1 \ub1 17.8 gCH4/LU/h. The NH3 emissions had a median standard uncertainty of 17% and an expanded uncertainty (95% Confidence Interval (CI)) of 37%; meanwhile, CH4 emissions estimates had greater uncertainty, median of 25% and 53% (in the 95% CI). Decreasing NH3 to CH4 ratios and NH3 EFs from early afternoon (13:00) to early night (19:00) indicated a diurnal emission pattern with lower ammonia emissions during the night. On average, measured NH3 emissions were 28% higher when compared to daytime emission rates reported in the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and modeled according to diurnal variation. Measured CH4 emissions were 60% higher than the rates reported in the California Air Resources Board (CARB) inventory. However, comparison with airborne measurements showed similar emission rates. This study demonstrates new air measurement methods, which can be used to quantify emissions over large areas with high spatial resolution and in a relatively short time period. These techniques bridge the gap between satellites and individual CAFOs measurements

    Emission measurements of alkenes, alkanes, SO2, and NO2 from stationary sources in Southeast Texas over a 5 year period using SOF and mobile DOAS

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    A mobile platform for flux measurements of VOCs (alkanes and alkenes), SO2, and NO2 emissions using the Solar Occultation Flux (SOF) method and mobile differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) was used in four different studies to measure industrial emissions. The studies were carried out in several large conglomerates of oil refineries and petrochemical industries in Southeast and East Texas in 2006, 2009, 2011, and 2012. The measured alkane emissions from the Houston Ship Channel (HSC) have been fairly stable between 2006 and 2011, averaging about 11,500kg/h, while the alkene emissions have shown greater variations. The ethene and propene emissions measured from the HSC were 1511kg/h and 878kg/h, respectively, in 2006, while dropping to roughly 600kg/h for both species in 2009 and 2011. The results were compared to annual inventory emissions, showing that measured VOC emissions were typically 5-15 times higher, while for SO2 and NO2 the ratio was typically 0.5-2. AP-42 emission factors were used to estimate meteorological effects on alkane emissions from tanks, showing that these emissions may have been up to 35-45% higher during the studies than the annual average. A more focused study of alkene emissions from a petrochemical complex in Longview in 2012 identified two upset episodes, and the elevation of the total emissions during the measurement period due to the upsets was estimated to be approximately 20%. Both meteorological and upset effects were small compared to the factor of 5-15, suggesting that VOC emissions are systematically and substantially underestimated in current emission inventories

    Methane emissions from industrial activities using drones

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    Innovative drone-based methods have been developed to map and quantify methane leakages from various industrial activities, such as refineries, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) terminals, landfills, and water treatment facilities. These methods use a high-speed, high-sensitivity laser sensor and were validated through controlled gas releases. They were also compared to a ground-based infrared absorption-based technique. This initiative is supported by the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova) and aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals 9, 11, and 13. The goal is to reduce methane emissions significantly, aiding Sweden in achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Accurate measurements enable effective, targeted, and trackable measures to minimize emissions, resulting in a rapid positive climate impact. The project has led to the development of two distinct drone-based methods: the wall approach and the tracer approach. The wall approach measures gas concentrations across the entire cross-section of the plume, whereas the tracer approach measures the ratio of leaking gas to source gas. Depending on the source\u27s size, one approach may be preferred over the other, with the tracer method being more suitable for point sources and the wall approach for larger sources. The custom-designed drone in this project, provided and operated by Gerdes Solution. is equipped with a high-sensitivity laser sensor and has a flight duration of about 12 minutes while carrying a 3 kg payload. This limitation presents a challenge when conducting wall measurements, which require approximately 25 minutes of flight time for the studied sources. Due to the drone\u27s limited flight time, it necessitates landing and battery replacement, which complicates the process and limits the number of repeat measurements. In future endeavors, employing a drone with a longer flight duration would be advantageous. In total, the study detected about 220 kg/h of methane emissions and 3 kg/h of nitrous oxide emissions, equivalent to an emission rate of about 7 tons/h of carbon dioxide. The emissions were dominated by the water treatment plant and landfills, with relatively little coming from the refinery and LNG plant. However, the wall measurements in thus study serve as demonstrations of how the technique can be used and do not provide a comprehensive picture of the actual emissions from the individual sites; this would require more statistical data in terms of repeat measurements and measurement days. It is shown that drone measurements using the new high sensitivity laser is a valuable tool for mapping methane concentrations from various types of industrial sources, which are challenging to investigate today due to diffuse emissions, large dimensions, and complex geometries. The validation studies show that both the wall approach and controlled tracer releases can be used to quantify emissions, achieving an accuracy of up to 10 % for a simple, single, source. However, in the real measurement situation, the wall approach may be difficult to execute due to practical challenges like flying restrictions and the need for spatially dense data that can be interpolated to a homogenous grid and repeated measurements. In several cases, when the drone had to fly relatively close to the plumes, downwind of large buildings in complex and turbulent wind fields, the wall approach yielded large variability in the resulting flux. It is hence evident that the wall approach requires a thorough understanding of the measurement situation, and that repeated measurements are needed, at different distances from the source and in varying wind directions. The tracer approach was therefore preferred choice for obtaining emission rates in this study, although it is challenging to carry out representative tracer releases for larger sources and for cases when the measurements are performed near to the source, and in this case the wall approach is preferred. It was also shown that the drone-based tracer approach is advantageous to the ground based since it is then easier to capture the full plume

    Spatial Variability of Turbulent Fluxes in the Roughness Sublayer of an Even-Aged Pine Forest

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    The spatial variability of turbulent flow statistics in the roughness sublayer (RSL) of a uniform even-aged 14 m (= h) tall loblolly pine forest was investigated experimentally. Using seven existing walkup towers at this stand, high frequency velocity, temperature, water vapour and carbon dioxide concentrations were measured at 15.5 m above the ground surface from October 6 to 10 in 1997. These seven towers were separated by at least 100m from each other. The objective of this study was to examine whether single tower turbulence statistics measurements represent the flow properties of RSL turbulence above a uniform even-aged managed loblolly pine forest as a best-case scenario for natural forested ecosystems. From the intensive space-time series measurements, it was demonstrated that standard deviations of longitudinal and vertical velocities (σ u , σ w ) and temperature (σ T ) are more planar homogeneous than their vertical flux of momentum (u * 2 ) and sensible heat (H) counterparts. Also, the measured H is more horizontally homogeneous when compared to fluxes of other scalar entities such as CO 2 and water vapour. While the spatial variability in fluxes was significant (>15 %), this unique data set confirmed that single tower measurements represent the ‘canonical’ structure of single-point RSL turbulence statistics, especially flux-variance relationships. Implications to extending the ‘moving-equilibrium’ hypothesis for RSL flows are discussed. The spatial variability in all RSL flow variables was not constant in time and varied strongly with spatially averaged friction velocity u * , especially when u * was small. It is shown that flow properties derived from two-point temporal statistics such as correlation functions are more sensitive to local variability in leaf area density when compared to single point flow statistics. Specifically, that the local relationship between the reciprocal of the vertical velocity integral time scale (I w ) and the arrival frequency of organized structures (Ć«/h) predicted from a mixing-layer theory exhibited dependence on the local leaf area index. The broader implications of these findings to the measurement and modelling of RSL flows are also discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42512/1/10546_2004_Article_234383.pd

    Characterization of Air Toxics and Greenhouse Gas Emission Sources and Their Impacts on Community-Scale Air Quality Levels in Disadvantaged Communities

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    Methane (CH4) is an important short-lived climate pollutant and contributes roughly 9 percent to California\u27s statewide GHG emissions. California has passed several climate legislations, including AB 1383 (Lara, 2015-16) and AB 1496 (Thurmond, 2015-16), which require CARB to use the best available scientific and technical methods to monitor and measure high-emission CH4 hotspots within the State, to use the information to update relevant programs and policies, and to implement a climate mitigation program to reduce statewide CH4 emissions by 40 percent below the 2013 levels. Furthermore, certain industrial emissions sources of CH4, such as oil and gas facilities, are known to co-emit air toxics that have adverse health effects, and their impacts are more pronounced in communities near those sources than they are regionally. Therefore, it is important to understand these emissions, and conduct enhanced community-scale monitoring for air toxics in near-source communities, many of which may be disadvantaged. Additionally, scientific studies have suggested that national and statewide CH4 emissions inventories may be underestimated, and real-world emissions measurements may be useful to evaluate source-level emission estimates and understand emission behaviors.The objectives of this research study are to characterize air toxics and GHG emission behavior from a variety of complex emission sources, and to study the impact of these sources on air quality levels in disadvantaged communities. The project utilized a state-of-the-art research-grade mobile monitoring laboratory equipped with advanced monitoring instruments to characterize and quantify the air toxics and GHG emission behavior from complex air pollution sources, as well as their air pollution impacts on nearby communities. Through four regional campaigns across California, the project measured facility-level emissions of CH4, alkanes, benzene, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), ammonia (NH3), and sulfur and nitrogen oxides (SOX and NOX) from a variety of sources, including refineries, petrochemical facilities, oil storage, port activities, landfills, oil and gas production and dairy farms, and tracked the air pollution impact of the emission plumes in neighboring communities.This study found that the observed emissions, which are representative of emissions at a single point in time, were greater than inventory factors and models, representative of overall averages, for many of the volatile organic compounds (VOC). Alkane emissions from five large refinery areas in the Bay Area were on average 2.5 times the reported emission, and CH4 emissions were roughly 3 times the reported emissions, while total NOX emissions were comparable to the inventory estimates. Similarly, alkane and CH4 emissions from oil and gas fields in the San Joaquin Valley, which accounts for more than 70 percent of California\u27s oil and gas production capacity, were 10 and 2 times higher than production-based emission factors, respectively. On the other hand, CH4 and NH3 emissions from roughly 20 dairy farms were 50 percent and 100 percent higher than annual emission factor, respectively, some of which were due to diurnal variations. These discrepancies suggest more work is needed to ascertain whether these point-in-time measurements are representative of annual averages, and if emissions are indeed higher than standard methods suggest. The measurements in the Richmond community showed VOC concentrations dominated by alkanes from the port area. Community-scale ground-level concentrations of BTEX were on average low in all studies.The research study demonstrated the use of advanced techniques for facility-wide emission measurements and community monitoring of air toxics, and suggests that a combination of mobile and fixed continuous measurements may provide useful information to understand source emissions, and their impacts on communities. The source-level emission data may be useful to understand emissions from complex emission sources (including large point sources, distributed emission sources, area sources). The community-scale measurement effort will provide the ability to conduct community-scale air toxics measurements in real-time, with information on air pollution hotspots in various disadvantaged communities and useful screening information to identify potential sources for prioritizing air pollution mitigation efforts.\ua0https://ww3.arb.ca.gov/research/single-project.php?row_id=6702

    Quantification of VOC emissions using tracer dispersion, Mobile Extractive FTIR (MEFTIR) and Mobile Whitecell-DOAS (MWDOAS)

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    The application of Mobile Extractive FTIR and Mobile Whitecell Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy to establish VOC emission factors for tank filling operations and for discharge of petroleum products to trucks and vessels is described. An example of VOC emissions related to discharge of gasoline to trucks at a depot, which was connected to vapor recovery unit, is presented. Discharge of gasoline to ships was found to have an alkane (CH4 emission factor of about 5x10-5 kg emitted VOC/kg discharged product, comparable to the corresponding for trucks. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 108th AWMA Annual Conference and Exhibition (Raleigh, NC 6/22-25/2015)