177 research outputs found

    Relational database - structures in archaeology: ADS - an application in client-server-conception developed by means of CASE method

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    Anhand der Vorarbeiten zu einem historischen Atlas der Siedlungen und Gräberfelder der Römischen Kaiserzeit skizziert der Autor den Aufbau eines Informationssystems für Archäologen, das sowohl für Ausgrabungspläne als auch für Museen genutzt werden kann. Dieses System erlaubt dem Nutzer, archäologische Quellen jeglicher Art zu strukturieren und zu bewerten. Im Zentrum der Ausführungen stehen die technischen Aspekte der Entwicklung des ADS (Archaeological Datebase System). Die 'CASE-Method' (Computer Aided Systems Engineering) wird zum Aufbau der organisatorischen Aspekte eines solchen Systems herangezogen. (pmb

    Development of deactivation of the default-mode network during episodic memory formation

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    Task-induced deactivation of the default-mode network (DMN) has been associated in adults with successful episodic memory formation, possibly as a mechanism to focus allocation of mental resources for successful encoding of external stimuli. We investigated developmental changes of deactivation of the DMN (posterior cingulate, medial prefrontal, and bilateral lateral parietal cortices) during episodic memory formation in children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 8–24), who studied scenes during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Recognition memory improved with age. We defined DMN regions of interest from a different sample of participants with the same age range, using resting-state fMRI. In adults, there was greater deactivation of the DMN for scenes that were later remembered than scenes that were later forgotten. In children, deactivation of the default-network did not differ reliably between scenes that were later remembered or forgotten. Adolescents exhibited a pattern of activation intermediate to that of children and adults. The hippocampal region, often considered part of the DMN, showed a functional dissociation with the rest of the DMN by exhibiting increased activation for later remembered than later forgotten scene that was similar across age groups. These findings suggest that development of memory ability from childhood through adulthood may involve increased deactivation of the neocortical DMN during learning

    Neural Correlates of Syntax and Proto-Syntax: Evolutionary Dimension

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    The present fMRI study tested predictions of the evolution-of-syntax framework which analyzes certain structures as remnants (“fossils”) of a non-hierarchical (non-recursive) proto-syntactic stage in the evolution of language (Progovac, 2015, 2016). We hypothesized that processing of these structures, in comparison to more modern hierarchical structures, will show less activation in the brain regions that are part of the syntactic network, including Broca’s area (BA 44 and 45) and the basal ganglia, i.e., the network bolstered in the line of descent of humans through genetic mutations that contributed to present-day dense neuronal connectivity among these regions. Fourteen healthy native English-speaking adults viewed written stimuli consisting of: (1) full sentences (FullS; e.g., The case is closed); (2) Small Clauses (SC; e.g., Case closed); (3) Complex hierarchical compounds (e.g., joy-killer); and (4) Simple flat compounds (e.g., kill-joy). SC (compared to FullS) resulted in reduced activation in the left BA 44 and right basal ganglia. Simple (relative to complex) compounds resulted in increased activation in the inferior temporal gyrus and the fusiform gyrus (BA 37/19), areas implicated in visual and semantic processing. We discuss our findings in the context of current theories regarding the co-evolution of language and the brain

    Age-related differences in brain electrical activity during extended continuous face recognition in younger children, older children and adults

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    To examine the development of recognition memory in primary-school children, 36 healthy younger children (8-9years old) and 36 healthy older children (11-12years old) participated in an ERP study with an extended continuous face recognition task (Study 1). Each face of a series of 30 faces was shown randomly six times interspersed with distracter faces. The children were required to make old vs. new decisions. Older children responded faster than younger children, but younger children exhibited a steeper decrease in latencies across the five repetitions. Older children exhibited better accuracy for new faces, but there were no age differences in recognition accuracy for repeated faces. For the N2, N400 and late positive complex (LPC), we analyzed the old/new effects (repetition 1 vs. new presentation) and the extended repetition effects (repetitions 1 through 5). Compared to older children, younger children exhibited larger frontocentral N2 and N400 old/new effects. For extended face repetitions, negativity of the N2 and N400 decreased in a linear fashion in both age groups. For the LPC, an ERP component thought to reflect recollection, no significant old/new or extended repetition effects were found. Employing the same face recognition paradigm in 20 adults (Study 2), we found a significant N400 old/new effect at lateral frontal sites and a significant LPC repetition effect at parietal sites, with LPC amplitudes increasing linearly with the number of repetitions. This study clearly demonstrates differential developmental courses for the N400 and LPC pertaining to recognition memory for faces. It is concluded that face recognition in children is mediated by early and probably more automatic than conscious recognition processes. In adults, the LPC extended repetition effect indicates that adult face recognition memory is related to a conscious and graded recollection process rather than to an automatic recognition process

    Onlinehandel und Raumentwicklung - Neue Urbanität für alte Zentren!

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    Die Digitalisierung unserer Gesellschaft bedeutet für den Einzelhandel und unsere Städte einen tiefgreifenden Umbruch. Viele Menschen nutzen das Internet inzwischen regelmäßig für ihren Einkauf. Weiterhin hohe Wachstumsraten sprechen für eine anhaltende Dynamik bei der Verbreitung auch in Deutschland. Die veränderten Einkaufsgewohnheiten gehen mit einer Umsatzverlagerung vom stationären Handel in den Onlinehandel einher und verändern die Nutzungsstrukturen in den Stadtzentren. Dies wirft bezüglich der Raumentwicklung vielfältige Fragen auf. Die AG "Onlinehandel und Raumentwicklung" - ein ehrenamtlich arbeitendes, zeitlich befristetes, inter- und transdisziplinäres Gremium der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen der Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (ARL) - hat diese Fragen aufgegriffen und diskutiert.With the expansion of online trading, retail trade development has reached a new level in the process of ongoing structural change. Multi-channel concepts that combine offline and online retail are becoming increasingly important. In the course of digitalisation, "hybrid" types of enterprises that show significant differences from traditional retail stores are emerging. For providers unable to find answers to the challenges associated with this change, it will become more and more difficult to maintain their market position. The retail structures are changing - and that is changing our cities. In many town centres, the declining demand for retail space is already clearly visible today. The spatial effects depend on the specific situation at the respective location. The basic tendency is to expect a thinning out and polarisation of the urban centre systems: A few town centres with a special experiential character will assert themselves as retail locations and will be able to further distinguish themselves, in other locations the task of local supply will move into the focus in the future, and some town centres will lose their supply function. But even or especially in a digital world: Town centres are not a obsolescent model! On the contrary, the current developments can be the starting line for multifunctional locations to emerge that exude appeal for people and stay generally attractive. Fresh thinking and active engagement are needed to make this vision come true

    Ältere Einfamilienhausgebiete im Umbruch: eine unterschätzte planerische Herausforderung - zur Situation in Nordrhein-Westfalen

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    Das Thema "Einfamilienhausgebiete im Umbruch" ist eine unterschätzte Herausforderung für viele Kommunen. Derzeit steht es noch nicht im Fokus politischer, planerischer und wissenschaftlicher Debatten. Insbesondere die Flüchtlingszuwanderung in den letzten Jahren hat die Diskussion um die Gestaltung von Raumentwicklung unter Schrumpfungsbedingungen in vielen Regionen ausgesetzt. Dabei werden die grundsätzlichen demografischen und gesellschaftlichen Megatrends von Schrumpfung, Alterung und Metropolisierung durch kurzfristige demografische Trendänderungen in der langfristigen Entwicklungsperspektive nicht merklich verändert werden. Die Auswirkungen des demografischen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels und die damit verbundene veränderte Marktsituation führen zu einer Umbruchsituation in immer mehr Einfamilienhaus-Gebieten (kurz: EFH-Gebiete) der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre. Es lassen sich regional unterschiedliche Betroffenheiten älterer EFH-Gebiete identifizieren. Dementsprechend lassen sich für unterschiedliche Raumkategorien verschiedene städtebauliche Ziele und Handlungsbedarfe mit unterschiedlichen Prioritäten hinsichtlich des Umgangs mit älteren Einfamilienhausbeständen ableiten

    TCR-transgenic T cells and YB-1-based oncolytic virotherapy improve survival in a preclinical Ewing sarcoma xenograft mouse model

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    BackgroundEwing sarcoma (EwS) is an aggressive and highly metastatic bone and soft tissue tumor in pediatric patients and young adults. Cure rates are low when patients present with metastatic or relapsed disease. Therefore, innovative therapy approaches are urgently needed. Cellular- and oncolytic virus-based immunotherapies are on the rise for solid cancers.MethodsHere, we assess the combination of EwS tumor-associated antigen CHM1319-specific TCR-transgenic CD8+ T cells and the YB-1-driven (i.e. E1A13S-deleted) oncolytic adenovirus XVir-N-31 in vitro and in a xenograft mouse model for antitumor activity and immunostimulatory properties.ResultsIn vitro both approaches specifically kill EwS cell lines in a synergistic manner over controls. This effect was confirmed in vivo, with increased survival using the combination therapy. Further in vitro analyses of immunogenic cell death and antigen presentation confirmed immunostimulatory properties of virus-infected EwS tumor cells. As dendritic cell maturation was also increased by XVir-N-31, we observed superior proliferation of CHM1319-specific TCR-transgenic CD8+ T cells only in virus-tested conditions, emphasizing the superior immune-activating potential of XVir-N-31.ConclusionOur data prove synergistic antitumor effects in vitro and superior tumor control in a preclinical xenograft setting. Combination strategies of EwS-redirected T cells and YB-1-driven virotherapy are a highly promising immunotherapeutic approach for EwS and warrant further evaluation in a clinical setting
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