248 research outputs found

    Demographic Change and Bank Profitability. Empirical Evidence from German Savings Banks

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    Most European economies will experience significant demographic changes in the decades ahead. Due to low birth rates, populations are shrinking and ageing at the same time. This paper explores the impact of demographic change on the banking industry. A unique data set, which contains detailed information on almost 2.5 million accounts in 11 German savings banks, allows us estimating the socio-demographic determinants of retail profitability. Using a simulation model, we are able to predict the development of bank profitability due to demographic shifts up to 2025. One of the main findings is that the effects of population ageing will partially offset the impact of shrinking customer bases. While the decline in the size of the population reduces the customer base, ageing per se increases profitability as older customers typically generate higher profits for their banks.demography, banking, savings banks, profitability

    The Family History of Taylor Oestmann

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    Taylor Jane Oestmann authored this family history as part of the course requirements for HIST 550/700 Your Family in History offered online in Spring 2017 and was submitted to the Pittsburg State University Digital Commons. Please contact the author directly with any questions or comments: [email protected]

    The impact of COVID-19 on hedonic and utilitarian decision-making

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    A Chinese virus has managed to bring the whole world to a standstill. This circumstance has forced people to adapt their usual lifestyle. COVID-19 has brought changes in different areas of life, including consumer behavior. For many, the pandemic was a reminder of what is important and needed in life: security, trust and health instead of excessive spending on items that focus on delivering solely satisfaction. The current situation results in even more emotions that are involved during the process of decision-making, leading to it becoming increasingly complex and harder to prepare for. With the presence of the virus, people experience emotions that steer their buying attention increasingly towards utilitarian products. With purchasing hedonic items on the other hand, comes along the risk for justification to oneself or to others. Additionally, the reminder of the virus leads to less expected satisfaction from hedonic products, proving that the negative emotions resulting from said reminder overshadow the outcome. The categorization of several utilitarian and hedonic attributes and products has proven to be influenced by the manipulation, indicating great relevance for the industry. From a marketing perspective, it is crucial to understand these changes and prepare for them accordingly. Strategies regarding the marketing mix, a clear positioning of products and an understanding of the process a customer goes through prior, during and post a purchasing decision are significant, especially in unpredictable times like these.Um vírus chinês conseguiu paralisar o mundo inteiro. Esta circunstância forçou as pessoas a adaptarem o seu estilo de vida. A COVID-19 trouxe mudanças em diferentes áreas da vida, incluindo o comportamento dos consumidores. Para muitos, a pandemia foi um alerta do que é importante e necessário na vida: segurança, confiança e saúde, em vez de gastos excessivos em produtos que se concentram em proporcionar apenas satisfação. A situação atual resulta em ainda mais emoções que estão envolvidas durante o processo de tomada de decisões, levando a que se torne cada vez mais complexo e mais difícil de preparar. Com a presença do vírus, as pessoas experimentam emoções que orientam cada vez mais a sua atenção de compra para produtos utilitários. Por outro lado, com a compra de artigos hedónicos, surge o risco de justificação para si próprio ou para os outros. Além disso, a recordação do vírus leva a uma satisfação menos esperada dos produtos hedónicos, provando que as emoções negativas resultantes do referido alerta ofuscam o resultado. A categorização de uma série de atributos e produtos utilitários e hedónicos provou ser influenciada pela manipulação, indicando grande relevância para a indústria. De uma perspetiva de marketing, é crucial compreender estas mudanças e preparar-se para elas em conformidade. As estratégias em relação ao marketing mix, um posicionamento claro dos produtos e uma compreensão do processo pelo qual um cliente passa antes, durante e após uma decisão de compra são significativas, especialmente em tempos imprevisíveis como estes

    Das Volk ist nicht tümlich

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    Sammelbände sind eine zweischneidige Angelegenheit. Soll man sie als Buch ansehen, eingeteilt in verschiedene Kapitel, die von mehreren Autoren stammen? Oder hat man viel eher eine Sammlung einzelner Aufsätze vor sich, die sich mehr oder weniger passend unter ein vom Herausgeber vorgegebenes Rahmenthema scharen? Beides trifft gleichermaßen zu, und das macht es so schwer, Werke dieser Gattung zu rezensieren. Geht man von einem geschlossenen Buch aus, fällt der Blick auf die Einleitung. Hier legen die Herausgeber jeweils ihre Überlegungen offen, die zu der nunmehr im Druck vorliegenden Tagung geführt hatten. Sie selbst ordnen die einzelnen Beiträge dann auch in die übergreifenden Ideen ein. Der Leser bekommt also einen Eindruck davon, wo der rote Faden verlaufen soll. Wer mit dieser Erwartungshaltung das Buch über Popular Justice aufschlägt, wird ein wenig enttäuscht. Gerade der Dreh- und Angelpunkt des Bandes, die Popular Justice, bleibt nämlich blass. Es geht irgendwie um die Beteiligung der Bevölkerung an der Rechtsdurchsetzung, um Laien, die Gerichtsbarkeit ausüben. Aber hier ist die Bandbreite groß, und deswegen sind genauere Zuspitzungen kaum möglich. Die Einleitung bietet einen bunten Strauß von Beispielen, die schnell und schlechthin als Volksjustiz erscheinen. Jedenfalls tauchen französische Jurys aus der Revolutionszeit auf, es geht um Reformen der Gerichtsverfassung in Spanien im 19. Jahrhundert zur Einführung der Jury, um spezifische Formen der Schiedsstellen für arbeitsgerichtliche Streitigkeiten in Italien, um sog. Katzenmusik und Charivari, um öffentliche Schändungen von Kollaborateuren in Frankreich, um deutsche und österreichische Volksgerichte nach dem ersten und zweiten Weltkrieg, um Volk und Gericht im Nationalsozialismus sowie um symbolische Gewalt gegen die SED-Herrschaft in der SBZ/DDR. ..

    Germanisch-deutsche Rechtsaltertümer im Barockzeitalter: eine Fallstudie

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    Die Uhrmacherkunst im Dienste des Verbrechens: zur sogenannten "Thomas-Katastrophe" am 11. Dezember 1875 im Bremerhaven

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    The paper discusses the background of the so-called "Thomas disaster" of 11 December 1875 in Bremerhaven - the first attempt to commit insurance fraud with the aid of a time bomb. The latter was to be placed on board the steamship Mosel. Special consideration is given to the clockwork mechanism, and in this respect hitherto unknown sources have been consulted

    Bankertrag und Bevoelkerungsdynamik

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den quantitativen Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf die zukünftige Ertragslage der deutschen Sparkassen. Hierzu wird ein mikroökonometrisch fundiertes Simulationsmodell genutzt, in das neben offiziellen Bevölkerungsprognosen ein neuartiger, detaillierter Datensatz von knapp 2,5 Millionen Kunden elf deutscher Sparkassen einfließt. Für verschiedene Szenarien werden aus dem Modell Prognosen der Kunden- und Ertragsentwicklung für den deutschen Sparkassensektor bis 2025 auf NUTS II-Ebene abgeleitet. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass für den Sparkassensektor insgesamt eine recht stabile Ertragssituation zu erwarten ist. Für einige Regionen, insbesondere in Ostdeutschland, ergibt sich dagegen eine existenzgefährdende Ertragserosion

    Fehlerkontrollierte adaptive FEM-BEM Kopplungsmethoden und Anwendungen

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    Species Diversity of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Des Moines River, Iowa

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    31 leaves.Problem. Evaluation of the water quality of the Des Moines River. Iowa by sampling and analyzing the benthic macroinvertebrate community. Procedure. Artificial substrates at four stations were used to collect benthic macroinvertebrates. Community structure was analyzed with species divorsity indices. Species diversity (D) and redundancy (R) values were used to calculate standardlzed distance (SD) values. The indices were analyzed statistically. Findings. The average D values ranged from 1.62 to 1.94. Mean standardized distance (SD) values were lowest immediately above the metropolitan Des Moines area and highest immediately downstream from the metropolitan Des Moines area. Conclusion. According to species diversity (D) values, the entire Des Moines River in the study area exhibited mild pollution. Differences in: community structure do exist in the river. Differences in standardized distance (SD) values are attributed to influences that the metropolitan area had on the river. Red Rook Reservoir showed no statistically significant effects on the station immediately downstream. Recommendations. Recommendations for further study are: (1) Follow-up species diversity and productivity studies after Saylorville Reservoir is impounded. (2) Follow-up study with more sample sites between stations 2 and 3 incorporating chemical analysis of water to pinpoint the site of most drastic water quality change