7 research outputs found

    Potraga za spljoštenim i trokutnim konfiguracijama ugljikovih izotopa

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    A systematic search through experimental data for the nuclei 12−14C has been made to identify states which have triangular shape. These states are oblate and must have strong α-clustering. They are expected to form rotational bands with high moments of inertia. The properties of these states are discussed on the basis of α-clusters and neutron orbitals.Proveli smo sustavnu potragu kroz postojeće eksperimentalne rezultate za jezgre 12−14C da bismo raspoznali stanja trokutnog oblika. Ta su stanja spljoštena, pokazuju izrazitu nakupinsku strukturu i grupiraju se u rotacijske vrpce velikog momenta inercije. Njihova se svojstva raspravljaju na temelju α-nakupina i neutronskih orbitala

    On the test of the generalized Pauli principle for complex nuclei in nuclear reactions

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    Gemeinsam mit den Frauen - neue Wege in der Forschung

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    UuStB Koeln(38)-19A7249 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman