87 research outputs found

    Mice deficient in ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase are viable and fertile

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    AbstractCreatine kinase isoenzymes (CK; EC play a pivotal role in high-energy phosphoryl metabolism through subcellular compartmentation of the creatine-phosphate < = > ATP conversion reaction. In mouse, protein subunits constituting the ubiquitous mitochondrial CK (UbCKmit) and cytosolic B-CK isoforms are co-expressed in various cells and tissues with high and fluctuating energy demands such as brain, retina, smooth muscle, uterus, placenta and spermatozoa. Using targeted mutagenesis via homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells, we have generated mice that are deficient in UbCKmit subunits. These mice are viable and show no overt physical or behavioural abnormalities. Matings between UbCKmit-deficient mice produced normal numbers of offspring, showing that both females and males are completely fertile. Motility patterns of isolated spermatozoa were analyzed and found not to be impaired by absence of UbCKmit. From these results we conclude that UbCKmit is not essential for mouse viability, fertility, maintenance of pregnancy, or delivery

    Creatine kinase B deficient neurons exhibit an increased fraction of motile mitochondria

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    Contains fulltext : 69450.pdf ( ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Neurons require an elaborate system of intracellular transport to distribute cargo throughout axonal and dendritic projections. Active anterograde and retrograde transport of mitochondria serves in local energy distribution, but at the same time also requires input of ATP. Here we studied whether brain-type creatine kinase (CK-B), a key enzyme for high-energy phosphoryl transfer between ATP and CrP in brain, has an intermediary role in the reciprocal coordination between mitochondrial motility and energy distribution. Therefore, we analysed the impact of brain-type creatine kinase (CK-B) deficiency on transport activity and velocity of mitochondria in primary murine neurons and made a comparison to the fate of amyloid precursor protein (APP) cargo in these cells, using live cell imaging. RESULTS: Comparison of average and maximum transport velocities and global transport activity showed that CK-B deficiency had no effect on speed of movement of mitochondria or APP cargo, but that the fraction of motile mitochondria was significantly increased by 36% in neurons derived from CK-B knockout mice. The percentage of motile APP vesicles was not altered. CONCLUSION: CK-B activity does not directly couple to motor protein activity but cells without the enzyme increase the number of motile mitochondria, possibly as an adaptational strategy aimed to enhance mitochondrial distribution versatility in order to compensate for loss of efficiency in the cellular network for ATP distribution

    Creatine Kinase–Mediated ATP Supply Fuels Actin-Based Events in Phagocytosis

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    Phagocytosis requires locally coordinated cytoskeletal rearrangements driven by actin polymerization and myosin motor activity. How this actomyosin dynamics is dependent upon systems that provide access to ATP at phagosome microdomains has not been determined. We analyzed the role of brain-type creatine kinase (CK-B), an enzyme involved in high-energy phosphoryl transfer. We demonstrate that endogenous CK-B in macrophages is mobilized from the cytosolic pool and coaccumulates with F-actin at nascent phagosomes. Live cell imaging with XFP-tagged CK-B and Ξ²-actin revealed the transient and specific nature of this partitioning process. Overexpression of a catalytic dead CK-B or CK-specific cyclocreatine inhibition caused a significant reduction of actin accumulation in the phagocytic cup area, and reduced complement receptor–mediated, but not Fc-Ξ³R–mediated, ingestion capacity of macrophages. Finally, we found that inhibition of CK-B affected phagocytosis already at the stage of particle adhesion, most likely via effects on actin polymerization behavior. We propose that CK-B activity in macrophages contributes to complement-induced F-actin assembly events in early phagocytosis by providing local ATP supply

    A meta-analysis on depression and subsequent cancer risk

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    BACKGROUND: The authors tested the hypothesis that depression is a possible factor influencing the course of cancer by reviewing prospective epidemiological studies and calculating summary relative risks. METHODS: Studies were identified by computerized searches of Medline, Embase and PsycINFO. as well as manual searches of reference lists of selected publications. Inclusion criteria were cohort design, population-based sample, structured measurement of depression and outcome of cancer known for depressed and non-depressed subjects RESULTS: Thirteen eligible studies were identified. Based on eight studies with complete crude data on overall cancer, our summary relative risk (95% confidence interval) was 1.19 (1.06-1.32). After adjustment for confounders we pooled a summary relative risk of 1.12 (0.99-1.26).No significant association was found between depression and subsequent breast cancer risk, based on seven heterogeneous studies, with or without adjustment for possible confounders. Subgroup analysis of studies with a follow-up of ten years or more, however, resulted in a statistically significant summary relative risk of 2.50 (1.06-5.91).No significant associations were found for lung, colon or prostate cancer. CONCLUSION: This review suggests a tendency towards a small and marginally significant association between depression and subsequent overall cancer risk and towards a stronger increase of breast cancer risk emerging many years after a previous depression.status: Published onlin

    Brugada syndrome during physical therapy: a case report

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    This case report describes about a young, male patient with persisting syncope during physical therapy for complex regional pain syndrome type 1 after metatarsal fractures

    Thermography imaging during static and controlled thermoregulation in complex regional pain syndrome type 1: diagnostic value and involvement of the central sympathetic system

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    BACKGROUND: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 (CRPS1) is a clinical diagnosis based on criteria describing symptoms of the disease. The main aim of the present study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of calculation methods used to assess thermographic images (infrared imaging) obtained during temperature provocation. The secondary objective was to obtain information about the involvement of the sympathetic system in CRPS1. METHODS: We studied 12 patients in whom CRPS1 was diagnosed according to the criteria of Bruehl. High and low whole body cooling and warming induced and reduced sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity. The degree of vasoconstrictor activity in both hands was monitored using a videothermograph. The sensitivity and specificity of the calculation methods used to assess the thermographic images were calculated. RESULTS: The temperature difference between the hands in the CRPS patients increases significantly when the sympathetic system is provoked. At both the maximum and minimum vasoconstriction no significant differences were found in fingertip temperatures between both hands. CONCLUSION: The majority of CRPS1 patients do not show maximal obtainable temperature differences between the involved and contralateral extremity at room temperature (static measurement). During cold and warm temperature challenges this temperature difference increases significantly. As a result a higher sensitivity and specificity could be achieved in the diagnosis of CRPS1. These findings suggest that the sympathetic efferent system is involved in CRPS1

    Increased endothelin-1 and diminished nitric oxide levels in blister fluids of patients with intermediate cold type complex regional pain syndrome type 1

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    BACKGROUND: In complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS1) pro-inflammatory mediators and vascular changes play an important role in the sustained development and outcome of the disease. The aim of this study was to determine the involvement of vasoactive substances endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO) during early chronic CRPS1. METHODS: Included were 29 patients with CRPS 1 who were diagnosed during the acute stage of their disease and observed during follow-up visits. Disease activity and impairment were determined and artificial suction blisters were made on the CRPS1 and the contralateral extremities for measurements of IL-6, TNF-Ξ±, ET-1 and nitrate/nitrite (NOx). RESULTS: The levels of IL-6, TNF-Ξ± and ET-1 in blister fluid in the CRPS1 extremity versus the contralateral extremity were significantly increased and correlated with each other, whereas NOx levels were decreased. CONCLUSION: The NOx/ET-1 ratio appears to be disturbed in the intermediate stage of CRPS, resulting in vasoconstriction and consequently in a diminished tissue blood distribution

    Perfusion defect size predicts engraftment but not early retention of intra-myocardially injected cardiosphere-derived cells after acute myocardial infarction

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    Therapeutic cell retention and engraftment are critical for myocardial regeneration. Underlying mechanisms, including the role of tissue perfusion, are not well understood. In Wistar Kyoto rats, syngeneic cardiosphere-derived cells (CDCs) were injected intramyocardially, after experimental myocardial infarction. CDCs were labeled with [18F]-FDG (nΒ =Β 7), for quantification of 1-h retention, or with sodium-iodide-symporter gene (NIS; nΒ =Β 8), for detection of 24-h engraftment by reporter imaging. Perfusion was imaged simultaneously. Infarct size was 37Β Β±Β 9 and 38Β Β±Β 9% of LV in FDG and NIS groups. Cell signal was located in the infarct border zone in all animals. No significant relationship was observed between infarct size and 1-h CDC retention (rΒ =Β βˆ’0.65; PΒ =Β 0.11). However, infarct size correlated significantly with 24-h engraftment (rΒ =Β 0.75; PΒ =Β 0.03). Residual perfusion at the injection site was not related to cell retention/engraftment. Larger infarcts are associated with improved CDC engraftment. This observation encourages further investigation of microenvironmental conditions after ischemic damage and their role in therapeutic cell survival

    Cerebellar Nocardiosis and Myopathy from Long-Term Corticosteroids for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia

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    Infection of the central nervous system with Nocardia sp. usually manifests as supratentorial abscesses. Supratentorial and cerebellar abscesses from infection with Nocardia sp. following immunosuppression with long-term corticosteroids for idiopathic thrombocytopenia (ITP) have not been reported. An 83 years-old, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative, polymorbid male with ITP for which he required corticosteroids since age 53 years developed tiredness, dyspnoea, hemoptysis, abdominal pain, and progressive gait disturbance. Imaging studies of the lung revealed an enhancing tumour in the right upper lobe with central and peripheral necrosis, multiple irregularly contoured hyperdensities over both lungs, and right-sided pleural effusions. Sputum culture grew Nocardia sp. Neurological diagnostic work-up revealed dysarthria, dysphagia, ptosis, hypoacusis, tremor, dysdiadochokinesia, proximal weakness of the lower limbs, diffuse wasting, and stocking-type sensory disturbances. The neurological deficits were attributed to an abscess in the upper cerebellar vermis, myopathy from corticosteroids, and polyneuropathy. Meropenem for 37 days and trimethoprime-sulfamethoxazole for 3 months resulted in a reduction of the pulmonary, but not the cerebral lesions. Therefore, sultamicillin was begun, but without success. Long-term therapy with corticosteroids for ITP may induce not only steroid myopathy but also immune-incompetence with the development of pulmonary and cerebral nocardiosis. Cerebral nocardiosis may not sufficiently respond to long-term antibiotic therapy why switching to alternative antibiotics or surgery may be necessary

    Polymeric Micelles in Anticancer Therapy: Targeting, Imaging and Triggered Release

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    Micelles are colloidal particles with a size around 5–100Β nm which are currently under investigation as carriers for hydrophobic drugs in anticancer therapy. Currently, five micellar formulations for anticancer therapy are under clinical evaluation, of which Genexol-PM has been FDA approved for use in patients with breast cancer. Micelle-based drug delivery, however, can be improved in different ways. Targeting ligands can be attached to the micelles which specifically recognize and bind to receptors overexpressed in tumor cells, and chelation or incorporation of imaging moieties enables tracking micelles in vivo for biodistribution studies. Moreover, pH-, thermo-, ultrasound-, or light-sensitive block copolymers allow for controlled micelle dissociation and triggered drug release. The combination of these approaches will further improve specificity and efficacy of micelle-based drug delivery and brings the development of a β€˜magic bullet’ a major step forward
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